import { decodeAddress, getApplicationAddress, LogicSigAccount, OnApplicationComplete } from 'algosdk' import { Address, AppId } from '../sdk/AlgorandTypes' import { concatArrays, decodeBase16, AlgorandType } from "../sdk/Encoding" import { Deployer, SignCallback } from "../sdk/Deployer" import path from 'path' import varint from 'varint' import { Wormhole } from './Wormhole' export const EMITTER_GUARDIAN = new TextEncoder().encode("guardian") export class WormholeTmplSig { private _logicSig: LogicSigAccount public constructor( sequence: number, emitterId: Uint8Array, coreId: AppId, ) { // Generate the template sig bytecode directly const program = concatArrays([ decodeBase16('0620010181'), varint.encode(sequence), decodeBase16('4880'), varint.encode(emitterId.length), emitterId, decodeBase16('483110810612443119221244311881'), varint.encode(coreId), decodeBase16('124431208020'), decodeAddress(getApplicationAddress(coreId)).publicKey, decodeBase16('124431018100124431093203124431153203124422'), ]) this._logicSig = new LogicSigAccount(program) } public get logicSig(): LogicSigAccount { return this._logicSig } public get address(): Address { return this.logicSig.address() } public async optin(deployer: Deployer, owner: Address, coreId: AppId, signCallback: SignCallback, dryrunDebug = false): Promise { // Test if contract is opted in const optedIn = await deployer.readOptedInApps(this.address) if (optedIn.find((entry) => === coreId) === undefined) { console.log(`Performing optin for TmplSig ${this.address}`) const tmplSigPayment = BigInt(1_002_000) const optinTxns = await Promise.all([ deployer.makePayTransaction(owner, this.address, tmplSigPayment, 2 * deployer.minFee), deployer.makeCallTransaction(this.address, coreId, OnApplicationComplete.OptInOC, [], [], [], [], '', 0, getApplicationAddress(coreId)) ]) const initTxId = await deployer.callGroupTransaction(optinTxns, new Map([[this.address, this.logicSig]]), signCallback, dryrunDebug) await deployer.waitForTransactionResponse(initTxId) } } public static async compileTmplSig(deployer: Deployer, sequence: number | bigint, emitterId: Uint8Array, coreId: AppId): Promise { const tmplSigPath = path.join(Wormhole.BASE_PATH, '') const tmplSigArgs = new Map([ ['TMPL_ADDR_IDX', sequence], ['TMPL_EMITTER_ID', emitterId], ['TMPL_APP_ID', coreId], // FIXME: The application address should be generated contract side for security ['TMPL_APP_ADDRESS', decodeAddress(getApplicationAddress(coreId)).publicKey], ]) const tmplSigApp = await deployer.compileStateless(tmplSigPath, tmplSigArgs) return tmplSigApp } }