
399 lines
13 KiB

package guardiand
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
publicrpcv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/publicrpc/v1"
ethcommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
nodev1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/node/v1"
type nodePrivilegedService struct {
db *db.Database
injectC chan<- *vaa.VAA
obsvReqSendC chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest
logger *zap.Logger
signedInC chan *gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum
// adminGuardianSetUpdateToVAA converts a nodev1.GuardianSetUpdate message to its canonical VAA representation.
// Returns an error if the data is invalid.
func adminGuardianSetUpdateToVAA(req *nodev1.GuardianSetUpdate, timestamp time.Time, guardianSetIndex uint32, nonce uint32, sequence uint64) (*vaa.VAA, error) {
if len(req.Guardians) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("empty guardian set specified")
if len(req.Guardians) > common.MaxGuardianCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many guardians - %d, maximum is %d", len(req.Guardians), common.MaxGuardianCount)
addrs := make([]ethcommon.Address, len(req.Guardians))
for i, g := range req.Guardians {
if !ethcommon.IsHexAddress(g.Pubkey) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pubkey format at index %d (%s)", i, g.Name)
ethAddr := ethcommon.HexToAddress(g.Pubkey)
for j, pk := range addrs {
if pk == ethAddr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate pubkey at index %d (duplicate of %d): %s", i, j, g.Name)
addrs[i] = ethAddr
v := vaa.CreateGovernanceVAA(timestamp, nonce, sequence, guardianSetIndex,
Keys: addrs,
NewIndex: guardianSetIndex + 1,
return v, nil
// adminContractUpgradeToVAA converts a nodev1.ContractUpgrade message to its canonical VAA representation.
// Returns an error if the data is invalid.
func adminContractUpgradeToVAA(req *nodev1.ContractUpgrade, timestamp time.Time, guardianSetIndex uint32, nonce uint32, sequence uint64) (*vaa.VAA, error) {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(req.NewContract)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid new contract address encoding (expected hex)")
if len(b) != 32 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid new_contract address")
if req.ChainId > math.MaxUint16 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid chain_id")
newContractAddress := vaa.Address{}
copy(newContractAddress[:], b)
v := vaa.CreateGovernanceVAA(timestamp, nonce, sequence, guardianSetIndex,
ChainID: vaa.ChainID(req.ChainId),
NewContract: newContractAddress,
return v, nil
// tokenBridgeRegisterChain converts a nodev1.TokenBridgeRegisterChain message to its canonical VAA representation.
// Returns an error if the data is invalid.
func tokenBridgeRegisterChain(req *nodev1.BridgeRegisterChain, timestamp time.Time, guardianSetIndex uint32, nonce uint32, sequence uint64) (*vaa.VAA, error) {
if req.ChainId > math.MaxUint16 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid chain_id")
b, err := hex.DecodeString(req.EmitterAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid emitter address encoding (expected hex)")
if len(b) != 32 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid emitter address (expected 32 bytes)")
emitterAddress := vaa.Address{}
copy(emitterAddress[:], b)
v := vaa.CreateGovernanceVAA(timestamp, nonce, sequence, guardianSetIndex,
Module: req.Module,
ChainID: vaa.ChainID(req.ChainId),
EmitterAddress: emitterAddress,
return v, nil
// tokenBridgeUpgradeContract converts a nodev1.TokenBridgeRegisterChain message to its canonical VAA representation.
// Returns an error if the data is invalid.
func tokenBridgeUpgradeContract(req *nodev1.BridgeUpgradeContract, timestamp time.Time, guardianSetIndex uint32, nonce uint32, sequence uint64) (*vaa.VAA, error) {
if req.TargetChainId > math.MaxUint16 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid target_chain_id")
b, err := hex.DecodeString(req.NewContract)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid new contract address (expected hex)")
if len(b) != 32 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid new contract address (expected 32 bytes)")
newContract := vaa.Address{}
copy(newContract[:], b)
v := vaa.CreateGovernanceVAA(timestamp, nonce, sequence, guardianSetIndex,
Module: req.Module,
TargetChainID: vaa.ChainID(req.TargetChainId),
NewContract: newContract,
return v, nil
func (s *nodePrivilegedService) InjectGovernanceVAA(ctx context.Context, req *nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAARequest) (*nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAAResponse, error) {
s.logger.Info("governance VAA injected via admin socket", zap.String("request", req.String()))
var (
v *vaa.VAA
err error
timestamp := time.Unix(int64(req.Timestamp), 0)
digests := make([][]byte, len(req.Messages))
for i, message := range req.Messages {
switch payload := message.Payload.(type) {
case *nodev1.GovernanceMessage_GuardianSet:
v, err = adminGuardianSetUpdateToVAA(payload.GuardianSet, timestamp, req.CurrentSetIndex, message.Nonce, message.Sequence)
case *nodev1.GovernanceMessage_ContractUpgrade:
v, err = adminContractUpgradeToVAA(payload.ContractUpgrade, timestamp, req.CurrentSetIndex, message.Nonce, message.Sequence)
case *nodev1.GovernanceMessage_BridgeRegisterChain:
v, err = tokenBridgeRegisterChain(payload.BridgeRegisterChain, timestamp, req.CurrentSetIndex, message.Nonce, message.Sequence)
case *nodev1.GovernanceMessage_BridgeContractUpgrade:
v, err = tokenBridgeUpgradeContract(payload.BridgeContractUpgrade, timestamp, req.CurrentSetIndex, message.Nonce, message.Sequence)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported VAA type: %T", payload))
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
// Generate digest of the unsigned VAA.
digest := v.SigningMsg()
s.logger.Info("governance VAA constructed",
zap.Any("vaa", v),
zap.String("digest", digest.String()),
s.injectC <- v
digests[i] = digest.Bytes()
return &nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAAResponse{Digests: digests}, nil
// fetchMissing attempts to backfill a gap by fetching and storing missing signed VAAs from the network.
