import yargs from "yargs"; import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'; import * as web3 from '@solana/web3.js'; import { PublicKey, TransactionInstruction, Keypair, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { base58 } from "ethers/lib/utils"; import { setDefaultWasm, importCoreWasm, ixFromRust } from '@certusone/wormhole-sdk' setDefaultWasm("node") yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .command('post_message [nonce] [message] [consistency]', 'post a message', (yargs) => { return yargs .positional('nonce', { describe: 'nonce of the message', type: "number", required: true }) .positional('message', { describe: 'message to post', type: "string", required: true }) .positional('consistency', { describe: 'confirmation level that this message requires ', type: "string", required: true }) }, async (argv: any) => { const bridge = await importCoreWasm() let connection = setupConnection(argv); let bridge_id = new PublicKey(argv.bridge); // Generate a new random public key let from = web3.Keypair.generate(); let emitter = web3.Keypair.generate(); let message = web3.Keypair.generate(); let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop( from.publicKey, web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature); let fee_acc = bridge.fee_collector_address(bridge_id.toString()); let bridge_state = await get_bridge_state(connection, bridge_id); let transferIx = web3.SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: from.publicKey, toPubkey: new PublicKey(fee_acc), lamports: bridge_state.config.fee, }); if (argv.consistency !== "CONFIRMED" && argv.consistency !== "FINALIZED") { throw new Error("invalid consistency level") } let ix = ixFromRust(bridge.post_message_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), emitter.publicKey.toString(), message.publicKey.toString(), argv.nonce, Buffer.from(argv.message, "hex"), argv.consistency)); // Add transfer instruction to transaction let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(transferIx, ix); // Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm let signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, transaction, [from, emitter, message], { skipPreflight: true } ); console.log('SIGNATURE', signature); }) .command('post_vaa [vaa]', 'post a VAA on Solana', (yargs) => { return yargs .positional('vaa', { describe: 'vaa to post', type: "string", required: true }) }, async (argv: any) => { let connection = setupConnection(argv); let bridge_id = new PublicKey(argv.bridge); // Generate a new random public key let from = web3.Keypair.generate(); let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop( from.publicKey, web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature); let vaa = Buffer.from(argv.vaa, "hex"); await post_vaa(connection, bridge_id, from, vaa); }) .command('execute_governance_vaa [vaa]', 'execute a governance VAA on Solana', (yargs) => { return yargs .positional('vaa', { describe: 'vaa to post', type: "string", required: true }) }, async (argv: any) => { const bridge = await importCoreWasm() let connection = setupConnection(argv); let bridge_id = new PublicKey(argv.bridge); var from: web3.Keypair; if (argv.key) { from = web3.Keypair.fromSecretKey(base58.decode(argv.key)); } else { from = web3.Keypair.generate(); let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop( from.publicKey, web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature); } let vaa = Buffer.from(argv.vaa, "hex"); await post_vaa(connection, bridge_id, from, vaa); let parsed_vaa = await bridge.parse_vaa(vaa); let ix: TransactionInstruction; switch (parsed_vaa.payload[32]) { case 1: console.log("Upgrading contract") ix = bridge.upgrade_contract_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa); break case 2: console.log("Updating guardian set") ix = bridge.update_guardian_set_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa); break case 3: console.log("Setting fees") ix = bridge.set_fees_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa); break case 4: console.log("Transferring fees") ix = bridge.transfer_fees_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa); break default: throw new Error("unknown governance action") } let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(ixFromRust(ix)); // Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm let signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, transaction, [from], { skipPreflight: true } ); console.log('SIGNATURE', signature); }) .option('rpc', { alias: 'u', type: 'string', description: 'URL of the Solana RPC', default: "http://localhost:8899" }) .option('bridge', { alias: 'b', type: 'string', description: 'Bridge address', default: "Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o" }) .option('key', { alias: 'k', type: 'string', description: 'Private key of the wallet', required: false }) .argv; async function post_vaa(connection: Connection, bridge_id: PublicKey, payer: Keypair, vaa: Buffer) { const bridge = await importCoreWasm() let bridge_state = await get_bridge_state(connection, bridge_id); let guardian_addr = new PublicKey(bridge.guardian_set_address(bridge_id.toString(), bridge_state.guardian_set_index)); let acc = await connection.getAccountInfo(guardian_addr); if (acc?.data === undefined) { return } let guardian_data = bridge.parse_guardian_set(new Uint8Array(acc?.data)); let signature_set = Keypair.generate(); let txs = bridge.verify_signatures_ix(bridge_id.toString(), payer.publicKey.toString(), bridge_state.guardian_set_index, guardian_data, signature_set.publicKey.toString(), vaa) // Add transfer instruction to transaction for (let tx of txs) { let ixs: Array = any) => { return ixFromRust(v) }) let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(ixs[0], ixs[1]); // Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, transaction, [payer, signature_set], { skipPreflight: true } ); } let ix = ixFromRust(bridge.post_vaa_ix(bridge_id.toString(), payer.publicKey.toString(), signature_set.publicKey.toString(), vaa)); let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(ix); // Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm let signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, transaction, [payer], { skipPreflight: true } ); console.log('SIGNATURE', signature); } async function get_bridge_state(connection: Connection, bridge_id: PublicKey): Promise { const bridge = await importCoreWasm() let bridge_state = new PublicKey(bridge.state_address(bridge_id.toString())); let acc = await connection.getAccountInfo(bridge_state); if (acc?.data === undefined) { throw new Error("bridge state not found") } return bridge.parse_state(new Uint8Array(acc?.data)); } function setupConnection(argv: yargs.Arguments): web3.Connection { return new web3.Connection( argv.rpc as string, 'confirmed', ); } interface BridgeState { // The current guardian set index, used to decide which signature sets to accept. guardian_set_index: number, // Lamports in the collection account last_lamports: number, // Bridge configuration, which is set once upon initialization. config: BridgeConfig, } interface BridgeConfig { // Period for how long a guardian set is valid after it has been replaced by a new one. This // guarantees that VAAs issued by that set can still be submitted for a certain period. In // this period we still trust the old guardian set. guardian_set_expiration_time: number, // Amount of lamports that needs to be paid to the protocol to post a message fee: number, }