
1165 lines
32 KiB

export const CHAINS = {
unset: 0,
solana: 1,
ethereum: 2,
terra: 3,
bsc: 4,
polygon: 5,
avalanche: 6,
oasis: 7,
algorand: 8,
aurora: 9,
fantom: 10,
karura: 11,
acala: 12,
klaytn: 13,
celo: 14,
near: 15,
moonbeam: 16,
neon: 17,
terra2: 18,
injective: 19,
osmosis: 20,
sui: 21,
aptos: 22,
arbitrum: 23,
optimism: 24,
gnosis: 25,
pythnet: 26,
xpla: 28,
btc: 29,
base: 30,
sei: 32,
rootstock: 33,
scroll: 34,
mantle: 35,
wormchain: 3104,
cosmoshub: 4000,
evmos: 4001,
kujira: 4002,
neutron: 4003,
celestia: 4004,
stargaze: 4005,
seda: 4006,
dymension: 4007,
sepolia: 10002,
arbitrum_sepolia: 10003,
base_sepolia: 10004,
optimism_sepolia: 10005,
holesky: 10006,
polygon_sepolia: 10007,
} as const;
export type ChainName = keyof typeof CHAINS;
export type ChainId = typeof CHAINS[ChainName];
* All the EVM-based chain names that Wormhole supports
export const EVMChainNames = [
] as const;
export type EVMChainName = typeof EVMChainNames[number];
* All the Solana-based chain names that Wormhole supports
export const SolanaChainNames = ["solana", "pythnet"] as const;
export type SolanaChainName = typeof SolanaChainNames[number];
export const CosmWasmChainNames = [
] as const;
export type CosmWasmChainName = typeof CosmWasmChainNames[number];
// TODO: why? these are dupe of entries in CosmWasm
export const TerraChainNames = ["terra", "terra2"] as const;
export type TerraChainName = typeof TerraChainNames[number];
export type Contracts = {
core: string | undefined;
token_bridge: string | undefined;
nft_bridge: string | undefined;
export type ChainContracts = {
[chain in ChainName]: Contracts;
export type Network = "MAINNET" | "TESTNET" | "DEVNET";
const MAINNET = {
unset: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
solana: {
core: "worm2ZoG2kUd4vFXhvjh93UUH596ayRfgQ2MgjNMTth",
token_bridge: "wormDTUJ6AWPNvk59vGQbDvGJmqbDTdgWgAqcLBCgUb",
nft_bridge: "WnFt12ZrnzZrFZkt2xsNsaNWoQribnuQ5B5FrDbwDhD",
ethereum: {
core: "0x98f3c9e6E3fAce36bAAd05FE09d375Ef1464288B",
token_bridge: "0x3ee18B2214AFF97000D974cf647E7C347E8fa585",
nft_bridge: "0x6FFd7EdE62328b3Af38FCD61461Bbfc52F5651fE",
terra: {
core: "terra1dq03ugtd40zu9hcgdzrsq6z2z4hwhc9tqk2uy5",
token_bridge: "terra10nmmwe8r3g99a9newtqa7a75xfgs2e8z87r2sf",
nft_bridge: undefined,
bsc: {
core: "0x98f3c9e6E3fAce36bAAd05FE09d375Ef1464288B",
token_bridge: "0xB6F6D86a8f9879A9c87f643768d9efc38c1Da6E7",
nft_bridge: "0x5a58505a96D1dbf8dF91cB21B54419FC36e93fdE",
polygon: {
core: "0x7A4B5a56256163F07b2C80A7cA55aBE66c4ec4d7",
token_bridge: "0x5a58505a96D1dbf8dF91cB21B54419FC36e93fdE",
nft_bridge: "0x90BBd86a6Fe93D3bc3ed6335935447E75fAb7fCf",
avalanche: {
core: "0x54a8e5f9c4CbA08F9943965859F6c34eAF03E26c",
token_bridge: "0x0e082F06FF657D94310cB8cE8B0D9a04541d8052",
nft_bridge: "0xf7B6737Ca9c4e08aE573F75A97B73D7a813f5De5",
oasis: {
core: "0xfE8cD454b4A1CA468B57D79c0cc77Ef5B6f64585",
token_bridge: "0x5848C791e09901b40A9Ef749f2a6735b418d7564",
nft_bridge: "0x04952D522Ff217f40B5Ef3cbF659EcA7b952a6c1",
algorand: {
core: "842125965",
token_bridge: "842126029",
nft_bridge: undefined,
aurora: {
core: "0xa321448d90d4e5b0A732867c18eA198e75CAC48E",
token_bridge: "0x51b5123a7b0F9b2bA265f9c4C8de7D78D52f510F",
