
456 lines
23 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
const PricecasterLib = require('../lib/pricecaster')
const tools = require('../tools/app-tools')
const algosdk = require('algosdk')
const { expect } = require('chai')
const chai = require('chai')
const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync
const fs = require('fs')
const TestLib = require('../test/testlib.js')
const { makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParams } = require('algosdk')
const testLib = new TestLib.TestLib()
const testConfig = require('./test-config')
let pclib
let algodClient
let verifyProgramHash
let compiledVerifyProgram
const OWNER_MNEMO = 'assault approve result rare float sugar power float soul kind galaxy edit unusual pretty tone tilt net range pelican avoid unhappy amused recycle abstract master'
const OTHER_MNEMO = 'old agree harbor cost pink fog chunk hope vital used rural soccer model acquire clown host friend bring marriage surge dirt surge slab absent punch'
const SIGNATURES = {}
SIGNATURES[OWNER_ADDR] = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(OWNER_MNEMO)
SIGNATURES[OTHER_ADDR] = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(OTHER_MNEMO)
const guardianKeys = [
const guardianPrivKeys = [
const PYTH_EMITTER = '0x3afda841c1f43dd7d546c8a581ba1f92a139f4133f9f6ab095558f6a359df5d4'
const OTHER_EMITTER = '0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
const PYTH_PAYLOAD = '0x50325748000101230abfe0ec3b460bd55fc4fb36356716329915145497202b8eb8bf1af6a0a3b9fe650f0367d4a7ef9815a593ea15d36593f0643aaaf0149bb04be67ab851decd010000002f17254388fffffff70000002eed73d9000000000070d3b43f0000000037faa03d000000000e9e555100000000894af11c0000000037faa03d000000000dda6eb801000000000061a5ff9a'
const OTHER_PAYLOAD = '0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0'
let pythVaa
let pythVaaBody
let pythVaaSignatures
let otherVaa
let otherVaaBody
let otherVaaSignatures
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function createVaaProcessorApp (gsexptime, gsindex, gkeys) {
const txId = await pclib.createVaaProcessorApp(OWNER_ADDR, gsexptime, gsindex, gkeys.join(''), signCallback)
const txResponse = await pclib.waitForTransactionResponse(txId)
const appId = pclib.appIdFromCreateAppResponse(txResponse)
pclib.setAppId('vaaProcessor', appId)
return appId
async function createPricekeeperApp (vaaProcessorAppid) {
const txId = await pclib.createPricekeeperApp(OWNER_ADDR, vaaProcessorAppid, signCallback)
const txResponse = await pclib.waitForTransactionResponse(txId)
const appId = pclib.appIdFromCreateAppResponse(txResponse)
pclib.setAppId('pricekeeper', appId)
return appId
function signCallback (sender, tx) {
const txSigned = tx.signTxn(SIGNATURES[sender].sk)
return txSigned
async function getTxParams () {
const params = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do()
params.fee = 1000
params.flatFee = true
return params
async function buildTransactionGroup (numOfVerifySteps, stepSize, guardianKeys, guardianCount,
signatures, vaaBody, fee, sender, addVerifyTxCallback, addLastTxCallback) {
const params = await getTxParams()
if (fee !== undefined) {
params.fee = fee
const senderAddress = sender !== undefined ? sender : verifyProgramHash
const addVerifyCallbackFn = addVerifyTxCallback !== undefined ? addVerifyTxCallback : pclib.addVerifyTx.bind(pclib)
const addLastTxCallbackFn = addLastTxCallback !== undefined ? addLastTxCallback : pclib.addPriceStoreTx.bind(pclib)
// Fill remaining signatures with dummy ones for cases where not all guardians may sign.
