import { AptosAccount, TxnBuilderTypes, BCS, HexString, AptosClient } from "aptos"; import {aptosAccountObject} from "./constants"; export const NODE_URL = ""; const client = new AptosClient(NODE_URL); async function publishWormholeMessage(contractAddress: HexString, accountFrom: AptosAccount): Promise { const scriptFunctionPayload = new TxnBuilderTypes.TransactionPayloadEntryFunction( TxnBuilderTypes.EntryFunction.natural( // Send using the sender example program `${contractAddress.toString()}::sender`, "send_message", [], [ BCS.bcsSerializeBytes(Buffer.from("hi my name is bob")), // payload ] ), ); const [{ sequence_number: sequenceNumber }, chainId] = await Promise.all([ client.getAccount(accountFrom.address()), client.getChainId(), ]); const rawTxn = new TxnBuilderTypes.RawTransaction( TxnBuilderTypes.AccountAddress.fromHex(accountFrom.address()), BigInt(sequenceNumber), scriptFunctionPayload, BigInt(1000), //max gas to be used BigInt(1), //price per unit gas BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000) + 10), new TxnBuilderTypes.ChainId(chainId), ); const sim = await client.simulateTransaction(accountFrom, rawTxn); sim.forEach((tx) => { if (!tx.success) { console.error(JSON.stringify(tx, null, 2)); throw new Error(`Transaction failed: ${tx.vm_status}`); } }); const bcsTxn = AptosClient.generateBCSTransaction(accountFrom, rawTxn); const transactionRes = await client.submitSignedBCSTransaction(bcsTxn); return transactionRes.hash; } async function main(){ let accountFrom = AptosAccount.fromAptosAccountObject(aptosAccountObject) let hash = await publishWormholeMessage(accountFrom.address(), accountFrom); console.log("tx hash: ", hash); } if (require.main === module) { main().then((resp) => console.log(resp)); }