import algosdk, { Algodv2, Transaction, TransactionType, OnApplicationComplete, SuggestedParams, LogicSigAccount } from 'algosdk' import { AlgorandType, encodeAddress, encodeArgArray, encodeString, decodeState, IState, IStateMap, decodeString, decodeBase64, IStateType } from './Encoding' import child_process from "child_process" import util from "util" import { AssetId, ContractAmount, Address, TransactionId, AppId, Asset } from './AlgorandTypes' import { AssertionError } from 'assert' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import crypto from 'crypto' import AnyTransaction from 'algosdk/dist/types/src/types/transactions' import { WORMHOLE_CONFIG_TESTNET } from './Environment' import { redeemOnAlgorand } from '@certusone/wormhole-sdk' import { TransactionSignerPair } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/algorand" export enum FieldType { UINT = 1, STRING, ADDRESS, BOOL, AMOUNT, BYTES, } export type IStateInfo = { local: IStateMap, global: IStateMap, } export interface ICompiledApp { approval: Uint8Array clear: Uint8Array stateInfo: IStateInfo } export interface ISourceApp { approval: string clear: string stateInfo: IStateInfo } export interface IStatelessContract { code: string address: string parameters: IParameter[] } export interface IParameter { name: string description: string type: FieldType } export type SignCallback = (txs: Transaction[]) => Promise export type TealSignCallback = (data: Uint8Array, from: Address, to: Address) => Promise export class Deployer { // Teal cache private static tealCache: Map = new Map() constructor(readonly algodClient: Algodv2, readonly minFee = 1000, readonly minBalance = 100000, readonly wormholeConfig = WORMHOLE_CONFIG_TESTNET) {} getMinFee(): number { return this.minFee } getMinBalance(): number { return this.minBalance } private async compileProgram(program: string, templateValues?: Map): Promise { const parsedCode = Deployer.parseCode(program, templateValues) const compileResponse = await this.algodClient.compile(parsedCode).do() return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(compileResponse.result, 'base64')) } public async getParams(): Promise { const params: SuggestedParams = await this.algodClient.getTransactionParams().do() params.fee = this.minFee params.flatFee = true return params } static isStatic(stateless: IStatelessContract) { return stateless.parameters.length === 0 } async signAndSend(transactions: Transaction[], signCallback: SignCallback, stateless: Map = new Map(), dryrunTest = false): Promise { // Validate the total fees const totalFee = transactions.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val.fee, 0) const minFee = transactions.length * this.minFee if (totalFee < minFee) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `The minimum fee for a group of size ${transactions.length} is ${minFee}, but only given ${totalFee}` }) } if (dryrunTest) { const result = await this.dryrunRequest({ transactions, signCallback, stateless }) this.debugDryrunResult(result) } // Sign transactions const txIndexes: number[] = [] const logicSigned: Uint8Array[] = [] const txsToSign: Transaction[] = [] // Sign the stateless transactions first for (let i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { const sender = encodeAddress(transactions[i].from.publicKey) const lsig = stateless.get(sender) if (lsig) { logicSigned.push(algosdk.signLogicSigTransactionObject(transactions[i], lsig).blob) txIndexes[i] = 0 } else { txsToSign.push(transactions[i]) txIndexes[i] = 1 } } // Sign the normal transactions all at once const txSigned = await signCallback(txsToSign) // Reconstruct the group in the same order as before let logicIndex = 0 let txsIndex = 0 const signed: Uint8Array[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < txIndexes.length; i++) { signed.push(txIndexes[i] === 0 ? logicSigned[logicIndex++] : txSigned[txsIndex++]) } // Send transactions return (await this.algodClient.sendRawTransaction(signed).do()).txId } transactionFailed(result: Record): boolean { return (result["confirmed-round"] == null || result["confirmed-round"] <= 0) && result["pool-error"] != null && result["pool-error"].length > 0 } async waitForTransactionResponse(txId: string): Promise> { // Validate transaction was sucessful const result = await algosdk.waitForConfirmation(this.algodClient, txId, 10000) if (this.transactionFailed(result)) { throw new Error(JSON.stringify(result)) } return result } async dryrunRequest({ transactions, signCallback, stateless = new Map(), latestTimestamp, }: { transactions: Transaction[], signCallback: SignCallback, stateless?: Map latestTimestamp?: number | bigint }): Promise { // Validate the total fees const totalFee = transactions.