import { decodeAddress, encodeAddress, isValidAddress } from 'algosdk' import sha512 from "js-sha512" import { Buffer } from 'buffer' import { Address } from './AlgorandTypes' import assert from 'assert' import { ethers } from 'ethers' export const TEAL_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = 64 export const SHA256_HASH_LENGTH = 32 export type AlgorandType = bigint | string | boolean | number | Uint8Array export type IPackedInfoFixed = { type: "uint" | "number" | "address" | "double" | "boolean" | "emptyString" } export type IPackedInfoVariable = { type: "string" | "bytes" | "base64" size: number } export type IPackedInfoObject = { type: "object" | "hash" info: IPackedInfo } export type IPackedInfoArray = { type: "array" info: IPackedInfoAny } export type IPackedInfoFixedBytes = { type: "fixed" valueHex: string } export type IPackedInfoAny = IPackedInfoFixed | IPackedInfoVariable | IPackedInfoObject | IPackedInfoArray | IPackedInfoFixedBytes export type IPackedInfo = Record export type IStateType = 'uint' | 'bytes' export type IStateMap = Record export type IStateVar = Uint8Array | bigint export type IState = Record // NOTE: !!!! ONLY MODIFY THIS BY APPENDING TO THE END. THE INDEXES EFFECT THE MERKLE LOG HASH VALUES !!!! export const packedTypeMap = [ "uint", "number", "address", "double", "boolean", "string", "bytes", "base64", "object", "hash", "array", "emptyString", "fixed", ] assert(packedTypeMap.length < 128, 'Too many types in packedTypeMap') export function concatArrays(arrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array { const totalLength = arrays.reduce((accum, x) => accum + x.length, 0) const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength) for (let i = 0, offset = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { result.set(arrays[i], offset) offset += arrays[i].length } return result } // Encode the format itself as part of the data for forward compatibility export function packFormat(format: IPackedInfo): Uint8Array { const chunks: Uint8Array[] = [] // NOTE: Byte-size fields are capped at 128 to allow for future expansion with varints // Encode number of fields const fieldCount = Object.entries(format).length assert(fieldCount < 128, `Too many fields in object: ${fieldCount}`) chunks.push(new Uint8Array([fieldCount])) for (const [name, type] of Object.entries(format)) { // Encode name and type index assert(name.length < 128, `Name of property ${name} too long`) chunks.push(new Uint8Array([name.length])) chunks.push(encodeString(name)) const typeIndex = packedTypeMap.indexOf(type.type) assert(typeIndex >= 0, 'Type index not found in packedTypeMap') chunks.push(new Uint8Array([typeIndex])) // For complex types, encode additional data switch (type.type) { case "string": case "bytes": case "base64": assert(type.size < 128, `Sized data was too large: ${type.size}`) chunks.push(new Uint8Array([type.size])) break case "hash": case "object": case "array": { const format = packFormat(type.type === 'array' ? { value: } : chunks.push(encodeUint64(format.length)) chunks.push(format) break } } } return concatArrays(chunks) } export function unpackFormat(data: Uint8Array): IPackedInfo { let index = 0 // Decode field count const fieldCount = data[index] index++ const format: IPackedInfo = {} for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { // Decode name const nameLen = data[index] index++ const name = decodeString(data.slice(index, index + nameLen)) index += nameLen // Decode type const type = packedTypeMap[data[index]] index++ switch (type) { case "uint": case "number": case "address": case "double": case "boolean": case "emptyString": format[name] = { type } break case "string": case "bytes": case "base64": { const size = data[index] index++ format[name] = { type, size } break } case "object": case "hash": case "array": { const length = Number(decodeUint64(data.slice(index, index + 8))) index += 8 const info = unpackFormat(data.slice(index, index + length)) index += length if (type === "array") { format[name] = { type, info: info.value } } else { format[name] = { type, info } } break } } } return format } export function packData(value: Record, format: IPackedInfo, includeType = false): Uint8Array { const chunks: Uint8Array[] = [] if (includeType) { const packedFormat = packFormat(format) chunks.push(encodeUint64(packedFormat.length)) chunks.push(packedFormat) } // Encode the data fields for (const [name, type] of Object.entries(format)) { const v = value[name] if (v === undefined && type.type !