// Package p contains an HTTP Cloud Function. package p import ( "context" "encoding/json" "io" "log" "net/http" "sync" "time" "cloud.google.com/go/bigtable" ) type tvlResult struct { Last24HoursChange map[string]map[string]LockedAsset AllTime map[string]map[string]LockedAsset } // an in-memory cache of previously calculated results var warmTvlCache = map[string]map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} var muWarmTvlCache sync.RWMutex var warmTvlFilePath = "tvl-cache.json" type LockedAsset struct { Symbol string Name string Address string CoinGeckoId string Amount float64 Notional float64 TokenPrice float64 } // finds the daily amount of each symbol transferred to each chain, from the specified start to the present. func tvlInInterval(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, start time.Time) map[string]map[string]map[string]LockedAsset { if len(warmTvlCache) == 0 { loadJsonToInterface(ctx, warmTvlFilePath, &muWarmTvlCache, &warmTvlCache) } results := map[string]map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} now := time.Now().UTC() numPrevDays := int(now.Sub(start).Hours() / 24) var intervalsWG sync.WaitGroup // there will be a query for each previous day, plus today intervalsWG.Add(numPrevDays + 1) cacheNeedsUpdate := false for daysAgo := 0; daysAgo <= numPrevDays; daysAgo++ { go func(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, daysAgo int) { // start is the SOD, end is EOD // "0 daysAgo start" is 00:00:00 AM of the current day // "0 daysAgo end" is 23:59:59 of the current day (the future) // calulate the start and end times for the query hoursAgo := (24 * daysAgo) daysAgoDuration := -time.Duration(hoursAgo) * time.Hour n := now.Add(daysAgoDuration) year := n.Year() month := n.Month() day := n.Day() loc := n.Location() start := time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc) end := time.Date(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59, maxNano, loc) dateStr := start.Format("2006-01-02") muWarmTvlCache.Lock() // initialize the map for this date in the result set results[dateStr] = map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} // check to see if there is cache data for this date/query if len(warmTvlCache) >= 1 { // have a cache, check if has the date if dateCache, ok := warmTvlCache[dateStr]; ok && len(dateCache) > 1 && useCache(dateStr) { // have a cache for this date if daysAgo >= 1 { // only use the cache for yesterday and older results[dateStr] = dateCache muWarmTvlCache.Unlock() intervalsWG.Done() return } } } else { // no cache for this query, initialize the map warmTvlCache = map[string]map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} } muWarmTvlCache.Unlock() defer intervalsWG.Done() queryResult := fetchTransferRowsInInterval(tbl, ctx, "", start, end) // iterate through the rows and increment the count for _, row := range queryResult { if row.CoinGeckoCoinId == "" { log.Printf("skipping row without CoinGeckoCoinId. symbol: %v, amount %v", row.TokenSymbol, row.TokenAmount) continue } if _, ok := tokensToSkip[row.TokenAddress]; ok { // skip blacklisted token continue } if row.TokenAddress == "" { // if the token adress is missing, skip continue } if _, ok := results[dateStr][row.OriginChain]; !ok { results[dateStr][row.OriginChain] = map[string]LockedAsset{} } if _, ok := results[dateStr][row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress]; !ok { results[dateStr][row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress] = LockedAsset{ Symbol: row.TokenSymbol, Name: row.TokenName, Address: row.TokenAddress, CoinGeckoId: row.CoinGeckoCoinId, TokenPrice: row.TokenPrice, Amount: 0, Notional: 0, } } var amountChange float64 amountChange = 0 if row.OriginChain == row.LeavingChain { // this is a native asset leaving its chain: // add this to tokens of originChain amountChange = row.TokenAmount } if row.OriginChain == row.DestinationChain { // this is a native asset going back to its chain: // subtract this from tokens of originChain amountChange = row.TokenAmount * -1 } if prevForChain, ok := results[dateStr][row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress]; ok { prevForChain.Amount = prevForChain.Amount + amountChange results[dateStr][row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress] = prevForChain } } if daysAgo >= 1 { // set the result in the cache muWarmTvlCache.Lock() if cacheData, ok := warmTvlCache[dateStr]; !ok || len(cacheData) <= 1 || !useCache(dateStr) { // cache does not have this date, persist it for other instances. warmTvlCache[dateStr] = results[dateStr] cacheNeedsUpdate = true } muWarmTvlCache.Unlock() } }(tbl, ctx, daysAgo) } intervalsWG.Wait() if cacheNeedsUpdate { persistInterfaceToJson(ctx, warmTvlFilePath, &muWarmTvlCache, warmTvlCache) } // create a set of all the keys from all dates/chains, to ensure the result objects all have the same chain keys seenChainSet := map[string]bool{} for _, chains := range results { for leaving := range chains { if _, ok := seenChainSet[leaving]; !ok { seenChainSet[leaving] = true } } } var muResult sync.RWMutex // ensure each chain object has all the same symbol keys: for date, chains := range results { // loop through seen chains for chain := range seenChainSet { // check that date has all the chains if _, ok := chains[chain]; !ok { muResult.Lock() results[date][chain] = map[string]LockedAsset{} muResult.Unlock() } } } return results } // adds dailyTotals to return a map with chainIds for keys, each value is a map of address/amount locked. func tvlSinceDate(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, dailyTotals map[string]map[string]map[string]LockedAsset) map[string]map[string]LockedAsset { result := map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} // loop through the query results to combine cache + fresh data for _, chains := range dailyTotals { for chain, tokens := range chains { // ensure the chain exists in the result map if _, ok := result[chain]; !ok { result[chain] = map[string]LockedAsset{} } for address, lockedAsset := range tokens { amount := lockedAsset.Amount if asset, ok := result[chain][address]; ok { // add the amount of this symbol transferred this day to the // amount already in the result (amount of this symbol prevoiusly transferred) asset.Amount = asset.Amount + amount result[chain][address] = asset } else { // have not seen this asset in previous days result[chain][address] = LockedAsset{ Symbol: lockedAsset.Symbol, Name: lockedAsset.Name, Address: lockedAsset.Address, CoinGeckoId: lockedAsset.CoinGeckoId, Amount: lockedAsset.Amount, TokenPrice: lockedAsset.TokenPrice, } } } } } return result } // returns the count of the rows in the query response func tvlForInterval(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, start, end time.Time) map[string]map[string]LockedAsset { // query for all rows in time range, return result count queryResults := fetchTransferRowsInInterval(tbl, ctx, "", start, end) result := map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} // iterate through the rows and increment the count for each index for _, row := range queryResults { if _, ok := result[row.OriginChain]; !ok { result[row.OriginChain] = map[string]LockedAsset{} } if row.TokenAddress == "" { // if the token address is missing, skip continue } if _, ok := result[row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress]; !ok { result[row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress] = LockedAsset{ Symbol: row.TokenSymbol, Name: row.TokenName, Address: row.TokenAddress, CoinGeckoId: row.CoinGeckoCoinId, Amount: 0, Notional: 0, } } var amountChange float64 amountChange = 0 // track notional changes for the previous 24 hour delta var notionalChange float64 notionalChange = 0 if row.OriginChain == row.LeavingChain { // this is a native asset leaving its chain: // add this to tvl of originChain amountChange = row.TokenAmount notionalChange = row.Notional } if row.OriginChain == row.DestinationChain { // this is a native asset going back to its chain: // subtract this from tvl of originChain amountChange = row.TokenAmount * -1 notionalChange = row.Notional * -1 } if prevForChain, ok := result[row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress]; ok { prevForChain.Amount = prevForChain.Amount + amountChange prevForChain.Notional = prevForChain.Notional + notionalChange result[row.OriginChain][row.TokenAddress] = prevForChain } if prevAllChains, ok := result["*"][row.TokenAddress]; ok { prevAllChains.Amount = prevAllChains.Amount + amountChange prevAllChains.Notional = prevAllChains.Notional + notionalChange result["*"][row.TokenAddress] = prevAllChains } } return result } // calculates the value locked func TVL(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Set CORS headers