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val.fee, 0) const minFee = transactions.length * this.minFee if (totalFee < minFee) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `The minimum fee for a group of size ${transactions.length} is ${minFee}, but only given ${totalFee}` }) } // Sign transactions const signed = await Promise.all( tx => { const sender = encodeAddress(tx.from.publicKey) const lsig = stateless.get(sender) if (lsig) return algosdk.signLogicSigTransactionObject(tx, lsig).blob const signedTx = await signCallback([tx]) return signedTx[0] })) // Create dryrun request const dr = await algosdk.createDryrun({ client: this.algodClient, txns: => algosdk.decodeSignedTransaction(stxn)), latestTimestamp, }) const dryrunResponse = await this.algodClient.dryrun(dr).do() return dryrunResponse } debugDryrunResult(result: any) { console.log(`Transaction count: ${result.txns.length}`) result.txns.forEach((txn: any, i: number) => { // Log call messages(i.e. passed/failed and error messages) console.log(txn['app-call-messages'] ?? '') // Log local deltas if (txn['local-deltas']) { const deltas = txn['local-deltas'].filter((x: any) => x.address !== '') const result = any) => { const updates = any) => ` Var: ${escape(decodeBase64(y.key).toString())}, Action: ${y.value.action}, Value: ${Buffer.from(decodeBase64(y.value.bytes)).toString('hex')}\n`).join() return `Account: ${x.address}\nUpdates: ${updates}` }) console.log(result.join()) } else { console.log(`Local state did not change`) } // Log logic sigs traces if (txn['logic-sig-trace']) { const passed = txn['logic-sig-messages'][0] === 'PASS' const disassembly = txn['logic-sig-disassembly'] const trace: { line: number, pc: number, stack: any }[] = txn['logic-sig-trace'] const msgHeader = `Group[${i}] logic sig: ${passed ? 'PASSED' : `FAILED: ${txn['logic-sig-messages'][1]}`}` if (!passed) { const msgBody ={ line, pc, stack }) => { const stackMsg = any) => { switch (entry.type) { case 1: return `bytes ${Buffer.from(entry.bytes, 'base64').toString('hex')}` case 2: return `uint ${entry.uint}` } }) return `${pc}: ${disassembly[line]} | ${stackMsg}` }).join('\n') const msg = msgHeader + '\n' + msgBody console.log(msg) } else { console.log(msgHeader) } } // Log apps traces if (txn['app-call-messages'] !== undefined) { const passed = txn['app-call-messages'][1] === 'PASS' const trace = txn['app-call-trace'] const cost = txn['cost'] const disassembly = txn['disassembly'] const msgHeader = `Group[${i}]: ${passed ? 'PASSED' : `FAILED: ${txn['app-call-messages'][2]}`}, cost: ${cost}` if (true) { const msgBody = any) => { const opcode = disassembly[entry.line] const scratchMsg = entry.scratch?.map((x: any, i: number) => { switch (x.type) { case 0: return '' case 1: return `${i}: bytes ${Buffer.from(x.bytes, 'base64').toString('hex')}` case 2: return `${i}: uint ${x.uint}` default: return `${i}: UNKNOWN` } }).filter((x: string) => x !== '').join('\n') const stackMsg = any) => { switch (x.type) { case 1: return `bytes ${Buffer.from(x.bytes, 'base64').toString('hex')}` case 2: return `uint ${x.uint}` default: return `UNKNOWN` } }) return `${entry.line}(${entry.pc}): ${opcode} | [${stackMsg.join(', ')}]` + `\n${scratchMsg ?? ''}` }).join("\n\n") console.log(msgHeader + "\n" + msgBody) } else { console.log(msgHeader) } } else { console.log(`Group[${i}] keys: ${Object.keys(txn)}`) } }) } async makeApp(app: ISourceApp, templateValues?: Map): Promise { return { approval: await this.compileProgram(app.approval, templateValues), clear: await this.compileProgram(app.clear, templateValues), stateInfo: app.stateInfo, } } async makeSourceApp(pySourcePath: string, stateInfo: IStateInfo): Promise { // Compile python program const results = await this.compilePyTeal(pySourcePath, 2) return { approval: results[0], clear: results[1], stateInfo, } } async deleteApplication(sender: Address, id: number, signCallback: SignCallback): Promise { const params = await this.getParams() const txApp = algosdk.makeApplicationDeleteTxn(sender, params, id); const txns = [txApp] return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback) } async deleteAsset(sender: Address, id: number, signCallback: SignCallback): Promise { const params = await this.getParams() const tx = algosdk.makeAssetDestroyTxnWithSuggestedParams(sender, undefined, id, params); const txns = [tx] return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback) } async clearApplication(sender: Address, id: number, signCallback: SignCallback): Promise { const params = await this.getParams() const txApp = algosdk.makeApplicationClearStateTxn(sender, params, id) const txns = [txApp] return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback) } async closeApplication(sender: Address, id: number, signCallback: SignCallback): Promise { const params = await this.getParams() const txApp = algosdk.makeApplicationCloseOutTxn(sender, params, id) const txns = [txApp] return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback) } async deployApplication(sender: Address, app: ICompiledApp, signCallback: SignCallback, extraCompBudgetTxns?: Transaction[], args?: AlgorandType[], appAccounts?: Address[], appApps?: number[], fee?: number, debug?: boolean): Promise { const compBudgetTxns = extraCompBudgetTxns ? extraCompBudgetTxns : [] const params = await this.getParams() params.fee = fee ? fee : params.fee const appArgs = args ? encodeArgArray(args) : undefined const onComplete = OnApplicationComplete.NoOpOC const foreignApps = appApps ? appApps : undefined const foreignAssets = undefined const note = undefined const lease = undefined const rekeyTo = undefined // Calculate extra pages const bytes_per_page = 2048 const extraPages = Math.ceil((app.approval.length + app.clear.length) / bytes_per_page) const localInts = Object.entries(app.stateInfo.local).filter(([_, type]) => type === 'uint').length const localBytes = Object.entries(app.stateInfo.local).filter(([_, type]) => type === 'bytes').length const globalInts = Object.entries([_, type]) => type === 'uint').length const globalBytes = Object.entries([_, type]) => type === 'bytes').length const txApp = algosdk.makeApplicationCreateTxn( sender, params, onComplete, app.approval, app.clear, localInts, localBytes, globalInts, globalBytes, appArgs, appAccounts, foreignApps, foreignAssets, note, lease, rekeyTo, extraPages ) const txns = [txApp, ...compBudgetTxns] return this.callGroupTransaction(txns, new Map(), signCallback, debug) } async deploySourceApplication(from: Address, sourceApp: ISourceApp, signCallback: any): Promise { const compiledApp: ICompiledApp = await this.makeApp(sourceApp) const deployId = await this.deployApplication(from, compiledApp, signCallback, []) return deployId } async updateApplication( sender: Address, id: number, app: ICompiledApp, signCallback: SignCallback, args?: AlgorandType[], appAccounts?: Address[] ): Promise { const params = await this.getParams() const appArgs = args ? encodeArgArray(args) : undefined const txApp = algosdk.makeApplicationUpdateTxn( sender, params, id, app.approval, app.clear, appArgs, appAccounts ) const txns = [txApp] return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback) } async makeCallTransaction( from: Address, id: number, appOnComplete: OnApplicationComplete = OnApplicationComplete.NoOpOC, args: AlgorandType[] = [], accounts: string[] = [], foreignApps: number[] = [], foreignAssets: number[] = [], txNote = "", fee: number = this.minFee, reKeyTo?: Address ): Promise { const suggestedParams = await this.getParams() suggestedParams.fee = fee const appArgs = args.length > 0 ? encodeArgArray(args) : undefined const appAccounts = accounts.length > 0 ? accounts : undefined const appForeignApps = foreignApps.length > 0 ? foreignApps : undefined const appForeignAssets = foreignAssets.length > 0 ? foreignAssets : undefined const note = encodeString(txNote) const txObj: AnyTransaction = { type: TransactionType.appl, from, suggestedParams, appIndex: id, appOnComplete, appArgs, appAccounts, appForeignApps, appForeignAssets, note, reKeyTo } return new Transaction(txObj) } async makePayTransaction( from: Address, to: Address, amount: ContractAmount, fee: number = this.minFee, txNote: string | Uint8Array = "" ): Promise { const suggestedParams = await this.getParams() suggestedParams.fee = fee as number const note = encodeString(txNote) const txObj: any = { type:, from, to, amount, suggestedParams, note } return new Transaction(txObj) } async makeAssetTransferTransaction( from: Address, to: Address, assetIndex: number, amount: number | bigint, fee = this.minFee, txNote = "" ): Promise { const suggestedParams = await this.getParams() suggestedParams.fee = fee const note = encodeString(txNote) const txObj: any = { type: