
542 lines
20 KiB

package solana
import (
const (
// CCQ_RETRY_SLOP gets subtracted from the query retry interval to determine how long we can continue fast retries.
// We don't want the fast retry time to be too close to the query retry interval.
CCQ_RETRY_SLOP = 250 * time.Millisecond
// CCQ_ESTIMATED_SLOT_TIME is the estimated Solana slot time used for estimating how long until the MinContextSlot will be reached.
CCQ_ESTIMATED_SLOT_TIME = 400 * time.Millisecond
// CCQ_FAST_RETRY_INTERVAL is how long we sleep between fast retry attempts.
CCQ_FAST_RETRY_INTERVAL = 200 * time.Millisecond
// ccqStart starts up CCQ query processing.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqStart(ctx context.Context) {
query.StartWorkers(ctx, w.ccqLogger, w.errC, w, w.queryReqC, w.ccqConfig, w.chainID.String())
// ccqSendQueryResponse sends a response back to the query handler.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqSendQueryResponse(queryResponse *query.PerChainQueryResponseInternal) {
select {
case w.queryResponseC <- queryResponse:
w.ccqLogger.Debug("published query response to handler")
w.ccqLogger.Error("failed to published query response error to handler")
// ccqSendErrorResponse creates an error query response and sends it back to the query handler. It sets the response field to nil.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqSendErrorResponse(req *query.PerChainQueryInternal, status query.QueryStatus) {
queryResponse := query.CreatePerChainQueryResponseInternal(req.RequestID, req.RequestIdx, req.Request.ChainId, status, nil)
// QueryHandler is the top-level query handler. It breaks out the requests based on the type and calls the appropriate handler.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) QueryHandler(ctx context.Context, queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal) {
// This can't happen unless there is a programming error - the caller
// is expected to send us only requests for our chainID.
if queryRequest.Request.ChainId != w.chainID {
panic("ccqevm: invalid chain ID")
start := time.Now()
giveUpTime := start.Add(query.RetryInterval).Add(-CCQ_RETRY_SLOP)
switch req := queryRequest.Request.Query.(type) {
case *query.SolanaAccountQueryRequest:
w.ccqHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest(ctx, queryRequest, req, giveUpTime)
case *query.SolanaPdaQueryRequest:
w.ccqHandleSolanaPdaQueryRequest(ctx, queryRequest, req, giveUpTime)
w.ccqLogger.Warn("received unsupported request type",
zap.Uint8("payload", uint8(queryRequest.Request.Query.Type())),
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
// ccqCustomPublisher is an interface used by ccqBaseHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest to specify how to publish the response from a query.
type ccqCustomPublisher interface {
// publish should take a sol_account query response and publish it as the appropriate response type.
publish(*query.PerChainQueryResponseInternal, *query.SolanaAccountQueryResponse)
// ccqBaseHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest is the base Solana Account query handler. It does the actual account queries, and if necessary does fast retries
// until the minimum context slot is reached. It does not publish the response, but instead invokes the query specific publisher that is passed in.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqBaseHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest(
ctx context.Context,
queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal,
req *query.SolanaAccountQueryRequest,
giveUpTime time.Time,
tag string,
requestId string,
isRetry bool,
publisher ccqCustomPublisher,
numFastRetries int,
) {
rCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
// Convert the accounts from byte arrays to public keys.
accounts := make([]solana.PublicKey, 0, len(req.Accounts))
for _, acct := range req.Accounts {
accounts = append(accounts, acct)
// Create the parameters needed for the account read and add any optional parameters.
params := rpc.GetMultipleAccountsOpts{
Encoding: solana.EncodingBase64,
Commitment: rpc.CommitmentType(req.Commitment),
if req.MinContextSlot != 0 {
params.MinContextSlot = &req.MinContextSlot
if req.DataSliceLength != 0 {
params.DataSlice = &rpc.DataSlice{
Offset: &req.DataSliceOffset,
Length: &req.DataSliceLength,
// Read the accounts.
info, err := w.getMultipleAccountsWithOpts(rCtx, accounts, &params)
if err != nil {
if w.ccqCheckForMinSlotContext(ctx, queryRequest, req, requestId, err, giveUpTime, !isRetry, tag, publisher, numFastRetries) {
// Return without posting a response because a go routine was created to handle it.
