import { AptosAccount, TxnBuilderTypes, AptosClient, BCS } from "aptos"; import { NETWORKS } from "./networks"; import { impossible, Payload } from "./vaa"; import { assertChain, ChainId, CONTRACTS } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import { Bytes, Seq } from "aptos/dist/transaction_builder/bcs/types"; import { TypeTag } from "aptos/dist/transaction_builder/aptos_types"; import { sha3_256 } from "js-sha3"; import { ethers } from "ethers"; export async function execute_aptos( payload: Payload, vaa: Buffer, network: "MAINNET" | "TESTNET" | "DEVNET", contract: string | undefined, rpc: string | undefined ) { const chain = "aptos"; // turn VAA bytes into BCS format. That is, add a length prefix const serializer = new BCS.Serializer(); serializer.serializeBytes(vaa); const bcsVAA = serializer.getBytes(); switch (payload.module) { case "Core": contract = contract ?? CONTRACTS[network][chain]["core"]; if (contract === undefined) { throw Error("core bridge contract is undefined") } switch (payload.type) { case "GuardianSetUpgrade": console.log("Submitting new guardian set") await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::guardian_set_upgrade`, "submit_vaa_entry", [], [bcsVAA]); break case "ContractUpgrade": console.log("Upgrading core contract") await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::contract_upgrade`, "submit_vaa_entry", [], [bcsVAA]); break default: impossible(payload) } break case "NFTBridge": contract = contract ?? CONTRACTS[network][chain]["nft_bridge"]; if (contract === undefined) { throw Error("nft bridge contract is undefined") } break case "TokenBridge": contract = contract ?? CONTRACTS[network][chain]["token_bridge"]; if (contract === undefined) { throw Error("token bridge contract is undefined") } switch (payload.type) { case "ContractUpgrade": console.log("Upgrading contract") await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::contract_upgrade`, "submit_vaa_entry", [], [bcsVAA]); break case "RegisterChain": console.log("Registering chain") await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::register_chain`, "submit_vaa_entry", [], [bcsVAA]); break case "AttestMeta": console.log("Creating wrapped token") // Deploying a wrapped asset requires two transactions: // 1. Publish a new module under a resource account that defines a type T // 2. Initialise a new coin with that type T // These need to be done in separate transactions, becasue a // transaction that deploys a module cannot use that module // // Tx 1. await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::wrapped`, "create_wrapped_coin_type", [], [bcsVAA]); // We just deployed the module (notice the "wait" argument which makes // the previous step block until finality). // Now we're ready to do Tx 2. The module above got deployed to a new // resource account, which is seeded by the token bridge's address and // the origin information of the token. We can recompute this address // offline: let tokenAddress = payload.tokenAddress; let tokenChain = payload.tokenChain; assertChain(tokenChain); let wrappedContract = deriveWrappedAssetAddress(hex(contract), tokenChain, hex(tokenAddress)); // Tx 2. console.log(`Deploying resource account ${wrappedContract}`); const token = new TxnBuilderTypes.TypeTagStruct(TxnBuilderTypes.StructTag.fromString(`${wrappedContract}::coin::T`)); await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::wrapped`, "create_wrapped_coin", [token], [bcsVAA]); break case "Transfer": console.log("Completing transfer") await callEntryFunc(network, rpc, `${contract}::complete_transfer`, "submit_vaa_entry", [], [bcsVAA]); break case "TransferWithPayload": throw Error("Can't complete payload 3 transfer from CLI") default: impossible(payload) break } break default: impossible(payload) } } export function deriveWrappedAssetAddress( token_bridge_address: Uint8Array, // 32 bytes origin_chain: ChainId, origin_address: Uint8Array, // 32 bytes ): string { let chain: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(2); chain.writeUInt16BE(origin_chain); return sha3_256(Buffer.concat([token_bridge_address, chain, Buffer.from("::", "ascii"), origin_address])); } export function deriveResourceAccount( deployer: Uint8Array, // 32 bytes seed: string, ) { // from let DERIVE_RESOURCE_ACCOUNT_SCHEME = Buffer.alloc(1); DERIVE_RESOURCE_ACCOUNT_SCHEME.writeUInt8(255); return sha3_256(Buffer.concat([deployer, Buffer.from(seed, "ascii"), DERIVE_RESOURCE_ACCOUNT_SCHEME])) } export async function callEntryFunc( network: "MAINNET" | "TESTNET" | "DEVNET", rpc: string | undefined, module: string, func: string, ty_args: Seq, args: Seq, ) { let key: string | undefined = NETWORKS[network]["aptos"].key; if (key === undefined) { throw new Error("No key for aptos"); } const accountFrom = new AptosAccount(new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(key, "hex"))); let client: AptosClient; // if rpc arg is passed in, then override default rpc value for that network if (typeof rpc != 'undefined'){ client = new AptosClient(rpc); } else { client = new AptosClient(NETWORKS[network]["aptos"].rpc); } const [{ sequence_number: sequenceNumber }, chainId] = await Promise.all([ client.getAccount(accountFrom.address()), client.getChainId(), ]); const txPayload = new TxnBuilderTypes.TransactionPayloadEntryFunction( TxnBuilderTypes.EntryFunction.natural( module, func, ty_args, args ) ); const rawTxn = new TxnBuilderTypes.RawTransaction( TxnBuilderTypes.AccountAddress.fromHex(accountFrom.address()), BigInt(sequenceNumber), txPayload, BigInt(30000), //max gas to be used. TODO(csongor): we could compute this from the simulation below... BigInt(100), //price per unit gas TODO(csongor): we should get this dynamically BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000) + 10), new TxnBuilderTypes.ChainId(chainId), ); // simulate transaction before submitting const sim = await client.simulateTransaction(accountFrom, rawTxn); sim.forEach((tx) => { if (!tx.success) { console.error(JSON.stringify(tx, null, 2)); throw new Error(`Transaction failed: ${tx.vm_status}`); } }); // simulation successful... let's do it const bcsTxn = AptosClient.generateBCSTransaction(accountFrom, rawTxn); const transactionRes = await client.submitSignedBCSTransaction(bcsTxn); await client.waitForTransaction(transactionRes.hash); return transactionRes.hash; } // strip the 0x prefix from a hex string function hex(x: string): Buffer { return Buffer.from(ethers.utils.hexlify(x, { allowMissingPrefix: true }).substring(2), "hex"); }