import { init_lcd, deploy_contract, instantiate_contract, query_contract } from './utils'; async function script() { const TEST_ADDRESS: string = 'terra1x46rqay4d3cssq8gxxvqz8xt6nwlz4td20k38v'; // cw20_base.wasm is a binary artifact built from repository at v0.2.0 // and is a standard base cw20 contract. Is it used for testing only. let code_id = await deploy_contract('../artifacts/cw20_base.wasm'); if (code_id == -1) return; console.log(`Program deployed with code id ${code_id}`); let contract_address = await instantiate_contract(code_id, { name: 'Test token', symbol: 'TST', decimals: 8, initial_balances: [{ address: TEST_ADDRESS, amount: '100000000000000', }], mint: null, }); console.log(`Contract instance created at ${contract_address}`); // Verify if token was minted to the test address let result = await query_contract(contract_address, {balance: { address : TEST_ADDRESS}}); console.log(`${TEST_ADDRESS} balance is ${result.balance}`); } init_lcd(process.argv[2]); script();