nft_bridge: "0x6dcC0484472523ed9Cdc017F711Bcbf909789284",
fantom: {
core: "0x126783A6Cb203a3E35344528B26ca3a0489a1485",
token_bridge: "0x7C9Fc5741288cDFdD83CeB07f3ea7e22618D79D2",
nft_bridge: "0xA9c7119aBDa80d4a4E0C06C8F4d8cF5893234535",
karura: {
core: "0xa321448d90d4e5b0A732867c18eA198e75CAC48E",
token_bridge: "0xae9d7fe007b3327AA64A32824Aaac52C42a6E624",
nft_bridge: "0xb91e3638F82A1fACb28690b37e3aAE45d2c33808",
acala: {
core: "0xa321448d90d4e5b0A732867c18eA198e75CAC48E",
token_bridge: "0xae9d7fe007b3327AA64A32824Aaac52C42a6E624",
nft_bridge: "0xb91e3638F82A1fACb28690b37e3aAE45d2c33808",
klaytn: {
core: "0x0C21603c4f3a6387e241c0091A7EA39E43E90bb7",
token_bridge: "0x5b08ac39EAED75c0439FC750d9FE7E1F9dD0193F",
nft_bridge: "0x3c3c561757BAa0b78c5C025CdEAa4ee24C1dFfEf",
celo: {
core: "0xa321448d90d4e5b0A732867c18eA198e75CAC48E",
token_bridge: "0x796Dff6D74F3E27060B71255Fe517BFb23C93eed",
nft_bridge: "0xA6A377d75ca5c9052c9a77ED1e865Cc25Bd97bf3",
near: {
core: "contract.wormhole_crypto.near",
token_bridge: "contract.portalbridge.near",
nft_bridge: undefined,
injective: {
core: "inj17p9rzwnnfxcjp32un9ug7yhhzgtkhvl9l2q74d",
token_bridge: "inj1ghd753shjuwexxywmgs4xz7x2q732vcnxxynfn",
nft_bridge: undefined,
osmosis: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
aptos: {
core: "0x5bc11445584a763c1fa7ed39081f1b920954da14e04b32440cba863d03e19625",
sui: {
core: "0xaeab97f96cf9877fee2883315d459552b2b921edc16d7ceac6eab944dd88919c",
nft_bridge: undefined,
moonbeam: {
core: "0xC8e2b0cD52Cf01b0Ce87d389Daa3d414d4cE29f3",
token_bridge: "0xb1731c586ca89a23809861c6103f0b96b3f57d92",
nft_bridge: "0x453cfbe096c0f8d763e8c5f24b441097d577bde2",
neon: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
terra2: {
core: "terra12mrnzvhx3rpej6843uge2yyfppfyd3u9c3uq223q8sl48huz9juqffcnhp",
nft_bridge: undefined,
arbitrum: {
core: "0xa5f208e072434bC67592E4C49C1B991BA79BCA46",
token_bridge: "0x0b2402144Bb366A632D14B83F244D2e0e21bD39c",
nft_bridge: "0x3dD14D553cFD986EAC8e3bddF629d82073e188c8",
optimism: {
core: "0xEe91C335eab126dF5fDB3797EA9d6aD93aeC9722",
token_bridge: "0x1D68124e65faFC907325e3EDbF8c4d84499DAa8b",
nft_bridge: "0xfE8cD454b4A1CA468B57D79c0cc77Ef5B6f64585",
gnosis: {
core: "0xa321448d90d4e5b0A732867c18eA198e75CAC48E",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
pythnet: {
core: "H3fxXJ86ADW2PNuDDmZJg6mzTtPxkYCpNuQUTgmJ7AjU",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
xpla: {
core: "xpla1jn8qmdda5m6f6fqu9qv46rt7ajhklg40ukpqchkejcvy8x7w26cqxamv3w",
nft_bridge: undefined,
btc: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
base: {
core: "0xbebdb6C8ddC678FfA9f8748f85C815C556Dd8ac6",
token_bridge: "0x8d2de8d2f73F1F4cAB472AC9A881C9b123C79627",
nft_bridge: "0xDA3adC6621B2677BEf9aD26598e6939CF0D92f88",
sei: {
core: "sei1gjrrme22cyha4ht2xapn3f08zzw6z3d4uxx6fyy9zd5dyr3yxgzqqncdqn",
nft_bridge: undefined,
rootstock: {
core: "0xbebdb6C8ddC678FfA9f8748f85C815C556Dd8ac6",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
scroll: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
mantle: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
wormchain: {
core: "wormhole1ufs3tlq4umljk0qfe8k5ya0x6hpavn897u2cnf9k0en9jr7qarqqaqfk2j",
