#!/usr/bin/env bash # fail if any command fails set -eo pipefail -o nounset ROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")")" DOCKERFILE="$ROOT/scripts/Dockerfile.lint" VALID_COMMANDS=("lint" "format") SELF_ARGS_WITHOUT_DOCKER="" GOIMPORTS_ARGS="" GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS="" print_help() { cat <<-EOF >&2 Usage: $(basename "$0") [-h] [-c] [-w] [-d] [-l] COMMAND COMMAND can be one of: "${VALID_COMMANDS[*]}" -h Print this help. -c Run in docker and don't worry about dependencies -w Automatically fix all formatting issues -d Print diff for all formatting issues -l List files that have formatting issues -g Format output to be parsed by github actions EOF } format(){ if [ "$GOIMPORTS_ARGS" == "" ]; then GOIMPORTS_ARGS="-l" fi # only -l supports output as github action if [ "$GITHUB_ACTION" == "true" ]; then GOIMPORTS_ARGS="-l" fi # Check for dependencies if ! command -v goimports >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%s\n" "Require goimports. You can run this command in a docker container instead with '-c' and not worry about it or install it: \n\tgo install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest" >&2 exit 1 fi # Use -exec because of pitfall #1 in http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls GOFMT_OUTPUT="$(find "./sdk" "./node" "./wormchain" -type f -name '*.go' -not -path '*.pb.go' -print0 | xargs -r -0 goimports $GOIMPORTS_ARGS 2>&1)" if [ -n "$GOFMT_OUTPUT" ]; then if [ "$GITHUB_ACTION" == "true" ]; then GOFMT_OUTPUT="$(echo "$GOFMT_OUTPUT" | awk '{print "::error file="$0"::Formatting error. Please format using ./scripts/lint.sh -d format."}')" fi echo "$GOFMT_OUTPUT" >&2 exit 1 fi } lint(){ # Check for dependencies if ! command -v golangci-lint >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%s\n" "Require golangci-lint. You can run this command in a docker container instead with '-c' and not worry about it or install it: https://golangci-lint.run/usage/install/" fi # Do the actual linting! cd "$ROOT"/node golangci-lint run --timeout=10m --path-prefix=node $GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS ./... cd "${ROOT}/sdk" golangci-lint run --timeout=10m $GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS ./... } DOCKER="false" GITHUB_ACTION="false" while getopts 'cwdlgh' opt; do case "$opt" in c) DOCKER="true" ;; w) GOIMPORTS_ARGS+="-w " SELF_ARGS_WITHOUT_DOCKER+="-w " ;; d) GOIMPORTS_ARGS+="-d " SELF_ARGS_WITHOUT_DOCKER+="-d " ;; l) GOIMPORTS_ARGS+="-l " SELF_ARGS_WITHOUT_DOCKER+="-l " ;; g) GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS+="--out-format=github-actions " GITHUB_ACTION="true" SELF_ARGS_WITHOUT_DOCKER+="-g " ;; h) print_help exit 0 ;; ?) echo "Invalid command option." >&2 print_help exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then echo "Need to specify COMMAND." >&2 print_help exit 1 fi COMMAND="$1" if [[ ! " ${VALID_COMMANDS[*]} " == *" $COMMAND "* ]]; then echo "Invalid command $COMMAND." >&2 print_help exit 1 fi # run this script recursively inside docker, if requested if [ "$DOCKER" == "true" ]; then # The easy thing to do here would be to use a bind mount to share the code with the container. # But this doesn't work in scenarios where we are in a container already. # But it's easy so we just won't support that case for now. # If we wanted to support it, my idea would be to `docker run`, `docker cp`, `docker exec`, `docker rm`. if grep -Esq 'docker|lxc|kubepods' /proc/1/cgroup; then echo "Already running inside a container. This situation isn't supported (yet)." >&2 exit 1 fi DOCKER_IMAGE="$(docker build -q -f "$DOCKERFILE" .)" DOCKER_EXEC="./scripts/$(basename "$0")" MOUNT="--mount=type=bind,target=/app,source=$PWD" # for safety, mount as readonly unless -w flag was given if ! [[ "$GOIMPORTS_ARGS" =~ "w" ]]; then MOUNT+=",readonly" fi docker run --workdir /app "$MOUNT" "$DOCKER_IMAGE" "$DOCKER_EXEC" $SELF_ARGS_WITHOUT_DOCKER "$COMMAND" exit "$?" fi case $COMMAND in "lint") lint ;; "format") format ;; esac