TransactionType.axfer, from, to, assetIndex, amount, suggestedParams, note } return new Transaction(txObj) } async makeAssetCreationTransaction( from: Address, assetTotal: number | bigint, assetDecimals: number, assetUnitName: string, assetName: string, assetURL: string, fee = this.minFee, txNote = "" ): Promise { const suggestedParams = await this.getParams() suggestedParams.fee = fee const note = encodeString(txNote) const assetDefaultFrozen = false const assetManager = from const assetReserve = from const assetFreeze = from const assetClawback = from const txObj: any = { type: TransactionType.acfg, from, assetTotal, assetDecimals, assetDefaultFrozen, assetManager, assetReserve, assetFreeze, assetClawback, assetUnitName, assetName, assetURL, suggestedParams, note } return new Transaction(txObj) } async makeAssetOptInTransaction(from: Address, assetId: number, fee: number = this.minFee, txNote = ""): Promise { const suggestedParams = await this.getParams() suggestedParams.fee = fee const note = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(txNote)) return algosdk.makeAssetTransferTxnWithSuggestedParams(from, from, undefined, undefined, 0, note, assetId, suggestedParams, undefined) } async callApplication(sender: Address, id: number, appOnComplete: OnApplicationComplete, args: AlgorandType[], accounts: string[], foreignApps: number[], foreignAssets: number[], txNote: string, signCallback: SignCallback, fee?: number): Promise { const txApp = await this.makeCallTransaction(sender, id, appOnComplete, args, accounts, foreignApps, foreignAssets, txNote, fee) const txns = [txApp] return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback) } assignGroupID(txns: Transaction[]): void { algosdk.assignGroupID(txns) } async callGroupTransaction( txns: Transaction[], mappedStateless: Map, signCallback: SignCallback, dryrunTest?: boolean ): Promise { if (txns.length == 0) { throw new Error('Invalid transaction count') } this.assignGroupID(txns) return this.signAndSend(txns, signCallback, mappedStateless, dryrunTest) } async dryrunGroupTransaction( txns: Transaction[], mappedStateless: Map, signCallback: SignCallback, latestTimestamp?: number | bigint, ): Promise { this.assignGroupID(txns) const result = await this.dryrunRequest({ transactions: txns, signCallback, stateless: mappedStateless, latestTimestamp }) txns.forEach((tx: Transaction) => = undefined) return result } static parseCode(code: string, templateValues?: Map): string { const substitutions = templateValues ?? new Map(); const result = [...substitutions.entries()].reduce((acc, [key, val]) => { let printedVal = "" if (typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "number") { printedVal = val.toString() } else if (val instanceof Uint8Array) { printedVal = '0x' + Buffer.from(val).toString('hex') } else { throw new Error(`Unknown template type while parsing code for: ${val}`) } return acc.split(key).join(printedVal) }, code); return result; } async compileStateless(pyPath: string, templateValues?: Map, overrideArgs?: string[]): Promise { const code = await this.compilePyTeal(pyPath, 1, overrideArgs) return new LogicSigAccount(await this.compileProgram(code[0], templateValues)) } async readAsset(asset: AssetId): Promise { return this.algodClient.getAssetByID(asset).do() } private ALGO_ASSET: Asset = { id: 0, name: "ALGO", unitName: "ALGO", decimals: 6, url: "" } // As the basic asset information is immutable we store it in a local variable private assetsInfo: Map = new Map() async getAssetInfo(assetId: AssetId): Promise { if (assetId===0) { return this.ALGO_ASSET } let assetInfo = this.assetsInfo.get(assetId) if (!assetInfo) { const assetFromAlgorand = await this.readAsset(assetId) if (assetFromAlgorand) { assetInfo = { id: assetId, name: assetFromAlgorand.params['name'], unitName: assetFromAlgorand.params['unit-name'], decimals: assetFromAlgorand.params['decimals'], url: assetFromAlgorand.params['url'] } this.assetsInfo.set(assetId, assetInfo) } } return assetInfo } async readAccount(from: Address): Promise { return this.algodClient.accountInformation(from).do() } async readCreatedApps(from: Address): Promise> { const response = await this.readAccount(from) return response['created-apps']; } async readCreatedAssets(from: Address): Promise> { const response = await this.readAccount(from) return response['created-assets']; } async readOptedInApps(from: Address): Promise[]> { const response = await this.readAccount(from) return response['apps-local-state']; } async