// Returns true if the gap was filled, false otherwise.
func (s *nodePrivilegedService) fetchMissing(
ctx context.Context,
nodes []string,
c *http.Client,
chain vaa.ChainID,
addr string,
seq uint64) (bool, error) {
// shuffle the list of public RPC endpoints
rand.Shuffle(len(nodes), func(i, j int) {
nodes[i], nodes[j] = nodes[j], nodes[i]
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second)
defer cancel()
for _, node := range nodes {
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", fmt.Sprintf(
"%s/v1/signed_vaa/%d/%s/%d", node, chain, addr, seq), nil)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to create request: %w", err)
resp, err := c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Warn("failed to fetch missing VAA",
zap.String("node", node),
zap.String("chain", chain.String()),
zap.String("address", addr),
zap.Uint64("sequence", seq),
switch resp.StatusCode {
case http.StatusNotFound:
case http.StatusOK:
type getVaaResp struct {
VaaBytes string `json:"vaaBytes"`
var respBody getVaaResp
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&respBody); err != nil {
s.logger.Warn("failed to decode VAA response",
zap.String("node", node),
zap.String("chain", chain.String()),
zap.String("address", addr),
zap.Uint64("sequence", seq),
// base64 decode the VAA bytes
vaaBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(respBody.VaaBytes)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Warn("failed to decode VAA body",
zap.String("node", node),
zap.String("chain", chain.String()),
zap.String("address", addr),
zap.Uint64("sequence", seq),
s.logger.Info("backfilled VAA",
zap.Uint16("chain", uint16(chain)),
zap.String("address", addr),
zap.Uint64("sequence", seq),
zap.Int("numBytes", len(vaaBytes)),
// Inject into the gossip signed VAA receive path.
// This has the same effect as if the VAA was received from the network
// (verifying signature, publishing to BigTable, storing in local DB...).
s.signedInC <- &gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum{
Vaa: vaaBytes,
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response status: %d", resp.StatusCode)
return false, nil
func (s *nodePrivilegedService) FindMissingMessages(ctx context.Context, req *nodev1.FindMissingMessagesRequest) (*nodev1.FindMissingMessagesResponse, error) {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(req.EmitterAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid emitter address encoding: %v", err)
emitterAddress := vaa.Address{}
copy(emitterAddress[:], b)
ids, first, last, err := s.db.FindEmitterSequenceGap(db.VAAID{
EmitterChain: vaa.ChainID(req.EmitterChain),
EmitterAddress: emitterAddress,
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "database operation failed: %v", err)
if req.RpcBackfill {
c := &http.Client{}
unfilled := make([]uint64, 0, len(ids))
for _, id := range ids {
if ok, err := s.fetchMissing(ctx, req.BackfillNodes, c, vaa.ChainID(req.EmitterChain), emitterAddress.String(), id); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to backfill VAA: %v", err)
} else if ok {
unfilled = append(unfilled, id)
ids = unfilled
resp := make([]string, len(ids))
for i, v := range ids {
resp[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s/%d", req.EmitterChain, emitterAddress, v)
return &nodev1.FindMissingMessagesResponse{
MissingMessages: resp,
FirstSequence: first,
LastSequence: last,
}, nil
func adminServiceRunnable(logger *zap.Logger, socketPath string, injectC chan<- *vaa.VAA, signedInC chan *gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum, obsvReqSendC chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest, db *db.Database, gst *common.GuardianSetState) (supervisor.Runnable, error) {
// Delete existing UNIX socket, if present.
fi, err := os.Stat(socketPath)
if err == nil {
fmode := fi.Mode()
if fmode&os.ModeType == os.ModeSocket {
err = os.Remove(socketPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove existing socket at %s: %w", socketPath, err)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a UNIX socket", socketPath)
// Create a new UNIX socket and listen to it.
// The socket is created with the default umask. We set a restrictive umask in setRestrictiveUmask
// to ensure that any files we create are only readable by the user - this is much harder to mess up.
// The umask avoids a race condition between file creation and chmod.
laddr, err := net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", socketPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid listen address: %v", err)
l, err := net.ListenUnix("unix", laddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to listen on %s: %w", socketPath, err)
logger.Info("admin server listening on", zap.String("path", socketPath))
nodeService := &nodePrivilegedService{
injectC: injectC,
obsvReqSendC: obsvReqSendC,
db: db,
logger: logger.Named("adminservice"),
signedInC: signedInC,
publicrpcService := publicrpc.NewPublicrpcServer(logger, db, gst)
grpcServer := common.NewInstrumentedGRPCServer(logger)
nodev1.RegisterNodePrivilegedServiceServer(grpcServer, nodeService)
publicrpcv1.RegisterPublicRPCServiceServer(grpcServer, publicrpcService)
return supervisor.GRPCServer(grpcServer, l, false), nil
func (s *nodePrivilegedService) SendObservationRequest(ctx context.Context, req *nodev1.SendObservationRequestRequest) (*nodev1.SendObservationRequestResponse, error) {
s.obsvReqSendC <- req.ObservationRequest
s.logger.Info("sent observation request", zap.Any("request", req.ObservationRequest))
return &nodev1.SendObservationRequestResponse{}, nil