use schemars::JsonSchema; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use cosmwasm_std::{Binary, CanonicalAddr, Storage}; use cosmwasm_storage::{singleton, singleton_read, ReadonlySingleton, Singleton}; pub const KEY_WRAPPED_ASSET: &[u8] = b"wrappedAsset"; // Created at initialization and reference original asset and bridge address #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)] pub struct WrappedAssetInfo { pub asset_chain: u16, // Asset chain id pub asset_address: Binary, // Asset smart contract address on the original chain pub bridge: CanonicalAddr, // Bridge address, authorized to mint and burn wrapped tokens } pub fn wrapped_asset_info(storage: &mut dyn Storage) -> Singleton { singleton(storage, KEY_WRAPPED_ASSET) } pub fn wrapped_asset_info_read(storage: &dyn Storage) -> ReadonlySingleton { singleton_read(storage, KEY_WRAPPED_ASSET) }