
426 lines
12 KiB

import {
} from "@mysten/sui.js";
import { DynamicFieldPage } from "@mysten/sui.js/dist/types/dynamic_fields";
import { NETWORKS } from "../../consts";
import { Network } from "../../utils";
import { Payload, VAA, parse, serialiseVAA } from "../../vaa";
import { SuiRpcValidationError } from "./error";
const UPGRADE_CAP_TYPE = "0x2::package::UpgradeCap";
export const assertSuccess = (
res: SuiTransactionBlockResponse,
error: string
): void => {
if (res?.effects?.status?.status !== "success") {
throw new Error(`${error} Response: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
export const executeTransactionBlock = async (
signer: RawSigner,
transactionBlock: TransactionBlock
): Promise<SuiTransactionBlockResponse> => {
// As of version 0.32.2, Sui SDK outputs a RPC validation warning when the
// SDK falls behind the Sui version used by the RPC. We silence these
// warnings since the SDK is often out of sync with the RPC.
const consoleWarnTemp = console.warn;
console.warn = () => {};
// Let caller handle parsing and logging info
const res = await signer.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
options: {
showInput: true,
showEffects: true,
showEvents: true,
showObjectChanges: true,
console.warn = consoleWarnTemp;
return res;
export const findOwnedObjectByType = async (
provider: JsonRpcProvider,
owner: string,
type: string,
cursor?: string
): Promise<string | null> => {
const res: PaginatedObjectsResponse = await provider.getOwnedObjects({
filter: undefined, // Filter must be undefined to avoid 504 responses
cursor: cursor || undefined,
options: {
showType: true,
if (!res || !res.data) {
throw new SuiRpcValidationError(res);
const object = res.data.find((d) => d.data?.type === type);
if (!object && res.hasNextPage) {
return findOwnedObjectByType(
res.nextCursor as string
} else if (!object && !res.hasNextPage) {
return null;
} else {
return object?.data?.objectId ?? null;
export const getCreatedObjects = (
res: SuiTransactionBlockResponse
): { type: string; objectId: string; owner: string }[] =>
res.objectChanges?.filter(isSuiCreateEvent).map((e) => {
let owner: string;
if (typeof e.owner === "string") {
owner = e.owner;
} else if ("AddressOwner" in e.owner) {
owner = e.owner.AddressOwner;
} else if ("ObjectOwner" in e.owner) {
owner = e.owner.ObjectOwner;
} else {
owner = "Shared";
return {
type: e.objectType,
objectId: e.objectId,
}) ?? [];
export const getOwnedObjectId = async (
provider: JsonRpcProvider,
owner: string,
packageId: string,
moduleName: string,
structName: string
): Promise<string | null> => {
const type = `${packageId}::${moduleName}::${structName}`;
// Upgrade caps are a special case
if (normalizeSuiType(type) === normalizeSuiType(UPGRADE_CAP_TYPE)) {
throw new Error(
"`getOwnedObjectId` should not be used to get the object ID of an `UpgradeCap`. Use `getUpgradeCapObjectId` instead."
try {
const res = await provider.getOwnedObjects({
filter: { StructType: type },
options: {
showContent: true,
if (!res || !res.data) {
throw new SuiRpcValidationError(res);
const objects = res.data.filter((o) => o.data?.objectId);
if (objects.length === 1) {
return objects[0].data?.objectId ?? null;
} else if (objects.length > 1) {
const objectsStr = JSON.stringify(objects, null, 2);
throw new Error(
`Found multiple objects owned by ${owner} of type ${type}. This may mean that we've received an unexpected response from the Sui RPC and \`worm\` logic needs to be updated to handle this. Objects: ${objectsStr}`
} else {
return null;
} catch (error) {
// Handle 504 error by using findOwnedObjectByType method
const is504HttpError = `${error}`.includes("504 Gateway Time-out");
if (error && is504HttpError) {
return findOwnedObjectByType(provider, owner, type);
} else {
throw error;
// TODO(kp): remove this once it's in the sdk
export const getPackageId = async (
provider: JsonRpcProvider,
objectId: string
): Promise<string> => {
let currentPackage;
let nextCursor;
do {
const dynamicFields: DynamicFieldPage = await provider.getDynamicFields({
parentId: objectId,
cursor: nextCursor,
currentPackage = dynamicFields.data.find(
(field: DynamicFieldPage["data"][number]) =>
nextCursor = dynamicFields.hasNextPage ? dynamicFields.nextCursor : null;
} while (nextCursor && !currentPackage);
if (!currentPackage) {
throw new Error("CurrentPackage not found");
const obj = await provider.getObject({
id: currentPackage.objectId,
options: {
showContent: true,
const packageId =
obj.data?.content && "fields" in obj.data.content
? obj.data.content.fields.value?.fields?.package
: null;
if (!packageId) {
throw new Error("Unable to get current package");
return packageId;
export const getProvider = (
network?: Network,
rpc?: string
): JsonRpcProvider => {
if (!network && !rpc) {
throw new Error("Must provide network or RPC to initialize provider");
rpc = rpc || NETWORKS[network!].sui.rpc;
if (!rpc) {
throw new Error(`No default RPC found for Sui ${network}`);
return new JsonRpcProvider(new Connection({ fullnode: rpc }));
export const getPublishedPackageId = (
res: SuiTransactionBlockResponse
): string => {
const publishEvents = getPublishedObjectChanges(res);
if (publishEvents.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(
"Unexpected number of publish events found:" +
JSON.stringify(publishEvents, null, 2)
return publishEvents[0].packageId;
export const getSigner = (
provider: JsonRpcProvider,
network: Network,
customPrivateKey?: string
): RawSigner => {
const privateKey: string | undefined =
customPrivateKey || NETWORKS[network].sui.key;
if (!privateKey) {
throw new Error(`No private key found for Sui ${network}`);
let bytes = privateKey.startsWith("0x")
? Buffer.from(privateKey.slice(2), "hex")
: fromB64(privateKey);
if (bytes.length === 33) {
// remove the first flag byte after checking it is indeed the Ed25519 scheme flag 0x00
if (bytes[0] !== 0) {
throw new Error("Only the Ed25519 scheme flag is supported");
bytes = bytes.subarray(1);
const keypair = Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey(bytes);
return new RawSigner(keypair, provider);
* This function returns the object ID of the `UpgradeCap` that belongs to the
* given package and owner if it exists.