readOptedInAssets(from: Address): Promise[]> { const response = await this.readAccount(from) return response['assets']; } async readAmount(from: Address): Promise { const response = await this.readAccount(from) return BigInt(response['amount']) } async readAssetBalances(from: Address): Promise> { const assets = await this.readOptedInAssets(from) return new Map( Record) => [asset['asset-id'], BigInt(asset['amount'])])) } async readAssetAmount(from: Address, id: AssetId): Promise { return (await this.readAssetBalances(from)).get(id) ?? BigInt(0) } async getAllAppGlobalState(id: AppId): Promise<{ key: string, value: { bytes: string, type: number, uint: number } }[] | undefined> { const response = await this.algodClient.getApplicationByID(id).do() return response.params['global-state'] } // TODO: Extend to handle local state as well public async getAppStateInfo(id: AppId): Promise { const state = await this.getAllAppGlobalState(id) if (!state) { throw new Error('App state is missing') } const globalPairs = => [decodeString(decodeBase64(entry.key)), entry.value.type === 0 ? 'uint' : 'bytes'] as [string, IStateType]) return { global: Object.fromEntries(globalPairs), local: {}, } } public async readAppGlobalState(id: AppId, stateInfo: IStateInfo, errorOnMissing = true): Promise { const app = await this.algodClient.getApplicationByID(id).do() const state = app.params['global-state'] return decodeState(state,, errorOnMissing) } public async readAppLocalState(id: AppId, from: Address, stateInfo: IStateInfo, errorOnMissing = true): Promise { const info = await this.readAccount(from) const state = info['apps-local-state'].find((v: any) => v['id'] === id) if (!state) throw new Error("No local state found for address " + from) return decodeState(state['key-value'], stateInfo.local, errorOnMissing) } async deleteApps(address: Address, signCallback: SignCallback) { const apps: any = await this.readCreatedApps(address) await Promise.all( (app: any) => { const txID = await this.deleteApplication(address,, signCallback); await this.waitForTransactionResponse(txID); console.log(`Application Deleted -> TxID: ${txID}`); })) console.log("Deletion finished.") } async clearApps(address: Address, signCallback: SignCallback) { const apps: any = await this.readOptedInApps(address) await Promise.all( (app: any) => { const txID = await this.clearApplication(address,, signCallback); await this.waitForTransactionResponse(txID); console.log(`Cleared from Application -> TxID: ${txID}`); })) console.log("Clear finished.") } // TODO: Include the remaining compile steps in this function, so it returns the entire compiled program ready to use all in one step async compilePyTeal(pytealSourceFile: string, outputCount: number, overrideArgs?: string[]): Promise { // Check the in-memory cache to perform fewer file stats const cached = Deployer.tealCache.get(pytealSourceFile) if (cached) { return cached } // Generate compile directory for teal files const tealPath = '../../../.teal' if (!fs.existsSync(tealPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(tealPath) } // Generate a unique name const fileBody = fs.readFileSync(pytealSourceFile) const nonce = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(fileBody).digest('hex') const outputPaths = [...Array(outputCount)].map((_, index) => path.join(tealPath, `${path.basename(pytealSourceFile, '.py')}-${index}-${nonce}.teal`)) // Check disk cache to skip compile if we can const alreadyExists = outputPaths.reduce((accum, p) => accum && fs.existsSync(p), true) if (!alreadyExists) { // Run current program const pythonCommand = 'python3.10' const preArgs = overrideArgs ?? [] const args = [...preArgs, ...outputPaths] const cmd = `${pythonCommand} "${pytealSourceFile}" ${args.join(' ')}` console.log(`Running command ${cmd}`) const logs = await util.promisify(child_process.exec)(cmd) if (logs.stderr && logs.stderr.length > 0) { throw Error(`Could not compile file: ${pytealSourceFile} with ${pythonCommand}.\nError: ${logs.stderr}`) } } // Gather results const results = => fs.readFileSync(p, 'utf-8')) // Update in-memory cache Deployer.tealCache.set(pytealSourceFile, results) return results } async createRedeemWormholeTransactions(vaa: Uint8Array, sender: string): Promise { const redeemTransactions: TransactionSignerPair[] = await redeemOnAlgorand( this.algodClient, this.wormholeConfig.tokenBridgeAppId, this.wormholeConfig.coreBridgeAppId, new Uint8Array(vaa), sender ) return redeemTransactions } }