== 'fixed') { throw new Error(`Key "${name}" missing from value:\n${value.keys}`) } switch (type.type) { case 'object': if (v instanceof Object) { chunks.push(packData(v,, false)) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected object, got ${v}`) } case 'hash': if (v instanceof Object) { // NOTE: Hashes always refer to the typed version of the data to enable forward compatibility chunks.push(sha256Hash(packData(v,, true))) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected object for hashing, got ${v}`) } case 'array': if (v instanceof Array) { assert(v.length < 128, `Array too large to be encoded: ${v}`) chunks.push(new Uint8Array([v.length])) v.forEach((value) => { chunks.push(packData({ value }, { value: }, false)) }) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected array, got ${v}`) } case 'address': if (v instanceof Uint8Array) { if (v.length === 20) { const newValue = new Uint8Array(32) newValue.set(new TextEncoder().encode("EthereumAddr")) newValue.set(v, 12) chunks.push(newValue) } else if (v.length === 32) { chunks.push(v) } else { throw new Error(`Invalid address byte array length ${v.length}, expected 20 or 32`) } } else if (typeof v === 'string') { if (ethers.utils.isAddress(v)) { const newValue = new Uint8Array(32) newValue.set(new TextEncoder().encode("EthereumAddr")) newValue.set(Buffer.from(v.slice(2), 'hex'), 12) chunks.push(newValue) } else if (isValidAddress(v)) { chunks.push(decodeAddress(v).publicKey) } else { throw new Error(`Invalid address string ${v}`) } } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected address, got ${v}`) } break case 'bytes': if (v instanceof Uint8Array) { if (v.length === type.size) { chunks.push(v) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Bytes length is wrong, expected ${type.size}, got ${v.length}`) } } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected bytes[${type.size}], got ${v}`) } case 'base64': if (typeof v === 'string') { try { const bytes = decodeBase64(v) if (bytes.length === type.size) { chunks.push(bytes) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Base64 length is wrong, expected ${type.size}, got ${bytes.length}`) } } catch { throw new Error(`${name}: Base64 encoding is wrong, got ${v}`) } } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected Base64 string, got ${v}`) } case 'double': if (typeof v === 'number') { const bytes = new ArrayBuffer(8) Buffer.from(bytes).writeDoubleLE(v, 0) chunks.push(new Uint8Array(bytes)) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected double, got ${v}`) } case 'boolean': if (typeof v === 'boolean') { chunks.push(new Uint8Array([v ? 1 : 0])) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected boolean, got ${v}`) } case 'number': case 'uint': if (typeof v === 'bigint' || typeof v === 'number') { chunks.push(encodeUint64(v)) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected uint or number, got ${v}`) } case 'string': if (typeof v === 'string') { const str = encodeString(v) if (str.length === type.size) { chunks.push(str) break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected string length ${type.size}, got string length ${str.length}`) } } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected string length ${type.size}, got ${v}`) } case 'emptyString': if (typeof v === 'string') { break } else { throw new Error(`${name}: Expected string, got ${v}`) } case 'fixed': chunks.push(decodeBase16(type.valueHex)) break } } return concatArrays(chunks) } export function unpackData(data: Uint8Array, formatOpt?: IPackedInfo): Record { let format: IPackedInfo let index = 0 // Decode format if (formatOpt) { format = formatOpt } else { const length = Number(decodeUint64(data.slice(index, index + 8))) index += 8 format = unpackFormat(data.slice(index, index + length)) index += length } // Decode data // NOTE: This needs to be an inner function to maintain the index across calls const unpackInner = (data: Uint8Array, format: IPackedInfo) => { const object: Record = {} for (const [name, type] of Object.entries(format)) { if (index >= data.length) { throw new Error(`Unpack data length was not enough for the format provided. Data: ${data}, format: ${JSON.stringify(format)}`) } let value: any switch (type.type) { case 'object': value = unpackInner(data, break case 'hash': value = new Uint8Array(data.slice(index, index + SHA256_HASH_LENGTH)) index += SHA256_HASH_LENGTH break case 'array': { const count = data[index++] value = [] for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { value.push(unpackInner(data, { value: }).value) } break } case 'address': value = encodeAddress(data.slice(index, index + 32)) index += 32 break case 'bytes': value = new Uint8Array(data.slice(index, index + type.size)) index += type.size break case 'base64': value = encodeBase64(data.slice(index, index + type.size)) index += type.size break case 'double': value = Buffer.from(data.slice(index, index + 8)).readDoubleLE(0) index += 8 break case 'boolean': value = data.slice(index, index + 1)[0] === 1 index += 1 break case 'number': value = Number(decodeUint64(data.slice(index, index + 8))) index += 8 break case 'uint': value = decodeUint64(data.slice(index, index + 8)) index += 8 break case 'string': value = decodeString(data.slice(index, index + type.size)) index += type.size break case 'emptyString': value = "" break case 'fixed': value = decodeBase16(type.valueHex) break default: throw new Error(`Unknown decode type: ${type}`) } object[name] = value } return object } const result = unpackInner(data, format) if (index !