
240 lines
9.2 KiB

package node
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
const (
// gossipSendBufferSize configures the size of the gossip network send buffer
gossipSendBufferSize = 5000
// inboundObservationBufferSize configures the size of the obsvC channel that contains observations from other Guardians.
// One observation takes roughly 0.1ms to process on one core, so the whole queue could be processed in 1s
inboundObservationBufferSize = 10000
// inboundSignedVaaBufferSize configures the size of the signedInC channel that contains VAAs from other Guardians.
// One VAA takes roughly 0.01ms to process if we already have one in the database and 2ms if we don't.
// So in the worst case the entire queue can be processed in 2s.
inboundSignedVaaBufferSize = 1000
// observationRequestInboundBufferSize configures the size of obsvReqC.
// Messages from there are immediately sent to the per-chain observation request channels, which are more important to configure.
observationRequestInboundBufferSize = 500
// observationRequestOutboundBufferSize configures the size of obsvReqSendC
// and thereby somewhat limits the amount of observation requests that can be sent in bursts to the network.
observationRequestOutboundBufferSize = 100
// observationRequestPerChainBufferSize is the buffer size of the per-network reobservation channel
observationRequestPerChainBufferSize = 100
type PrometheusCtxKey struct{}
type G struct {
// rootCtxCancel is a context.CancelFunc. It MUST be a root context for any context that is passed to any member function of G.
// It can be used by components to shut down the entire node if they encounter an unrecoverable state.
rootCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
env common.Environment
// keys
gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey
// components
db *db.Database
gst *common.GuardianSetState
acct *accountant.Accountant
gov *governor.ChainGovernor
gatewayRelayer *gwrelayer.GatewayRelayer
queryHandler *query.QueryHandler
publicrpcServer *grpc.Server
// runnables
runnablesWithScissors map[string]supervisor.Runnable
runnables map[string]supervisor.Runnable
// various channels
// Outbound gossip message queue (needs to be read/write because p2p needs read/write)
gossipSendC chan []byte
// Inbound observations. This is read/write because the processor also writes to it as a fast-path when handling locally made observations.
obsvC chan *common.MsgWithTimeStamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation]
// Finalized guardian observations aggregated across all chains
msgC channelPair[*common.MessagePublication]
// Ethereum incoming guardian set updates
setC channelPair[*common.GuardianSet]
// Inbound signed VAAs
signedInC channelPair[*gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum]
// Inbound observation requests from the p2p service (for all chains)
obsvReqC channelPair[*gossipv1.ObservationRequest]
// Outbound observation requests
obsvReqSendC channelPair[*gossipv1.ObservationRequest]
// acctC is the channel where messages will be put after they reached quorum in the accountant.
acctC channelPair[*common.MessagePublication]
// Cross Chain Query Handler channels
chainQueryReqC map[vaa.ChainID]chan *query.PerChainQueryInternal
signedQueryReqC channelPair[*gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest]
queryResponseC channelPair[*query.PerChainQueryResponseInternal]
queryResponsePublicationC channelPair[*query.QueryResponsePublication]
func NewGuardianNode(
env common.Environment,
gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
) *G {
g := G{
env: env,
gk: gk,
return &g
// initializeBasic sets up everything that every GuardianNode needs before any options can be applied.
func (g *G) initializeBasic(rootCtxCancel context.CancelFunc) {
g.rootCtxCancel = rootCtxCancel
// Setup various channels...
g.gossipSendC = make(chan []byte, gossipSendBufferSize)
g.obsvC = make(chan *common.MsgWithTimeStamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation], inboundObservationBufferSize)
g.msgC = makeChannelPair[*common.MessagePublication](0)
g.setC = makeChannelPair[*common.GuardianSet](1) // This needs to be a buffered channel because of a circular dependency between processor and accountant during startup.
g.signedInC = makeChannelPair[*gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum](inboundSignedVaaBufferSize)
g.obsvReqC = makeChannelPair[*gossipv1.ObservationRequest](observationRequestInboundBufferSize)
g.obsvReqSendC = makeChannelPair[*gossipv1.ObservationRequest](observationRequestOutboundBufferSize)
g.acctC = makeChannelPair[*common.MessagePublication](accountant.MsgChannelCapacity)
// Cross Chain Query Handler channels
g.chainQueryReqC = make(map[vaa.ChainID]chan *query.PerChainQueryInternal)
g.signedQueryReqC = makeChannelPair[*gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest](query.SignedQueryRequestChannelSize)
g.queryResponseC = makeChannelPair[*query.PerChainQueryResponseInternal](query.QueryResponseBufferSize)
g.queryResponsePublicationC = makeChannelPair[*query.QueryResponsePublication](query.QueryResponsePublicationChannelSize)
// Guardian set state managed by processor
g.gst = common.NewGuardianSetState(nil)
// allocate maps
g.runnablesWithScissors = make(map[string]supervisor.Runnable)
g.runnables = make(map[string]supervisor.Runnable)
// applyOptions applies `options` to the GuardianNode.
// Each option must have a unique option.name.
// If an option has `dependencies`, they must be defined before that option.
func (g *G) applyOptions(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, options []*GuardianOption) error {
configuredComponents := make(map[string]struct{}) // using `map[string]struct{}` to implement a set here
for _, option := range options {
// check that this component has not been configured yet
if _, ok := configuredComponents[option.name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Component %s is already configured and cannot be configured a second time.", option.name)
// check that all dependencies have been met
for _, dep := range option.dependencies {
if _, ok := configuredComponents[dep]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Component %s requires %s to be configured first. Check the order of your options.", option.name, dep)
// run the config
err := option.f(ctx, logger, g)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error applying option for component %s: %w", option.name, err)
// mark the component as configured
configuredComponents[option.name] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (g *G) Run(rootCtxCancel context.CancelFunc, options ...*GuardianOption) supervisor.Runnable {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
if err := g.applyOptions(ctx, logger, options); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to initialize GuardianNode", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("GuardianNode initialization done.") // Do not modify this message, node_test.go relies on it.
// Start the watchers
for runnableName, runnable := range g.runnablesWithScissors {
logger.Info("Starting runnablesWithScissors: " + runnableName)
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, runnableName, common.WrapWithScissors(runnable, runnableName)); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("error starting runnablesWithScissors", zap.Error(err))
// TODO there is an opportunity to refactor the startup of the accountant and governor:
// Ideally they should just register a g.runnables["governor"] and g.runnables["accountant"] instead of being treated as special cases.
if g.acct != nil {
logger.Info("Starting accountant")
if err := g.acct.Start(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("acct: failed to start accountant", zap.Error(err))
defer g.acct.Close()
if g.gov != nil {
logger.Info("Starting governor")
if err := g.gov.Run(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to create chain governor", zap.Error(err))
if g.gatewayRelayer != nil {
logger.Info("Starting gateway relayer")
if err := g.gatewayRelayer.Start(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to start gateway relayer", zap.Error(err), zap.String("component", "gwrelayer"))
if g.queryHandler != nil {
logger.Info("Starting query handler", zap.String("component", "ccq"))
if err := g.queryHandler.Start(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to create query handler", zap.Error(err), zap.String("component", "ccq"))
// Start any other runnables
for name, runnable := range g.runnables {
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, name, runnable); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to start other runnable", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("Started internal services")
supervisor.Signal(ctx, supervisor.SignalHealthy)
return nil
type channelPair[T any] struct {
readC <-chan T
writeC chan<- T
func makeChannelPair[T any](cap int) channelPair[T] {
out := make(chan T, cap)
return channelPair[T]{out, out}