# Wormchain **Wormchain** is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with [Starport](https://github.com/tendermint/starport). ## Building We use [ignite](https://docs.ignite.com/) to build the protobuf. Install the latest version we've pinned. ``` curl https://get.ignite.com/cli@v0.23.0 | bash cp ignite ~/.local/bin/ ``` Build and install wormchain. ``` go install ./... ``` ## Develop See [development.md](./development.md) ## How to run the tests run either "starport chain serve" or "tilt up" cd ./ts-sdk npm ci npm run build cd ../testing/js npm ci npm run test ## Learn more about Cosmos & Starport - [Starport](https://github.com/tendermint/starport) - [Starport Docs](https://docs.starport.network) - [Cosmos SDK documentation](https://docs.cosmos.network) - [Cosmos SDK Tutorials](https://tutorials.cosmos.network) - [Discord](https://discord.gg/cosmosnetwork)