for the preflight request if r.Method == http.MethodOptions { w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST") w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type") w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return } // Set CORS headers for the main request. w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") var last24Hours string // allow GET requests with querystring params, or POST requests with json body. switch r.Method { case http.MethodGet: queryParams := r.URL.Query() last24Hours = queryParams.Get("last24Hours") case http.MethodPost: // declare request body properties var d struct { Last24Hours string `json:"last24Hours"` } // deserialize request body if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&d); err != nil { switch err { case io.EOF: // do nothing, empty body is ok default: log.Printf("json.NewDecoder: %v", err) http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest) return } } last24Hours = d.Last24Hours default: http.Error(w, "405 - Method Not Allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) log.Println("Method Not Allowed") return } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 600*time.Second) defer cancel() getNotionalAmounts := func(ctx context.Context, tokensLocked map[string]map[string]LockedAsset) map[string]map[string]LockedAsset { // create a map of all the coinIds seenCoinIds := map[string]bool{} for _, tokens := range tokensLocked { for _, lockedAsset := range tokens { coinId := lockedAsset.CoinGeckoId if coinId != "*" { seenCoinIds[coinId] = true } } } coinIdSet := []string{} for coinId := range seenCoinIds { coinIdSet = append(coinIdSet, coinId) } tokenPrices := fetchTokenPrices(ctx, coinIdSet) notionalLocked := map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} // initialize the struct that will hold the total for all chains, all assets notionalLocked["*"] = map[string]LockedAsset{} notionalLocked["*"]["*"] = LockedAsset{ Symbol: "*", Name: "all", Notional: 0, } for chain, tokens := range tokensLocked { notionalLocked[chain] = map[string]LockedAsset{} notionalLocked[chain]["*"] = LockedAsset{ Symbol: "all", Address: "*", } for address, lockedAsset := range tokens { coinId := lockedAsset.CoinGeckoId amount := lockedAsset.Amount if address != "*" { currentPrice := tokenPrices[coinId] notionalVal := amount * currentPrice if notionalVal <= 0 { log.Printf("skipping token with no value. chain: %v, symbol %v, address %v", chain, lockedAsset.Symbol, lockedAsset.Address) continue } notionalLocked[chain][address] = LockedAsset{ Symbol: lockedAsset.Symbol, Name: lockedAsset.Name, Address: lockedAsset.Address, CoinGeckoId: lockedAsset.CoinGeckoId, Amount: lockedAsset.Amount, Notional: roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(notionalVal), TokenPrice: currentPrice, } if asset, ok := notionalLocked[chain]["*"]; ok { asset.Notional = asset.Notional + notionalVal notionalLocked[chain]["*"] = asset } } } // add the chain total to the overall total if all, ok := notionalLocked["*"]["*"]; ok { all.Notional += notionalLocked[chain]["*"].Notional notionalLocked["*"]["*"] = all } // round the the amount for chain/* if asset, ok := notionalLocked[chain]["*"]; ok { asset.Notional = roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(asset.Notional) notionalLocked[chain]["*"] = asset } } return notionalLocked } var wg sync.WaitGroup // delta of last 24 hours last24HourDelta := map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} if last24Hours != "" { wg.Add(1) go func() { last24HourInterval := -time.Duration(24) * time.Hour now := time.Now().UTC() start := now.Add(last24HourInterval) defer wg.Done() transfers := tvlForInterval(tbl, ctx, start, now) last24HourDelta = getNotionalAmounts(ctx, transfers) }() } // total since release allTimeLocked := map[string]map[string]LockedAsset{} wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() dailyTotalsAllTime := tvlInInterval(tbl, ctx, releaseDay) transfers := tvlSinceDate(tbl, ctx, dailyTotalsAllTime) allTimeLocked = getNotionalAmounts(ctx, transfers) }() wg.Wait() result := &tvlResult{ Last24HoursChange: last24HourDelta, AllTime: allTimeLocked, } jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(result) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) log.Println(err.Error()) return } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Write(jsonBytes) }