const numOfSigs = signatures.length / 132
const remaining = guardianCount - numOfSigs
if (remaining > 0) {
for (let i = guardianCount - remaining; i < guardianCount; ++i) {
signatures += i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0') + ('0'.repeat(130))
const gid = pclib.beginTxGroup()
const sigSubsets = []
for (let i = 0; i < numOfVerifySteps; i++) {
const st = stepSize * i
const sigSetLen = 132 * stepSize
const keySubset = guardianKeys.slice(st, i < numOfVerifySteps - 1 ? st + stepSize : undefined)
sigSubsets.push(signatures.slice(i * sigSetLen, i < numOfVerifySteps - 1 ? ((i * sigSetLen) + sigSetLen) : undefined))
addVerifyCallbackFn(gid, senderAddress, params, vaaBody, keySubset, guardianCount)
addLastTxCallbackFn(gid, OWNER_ADDR, params, TEST_SYMBOL, vaaBody.slice(51))
const tx = await pclib.commitVerifyTxGroup(gid, compiledVerifyProgram.bytes, numOfSigs, sigSubsets, OWNER_ADDR, signCallback)
return tx
// ===============================================================================================================
// Test suite starts here
// ===============================================================================================================
describe('VAA Processor Smart-contract Tests', function () {
let appId, pkAppId
before(async function () {
algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2(testConfig.ALGORAND_NODE_TOKEN, testConfig.ALGORAND_NODE_HOST, testConfig.ALGORAND_NODE_PORT)
pclib = new PricecasterLib.PricecasterLib(algodClient)
const ownerAcc = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(OWNER_MNEMO)
const ownerAccInfo = await algodClient.accountInformation(ownerAcc.addr).do()
expect(ownerAccInfo.amount).to.be.at.least(algosdk.algosToMicroalgos(10), 'Owner must have enough funding (10 ALGO) to run tests')
console.log('Clearing accounts of all previous apps...')
const appsTo = await tools.readCreatedApps(algodClient, OWNER_ADDR)
for (let i = 0; i < appsTo.length; i++) {
console.log('Clearing ' + appsTo[i].id)
try {
const txId = await pclib.deleteApp(OWNER_ADDR, signCallback, appsTo[i].id)
await pclib.waitForConfirmation(txId)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Could not delete application! Reason: ' + e)
const vaaProcessorClearState = 'test/temp/vaa-clear-state.teal'
const vaaProcessorApproval = 'test/temp/vaa-processor.teal'
const priceKeeperApproval = 'test/temp/pricekeeper-v2.teal'
const priceKeeperClearState = 'test/temp/pricekeeper-clear-state.teal'
pclib.setApprovalProgramFile('vaaProcessor', vaaProcessorApproval)
pclib.setApprovalProgramFile('pricekeeper', priceKeeperApproval)
pclib.setClearStateProgramFile('vaaProcessor', vaaProcessorClearState)
pclib.setClearStateProgramFile('pricekeeper', priceKeeperClearState)
console.log(spawnSync('python', ['teal/wormhole/pyteal/vaa-processor.py', vaaProcessorApproval, vaaProcessorClearState]).output.toString())
console.log(spawnSync('python', ['teal/wormhole/pyteal/pricekeeper-v2.py', priceKeeperApproval, priceKeeperClearState]).output.toString())
pythVaa = testLib.createSignedVAA(0, guardianPrivKeys, 1, 1, 1, PYTH_EMITTER, 0, 0, PYTH_PAYLOAD)
pythVaaBody = Buffer.from(pythVaa.substr(12 + guardianPrivKeys.length * 132), 'hex')
pythVaaSignatures = pythVaa.substr(12, guardianPrivKeys.length * 132)
otherVaa = testLib.createSignedVAA(0, guardianPrivKeys, 1, 1, 1, OTHER_EMITTER, 0, 0, OTHER_PAYLOAD)
otherVaaBody = Buffer.from(otherVaa.substr(12 + guardianPrivKeys.length * 132), 'hex')
otherVaaSignatures = otherVaa.substr(12, guardianPrivKeys.length * 132)
it('Must fail to create app with incorrect guardian keys length', async function () {
const gsexptime = 2524618800
await expect(createVaaProcessorApp(gsexptime, 0, ['BADADDRESS'])).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
it('Must create VAA Processor app with initial guardians and proper initial state', async function () {
const gsexptime = 2524618800
appId = await createVaaProcessorApp(gsexptime, 0, guardianKeys)
console.log(' - [Created VAA Processor appId: %d]', appId)
const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
const gsexp = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gsexp')
let i = 0
const buf = Buffer.alloc(8)
for (const gk of guardianKeys) {
const gkstate = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, buf.toString())
expect(Buffer.from(gkstate, 'base64').toString('hex')).to.equal(gk.toLowerCase())
it('Must create Pricekeeper V2 app with VAA Processor app id set', async function () {
pkAppId = await createPricekeeperApp(pclib.getAppId('vaaProcessor'))
console.log(' - [Created pricekeeper appId: %d]', pkAppId)
const vaapid = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, pclib.getAppId('pricekeeper'), OWNER_ADDR, 'vaapid')
it('Must set stateless logic hash from owner', async function () {
const teal = 'test/temp/vaa-verify.teal'
spawnSync('python', ['teal/wormhole/pyteal/vaa-verify.py', appId, teal])
const program = fs.readFileSync(teal, 'utf8')
compiledVerifyProgram = await pclib.compileProgram(program)
verifyProgramHash = compiledVerifyProgram.hash
console.log(' - Stateless program: ', verifyProgramHash)
const txid = await pclib.setVAAVerifyProgramHash(OWNER_ADDR, verifyProgramHash, signCallback)
await pclib.waitForTransactionResponse(txid)
const vphstate = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vphash')
// Feed this account for verification fees.