* Structs created by the Sui framework such as `UpgradeCap`s all have the same
* type (e.g. `0x2::package::UpgradeCap`) and have a special field, `package`,
* we can use to differentiate them.
* @param provider Sui RPC provider
* @param owner Address of the current owner of the `UpgradeCap`
* @param packageId ID of the package that the `UpgradeCap` was created for
* @returns The object ID of the `UpgradeCap` if it exists, otherwise `null`
export const getUpgradeCapObjectId = async (
provider: JsonRpcProvider,
owner: string,
packageId: string
): Promise<string | null> => {
const res = await provider.getOwnedObjects({
filter: { StructType: UPGRADE_CAP_TYPE },
options: {
showContent: true,
if (!res || !res.data) {
throw new SuiRpcValidationError(res);
const objects = res.data.filter(
(o) =>
o.data?.objectId &&
o.data?.content?.dataType === "moveObject" &&
o.data?.content?.fields?.package === packageId
if (objects.length === 1) {
// We've found the object we're looking for
return objects[0].data?.objectId ?? null;
} else if (objects.length > 1) {
const objectsStr = JSON.stringify(objects, null, 2);
throw new Error(
`Found multiple upgrade capabilities owned by ${owner} from package ${packageId}. Objects: ${objectsStr}`
} else {
return null;
export const isSameType = (a: string, b: string) => {
try {
return normalizeSuiType(a) === normalizeSuiType(b);
} catch (e) {
return false;
export const isSuiCreateEvent = <
T extends NonNullable<SuiTransactionBlockResponse["objectChanges"]>[number],
K extends Extract<T, { type: "created" }>,
event: T
): event is K => event?.type === "created";
export const isSuiPublishEvent = <
T extends NonNullable<SuiTransactionBlockResponse["objectChanges"]>[number],
K extends Extract<T, { type: "published" }>,
event: T
): event is K => event?.type === "published";
export const isValidSuiAddress = (objectId: string): boolean =>
// todo(aki): this needs to correctly handle types such as
// 0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x3c6d386861470e6f9cb35f3c91f69e6c1f1737bd5d217ca06a15f582e1dc1ce3::state::MigrationControl, bool>
export const normalizeSuiType = (type: string): string => {
const tokens = type.split("::");
if (tokens.length !== 3 || !isValidSuiAddress(tokens[0])) {
throw new Error(`Invalid Sui type: ${type}`);
return [normalizeSuiAddress(tokens[0]), tokens[1], tokens[2]].join("::");
export const registerChain = async (
provider: JsonRpcProvider,
network: Network,
vaa: Buffer,
coreBridgeStateObjectId: string,
tokenBridgeStateObjectId: string,
transactionBlock?: TransactionBlock
): Promise<TransactionBlock> => {
if (network === "DEVNET") {
// Modify the VAA to only have 1 guardian signature
// TODO: remove this when we can deploy the devnet core contract
// deterministically with multiple guardians in the initial guardian set
// Currently the core contract is setup with only 1 guardian in the set
const parsedVaa = parse(vaa);
parsedVaa.signatures = [parsedVaa.signatures[0]];
vaa = Buffer.from(serialiseVAA(parsedVaa as VAA<Payload>), "hex");
// Get package IDs
const coreBridgePackageId = await getPackageId(
const tokenBridgePackageId = await getPackageId(
// Register chain
let tx = transactionBlock;
if (!tx) {
tx = new TransactionBlock();
// Get VAA
const [verifiedVaa] = tx.moveCall({
target: `${coreBridgePackageId}::vaa::parse_and_verify`,
arguments: [
// Get decree ticket
const [decreeTicket] = tx.moveCall({
target: `${tokenBridgePackageId}::register_chain::authorize_governance`,
arguments: [tx.object(tokenBridgeStateObjectId)],
// Get decree receipt
const [decreeReceipt] = tx.moveCall({
target: `${coreBridgePackageId}::governance_message::verify_vaa`,
arguments: [tx.object(coreBridgeStateObjectId), verifiedVaa, decreeTicket],
typeArguments: [
// Register chain
target: `${tokenBridgePackageId}::register_chain::register_chain`,
arguments: [tx.object(tokenBridgeStateObjectId), decreeReceipt],
return tx;
* Currently, (Sui SDK version 0.32.2 and Sui 1.0.0 testnet), there is a
* mismatch in the max gas budget that causes an error when executing a
* transaction. Because these values are hardcoded, we set the max gas budget
* as a temporary workaround.
* @param network
* @param tx
export const setMaxGasBudgetDevnet = (
network: Network,
tx: TransactionBlock
) => {
if (network === "DEVNET") {
// Avoid Error checking transaction input objects: GasBudgetTooHigh { gas_budget: 50000000000, max_budget: 10000000000 }