module token_bridge::bridge_state { use std::option::{Self, Option}; use std::ascii::{Self}; use sui::object::{Self, UID}; use sui::vec_map::{Self, VecMap}; use sui::tx_context::{TxContext}; use sui::coin::{Self, Coin, TreasuryCap, CoinMetadata}; use sui::transfer::{Self}; use sui::tx_context::{Self}; use sui::sui::SUI; use token_bridge::string32; use token_bridge::dynamic_set; use token_bridge::asset_meta::{Self, AssetMeta}; use wormhole::external_address::{Self, ExternalAddress}; use wormhole::myu16::{U16}; use wormhole::wormhole::{Self}; use wormhole::state::{Self as wormhole_state, State as WormholeState}; use wormhole::emitter::{EmitterCapability}; use wormhole::set::{Self, Set}; const E_IS_NOT_WRAPPED_ASSET: u64 = 0; const E_IS_NOT_REGISTERED_NATIVE_ASSET: u64 = 1; const E_COIN_TYPE_HAS_NO_REGISTERED_INTEGER_ADDRESS: u64 = 2; const E_COIN_TYPE_HAS_REGISTERED_INTEGER_ADDRESS: u64 = 3; const E_ORIGIN_CHAIN_MISMATCH: u64 = 4; const E_ORIGIN_ADDRESS_MISMATCH: u64 = 5; const E_IS_WRAPPED_ASSET: u64 = 6; friend token_bridge::vaa; friend token_bridge::register_chain; friend token_bridge::wrapped; friend token_bridge::complete_transfer; friend token_bridge::transfer_tokens; friend token_bridge::attest_token; #[test_only] friend token_bridge::bridge_state_test; #[test_only] friend token_bridge::complete_transfer_test; #[test_only] friend token_bridge::token_bridge_vaa_test; /// Capability for creating a bridge state object, granted to sender when this /// module is deployed struct DeployerCapability has key, store {id: UID} /// WrappedAssetInfo stores all the metadata about a wrapped asset struct WrappedAssetInfo has key, store { id: UID, token_chain: U16, token_address: ExternalAddress, treasury_cap: TreasuryCap, } struct NativeAssetInfo has key, store { id: UID, // Even though we can look up token_chain at any time from wormhole state, // it can be more efficient to store it here locally so we don't have to do lookups. custody: Coin, asset_meta: AssetMeta, } /// OriginInfo is a non-Sui object that stores info about a tokens native token /// chain and address struct OriginInfo has store, copy, drop { token_chain: U16, token_address: ExternalAddress, } public fun get_token_chain_from_origin_info(origin_info: &OriginInfo): U16 { return origin_info.token_chain } public fun get_token_address_from_origin_info(origin_info: &OriginInfo): ExternalAddress { return origin_info.token_address } public fun get_origin_info_from_wrapped_asset_info(wrapped_asset_info: &WrappedAssetInfo): OriginInfo { OriginInfo { token_chain: wrapped_asset_info.token_chain, token_address: wrapped_asset_info.token_address } } public fun get_origin_info_from_native_asset_info(native_asset_info: &NativeAssetInfo): OriginInfo { let asset_meta = &native_asset_info.asset_meta; let token_chain = asset_meta::get_token_chain(asset_meta); let token_address = asset_meta::get_token_address(asset_meta); OriginInfo { token_chain, token_address } } public(friend) fun create_wrapped_asset_info( token_chain: U16, token_address: ExternalAddress, treasury_cap: TreasuryCap, ctx: &mut TxContext ): WrappedAssetInfo { return WrappedAssetInfo { id: object::new(ctx), token_chain, token_address, treasury_cap } } // Integer label for coin types registered with Wormhole struct NativeIdRegistry has key, store { id: UID, index: u64, // next index to use } fun next_native_id(registry: &mut NativeIdRegistry): ExternalAddress { use wormhole::serialize::serialize_u64; let cur_index = registry.index; registry.index = cur_index + 1; let bytes = std::vector::empty(); serialize_u64(&mut bytes, cur_index); external_address::from_bytes(bytes) } // Treasury caps, token stores, consumed VAAs, registered emitters, etc. // are stored as dynamic fields of bridge state. struct BridgeState has key, store { id: UID, /// Set of consumed VAA