nft_bridge: undefined,
sepolia: {
// This is testnet only.
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
arbitrum_sepolia: {
// This is testnet only.
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
base_sepolia: {
// This is testnet only.
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
optimism_sepolia: {
// This is testnet only.
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
holesky: {
// This is testnet only.
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
polygon_sepolia: {
// This is testnet only.
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
cosmoshub: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
evmos: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
kujira: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
neutron: {
core: "neutron16rerygcpahqcxx5t8vjla46ym8ccn7xz7rtc6ju5ujcd36cmc7zs9zrunh",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
celestia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
stargaze: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
seda: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
dymension: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
const TESTNET = {
unset: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
solana: {
core: "3u8hJUVTA4jH1wYAyUur7FFZVQ8H635K3tSHHF4ssjQ5",
token_bridge: "DZnkkTmCiFWfYTfT41X3Rd1kDgozqzxWaHqsw6W4x2oe",
nft_bridge: "2rHhojZ7hpu1zA91nvZmT8TqWWvMcKmmNBCr2mKTtMq4",
terra: {
core: "terra1pd65m0q9tl3v8znnz5f5ltsfegyzah7g42cx5v",
token_bridge: "terra1pseddrv0yfsn76u4zxrjmtf45kdlmalswdv39a",
nft_bridge: undefined,
ethereum: {
core: "0x706abc4E45D419950511e474C7B9Ed348A4a716c",
token_bridge: "0xF890982f9310df57d00f659cf4fd87e65adEd8d7",
nft_bridge: "0xD8E4C2DbDd2e2bd8F1336EA691dBFF6952B1a6eB",
bsc: {
core: "0x68605AD7b15c732a30b1BbC62BE8F2A509D74b4D",
token_bridge: "0x9dcF9D205C9De35334D646BeE44b2D2859712A09",
nft_bridge: "0xcD16E5613EF35599dc82B24Cb45B5A93D779f1EE",
polygon: {
core: "0x0CBE91CF822c73C2315FB05100C2F714765d5c20",
token_bridge: "0x377D55a7928c046E18eEbb61977e714d2a76472a",
nft_bridge: "0x51a02d0dcb5e52F5b92bdAA38FA013C91c7309A9",
avalanche: {
core: "0x7bbcE28e64B3F8b84d876Ab298393c38ad7aac4C",
token_bridge: "0x61E44E506Ca5659E6c0bba9b678586fA2d729756",
nft_bridge: "0xD601BAf2EEE3C028344471684F6b27E789D9075D",
oasis: {
core: "0xc1C338397ffA53a2Eb12A7038b4eeb34791F8aCb",
token_bridge: "0x88d8004A9BdbfD9D28090A02010C19897a29605c",
nft_bridge: "0xC5c25B41AB0b797571620F5204Afa116A44c0ebA",
algorand: {
core: "86525623",
token_bridge: "86525641",
nft_bridge: undefined,
aurora: {
core: "0xBd07292de7b505a4E803CEe286184f7Acf908F5e",
token_bridge: "0xD05eD3ad637b890D68a854d607eEAF11aF456fba",
nft_bridge: "0x8F399607E9BA2405D87F5f3e1B78D950b44b2e24",
fantom: {
core: "0x1BB3B4119b7BA9dfad76B0545fb3F531383c3bB7",
token_bridge: "0x599CEa2204B4FaECd584Ab1F2b6aCA137a0afbE8",
nft_bridge: "0x63eD9318628D26BdCB15df58B53BB27231D1B227",
karura: {
core: "0xE4eacc10990ba3308DdCC72d985f2a27D20c7d03",
token_bridge: "0xd11De1f930eA1F7Dd0290Fe3a2e35b9C91AEFb37",
nft_bridge: "0x0A693c2D594292B6Eb89Cb50EFe4B0b63Dd2760D",
acala: {
core: "0x4377B49d559c0a9466477195C6AdC3D433e265c0",
