
268 lines
8.8 KiB

module wormhole::state {
use std::vector::{Self};
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};
use sui::transfer::{Self};
use sui::vec_map::{Self, VecMap};
use sui::event::{Self};
use wormhole::myu16::{Self as u16, U16};
use wormhole::myu32::{Self as u32, U32};
use wormhole::set::{Self, Set};
use wormhole::structs::{Self, create_guardian, Guardian, GuardianSet};
use wormhole::external_address::{Self, ExternalAddress};
use wormhole::emitter::{Self};
friend wormhole::guardian_set_upgrade;
//friend wormhole::contract_upgrade;
friend wormhole::wormhole;
friend wormhole::myvaa;
friend wormhole::vaa_test;
struct DeployerCapability has key, store {id: UID}
struct WormholeMessage has store, copy, drop {
sender: u64,
sequence: u64,
nonce: u64,
payload: vector<u8>,
consistency_level: u8
struct State has key, store {
id: UID,
/// chain id
chain_id: U16,
/// guardian chain ID
governance_chain_id: U16,
/// Address of governance contract on governance chain
governance_contract: ExternalAddress,
/// Current active guardian set index
guardian_set_index: U32,
/// guardian sets
guardian_sets: VecMap<U32, GuardianSet>,
/// Period for which a guardian set stays active after it has been replaced
guardian_set_expiry: U32,
/// Consumed governance actions
consumed_governance_actions: Set<vector<u8>>,
/// Capability for creating new emitters
emitter_registry: emitter::EmitterRegistry,
/// wormhole message fee
message_fee: u64,
/// Called automatically when module is first published. Transfers a deployer cap to sender.
fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
transfer::transfer(DeployerCapability{id: object::new(ctx)}, tx_context::sender(ctx));
// creates a shared state object, so that anyone can get a reference to &mut State
// and pass it into various functions
public entry fun init_and_share_state(
deployer: DeployerCapability,
chain_id: u64,
governance_chain_id: u64,
governance_contract: vector<u8>,
initial_guardians: vector<vector<u8>>,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let DeployerCapability{id} = deployer;
let state = State {
id: object::new(ctx),
chain_id: u16::from_u64(chain_id),
governance_chain_id: u16::from_u64(governance_chain_id),
governance_contract: external_address::from_bytes(governance_contract),
guardian_set_index: u32::from_u64(0),
guardian_sets: vec_map::empty<U32, GuardianSet>(),
guardian_set_expiry: u32::from_u64(2), // TODO - what is the right #epochs to set this to?
consumed_governance_actions: set::new(ctx),
emitter_registry: emitter::init_emitter_registry(),
message_fee: 0,
let guardians = vector::empty<Guardian>();
vector::reverse(&mut initial_guardians);
while (!vector::is_empty(&initial_guardians)) {
vector::push_back(&mut guardians, create_guardian(vector::pop_back(&mut initial_guardians)));
// the initial guardian set with index 0
let initial_index = u32::from_u64(0);
store_guardian_set(&mut state, initial_index, structs::create_guardian_set(initial_index, guardians));
// permanently shares state
public fun test_init(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
transfer::transfer(DeployerCapability{id: object::new(ctx)}, tx_context::sender(ctx));
public(friend) entry fun publish_event(
sender: u64,
sequence: u64,
nonce: u64,
payload: vector<u8>
) {
WormholeMessage {
sender: sender,
sequence: sequence,
nonce: nonce,
payload: payload,
// Sui is an instant finality chain, so we don't need
// confirmations
consistency_level: 0,
// setters
public(friend) fun set_chain_id(state: &mut State, id: u64){
state.chain_id = u16::from_u64(id);
public fun test_set_chain_id(state: &mut State, id: u64) {
set_chain_id(state, id);
public(friend) fun set_governance_chain_id(state: &mut State, id: u64){
state.governance_chain_id = u16::from_u64(id);
public fun test_set_governance_chain_id(state: &mut State, id: u64) {
set_governance_chain_id(state, id);
public(friend) fun set_governance_action_consumed(state: &mut State, hash: vector<u8>){
set::add<vector<u8>>(&mut state.consumed_governance_actions, hash);
public(friend) fun set_governance_contract(state: &mut State, contract: vector<u8>) {
state.governance_contract = external_address::from_bytes(contract);
public(friend) fun update_guardian_set_index(state: &mut State, new_index: U32) {
state.guardian_set_index = new_index;
public(friend) fun expire_guardian_set(state: &mut State, index: U32, ctx: &TxContext) {
let expiry = state.guardian_set_expiry;
let guardian_set = vec_map::get_mut<U32, GuardianSet>(&mut state.guardian_sets, &index);
structs::expire_guardian_set(guardian_set, expiry, ctx);
public(friend) fun store_guardian_set(state: &mut State, index: U32, set: GuardianSet) {
vec_map::insert<U32, GuardianSet>(&mut state.guardian_sets, index, set);
// getters
public fun get_current_guardian_set_index(state: &State): U32 {
return state.guardian_set_index
public fun get_guardian_set(state: &State, index: U32): GuardianSet {
return *vec_map::get<U32, GuardianSet>(&state.guardian_sets, &index)
public fun guardian_set_is_active(state: &State, guardian_set: &GuardianSet, ctx: &TxContext): bool {
let cur_epoch = tx_context::epoch(ctx);
let index = structs::get_guardian_set_index(guardian_set);
let current_index = get_current_guardian_set_index(state);
index == current_index ||
u32::to_u64(structs::get_guardian_set_expiry(guardian_set)) > cur_epoch
public fun get_governance_chain(state: &State): U16 {
return state.governance_chain_id
public fun get_governance_contract(state: &State): ExternalAddress {
return state.governance_contract
public fun get_chain_id(state: &State): U16 {
return state.chain_id
public fun get_message_fee(state: &State): u64 {
return state.message_fee
public(friend) fun new_emitter(state: &mut State, ctx: &mut TxContext): emitter::EmitterCapability{
emitter::new_emitter(&mut state.emitter_registry, ctx)
module wormhole::test_state{
use sui::test_scenario::{Self, Scenario, next_tx, ctx, take_from_address, take_shared, return_shared};
use wormhole::state::{Self, test_init, State, DeployerCapability};
use wormhole::myu16::{Self as u16};
fun scenario(): Scenario { test_scenario::begin(@0x123233) }
fun people(): (address, address, address) { (@0x124323, @0xE05, @0xFACE) }
public fun init_wormhole_state(test: Scenario, admin: address): Scenario {
next_tx(&mut test, admin); {
test_init(ctx(&mut test));
next_tx(&mut test, admin); {
let deployer = take_from_address<DeployerCapability>(&test, admin);
1, // governance chain
x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004", // governance_contract
vector[x"beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe"], // initial_guardian(s)
ctx(&mut test));
return test
fun test_state_setters() {
fun test_state_setters_(test: Scenario) {
let (admin, _, _) = people();
test = init_wormhole_state(test, admin);
// test setters
next_tx(&mut test, admin); {
let state = take_shared<State>(&test);
// test set chain id
state::test_set_chain_id(&mut state, 5);
assert!(state::get_chain_id(&state) == u16::from_u64(5), 0);
// test set governance chain id
state::test_set_governance_chain_id(&mut state, 100);
assert!(state::get_governance_chain(&state) == u16::from_u64(100), 0);