import { ChainId } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import axios from "axios"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { DataWrapper, errorDataWrapper, fetchDataWrapper, receiveDataWrapper, } from "../store/helpers"; import { COIN_GECKO_IMAGE_URLS } from "../utils/coinGecko"; import { CHAINS_BY_ID, TVL_URL } from "../utils/consts"; export type TVL = { logo?: string; symbol?: string; name?: string; amount: string; totalValue?: number; quotePrice?: number; assetAddress: string; originChainId: ChainId; originChain: string; decimals?: number; }; interface LockedAsset { Symbol: string; Name: string; Address: string; CoinGeckoId: string; Amount: number; Notional: number; TokenPrice: number; } interface LockedAssets { [tokenAddress: string]: LockedAsset; } interface ChainsAssets { [chainId: string]: LockedAssets; } export interface NotionalTVL { Last24HoursChange: ChainsAssets; AllTime: ChainsAssets; } export const createTVLArray = (notionalTvl: NotionalTVL) => { const tvl: TVL[] = []; for (const [chainId, chainAssets] of Object.entries(notionalTvl.AllTime)) { if (chainId === "*") continue; const originChainId = +chainId as ChainId; const originChain = CHAINS_BY_ID[originChainId]?.name || `Unknown [${chainId}]`; for (const [tokenAddress, lockedAsset] of Object.entries(chainAssets)) { if (tokenAddress === "*") continue; tvl.push({ logo: COIN_GECKO_IMAGE_URLS[lockedAsset.CoinGeckoId], symbol: lockedAsset.Symbol, name: lockedAsset.Name, amount: lockedAsset.Amount.toString(), totalValue: lockedAsset.Notional, quotePrice: lockedAsset.TokenPrice, assetAddress: tokenAddress, originChainId, originChain, }); } } return tvl; }; export const useTVL = () => { const [tvl, setTvl] = useState>(fetchDataWrapper()); useEffect(() => { let cancelled = false; axios .get(TVL_URL) .then((response) => { if (!cancelled) { setTvl(receiveDataWrapper(; } }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); if (!cancelled) { setTvl(errorDataWrapper(error)); } }); return () => { cancelled = true; }; }, []); return tvl; }; export default useTVL;