hashes consumed_vaas: Set>, /// Token bridge owned emitter capability emitter_cap: EmitterCapability, /// Mapping of bridge contracts on other chains registered_emitters: VecMap, native_id_registry: NativeIdRegistry, } fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext) { transfer::transfer(DeployerCapability{id: object::new(ctx)}, tx_context::sender(ctx)); } #[test_only] public fun test_init(ctx: &mut TxContext) { transfer::transfer(DeployerCapability{id: object::new(ctx)}, tx_context::sender(ctx)); } // converts owned state object into a shared object, so that anyone can get a reference to &mut State // and pass it into various functions public entry fun init_and_share_state( deployer: DeployerCapability, emitter_cap: EmitterCapability, ctx: &mut TxContext ) { let DeployerCapability{ id } = deployer; object::delete(id); let state = BridgeState { id: object::new(ctx), consumed_vaas: set::new(ctx), emitter_cap, registered_emitters: vec_map::empty(), native_id_registry: NativeIdRegistry { id: object::new(ctx), index: 1, } }; // permanently shares state transfer::share_object(state); } public(friend) fun deposit( bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, coin: Coin, ) { // TODO: create custom errors for each dynamic_set::borrow_mut let native_asset = dynamic_set::borrow_mut>(&mut; coin::join(&mut native_asset.custody, coin); } public(friend) fun withdraw( _verified_coin_witness: VerifiedCoinType, bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, value: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext ): Coin { let native_asset = dynamic_set::borrow_mut>(&mut; coin::split(&mut native_asset.custody, value, ctx) } public(friend) fun mint( _verified_coin_witness: VerifiedCoinType, bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, value: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext, ): Coin { let wrapped_info = dynamic_set::borrow_mut>(&mut; coin::mint(&mut wrapped_info.treasury_cap, value, ctx) } public(friend) fun burn( bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, coin: Coin, ) { let wrapped_info = dynamic_set::borrow_mut>(&mut; coin::burn(&mut wrapped_info.treasury_cap, coin); } public(friend) fun publish_message( wormhole_state: &mut WormholeState, bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, nonce: u64, payload: vector, message_fee: Coin, ): u64 { wormhole::publish_message( &mut bridge_state.emitter_cap, wormhole_state, nonce, payload, message_fee, ) } /// getters public fun vaa_is_consumed(state: &BridgeState, hash: vector): bool { set::contains(&state.consumed_vaas, hash) } public fun get_registered_emitter(state: &BridgeState, chain_id: &U16): Option { if (vec_map::contains(&state.registered_emitters, chain_id)) { option::some(*vec_map::get(&state.registered_emitters, chain_id)) } else { option::none() } } public fun is_wrapped_asset(bridge_state: &BridgeState): bool { dynamic_set::exists_>(& } public fun is_registered_native_asset(bridge_state: &BridgeState): bool { dynamic_set::exists_>(& } /// Returns the origin information for a CoinType public fun origin_info(bridge_state: &BridgeState): OriginInfo { if (is_wrapped_asset(bridge_state)) { get_wrapped_asset_origin_info(bridge_state) } else { get_registered_native_asset_origin_info(bridge_state) } } /// A value of type `VerifiedCoinType` witnesses the fact that the type /// `T` has been verified to correspond to a particular chain id and token /// address (may be either a wrapped or native asset). /// The verification is performed by `verify_coin_type`. /// /// This is important because the coin type is an input to several /// functions, and is thus untrusted. Most coin-related functionality /// requires passing in a coin type generic argument. /// When transferring tokens *out*, that type instantiation determines the /// token bridge's