import { coins } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing"; import { OfflineSigner } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing"; import { StdFee } from "@cosmjs/stargate"; import { fromValAddress, getAddress, getWallet, getWormchainSigningClient, getWormholeQueryClient, } from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-chain-sdk"; import { WORM_DENOM, NODE_URL, TENDERMINT_URL, TEST_WALLET_ADDRESS_1, TEST_WALLET_MNEMONIC_1, } from "../consts.js"; //@ts-ignore import * as elliptic from "elliptic"; import keccak256 from "keccak256"; export async function getQueryClient() { return getWormholeQueryClient(NODE_URL, true); } export async function getSigningClient() { const testWallet1 = await getWallet(TEST_WALLET_MNEMONIC_1); return await getWormchainSigningClient(TENDERMINT_URL, testWallet1); } export async function getBalance(address: string, denom: string) { const client = await getQueryClient(); const response = await, denom); return || "0"; } export async function sendTokens( wallet: OfflineSigner, recipient: string, amount: string, denom: string ) { const client = await getWormchainSigningClient(TENDERMINT_URL, wallet); const fromAddress = await getAddress(wallet); //TODO the autogenned protobuf code doesn't appear to be correct. This not working is a serious bug // const msg ={ // //@ts-ignore // amount: [{ amount, denom }], // //@ts-ignore // from_address: fromAddress, // to_address: recipient, // }); return client.sendTokens( fromAddress, recipient, [{ amount, denom }], getZeroFee(), "basicTransfer test" ); } export function getZeroFee(): StdFee { return { amount: coins(0, WORM_DENOM), gas: "180000", // 180k", }; } export function signValidatorAddress(valAddr: string, privKey: string) { const EC =; const ec = new EC("secp256k1"); const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(privKey); const valAddrHash = keccak256( Buffer.from(fromValAddress(valAddr).bytes) ).toString("hex"); const signature = key.sign(valAddrHash, { canonical: true }); const hexString = signature.r.toString("hex").padStart(64, "0") + signature.s.toString("hex").padStart(64, "0") + signature.recoveryParam.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); return Buffer.from(hexString, "hex"); }