var fetch = require("node-fetch"); //@ts-ignore globalThis.fetch = fetch; import { bech32 } from "bech32"; import { coins, DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, EncodeObject, OfflineSigner, } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing"; import { QueryClient, setupAuthExtension, setupBankExtension, setupGovExtension, setupIbcExtension, setupMintExtension, setupStakingExtension, setupTxExtension, SigningStargateClient, StargateClient, StdFee, } from "@cosmjs/stargate"; import { Tendermint34Client } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc"; import { RpcStatus, HttpResponse, } from "../modules/certusone.wormholechain.wormhole/rest"; import { txClient, queryClient, } from "../modules/certusone.wormholechain.wormhole"; import { keccak256 } from "ethers/lib/utils"; import { MsgRegisterAccountAsGuardian } from "../modules/certusone.wormholechain.wormhole/types/wormhole/tx"; import { GuardianKey } from "../modules/certusone.wormholechain.wormhole/types/wormhole/guardian_key"; let elliptic = require("elliptic"); //No TS defs? // const ADDRESS_PREFIX = "wormhole"; const OPERATOR_PREFIX = "wormholevaloper"; export const TENDERMINT_URL = "http://localhost:26658"; export const WORM_DENOM = "uworm"; export const LCD_URL = "http://localhost:1318"; export async function getStargateQueryClient() { const tmClient = await Tendermint34Client.connect(TENDERMINT_URL); const client = QueryClient.withExtensions( tmClient, setupTxExtension, setupGovExtension, setupIbcExtension, setupAuthExtension, setupBankExtension, setupMintExtension, setupStakingExtension ); return client; } export async function getStargateClient() { const client: StargateClient = await StargateClient.connect(TENDERMINT_URL); return client; } export function getZeroFee(): StdFee { return { amount: coins(0, WORM_DENOM), gas: "180000", // 180k", }; } export async function getWallet( mnemonic: string ): Promise { const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: ADDRESS_PREFIX, }); return wallet; } export async function getAddress( wallet: DirectSecp256k1HdWallet ): Promise { //There are actually up to 5 accounts in a cosmos wallet. I believe this returns the first wallet. const [{ address }] = await wallet.getAccounts(); return address; } export async function executeGovernanceVAA( wallet: DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, hexVaa: string ) { const offline: OfflineSigner = wallet; const client = await txClient(offline, { addr: TENDERMINT_URL }); const msg = client.msgExecuteGovernanceVAA({ vaa: new Uint8Array(), signer: await getAddress(wallet), }); //TODO convert type const signingClient = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner( TENDERMINT_URL, wallet //{ gasPrice: { amount: Decimal.fromUserInput("0.0", 0), denom: "uworm" } } ); //TODO investigate signing with the stargate client, as the module txClients can't do 100% of the operations const output = signingClient.signAndBroadcast( await getAddress(wallet), [msg], getZeroFee(), "executing governance VAA" ); //TODO the EncodingObjects from the txClient seem to be incompatible with the //stargate client // In order for all the encoding objects to be interoperable, we will have to either coerce the txClient msgs into the format of stargate, // or we could just just txClients for everything. I am currently leaning towards the latter, as we can generate txClients for everything out of the cosmos-sdk, // and we will likely need to generate txClients for our forked version of the cosmos SDK anyway. //const output = await client.signAndBroadcast([msg]); return output; } export async function getGuardianSets() { const client = await queryClient({ addr: LCD_URL }); const response = client.queryGuardianSetAll(); return await unpackHttpReponse(response); } export async function getConsensusGuardianSet() { const client = await queryClient({ addr: LCD_URL }); const response = client.queryConsensusGuardianSetIndex(); return await unpackHttpReponse(response); } export async function getValidators() { const client = await getStargateQueryClient(); //TODO handle pagination here const validators = await client.staking.validators("BOND_STATUS_BONDED"); return validators; } export async function getGuardianValidatorRegistrations() { const client = await queryClient({ addr: LCD_URL }); const response = client.queryGuardianValidatorAll(); return await unpackHttpReponse(response); } export async function unpackHttpReponse( response: Promise> ) { const http = await response; //TODO check rpc status const content =; return content; } export async function registerGuardianValidator( wallet: DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, guardianPubkeyBase64: string, guardianPrivkeyHex: string, valAddress: string ) { const ec = new"secp256k1"); const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(guardianPrivkeyHex); const binaryData = fromValAddress(valAddress); const bytes = binaryData.bytes; const hash = keccak256(bytes); const signature = key.sign(hash, { canonical: true }); const args: MsgRegisterAccountAsGuardian = { signer: await getAddress(wallet), guardianPubkey: GuardianKey.fromJSON(guardianPubkeyBase64), //TODO fix this type, it's bad signature: signature, }; const offline: OfflineSigner = wallet; const client = await txClient(offline, { addr: TENDERMINT_URL }); const msg = client.msgRegisterAccountAsGuardian(args); const output = await client.signAndBroadcast([msg]); return output; } export function fromAccAddress(address: string): BinaryAddress { return { bytes: Buffer.from(bech32.fromWords(bech32.decode(address).words)) }; } export function fromValAddress(valAddress: string): BinaryAddress { return { bytes: Buffer.from(bech32.fromWords(bech32.decode(valAddress).words)), }; } export function fromBase64(address: string): BinaryAddress { return { bytes: Buffer.from(address, "base64") }; } export function toAccAddress(address: BinaryAddress): string { return bech32.encode(ADDRESS_PREFIX, bech32.toWords(address.bytes)); } export function toValAddress(address: BinaryAddress): string { return bech32.encode(OPERATOR_PREFIX, bech32.toWords(address.bytes)); } export function toBase64(address: BinaryAddress): string { return Buffer.from(address.bytes).toString("base64"); } type BinaryAddress = { bytes: Uint8Array; };