
225 lines
7.4 KiB

package keeper_test
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
keepertest "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormchain/testutil/keeper"
func createWasmStoreCodePayload(wasmBytes []byte) []byte {
// governance message with sha3 of wasmBytes as the payload
var hashWasm [32]byte
keccak := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
gov_msg := types.NewGovernanceMessage(keeper.WasmdModule, byte(keeper.ActionStoreCode), uint16(vaa.ChainIDWormchain), hashWasm[:])
return gov_msg.MarshalBinary()
func createWasmInstantiatePayload(code_id uint64, label string, json_msg string) []byte {
// governance message with sha3 of arguments to instantiate
// - code_id (big endian)
// - label
// - json_msg
expected_hash := vaa.CreateInstatiateCosmwasmContractHash(code_id, label, []byte(json_msg))
var payload bytes.Buffer
binary.Write(&payload, binary.BigEndian, uint16(vaa.ChainIDWormchain))
// custom payload
return payload.Bytes()
func TestWasmdStoreCode(t *testing.T) {
k, ctx := keepertest.WormholeKeeper(t)
guardians, privateKeys := createNGuardianValidator(k, ctx, 10)
_ = privateKeys
k.SetConfig(ctx, types.Config{
GovernanceEmitter: vaa.GovernanceEmitter[:],
GovernanceChain: uint32(vaa.GovernanceChain),
ChainId: uint32(vaa.ChainIDWormchain),
GuardianSetExpiration: 86400,
signer_bz := [20]byte{}
signer := sdk.AccAddress(signer_bz[:])
set := createNewGuardianSet(k, ctx, guardians)
context := sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx)
msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
// create governance to store code
payload := createWasmStoreCodePayload(keepertest.EXAMPLE_WASM_CONTRACT_GZIP)
v := generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, err := v.Marshal()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// store code should work
res, err := msgServer.StoreCode(context, &types.MsgStoreCode{
Signer: signer.String(),
Vaa: vBz,
_ = res
assert.NoError(t, err)
// replay attack does not work.
_, err = msgServer.StoreCode(context, &types.MsgStoreCode{
Signer: signer.String(),
Vaa: vBz,
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrVAAAlreadyExecuted)
// modified wasm byte code does not verify
bad_wasm := make([]byte, len(keepertest.EXAMPLE_WASM_CONTRACT_GZIP))
copy(bad_wasm, keepertest.EXAMPLE_WASM_CONTRACT_GZIP)
bad_wasm[100] = bad_wasm[100] ^ 0x40
// create vaa with the hash of the "valid" wasm
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.StoreCode(context, &types.MsgStoreCode{
Signer: signer.String(),
WASMByteCode: bad_wasm,
Vaa: vBz,
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrInvalidHash)
// Sending to wrong module is error
payload_wrong_module := createWasmStoreCodePayload(keepertest.EXAMPLE_WASM_CONTRACT_GZIP)
// tamper with the module id
payload_wrong_module[16] = 0xff
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload_wrong_module)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.StoreCode(context, &types.MsgStoreCode{
Signer: signer.String(),
WASMByteCode: bad_wasm,
Vaa: vBz,
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrUnknownGovernanceModule)
func TestWasmdInstantiateContract(t *testing.T) {
k, ctx := keepertest.WormholeKeeper(t)
guardians, privateKeys := createNGuardianValidator(k, ctx, 10)
_ = privateKeys
k.SetConfig(ctx, types.Config{
GovernanceEmitter: vaa.GovernanceEmitter[:],
GovernanceChain: uint32(vaa.GovernanceChain),
ChainId: uint32(vaa.ChainIDWormchain),
GuardianSetExpiration: 86400,
signer_bz := [20]byte{}
signer := sdk.AccAddress(signer_bz[:])
set := createNewGuardianSet(k, ctx, guardians)
context := sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx)
msgServer := keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(*k)
// First we need to upload code that we can instantiate.
payload := createWasmStoreCodePayload(keepertest.EXAMPLE_WASM_CONTRACT_GZIP)
v := generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, err := v.Marshal()
assert.NoError(t, err)
res, err := msgServer.StoreCode(context, &types.MsgStoreCode{
Signer: signer.String(),
Vaa: vBz,
assert.NoError(t, err)
code_id := res.CodeID
// Now that we have a code_id, we can test instantiating it.
payload = createWasmInstantiatePayload(code_id, "btc", "{}")
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.InstantiateContract(context, &types.MsgInstantiateContract{
Signer: signer.String(),
CodeID: code_id,
Label: "btc",
Msg: []byte("{}"),
Vaa: vBz,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Test instantiating with invalid json fails
payload = createWasmInstantiatePayload(code_id, "btc", "{")
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.InstantiateContract(context, &types.MsgInstantiateContract{
Signer: signer.String(),
CodeID: code_id,
Label: "btc",
Msg: []byte("{"),
Vaa: vBz,
require.Error(t, err)
// Test that tampering with either code_id, label, or msg fails vaa check
payload = createWasmInstantiatePayload(code_id, "btc", "{}")
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.InstantiateContract(context, &types.MsgInstantiateContract{
Signer: signer.String(),
CodeID: code_id + 1,
Label: "btc",
Msg: []byte("{}"),
Vaa: vBz,
// Bad code_id
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrInvalidHash)
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.InstantiateContract(context, &types.MsgInstantiateContract{
Signer: signer.String(),
CodeID: code_id,
Label: "btc_bad",
Msg: []byte("{}"),
Vaa: vBz,
// Bad label
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrInvalidHash)
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.InstantiateContract(context, &types.MsgInstantiateContract{
Signer: signer.String(),
CodeID: code_id,
Label: "btc",
Msg: []byte("{\"arg\":\"bad\"}"),
Vaa: vBz,
// Bad msg
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrInvalidHash)
// Sending to wrong module is error
payload_wrong_module := createWasmInstantiatePayload(code_id, "btc", "{}")
// tamper with the module id
payload_wrong_module[16] = 0xff
v = generateVaa(set.Index, privateKeys, vaa.ChainID(vaa.GovernanceChain), payload_wrong_module)
vBz, _ = v.Marshal()
_, err = msgServer.InstantiateContract(context, &types.MsgInstantiateContract{
Signer: signer.String(),
CodeID: code_id,
Label: "btc",
Msg: []byte("{\"arg\":\"bad\"}"),
Vaa: vBz,
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, types.ErrUnknownGovernanceModule)