token_bridge: "0xebA00cbe08992EdD08ed7793E07ad6063c807004",
nft_bridge: "0x96f1335e0AcAB3cfd9899B30b2374e25a2148a6E",
klaytn: {
core: "0x1830CC6eE66c84D2F177B94D544967c774E624cA",
token_bridge: "0xC7A13BE098720840dEa132D860fDfa030884b09A",
nft_bridge: "0x94c994fC51c13101062958b567e743f1a04432dE",
celo: {
core: "0x88505117CA88e7dd2eC6EA1E13f0948db2D50D56",
token_bridge: "0x05ca6037eC51F8b712eD2E6Fa72219FEaE74E153",
nft_bridge: "0xaCD8190F647a31E56A656748bC30F69259f245Db",
near: {
core: "wormhole.wormhole.testnet",
token_bridge: "token.wormhole.testnet",
nft_bridge: undefined,
injective: {
core: "inj1xx3aupmgv3ce537c0yce8zzd3sz567syuyedpg",
token_bridge: "inj1q0e70vhrv063eah90mu97sazhywmeegp7myvnh",
nft_bridge: undefined,
osmosis: {
core: "osmo1hggkxr0hpw83f8vuft7ruvmmamsxmwk2hzz6nytdkzyup9krt0dq27sgyx",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
aptos: {
core: "0x5bc11445584a763c1fa7ed39081f1b920954da14e04b32440cba863d03e19625",
sui: {
core: "0x31358d198147da50db32eda2562951d53973a0c0ad5ed738e9b17d88b213d790",
nft_bridge: undefined,
moonbeam: {
core: "0xa5B7D85a8f27dd7907dc8FdC21FA5657D5E2F901",
token_bridge: "0xbc976D4b9D57E57c3cA52e1Fd136C45FF7955A96",
nft_bridge: "0x98A0F4B96972b32Fcb3BD03cAeB66A44a6aB9Edb",
neon: {
core: "0x268557122Ffd64c85750d630b716471118F323c8",
token_bridge: "0xEe3dB83916Ccdc3593b734F7F2d16D630F39F1D0",
nft_bridge: "0x66E5BcFD45D2F3f166c567ADa663f9d2ffb292B4",
terra2: {
core: "terra19nv3xr5lrmmr7egvrk2kqgw4kcn43xrtd5g0mpgwwvhetusk4k7s66jyv0",
nft_bridge: undefined,
arbitrum: {
core: "0xC7A204bDBFe983FCD8d8E61D02b475D4073fF97e",
token_bridge: "0x23908A62110e21C04F3A4e011d24F901F911744A",
nft_bridge: "0xEe3dB83916Ccdc3593b734F7F2d16D630F39F1D0",
optimism: {
core: "0x6b9C8671cdDC8dEab9c719bB87cBd3e782bA6a35",
token_bridge: "0xC7A204bDBFe983FCD8d8E61D02b475D4073fF97e",
nft_bridge: "0x23908A62110e21C04F3A4e011d24F901F911744A",
gnosis: {
core: "0xE4eacc10990ba3308DdCC72d985f2a27D20c7d03",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
pythnet: {
core: "EUrRARh92Cdc54xrDn6qzaqjA77NRrCcfbr8kPwoTL4z",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
xpla: {
core: "xpla1upkjn4mthr0047kahvn0llqx4qpqfn75lnph4jpxfn8walmm8mqsanyy35",
nft_bridge: undefined,
btc: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
base: {
core: "0x23908A62110e21C04F3A4e011d24F901F911744A",
token_bridge: "0xA31aa3FDb7aF7Db93d18DDA4e19F811342EDF780",
nft_bridge: "0xF681d1cc5F25a3694E348e7975d7564Aa581db59",
sei: {
core: "sei1nna9mzp274djrgzhzkac2gvm3j27l402s4xzr08chq57pjsupqnqaj0d5s",
nft_bridge: undefined,
rootstock: {
core: "0xbebdb6C8ddC678FfA9f8748f85C815C556Dd8ac6",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
scroll: {
core: "0x055F47F1250012C6B20c436570a76e52c17Af2D5",
token_bridge: "0x22427d90B7dA3fA4642F7025A854c7254E4e45BF",
nft_bridge: "0x47B9a1406BEe29a3001BFEB7e45aE45fFFB40c18",
mantle: {
core: "0x376428e7f26D5867e69201b275553C45B09EE090",
token_bridge: "0x75Bfa155a9D7A3714b0861c8a8aF0C4633c45b5D",
nft_bridge: "0xD7D732C8Bf5eBF620EA55b5828eae20418eEF083",
wormchain: {
core: "wormhole16jzpxp0e8550c9aht6q9svcux30vtyyyyxv5w2l2djjra46580wsazcjwp",
nft_bridge: undefined,
sepolia: {