const parms = await getTxParams()
const tx = makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParams(OWNER_ADDR, verifyProgramHash, 200000, undefined, undefined, parms)
const signedTx = signCallback(OWNER_ADDR, tx)
await algodClient.sendRawTransaction(signedTx).do()
await pclib.waitForTransactionResponse(tx.txID().toString())
it('Must set authorized appcall id from owner', async function () {
const txid = await pclib.setAuthorizedAppId(OWNER_ADDR, pkAppId, signCallback)
await pclib.waitForTransactionResponse(txid)
const authid = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'authid')
it('Must disallow setting stateless logic hash from non-owner', async function () {
await expect(pclib.setVAAVerifyProgramHash(OTHER_ADDR, verifyProgramHash, signCallback)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
it('Must reject setting stateless logic hash from group transaction', async function () {
const appArgs = [new Uint8Array(Buffer.from('setvphash')), new Uint8Array(verifyProgramHash)]
const params = await getTxParams()
const gid = pclib.beginTxGroup()
const appTx = algosdk.makeApplicationNoOpTxn(OWNER_ADDR, params, this.appId, appArgs)
const dummyTx = algosdk.makeApplicationNoOpTxn(OWNER_ADDR, params, this.appId, appArgs)
pclib.addTxToGroup(gid, appTx)
pclib.addTxToGroup(gid, dummyTx)
await expect(pclib.commitTxGroup(gid, OWNER_ADDR, signCallback)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
it('Must reject setting stateless logic hash with invalid address length', async function () {
const appArgs = [new Uint8Array(Buffer.from('setvphash')), new Uint8Array(verifyProgramHash).subarray(0, 10)]
await expect(pclib.callApp(OWNER_ADDR, 'vaaProcessor', appArgs, [], signCallback)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// it('Must reject incorrect transaction group size', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const badSize = 4 + Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// await expect(execVerify(badSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody, gscount)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Must reject incorrect argument count for verify call', async function () {
// const verifyFunc = function (sender, params, payload, gksubset, totalguardians) {
// const appArgs = []
// appArgs.push(new Uint8Array(Buffer.from('verify')))
// const tx = algosdk.makeApplicationNoOpTxn(sender,
// params,
// appId,
// appArgs, undefined, undefined, undefined,
// new Uint8Array(payload))
// pclib.groupTx.push(tx)
// return tx.txID()
// }
// pclib.beginTxGroup()
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody, gscount, undefined, undefined, verifyFunc)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Must reject unknown sender for verify call', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody, gscount, undefined, OTHER_ADDR)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Must reject guardian set count argument not matching global state', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody, 2)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Must reject guardian key list argument not matching global state', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// const gkBad = guardianKeys.slice(0, guardianKeys.length - 3)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, gkBad, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody, 2)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Must reject non-app call transaction in group', async function () {
// })
// it('Must reject app-call with mismatched AppId in group', async function () {
// })
// it('Must reject transaction with not verified bit set in group', async function () {
// })
it('Must verify and handle Pyth VAA - all signers present', async function () {
const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
const vsSize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vsSize)
const tx = await buildTransactionGroup(groupSize, vsSize, guardianKeys, gscount, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody)
await pclib.waitForConfirmation(tx)
// console.log(await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, pkAppId, OWNER_ADDR, TEST_SYMBOL))
it('Must fail to verify VAA - (shuffle signers)', async function () {
const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