behaviour, and thus we just take whatever was supplied. /// When transferring tokens *in*, it's the transfer VAA that determines /// which coin should be used via the origin chain and origin address /// fields. /// /// For technical reasons, the latter case still requires a type argument to /// be passed in (since Move does not support existential types, so we must /// rely on old school universal quantification). We must thus verify that /// the supplied type corresponds to the origin info in the VAA. /// /// Accordingly, the `mint` and `withdraw` operations are gated by this /// witness type, since these two operations require a VAA to supply the /// token information. This ensures that those two functions can't be called /// without first verifying the `CoinType`. struct VerifiedCoinType has copy, drop {} /// See the documentation for `VerifiedCoinType` above. public fun verify_coin_type( bridge_state: &BridgeState, token_chain: U16, token_address: ExternalAddress ): VerifiedCoinType { let coin_origin = origin_info(bridge_state); assert!(coin_origin.token_chain == token_chain, E_ORIGIN_CHAIN_MISMATCH); assert!(coin_origin.token_address == token_address, E_ORIGIN_ADDRESS_MISMATCH); VerifiedCoinType {} } public fun get_wrapped_asset_origin_info(bridge_state: &BridgeState): OriginInfo { assert!(is_wrapped_asset(bridge_state), E_IS_NOT_WRAPPED_ASSET); let wrapped_asset_info = dynamic_set::borrow>(&; get_origin_info_from_wrapped_asset_info(wrapped_asset_info) } public fun get_registered_native_asset_origin_info(bridge_state: &BridgeState): OriginInfo { let native_asset_info = dynamic_set::borrow>(&; get_origin_info_from_native_asset_info(native_asset_info) } /// setters public(friend) fun set_registered_emitter(state: &mut BridgeState, chain_id: U16, emitter: ExternalAddress) { if (vec_map::contains(&mut state.registered_emitters, &chain_id)){ vec_map::remove(&mut state.registered_emitters, &chain_id); }; vec_map::insert(&mut state.registered_emitters, chain_id, emitter); } /// dynamic ops public(friend) fun store_consumed_vaa(bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, vaa: vector) { set::add(&mut bridge_state.consumed_vaas, vaa); } public(friend) fun register_wrapped_asset(bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, wrapped_asset_info: WrappedAssetInfo) { dynamic_set::add>(&mut, wrapped_asset_info); } public(friend) fun register_native_asset( wormhole_state: &WormholeState, bridge_state: &mut BridgeState, coin_meta: &CoinMetadata, ctx: &mut TxContext ): AssetMeta { assert!(!is_wrapped_asset(bridge_state), E_IS_WRAPPED_ASSET); // TODO - test let asset_meta = asset_meta::create( next_native_id(&mut bridge_state.native_id_registry), wormhole_state::get_chain_id(wormhole_state), // TODO: should we just hardcode this? coin::get_decimals(coin_meta), // decimals string32::from_bytes(ascii::into_bytes(coin::get_symbol(coin_meta))), // symbol string32::from_string(&coin::get_name(coin_meta)) // name ); let native_asset_info = NativeAssetInfo { id: object::new(ctx), custody: coin::zero(ctx), asset_meta, }; dynamic_set::add>(&mut, native_asset_info); asset_meta } } #[test_only] module token_bridge::bridge_state_test{ use sui::test_scenario::{Self, Scenario, next_tx, ctx, take_from_address, take_shared, return_shared}; use sui::coin::{CoinMetadata}; use wormhole::state::{State}; use wormhole::test_state::{init_wormhole_state}; use wormhole::wormhole::{Self}; use wormhole::external_address::{Self}; use token_bridge::bridge_state::{Self as state, BridgeState, DeployerCapability}; use token_bridge::native_coin_witness::{Self, NATIVE_COIN_WITNESS}; use token_bridge::native_coin_witness_v2::{Self, NATIVE_COIN_WITNESS_V2}; fun scenario(): Scenario { test_scenario::begin(@0x123233) } fun people(): (address, address, address) { (@0x124323, @0xE05, @0xFACE) } #[test] fun