== data.length) { throw new Error(`Data consumed(${index} bytes) did not match expected (${data.length} bytes) for format\nFormat: ${JSON.stringify(format)}\nValue: ${Buffer.from(data).toString('hex')}`) } return result } export function encodeArgArray(params: AlgorandType[]): Uint8Array[] { return => { if (param instanceof Uint8Array) return new Uint8Array(param) if (typeof param === "string") return encodeString(param) if (typeof param === "boolean") param = BigInt(param ? 1 : 0) if (typeof param === "number") param = BigInt(param) return encodeUint64(param) }) } export function encodeString(value: string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array { return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(value)) } export function decodeString(value: Uint8Array): string { return Buffer.from(value).toString('utf-8') } export function decodeState(state: Record>[], stateMap: IStateMap, errorOnMissing = true): IState { const result: IState = {} for (const [name, type] of Object.entries(stateMap)) { const stateName = encodeBase64(encodeString(name)) const key = state.find((v: any) => v['key'] === stateName) if (errorOnMissing && key === undefined) { throw new Error(`Expected key ${name} was not found in state`) } const value = key ? key['value'][type] : undefined if (errorOnMissing && value === undefined) { throw new Error(`Expected value for key ${name} was not found in state`) } const typedValue = type === 'bytes' ? decodeBase64(value ?? '') : BigInt(value ?? '') result[name] = typedValue } return result } export function encodeUint64(value: number | bigint): Uint8Array { const bytes: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(8) for (let index = 0; index < 8; index++) bytes[7 - index] = Number((BigInt(value) >> BigInt(index * 8)) & BigInt(0xFF)) return new Uint8Array(bytes) } export function decodeUint64(value: Uint8Array): bigint { assert(value.length >= 8, `Expected at least 8 bytes to decode a uint64, but got ${value.length} bytes\nValue: ${Buffer.from(value).toString('hex')}`) let num = BigInt(0) for (let index = 0; index < 8; index++) { num = (num << BigInt(8)) | BigInt(value[index]) } return num } export function encodeUint32(value: number): Uint8Array { if (value >= 2 ** 32 || value < 0) { throw new Error(`Out of bound value in Uint16: ${value}`) } const bytes: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(4) for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) bytes[3 - index] = Number((BigInt(value) >> BigInt(index * 8)) & BigInt(0xFF)) return new Uint8Array(bytes) } export function decodeUint32(value: Uint8Array): number { let num = BigInt(0) for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) num = (num << BigInt(8)) | BigInt(value[index]) return Number(num) } export function encodeUint16(value: number): Uint8Array { if (value >= 2 ** 16 || value < 0) { throw new Error(`Out of bound value in Uint16: ${value}`) } return new Uint8Array([value >> 8, value & 0xFF]) } export function decodeUint16(value: Uint8Array): number { if (value.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Invalid value length, expected 2, got ${value.length}`) } return value[0] * 256 + value[1] } export function encodeUint8(value: number): Uint8Array { if (value >= 2 ** 8 || value < 0) { throw new Error(`Out of bound value in Uint8: ${value}`) } return new Uint8Array([value]) } export function decodeBase16(value: string): Uint8Array { return Buffer.from(value, 'hex') } export function encodeBase64(value: Uint8Array): string { return Buffer.from(value).toString('base64') } export function decodeBase64(value: string): Uint8Array { return Buffer.from(value, 'base64') } export function sha256Hash(arr: sha512.Message): Uint8Array { return new Uint8Array(sha512.sha512_256.arrayBuffer(arr)) } export function encodeApplicationAddress(id: number): Address { const APP_ID_PREFIX = Buffer.from('appID'); const toBeSigned = concatArrays([APP_ID_PREFIX, encodeUint64(BigInt(id))]); return encodeAddress(sha256Hash(toBeSigned)); } export function compareArrays(a: Uint8Array[], b: Uint8Array[]) { return (a===undefined || b===undefined) ? a===b : (a.length === b.length && a.reduce((equal, item, index) => equal && item===b[index], true)) } function getDelta(response: any, key: string): any | undefined { const delta = response['global-state-delta'].find((v: any) => v.key === key) if (delta === undefined) return undefined return delta['value'] } export function getDeltaUint(response: any, key: string): bigint | undefined { const delta = getDelta(response, key) if (delta === undefined) return undefined return BigInt(delta['uint']) } export function getDeltaBytes(response: any, key: string): Uint8Array | undefined { const delta = getDelta(response, key) if (delta === undefined) return undefined return decodeBase64(delta['bytes']) } export { encodeAddress } from 'algosdk'