# Guardian Chain Governor Below are admin controls surfaced to the Guardians for the Governor plugin. For a background on the feature and its objectives, see [the whitepaper](../whitepapers/0007_governor.md). ## Default Behavior / Limits The Chain Governor feature is disabled by default. Guardians can enable it by passing the following flag to the `guardiand` command when starting it up: ```bash --chainGovernorEnabled=true ``` To observe the default chain limits, see `node/pkg/governor/mainnet_chains.go`. Occasionally, these limits will be adjusted to stay in touch with notional drift associated with certain chains going up/down. ### Checking Status To list the governor status for each chain, Guardians can run the `governor-status` admin command as follows: ```bash guardiand admin governor-status --socket /path/to/admin.sock ``` When running in the local Tilt-based development environment, the command may be invoked as follows: ```bash kubectl exec guardian-0 -- /guardiand admin governor-status --socket /tmp/admin.sock ``` The following data will be shown: 1. Chain ID / emitter address 2. Configured limit 3. Value published in the last 24 hours. 4. List of VAAs pending publishing For each VAA, list: 1. Emitter chain ID and address 2. Sequence number 3. Token chain ID and address 4. Receive time 5. Value For example: ``` chain: solana, dailyLimit: 100, total: 40, numPending: 1 chain: solana, pending[0], value: 200, vaa: 1/c69a1b1a65dd336bf1df6a77afb501fc25db7fc0938cb08595a9ef473265cb4f/2, time: 2022-08-09 16:29:39.045960153 +0000 UTC m=+8370.131061963 chain: ethereum, dailyLimit: 100000, total: 0, numPending: 0 ``` ### Releasing VAAs To manually release a pending VAA (identified by emitted chain ID / address and sequence number), Guardians can run the `governor-release-pending-vaa` admin command as follows: ```bash guardiand admin governor-release-pending-vaa "emitted_chain_ID/address/sequence_number" --socket /path/to/admin.sock ``` NOTE: VAAs that are published this way will not affect the rolling 24hr limit. When a VAA is released, it will be placed in a holding area until the next pending VAA check so there may be some delay for it to actually be published. ### Dropping VAAs To manually remove a pending VAA (identified by emitted chain ID / address and sequence number), Guardians can run the `governor-drop-pending-vaa` admin command as follows: ```bash guardiand admin governor-drop-pending-vaa "emitted_chain_ID/address/sequence_number" --socket /path/to/admin.sock ```