/** * * Copyright 2022 Wormhole Project Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import { ChainId, CHAIN_ID_AVAX, CHAIN_ID_BSC, CHAIN_ID_ETH, CHAIN_ID_FANTOM, CHAIN_ID_OASIS, CHAIN_ID_POLYGON, CHAIN_ID_SOLANA, CHAIN_ID_TERRA, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; const web3EthAbi = require("web3-eth-abi"); const web3Utils = require("web3-utils"); const elliptic = require("elliptic"); export class TestLib { zeroBytes: string; singleGuardianKey: string[] = ["beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe"]; singleGuardianPrivKey: string[] = [ "cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0", ]; constructor() { this.zeroBytes = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; } hexStringToUint8Array(hs: string): Uint8Array { if (hs.length % 2 === 1) { // prepend a 0 hs = "0" + hs; } const buf = Buffer.from(hs, "hex"); const retval = Uint8Array.from(buf); return retval; } uint8ArrayToHexString(arr: Uint8Array, add0x: boolean) { const ret: string = Buffer.from(arr).toString("hex"); if (!add0x) { return ret; } return "0x" + ret; } guardianKeys: string[] = [ "52A26Ce40F8CAa8D36155d37ef0D5D783fc614d2", "389A74E8FFa224aeAD0778c786163a7A2150768C", "B4459EA6482D4aE574305B239B4f2264239e7599", "072491bd66F63356090C11Aae8114F5372aBf12B", "51280eA1fd2B0A1c76Ae29a7d54dda68860A2bfF", "fa9Aa60CfF05e20E2CcAA784eE89A0A16C2057CB", "e42d59F8FCd86a1c5c4bA351bD251A5c5B05DF6A", "4B07fF9D5cE1A6ed58b6e9e7d6974d1baBEc087e", "c8306B84235D7b0478c61783C50F990bfC44cFc0", "C8C1035110a13fe788259A4148F871b52bAbcb1B", "58A2508A20A7198E131503ce26bBE119aA8c62b2", "8390820f04ddA22AFe03be1c3bb10f4ba6CF94A0", "1FD6e97387C34a1F36DE0f8341E9D409E06ec45b", "255a41fC2792209CB998A8287204D40996df9E54", "bA663B12DD23fbF4FbAC618Be140727986B3BBd0", "79040E577aC50486d0F6930e160A5C75FD1203C6", "3580D2F00309A9A85efFAf02564Fc183C0183A96", "3869795913D3B6dBF3B24a1C7654672c69A23c35", "1c0Cc52D7673c52DE99785741344662F5b2308a0", ]; guardianPrivKeys: string[] = [ "563d8d2fd4e701901d3846dee7ae7a92c18f1975195264d676f8407ac5976757", "8d97f25916a755df1d9ef74eb4dbebc5f868cb07830527731e94478cdc2b9d5f", "9bd728ad7617c05c31382053b57658d4a8125684c0098f740a054d87ddc0e93b", "5a02c4cd110d20a83a7ce8d1a2b2ae5df252b4e5f6781c7855db5cc28ed2d1b4", "93d4e3b443bf11f99a00901222c032bd5f63cf73fc1bcfa40829824d121be9b2", "ea40e40c63c6ff155230da64a2c44fcd1f1c9e50cacb752c230f77771ce1d856", "87eaabe9c27a82198e618bca20f48f9679c0f239948dbd094005e262da33fe6a", "61ffed2bff38648a6d36d6ed560b741b1ca53d45391441124f27e1e48ca04770", "bd12a242c6da318fef8f98002efb98efbf434218a78730a197d981bebaee826e", "20d3597bb16525b6d09e5fb56feb91b053d961ab156f4807e37d980f50e71aff", "344b313ffbc0199ff6ca08cacdaf5dc1d85221e2f2dc156a84245bd49b981673", "848b93264edd3f1a521274ca4da4632989eb5303fd15b14e5ec6bcaa91172b05", "c6f2046c1e6c172497fc23bd362104e2f4460d0f61984938fa16ef43f27d93f6", "693b256b1ee6b6fb353ba23274280e7166ab3be8c23c203cc76d716ba4bc32bf", "13c41508c0da03018d61427910b9922345ced25e2bbce50652e939ee6e5ea56d", "460ee0ee403be7a4f1eb1c63dd1edaa815fbaa6cf0cf2344dcba4a8acf9aca74", "b25148579b99b18c8994b0b86e4dd586975a78fa6e7ad6ec89478d7fbafd2683", "90d7ac6a82166c908b8cf1b352f3c9340a8d1f2907d7146fb7cd6354a5436cca", "b71d23908e4cf5d6cd973394f3a4b6b164eb1065785feee612efdfd8d30005ed", ]; encoder(type: string, val: any) { if (type == "uint8") return web3EthAbi.encodeParameter("uint8", val).substring(2 + (64 - 2)); if (type == "uint16") return web3EthAbi.encodeParameter("uint16", val).substring(2 + (64 - 4)); if (type == "uint32") return web3EthAbi.encodeParameter("uint32", val).substring(2 + (64 - 8)); if (type == "uint64") return web3EthAbi.encodeParameter("uint64", val).substring(2 + (64 - 16)); if (type == "uint128") return web3EthAbi .encodeParameter("uint128", val) .substring(2 + (64 - 32)); if (type == "uint256" || type == "bytes32") return web3EthAbi.encodeParameter(type, val).substring(2 + (64 - 64)); } ord(c: any) { return c.charCodeAt(0); } genGuardianSetUpgrade( signers: any, guardianSet: number, targetSet: number, nonce: number, seq: number, guardianKeys: string[] ): string { const b = [ "0x", this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 28 * 2), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("C")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("o")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("r")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("e")), this.encoder("uint8", 