import { Wallet, LCDClient, MnemonicKey } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { StdFee, MsgInstantiateContract, MsgExecuteContract, MsgStoreCode, } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { readFileSync, readdirSync } from "fs"; // TODO: Workaround /tx/estimate_fee errors. const gas_prices = { uluna: "0.15", usdr: "0.1018", uusd: "0.15", ukrw: "178.05", umnt: "431.6259", ueur: "0.125", ucny: "0.97", ujpy: "16", ugbp: "0.11", uinr: "11", ucad: "0.19", uchf: "0.13", uaud: "0.19", usgd: "0.2", }; async function main() { const terra = new LCDClient({ URL: "http://localhost:1317", chainID: "localterra", }); const wallet = terra.wallet( new MnemonicKey({ mnemonic: "notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius", }) ); await wallet.sequence(); // Deploy WASM blobs. // Read a list of files from directory containing compiled contracts. const artifacts = readdirSync("../artifacts/"); // Sort them to get a determinstic list for consecutive code ids. artifacts.sort(); artifacts.reverse(); const hardcodedGas = { "cw20_base.wasm": 4000000, "cw20_wrapped.wasm": 4000000, "wormhole.wasm": 5000000, "token_bridge.wasm": 6000000, }; // Deploy all found WASM files and assign Code IDs. const codeIds = {}; for (const artifact in artifacts) { if ( artifacts.hasOwnProperty(artifact) && artifacts[artifact].includes(".wasm") ) { const file = artifacts[artifact]; const contract_bytes = readFileSync(`../artifacts/${file}`); console.log(`Storing WASM: ${file} (${contract_bytes.length} bytes)`); const store_code = new MsgStoreCode( wallet.key.accAddress, contract_bytes.toString("base64") ); try { const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs: [store_code], memo: "", fee: new StdFee(hardcodedGas[artifacts[artifact]], { uluna: "100000", }), }); const rs = await terra.tx.broadcast(tx); const ci = /"code_id","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec(rs.raw_log)[1]; codeIds[file] = parseInt(ci); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to Execute"); } } } console.log(codeIds); // Governance constants defined by the Wormhole spec. const govChain = 1; const govAddress = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"; const addresses = {}; // Instantiate Wormhole console.log("Instantiating Wormhole"); await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgInstantiateContract( wallet.key.accAddress, wallet.key.accAddress, codeIds["wormhole.wasm"], { gov_chain: govChain, gov_address: Buffer.from(govAddress, "hex").toString("base64"), guardian_set_expirity: 86400, initial_guardian_set: { addresses: [ { bytes: Buffer.from( "beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe", "hex" ).toString("base64"), }, ], expiration_time: 0, }, } ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => terra.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => { const address = /"contract_address","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec( rs.raw_log )[1]; addresses["wormhole.wasm"] = address; }); console.log("Instantiating Token Bridge"); await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgInstantiateContract( wallet.key.accAddress, wallet.key.accAddress, codeIds["token_bridge.wasm"], { owner: wallet.key.accAddress, gov_chain: govChain, gov_address: Buffer.from(govAddress, "hex").toString("base64"), wormhole_contract: addresses["wormhole.wasm"], wrapped_asset_code_id: 2, } ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => terra.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => { const address = /"contract_address","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec( rs.raw_log )[1]; addresses["token_bridge.wasm"] = address; }); await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgInstantiateContract( wallet.key.accAddress, undefined, codeIds["cw20_base.wasm"], { name: "MOCK", symbol: "MCK", decimals: 6, initial_balances: [ { address: wallet.key.accAddress, amount: "100000000", }, ], mint: null, } ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => terra.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => { const address = /"contract_address","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec( rs.raw_log )[1]; addresses["mock.wasm"] = address; }); console.log(addresses); const registrations = [ "01000000000100c9f4230109e378f7efc0605fb40f0e1869f2d82fda5b1dfad8a5a2dafee85e033d155c18641165a77a2db6a7afbf2745b458616cb59347e89ae0c7aa3e7cc2d400000000010000000100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000546f6b656e4272696467650100000001c69a1b1a65dd336bf1df6a77afb501fc25db7fc0938cb08595a9ef473265cb4f", "01000000000100e2e1975d14734206e7a23d90db48a6b5b6696df72675443293c6057dcb936bf224b5df67d32967adeb220d4fe3cb28be515be5608c74aab6adb31099a478db5c01000000010000000100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000546f6b656e42726964676501000000020000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16", ]; for (const registration in registrations) { if (registrations.hasOwnProperty(registration)) { console.log('Registering'); await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, addresses["token_bridge.wasm"], { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(registrations[registration], "hex").toString('base64'), }, }, { uluna: 1000 } ), ], memo: "", fee: new StdFee(2000000, { uluna: "100000", }), }) .then((tx) => terra.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => console.log(rs)); } } } main();