core: "0x4a8bc80Ed5a4067f1CCf107057b8270E0cC11A78",
token_bridge: "0xDB5492265f6038831E89f495670FF909aDe94bd9",
nft_bridge: "0x6a0B52ac198e4870e5F3797d5B403838a5bbFD99",
arbitrum_sepolia: {
core: "0x6b9C8671cdDC8dEab9c719bB87cBd3e782bA6a35",
token_bridge: "0xC7A204bDBFe983FCD8d8E61D02b475D4073fF97e",
nft_bridge: "0x23908A62110e21C04F3A4e011d24F901F911744A",
base_sepolia: {
core: "0x79A1027a6A159502049F10906D333EC57E95F083",
token_bridge: "0x86F55A04690fd7815A3D802bD587e83eA888B239",
nft_bridge: "0x268557122Ffd64c85750d630b716471118F323c8",
optimism_sepolia: {
core: "0x31377888146f3253211EFEf5c676D41ECe7D58Fe",
token_bridge: "0x99737Ec4B815d816c49A385943baf0380e75c0Ac",
nft_bridge: "0x27812285fbe85BA1DF242929B906B31EE3dd1b9f",
holesky: {
core: "0xa10f2eF61dE1f19f586ab8B6F2EbA89bACE63F7a",
token_bridge: "0x76d093BbaE4529a342080546cAFEec4AcbA59EC6",
nft_bridge: "0xc8941d483c45eF8FB72E4d1F9dDE089C95fF8171",
polygon_sepolia: {
core: "0x6b9C8671cdDC8dEab9c719bB87cBd3e782bA6a35",
token_bridge: "0xC7A204bDBFe983FCD8d8E61D02b475D4073fF97e",
nft_bridge: "0x23908A62110e21C04F3A4e011d24F901F911744A",
cosmoshub: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
evmos: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
kujira: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
neutron: {
core: "neutron1enf63k37nnv9cugggpm06mg70emcnxgj9p64v2s8yx7a2yhhzk2q6xesk4",
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
celestia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
stargaze: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
seda: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
dymension: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
const DEVNET = {
unset: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
solana: {
core: "Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o",
token_bridge: "B6RHG3mfcckmrYN1UhmJzyS1XX3fZKbkeUcpJe9Sy3FE",
nft_bridge: "NFTWqJR8YnRVqPDvTJrYuLrQDitTG5AScqbeghi4zSA",
terra: {
core: "terra14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9ssrc8au",
nft_bridge: undefined,
ethereum: {
core: "0xC89Ce4735882C9F0f0FE26686c53074E09B0D550",
token_bridge: "0x0290FB167208Af455bB137780163b7B7a9a10C16",
nft_bridge: "0x26b4afb60d6c903165150c6f0aa14f8016be4aec",
bsc: {
core: "0xC89Ce4735882C9F0f0FE26686c53074E09B0D550",
token_bridge: "0x0290FB167208Af455bB137780163b7B7a9a10C16",
nft_bridge: "0x26b4afb60d6c903165150c6f0aa14f8016be4aec",
polygon: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
avalanche: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
oasis: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
algorand: {
core: "1004",
token_bridge: "1006",
nft_bridge: undefined,
aurora: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
fantom: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
karura: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
acala: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
klaytn: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
celo: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
near: {
core: "wormhole.test.near",
token_bridge: "token.test.near",
nft_bridge: undefined,
injective: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
