import { Idl, InstructionCoder } from "@project-serum/anchor"; import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; export class NftBridgeInstructionCoder implements InstructionCoder { constructor(_: Idl) {} encode(ixName: string, ix: any): Buffer { switch (ixName) { case "initialize": { return encodeInitialize(ix); } case "completeNative": { return encodeCompleteNative(ix); } case "completeWrapped": { return encodeCompleteWrapped(ix); } case "completeWrappedMeta": { return encodeCompleteWrappedMeta(ix); } case "transferWrapped": { return encodeTransferWrapped(ix); } case "transferNative": { return encodeTransferNative(ix); } case "registerChain": { return encodeRegisterChain(ix); } case "upgradeContract": { return encodeUpgradeContract(ix); } default: { throw new Error(`Invalid instruction: ${ixName}`); } } } encodeState(_ixName: string, _ix: any): Buffer { throw new Error("NFT Bridge program does not have state"); } } /** Solitaire enum of existing the NFT Bridge's instructions. * * */ export enum NftBridgeInstruction { Initialize, CompleteNative, CompleteWrapped, CompleteWrappedMeta, TransferWrapped, TransferNative, RegisterChain, UpgradeContract, } function encodeNftBridgeInstructionData( instructionType: NftBridgeInstruction, data?: Buffer ): Buffer { const dataLen = data === undefined ? 0 : data.length; const instructionData = Buffer.alloc(1 + dataLen); instructionData.writeUInt8(instructionType, 0); if (dataLen > 0) { instructionData.write(data!.toString("hex"), 1, "hex"); } return instructionData; } function encodeInitialize({ wormhole }: any): Buffer { const serialized = Buffer.alloc(32); serialized.write( new PublicKey(wormhole).toBuffer().toString("hex"), 0, "hex" ); return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData( NftBridgeInstruction.Initialize, serialized ); } function encodeCompleteNative({}: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData(NftBridgeInstruction.CompleteNative); } function encodeCompleteWrapped({}: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData(NftBridgeInstruction.CompleteWrapped); } function encodeCompleteWrappedMeta({}: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData( NftBridgeInstruction.CompleteWrappedMeta ); } function encodeTransferData({ nonce, targetAddress, targetChain }: any) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(targetAddress)) { throw new Error("targetAddress must be Buffer"); } const serialized = Buffer.alloc(38); serialized.writeUInt32LE(nonce, 0); serialized.write(targetAddress.toString("hex"), 4, "hex"); serialized.writeUInt16LE(targetChain, 36); return serialized; } function encodeTransferWrapped({ nonce, targetAddress, targetChain }: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData( NftBridgeInstruction.TransferWrapped, encodeTransferData({ nonce, targetAddress, targetChain }) ); } function encodeTransferNative({ nonce, targetAddress, targetChain }: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData( NftBridgeInstruction.TransferNative, encodeTransferData({ nonce, targetAddress, targetChain }) ); } function encodeRegisterChain({}: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData(NftBridgeInstruction.RegisterChain); } function encodeUpgradeContract({}: any) { return encodeNftBridgeInstructionData(NftBridgeInstruction.UpgradeContract); }