const vsSize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vsSize)
let shuffleGuardianPrivKeys = [...guardianPrivKeys]
shuffleGuardianPrivKeys = testLib.shuffle(shuffleGuardianPrivKeys)
pythVaa = testLib.createSignedVAA(0, shuffleGuardianPrivKeys, 1, 1, 1, PYTH_EMITTER, 0, 0, PYTH_PAYLOAD)
pythVaaBody = Buffer.from(pythVaa.substr(12 + shuffleGuardianPrivKeys.length * 132), 'hex')
pythVaaSignatures = pythVaa.substr(12, shuffleGuardianPrivKeys.length * 132)
await expect(buildTransactionGroup(groupSize, vsSize, guardianKeys, gscount, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
it('Must verify VAA with signers > 2/3 + 1', async function () {
const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
const vsSize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// Fixed-point division
// https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/blob/00ddd5f02ba34e6570823b23518af8bbd6d91231/ethereum/contracts/Messages.sol#L30
const quorum = Math.trunc(((gscount * 10 / 3) * 2) / 10 + 1)
const slicedGuardianPrivKeys = guardianPrivKeys.slice(0, quorum + 1)
pythVaa = testLib.createSignedVAA(0, slicedGuardianPrivKeys, 1, 1, 1, PYTH_EMITTER, 0, 0, PYTH_PAYLOAD)
pythVaaBody = Buffer.from(pythVaa.substr(12 + slicedGuardianPrivKeys.length * 132), 'hex')
pythVaaSignatures = pythVaa.substr(12, slicedGuardianPrivKeys.length * 132)
const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vsSize)
const tx = await buildTransactionGroup(groupSize, vsSize, guardianKeys, gscount, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody)
await pclib.waitForConfirmation(tx)
it('Must fail to verify VAA with <= 2/3 + 1 signers (no quorum)', async function () {
const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
const vsSize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// Fixed-point division
// https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/blob/00ddd5f02ba34e6570823b23518af8bbd6d91231/ethereum/contracts/Messages.sol#L30
const quorum = Math.trunc(((gscount * 10 / 3) * 2) / 10 + 1)
const slicedGuardianPrivKeys = guardianPrivKeys.slice(0, quorum)
pythVaa = testLib.createSignedVAA(0, slicedGuardianPrivKeys, 1, 1, 1, PYTH_EMITTER, 0, 0, PYTH_PAYLOAD)
pythVaaBody = Buffer.from(pythVaa.substr(12 + slicedGuardianPrivKeys.length * 132), 'hex')
pythVaaSignatures = pythVaa.substr(12, slicedGuardianPrivKeys.length * 132)
const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vsSize)
await expect(buildTransactionGroup(groupSize, vsSize, guardianKeys, gscount, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// it('Must verify and handle governance VAA', async function () {
// // TBD
// })
// it('Must reject unknown emitter VAA', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, otherVaaSignatures, otherVaaBody, gscount)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Stateless: Must reject transaction with excess fee', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures, pythVaaBody, gscount, 800000)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Stateless: Must reject incorrect number of logic program arguments', async function () {
// })
// it('Stateless: Must reject transaction with mismatching number of signatures', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// const pythVaaSignatures2 = pythVaaSignatures.substr(0, pythVaaSignatures.length - 132 - 1)
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures2, pythVaaBody, gscount)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })
// it('Stateless: Must reject transaction with non-zero rekey', async function () {
// })
// it('Stateless: Must reject transaction call from bad app-id', async function () {
// })
// it('Stateless: Must reject signature verification failure', async function () {
// const gscount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'gscount')
// const vssize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(algodClient, appId, OWNER_ADDR, 'vssize')
// const groupSize = Math.ceil(gscount / vssize)
// let pythVaaSignatures2 = pythVaaSignatures.substr(0, pythVaaSignatures.length - 132 - 1)
// pythVaaSignatures2 += '0d525ac1524ec9d9ee623ef535a867e8f86d9b3f8e4c7b4234dbe7bb40dc8494327af2fa37c3db50064d6114f2e1441c4eee444b83636f11ce1f730f7b38490e2800'
// await expect(execVerify(groupSize, vssize, guardianKeys, pythVaaSignatures2, pythVaaBody, gscount)).to.be.rejectedWith('Bad Request')
// })