osmosis: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
aptos: {
core: "0xde0036a9600559e295d5f6802ef6f3f802f510366e0c23912b0655d972166017",
sui: {
core: "0x5a5160ca3c2037f4b4051344096ef7a48ebf4400b3f385e57ea90e1628a8bde0", // wormhole module State object ID
"0xa6a3da85bbe05da5bfd953708d56f1a3a023e7fb58e5a824a3d4de3791e8f690", // token_bridge module State object ID
nft_bridge: undefined,
moonbeam: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
neon: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
terra2: {
core: "terra14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9ssrc8au",
nft_bridge: undefined,
arbitrum: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
optimism: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
gnosis: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
pythnet: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
xpla: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
btc: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
base: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
sei: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
rootstock: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
scroll: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
mantle: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
wormchain: {
core: "wormhole1ghd753shjuwexxywmgs4xz7x2q732vcnkm6h2pyv9s6ah3hylvrqtm7t3h",
nft_bridge: undefined,
sepolia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
arbitrum_sepolia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
base_sepolia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
optimism_sepolia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
holesky: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
polygon_sepolia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
cosmoshub: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
evmos: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
kujira: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
neutron: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
celestia: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
stargaze: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
seda: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
dymension: {
core: undefined,
token_bridge: undefined,
nft_bridge: undefined,
* If you get a type error here, it means that a chain you just added does not
* have an entry in TESTNET.
* This is implemented as an ad-hoc type assertion instead of a type annotation
* on TESTNET so that e.g.
* ```typescript
* TESTNET['solana'].core
* ```
* has type 'string' instead of 'string | undefined'.
* (Do not delete this declaration!)
const isTestnetContracts: ChainContracts = TESTNET;
* See [[isTestnetContracts]]
const isMainnetContracts: ChainContracts = MAINNET;
* See [[isTestnetContracts]]
const isDevnetContracts: ChainContracts = DEVNET;
* Contracts addresses on testnet and mainnet
// We don't specify the types of the below consts to be [[ChainId]]. This way,
// the inferred type will be a singleton (or literal) type, which is more precise and allows
// typescript to perform context-sensitive narrowing when checking against them.