2), this.encoder("uint16", 0), this.encoder("uint32", targetSet), this.encoder("uint8", guardianKeys.length), ]; guardianKeys.forEach((x) => { b.push(x); }); let emitter = "0x" + this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 31 * 2) + "04"; let seconds = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0); return this.createSignedVAA( guardianSet, signers, seconds, nonce, 1, emitter, seq, 32, b.join("") ); } genGSetFee( signers: any, guardianSet: number, nonce: number, seq: number, amt: number ) { const b = [ "0x", this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 28 * 2), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("C")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("o")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("r")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("e")), this.encoder("uint8", 3), this.encoder("uint16", 8), this.encoder("uint256", Math.floor(amt)), ]; let emitter = "0x" + this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 31 * 2) + "04"; var seconds = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0); return this.createSignedVAA( guardianSet, signers, seconds, nonce, 1, emitter, seq, 32, b.join("") ); } genGFeePayout( signers: any, guardianSet: number, nonce: number, seq: number, amt: number, dest: Uint8Array ) { const b = [ "0x", this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 28 * 2), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("C")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("o")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("r")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("e")), this.encoder("uint8", 4), this.encoder("uint16", 8), this.encoder("uint256", Math.floor(amt)), this.uint8ArrayToHexString(dest, false), ]; let emitter = "0x" + this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 31 * 2) + "04"; var seconds = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0); return this.createSignedVAA( guardianSet, signers, seconds, nonce, 1, emitter, seq, 32, b.join("") ); } getTokenEmitter(chain: number): string { if (chain === CHAIN_ID_SOLANA) { return "c69a1b1a65dd336bf1df6a77afb501fc25db7fc0938cb08595a9ef473265cb4f"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_ETH) { return "0000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_TERRA) { return "000000000000000000000000784999135aaa8a3ca5914468852fdddbddd8789d"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_BSC) { return "0000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_POLYGON) { return "0000000000000000000000005a58505a96d1dbf8df91cb21b54419fc36e93fde"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_AVAX) { return "0000000000000000000000000e082f06ff657d94310cb8ce8b0d9a04541d8052"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_OASIS) { return "0000000000000000000000005848c791e09901b40a9ef749f2a6735b418d7564"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_FANTOM) { return "0000000000000000000000007C9Fc5741288cDFdD83CeB07f3ea7e22618D79D2"; } return ""; } getNftEmitter(chain: ChainId): string { if (chain === CHAIN_ID_SOLANA) { return "0def15a24423e1edd1a5ab16f557b9060303ddbab8c803d2ee48f4b78a1cfd6b"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_ETH) { return "0000000000000000000000006ffd7ede62328b3af38fcd61461bbfc52f5651fe"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_BSC) { return "0000000000000000000000005a58505a96d1dbf8df91cb21b54419fc36e93fde"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_POLYGON) { return "00000000000000000000000090bbd86a6fe93d3bc3ed6335935447e75fab7fcf"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_AVAX) { return "000000000000000000000000f7b6737ca9c4e08ae573f75a97b73d7a813f5de5"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_OASIS) { return "00000000000000000000000004952D522Ff217f40B5Ef3cbF659EcA7b952a6c1"; } if (chain === CHAIN_ID_FANTOM) { return "000000000000000000000000A9c7119aBDa80d4a4E0C06C8F4d8cF5893234535"; } return ""; } genRegisterChain( signers: any, guardianSet: number, nonce: number, seq: number, chain: string ) { const b = [ "0x", this.zeroBytes.slice(0, (32 - 11) * 2), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("T")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("o")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("k")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("e")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("n")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("B")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("r")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("i")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("d")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("g")), this.encoder("uint8", this.ord("e")), this.encoder("uint8", 1), this.encoder("uint16", 0), this.encoder("uint16", chain), this.getTokenEmitter(parseInt(chain)), ]; let emitter = "0x" + this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 31 * 2) + "04"; var seconds = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0); return this.createSignedVAA( guardianSet, signers, seconds, nonce, 1, emitter, seq, 32, b.join("") ); } genAssetMeta( signers: any, guardianSet: number, nonce: number, seq: number, tokenAddress: string, chain: number, decimals: number, symbol: string, name: string ) { const b = [ "0x", this.encoder("uint8", 2), this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 64 - tokenAddress.length), tokenAddress, this.encoder("uint16", chain), this.encoder("uint8", decimals), Buffer.from(symbol).toString("hex"), this.zeroBytes.slice(0, (32 - symbol.length) * 2), Buffer.from(name).toString("hex"), this.zeroBytes.slice(0, (32 - name.length) * 2), ]; // console.log(b.join()) // console.log(b.join('').length) let emitter = "0x" + this.getTokenEmitter(chain); let seconds = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0); return this.createSignedVAA( guardianSet, signers, seconds, nonce, chain, emitter, seq, 32, b.join("") ); } genTransfer( signers: any, guardianSet: number, nonce: number, seq: number, amount: number, tokenAddress: string, tokenChain: number, toAddress: string, toChain: number, fee: number ) { const b = [ "0x", this.encoder("uint8", 1), this.encoder("uint256", Math.floor(amount * 100000000)), this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 64 - tokenAddress.length), tokenAddress, this.encoder("uint16", tokenChain), this.zeroBytes.slice(0, 64 - toAddress.length), toAddress, this.encoder("uint16", toChain), this.encoder("uint256", Math.floor(fee * 100000000)), ]; let emitter = "0x" + this.getTokenEmitter(tokenChain); let seconds = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0); return this.createSignedVAA( guardianSet, signers, seconds, nonce, tokenChain, emitter, seq, 32, b.join("") ); } /** * Create a packed and signed VAA for testing. * See https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/blob/dev.v2/design/0001_generic_message_passing.md * * @param {} guardianSetIndex The guardian set index * @param {*} signers The list of private keys for signing the VAA * @param {*} timestamp The timestamp of VAA * @param {*} nonce The nonce. * @param {*} emitterChainId The emitter chain identifier * @param {*} emitterAddress The emitter chain address, prefixed with 0x * @param {*} sequence The sequence. * @param {*} consistencyLevel The reported consistency level * @param {*} payload This VAA Payload hex string, prefixed with 0x */ createSignedVAA( guardianSetIndex: number, signers: any, timestamp: number, nonce: number, emitterChainId: number, emitterAddress: string, sequence: number, consistencyLevel: number, payload: string ) { console.log(typeof payload); const body = [ this.encoder("uint32", timestamp), this.encoder("uint32", nonce), this.encoder("uint16", emitterChainId), this.encoder("bytes32", emitterAddress), this.encoder("uint64", sequence), this.encoder("uint8", consistencyLevel), payload.substring(2), ]; const hash = web3Utils.keccak256(web3Utils.keccak256("0x" + body.join(""))); let signatures = ""; for (const i in signers) { // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap const ec = new elliptic.ec("secp256k1"); const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(signers[i]); const signature = key.sign(hash.substr(2), { canonical: true }); const packSig = [ this.encoder("uint8", i), this.zeroPadBytes(signature.r.toString(16), 32), this.zeroPadBytes(signature.s.toString(16), 32), this.encoder("uint8", signature.recoveryParam), ]; signatures += packSig.join(""); } const vm = [ this.encoder("uint8", 1), this.encoder("uint32", guardianSetIndex), this.encoder("uint8", signers.length), signatures, body.join(""), ].join(""); return vm; } zeroPadBytes(value: string, length: number) { while (value.length < 2 * length) { value = "0" + value; } return value; } } module.exports = { TestLib, };