require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" }); const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider"); module.exports = { networks: { development: { host: "", port: 8545, network_id: "*", }, // test network is the same as development but allows us to omit certain migrations test: { host: "", port: 8545, network_id: "*", }, mainnet: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, `` + process.env.INFURA_KEY ), network_id: 1, gas: 10000000, gasPrice: 191000000000, confirmations: 1, timeoutBlocks: 200, skipDryRun: false, }, rinkeby: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, `` + process.env.INFURA_KEY ), network_id: 4, gas: 5500000, confirmations: 2, timeoutBlocks: 200, skipDryRun: true, }, goerli: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" + process.env.INFURA_KEY ); }, network_id: "5", gas: 4465030, gasPrice: 10000000000, }, binance: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: "56", gas: 70000000, gasPrice: 8000000000, }, binance_testnet: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ), network_id: "97", gas: 70000000, gasPrice: 8000000000, }, polygon: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: "137", gas: 10000000, gasPrice: 700000000000, }, mumbai: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" + process.env.INFURA_KEY ); }, network_id: "80001", }, avalanche: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: "43114", gas: 8000000, gasPrice: 26000000000, }, fuji: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ), network_id: "43113", }, oasis: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 42262, gas: 4465030, gasPrice: 30000000000, }, aurora: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 0x4e454152, from: "DEPLOYER_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE", }, aurora_testnet: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 0x4e454153, gas: 10000000, from: "0xFFcf8FDEE72ac11b5c542428B35EEF5769C409f0", // public key }, fantom: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 250, gas: 8000000, gasPrice: 3000000000000, timeoutBlocks: 15000, }, fantom_testnet: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 0xfa2, gas: 4465030, gasPrice: 300000000000, }, karura_testnet: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 686, gasPrice: 202184721385, gasLimit: 117096000, gas: 117096000, }, acala_testnet: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: 787, gasPrice: 202184721385, gasLimit: 213192000, gas: 213192000, }, klaytn_testnet: { // Note that Klaytn works with version 5.3.14 of truffle, but not some of the newer versions. provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider( process.env.MNEMONIC, "" ); }, network_id: '1001', gas: '8500000', gasPrice: null }, }, compilers: { solc: { version: "0.8.4", settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200, }, }, }, }, plugins: ["@chainsafe/truffle-plugin-abigen", "truffle-plugin-verify"], api_keys: { etherscan: process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY, }, };