// See the [[isEVMChain]] for an example.
export const CHAIN_ID_UNSET = CHAINS["unset"];
export const CHAIN_ID_SOLANA = CHAINS["solana"];
export const CHAIN_ID_ETH = CHAINS["ethereum"];
export const CHAIN_ID_TERRA = CHAINS["terra"];
export const CHAIN_ID_BSC = CHAINS["bsc"];
export const CHAIN_ID_POLYGON = CHAINS["polygon"];
export const CHAIN_ID_AVAX = CHAINS["avalanche"];
export const CHAIN_ID_OASIS = CHAINS["oasis"];
export const CHAIN_ID_ALGORAND = CHAINS["algorand"];
export const CHAIN_ID_AURORA = CHAINS["aurora"];
export const CHAIN_ID_FANTOM = CHAINS["fantom"];
export const CHAIN_ID_KARURA = CHAINS["karura"];
export const CHAIN_ID_ACALA = CHAINS["acala"];
export const CHAIN_ID_KLAYTN = CHAINS["klaytn"];
export const CHAIN_ID_CELO = CHAINS["celo"];
export const CHAIN_ID_NEAR = CHAINS["near"];
export const CHAIN_ID_MOONBEAM = CHAINS["moonbeam"];
export const CHAIN_ID_NEON = CHAINS["neon"];
export const CHAIN_ID_TERRA2 = CHAINS["terra2"];
export const CHAIN_ID_INJECTIVE = CHAINS["injective"];
export const CHAIN_ID_OSMOSIS = CHAINS["osmosis"];
export const CHAIN_ID_SUI = CHAINS["sui"];
export const CHAIN_ID_APTOS = CHAINS["aptos"];
export const CHAIN_ID_ARBITRUM = CHAINS["arbitrum"];
export const CHAIN_ID_OPTIMISM = CHAINS["optimism"];
export const CHAIN_ID_GNOSIS = CHAINS["gnosis"];
export const CHAIN_ID_PYTHNET = CHAINS["pythnet"];
export const CHAIN_ID_XPLA = CHAINS["xpla"];
export const CHAIN_ID_BTC = CHAINS["btc"];
export const CHAIN_ID_BASE = CHAINS["base"];
export const CHAIN_ID_SEI = CHAINS["sei"];
export const CHAIN_ID_ROOTSTOCK = CHAINS["rootstock"];
export const CHAIN_ID_SCROLL = CHAINS["scroll"];
export const CHAIN_ID_MANTLE = CHAINS["mantle"];
export const CHAIN_ID_WORMCHAIN = CHAINS["wormchain"];
export const CHAIN_ID_COSMOSHUB = CHAINS["cosmoshub"];
export const CHAIN_ID_EVMOS = CHAINS["evmos"];
export const CHAIN_ID_KUJIRA = CHAINS["kujira"];
export const CHAIN_ID_NEUTRON = CHAINS["neutron"];
export const CHAIN_ID_CELESTIA = CHAINS["celestia"];
export const CHAIN_ID_STARGAZE = CHAINS["stargaze"];
export const CHAIN_ID_SEDA = CHAINS["seda"];
export const CHAIN_ID_DYMENSION = CHAINS["dymension"];
export const CHAIN_ID_SEPOLIA = CHAINS["sepolia"];
export const CHAIN_ID_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA = CHAINS["arbitrum_sepolia"];
export const CHAIN_ID_BASE_SEPOLIA = CHAINS["base_sepolia"];
export const CHAIN_ID_OPTIMISM_SEPOLIA = CHAINS["optimism_sepolia"];
export const CHAIN_ID_HOLESKY = CHAINS["holesky"];
export const POLYGON_SEPOLIA = CHAINS["polygon_sepolia"];
// This inverts the [[CHAINS]] object so that we can look up a chain by id
export type ChainIdToName = {
-readonly [key in keyof typeof CHAINS as typeof CHAINS[key]]: key;
export const CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME: ChainIdToName = Object.entries(CHAINS).reduce(
(obj, [name, id]) => {
obj[id] = name;
return obj;
{} as any
) as ChainIdToName;
* All the EVM-based chain ids that Wormhole supports
export type EVMChainId = typeof CHAINS[EVMChainName];
* All the Solana-based chain ids that Wormhole supports
export type SolanaChainId = typeof CHAINS[SolanaChainName];
* All the CosmWasm-based chain ids that Wormhole supports
export type CosmWasmChainId = typeof CHAINS[CosmWasmChainName];
export type TerraChainId = typeof CHAINS[TerraChainName];
* Returns true when called with a valid chain, and narrows the type in the
* "true" branch to [[ChainId]] or [[ChainName]] thanks to the type predicate in
* the return type.
