use bigint::U256; use cosmwasm_std::{StdError, StdResult, Storage}; use sha3::{ digest::{consts::U32, generic_array::GenericArray}, Digest, Keccak256, }; use wormhole::byte_utils::ByteUtils; use crate::{ state::{token_id_hashes, token_id_hashes_read}, CHAIN_ID, }; // NOTE: [External and internal token id conversion] // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // The CW721 NFT standard allows token ids to be arbitrarily long (utf8) // strings, while the token_ids in VAA payloads are always 32 bytes (and not // necessarily valid utf8). // // We call a token id that's in string format an "internal id", and a token id // that's in 32 byte format an "external id". Note that whether a token id is in // internal format or external format doesn't imply which chain the token id // originates from. We can have a terra (native) token id in both internal and // external formats, and likewise we can have an ethereum token in in both // internal and external formats. // // To support seamless transfers through the bridge, we need a way to have a // 1-to-1 mapping from internal ids to external ids. // When a foreign (such as ethereum or solana) token id first comes through, we // simply render it into a string by formatting it as a decimal number. Then, // when we want to transfer such a token back through the bridge, we simply // parse the string back into a u256 (32 byte) number. // // When a native token id first leaves through the bridge, we turn its id into a // 32 byte hash (keccak256). This hash is the external id. We store a mapping // // (chain_id, nft_address, keccak256(internal_id)) => internal_id // // so that we can turn it back into an internal id when it comes back through // the bridge. When the token is sent back, we could choose to delete the hash // from the store, but we do not. This way, external token verifiers will be // able to verify NFT origins even for NFTs that have been transferred back. // // If two token ids within the same contract have the same keccak256 hash, then // it's possible to lose tokens, but this is very unlikely. pub fn from_external_token_id( storage: &mut dyn Storage, nft_chain: u16, nft_address: &[u8; 32], token_id_external: &[u8; 32], ) -> StdResult { if nft_chain == CHAIN_ID { token_id_hashes_read(storage, nft_chain, *nft_address).load(token_id_external) } else { Ok(format!("{}", U256::from_big_endian(token_id_external))) } } fn hash(token_id: &str) -> GenericArray { let mut hasher = Keccak256::new(); hasher.update(token_id); hasher.finalize() } pub fn to_external_token_id( storage: &mut dyn Storage, nft_chain: u16, nft_address: &[u8; 32], token_id_internal: String, ) -> StdResult<[u8; 32]> { if nft_chain == CHAIN_ID { let hash = hash(&token_id_internal); token_id_hashes(storage, nft_chain, *nft_address).save(&hash, &token_id_internal)?; Ok(hash.as_slice().get_const_bytes(0)) } else { let mut bytes = [0; 32]; U256::from_dec_str(&token_id_internal) .map_err(|_| { StdError::generic_err(format!( "{} could not be parsed as a decimal number", token_id_internal )) })? .to_big_endian(&mut bytes); Ok(bytes) } }