test_state_setters() { test_state_setters_(scenario()) } #[test] fun test_coin_type_addressing(){ test_coin_type_addressing_(scenario()) } #[test] #[expected_failure(abort_code = 0, location=0000000000000000000000000000000000000002::dynamic_field)] fun test_coin_type_addressing_failure_case(){ test_coin_type_addressing_failure_case_(scenario()) } public fun set_up_wormhole_core_and_token_bridges(admin: address, test: Scenario): Scenario { // init and share wormhole core bridge test = init_wormhole_state(test, admin); // call init for token bridge to get deployer cap next_tx(&mut test, admin); { state::test_init(ctx(&mut test)); }; // register for emitter cap and init_and_share token bridge next_tx(&mut test, admin); { let wormhole_state = take_shared(&test); let my_emitter = wormhole::register_emitter(&mut wormhole_state, ctx(&mut test)); let deployer = take_from_address(&test, admin); state::init_and_share_state(deployer, my_emitter, ctx(&mut test)); return_shared(wormhole_state); }; next_tx(&mut test, admin); { let bridge_state = take_shared(&test); return_shared(bridge_state); }; return test } fun test_state_setters_(test: Scenario) { let (admin, _, _) = people(); test = set_up_wormhole_core_and_token_bridges(admin, test); //test BridgeState setter and getter functions next_tx(&mut test, admin); { let state = take_shared(&test); // test store consumed vaa state::store_consumed_vaa(&mut state, x"1234"); assert!(state::vaa_is_consumed(&state, x"1234"), 0); // TODO - test store coin store // TODO - test store treasury cap return_shared(state); }; test_scenario::end(test); } fun test_coin_type_addressing_(test: Scenario) { let (admin, _, _) = people(); test = set_up_wormhole_core_and_token_bridges(admin, test); //test coin type addressing next_tx(&mut test, admin); { native_coin_witness::test_init(ctx(&mut test)); native_coin_witness_v2::test_init(ctx(&mut test)); }; next_tx(&mut test, admin); { let wormhole_state = take_shared(&test); let bridge_state = take_shared(&test); let coin_meta = take_shared>(&test); state::register_native_asset( &mut wormhole_state, &mut bridge_state, &coin_meta, ctx(&mut test) ); let origin_info = state::origin_info(&bridge_state); let address = state::get_token_address_from_origin_info(&origin_info); assert!(address == external_address::from_bytes(x"01"), 0); let coin_meta_v2 = take_shared>(&test); state::register_native_asset( &mut wormhole_state, &mut bridge_state, &coin_meta_v2, ctx(&mut test) ); let origin_info = state::origin_info(&bridge_state); let address = state::get_token_address_from_origin_info(&origin_info); assert!(address == external_address::from_bytes(x"02"), 0); return_shared(wormhole_state); return_shared(bridge_state); return_shared>(coin_meta_v2); return_shared>(coin_meta); }; test_scenario::end(test); } fun test_coin_type_addressing_failure_case_(test: Scenario) { let (admin, _, _) = people(); test = set_up_wormhole_core_and_token_bridges(admin, test); //test coin type addressing next_tx(&mut test, admin); { native_coin_witness::test_init(ctx(&mut test)); native_coin_witness_v2::test_init(ctx(&mut test)); }; next_tx(&mut test, admin); { let wormhole_state = take_shared(&test); let bridge_state = take_shared(&test); let coin_meta = take_shared>(&test); state::register_native_asset( &mut wormhole_state, &mut bridge_state, &coin_meta, ctx(&mut test) ); let origin_info = state::origin_info(&bridge_state); let address = state::get_token_address_from_origin_info(&origin_info); assert!(address == external_address::from_bytes(x"01"), 0); // aborts because trying to re-register native coin state::register_native_asset( &mut wormhole_state, &mut bridge_state, &coin_meta, ctx(&mut test) ); return_shared(wormhole_state); return_shared(bridge_state); return_shared>(coin_meta); }; test_scenario::end(test); } }