* A typical use-case might look like
* ```typescript
* foo = isChain(c) ? doSomethingWithChainId(c) : handleInvalidCase()
* ```
export function isChain(chain: number | string): chain is ChainId | ChainName {
if (typeof chain === "number") {
return chain in CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME;
} else {
return chain in CHAINS;
* Asserts that the given number or string is a valid chain, and throws otherwise.
* After calling this function, the type of chain will be narrowed to
* [[ChainId]] or [[ChainName]] thanks to the type assertion in the return type.
* A typical use-case might look like
* ```typescript
* // c has type 'string'
* assertChain(c)
* // c now has type 'ChainName'
* ```
export function assertChain(
chain: number | string
): asserts chain is ChainId | ChainName {
if (!isChain(chain)) {
if (typeof chain === "number") {
throw Error(`Unknown chain id: ${chain}`);
} else {
throw Error(`Unknown chain: ${chain}`);
export function toChainId(chainName: ChainName): ChainId {
return CHAINS[chainName];
export function toChainName(chainId: ChainId): ChainName {
return CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME[chainId];
export function toCosmWasmChainId(
chainName: CosmWasmChainName
): CosmWasmChainId {
return CHAINS[chainName];
export function coalesceCosmWasmChainId(
chain: CosmWasmChainId | CosmWasmChainName
): CosmWasmChainId {
// this is written in a way that for invalid inputs (coming from vanilla
// javascript or someone doing type casting) it will always return undefined.
return typeof chain === "number" && isCosmWasmChain(chain)
? chain
: toCosmWasmChainId(chain);
export function coalesceChainId(chain: ChainId | ChainName): ChainId {
// this is written in a way that for invalid inputs (coming from vanilla
// javascript or someone doing type casting) it will always return undefined.
return typeof chain === "number" && isChain(chain) ? chain : toChainId(chain);
export function coalesceChainName(chain: ChainId | ChainName): ChainName {
// this is written in a way that for invalid inputs (coming from vanilla
// javascript or someone doing type casting) it will always return undefined.
return toChainName(coalesceChainId(chain));
* Returns true when called with an [[EVMChainId]] or [[EVMChainName]], and false otherwise.
* Importantly, after running this check, the chain's type will be narrowed to
* either the EVM subset, or the non-EVM subset thanks to the type predicate in
* the return type.
export function isEVMChain(
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): chain is EVMChainId | EVMChainName {
const chainName = coalesceChainName(chain);
return EVMChainNames.includes(chainName as unknown as EVMChainName);
export function isCosmWasmChain(
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): chain is CosmWasmChainId | CosmWasmChainName {
const chainName = coalesceChainName(chain);
return CosmWasmChainNames.includes(chainName as unknown as CosmWasmChainName);
export function isTerraChain(
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): chain is TerraChainId | TerraChainName {
const chainName = coalesceChainName(chain);
return TerraChainNames.includes(chainName as unknown as TerraChainName);
export function isSolanaChain(
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): chain is SolanaChainId | SolanaChainName {
const chainName = coalesceChainName(chain);
return SolanaChainNames.includes(chainName as unknown as SolanaChainName);
* Asserts that the given chain id or chain name is an EVM chain, and throws otherwise.
* After calling this function, the type of chain will be narrowed to
* [[EVMChainId]] or [[EVMChainName]] thanks to the type assertion in the return type.
export function assertEVMChain(
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): asserts chain is EVMChainId | EVMChainName {
if (!isEVMChain(chain)) {
throw Error(`Expected an EVM chain, but ${chain} is not`);
export const WSOL_ADDRESS = "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112";
export const WSOL_DECIMALS = 9;
export const MAX_VAA_DECIMALS = 8;