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("read failed for %s query request", tag),
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.Any("accounts", accounts),
zap.Any("params", params),
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryRetryNeeded)
// Read the block for this slot to get the block time.
maxSupportedTransactionVersion := uint64(0)
block, err := w.rpcClient.GetBlockWithOpts(rCtx, info.Context.Slot, &rpc.GetBlockOpts{
Encoding: solana.EncodingBase64,
Commitment: params.Commitment,
TransactionDetails: rpc.TransactionDetailsNone,
MaxSupportedTransactionVersion: &maxSupportedTransactionVersion,
if err != nil {
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read block time for %s query request", tag),
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.Uint64("slotNumber", info.Context.Slot),
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryRetryNeeded)
if info == nil {
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("read for %s query request returned nil info", tag), zap.String("requestId", requestId))
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
if info.Value == nil {
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("read for %s query request returned nil value", tag), zap.String("requestId", requestId))
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
if len(info.Value) != len(req.Accounts) {
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("read for %s query request returned unexpected number of results", tag),
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.Int("numAccounts", len(req.Accounts)),
zap.Int("numValues", len(info.Value)),
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
// Extract the results.
results := make([]query.SolanaAccountResult, 0, len(req.Accounts))
for idx, val := range info.Value {
if val == nil { // This can happen for an invalid account.
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("read of account for %s query request failed, val is nil", tag), zap.String("requestId", requestId), zap.Any("account", req.Accounts[idx]))
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
if val.Data == nil {
w.ccqLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("read of account for %s query request failed, data is nil", tag), zap.String("requestId", requestId), zap.Any("account", req.Accounts[idx]))
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
results = append(results, query.SolanaAccountResult{
Lamports: val.Lamports,
RentEpoch: val.RentEpoch,
Executable: val.Executable,
Owner: val.Owner,
Data: val.Data.GetBinary(),
// Finally, build the response and publish it.
resp := &query.SolanaAccountQueryResponse{
SlotNumber: info.Context.Slot,
BlockTime: time.Unix(int64(*block.BlockTime), 0),
BlockHash: block.Blockhash,
Results: results,
w.ccqLogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("account read for %s query succeeded", tag),
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.Uint64("slotNumber", info.Context.Slot),
zap.Uint64("blockTime", uint64(*block.BlockTime)),
zap.String("blockHash", hex.EncodeToString(block.Blockhash[:])),
zap.Uint64("blockHeight", *block.BlockHeight),
zap.Int("numFastRetries", numFastRetries),
// Publish the response using the custom publisher.
publisher.publish(query.CreatePerChainQueryResponseInternal(queryRequest.RequestID, queryRequest.RequestIdx, queryRequest.Request.ChainId, query.QuerySuccess, resp), resp)
// ccqCheckForMinSlotContext checks to see if the returned error was due to the min context slot not being reached.
// If so, and the estimated time in the future is not too great, it kicks off a go routine to sleep and do a retry.
// In that case, it returns true, telling the caller that it is handling the request so it should not post a response.
// Note that the go routine only does a single retry, but may result in another go routine being initiated to do another, and so on.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqCheckForMinSlotContext(
ctx context.Context,
queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal,
req *query.SolanaAccountQueryRequest,
requestId string,
err error,
giveUpTime time.Time,
log bool,
tag string,
publisher ccqCustomPublisher,
numFastRetries int,
) bool {
if req.MinContextSlot == 0 {
return false
if time.Now().After(giveUpTime) {
w.ccqLogger.Info("giving up on fast retry", zap.String("requestId", requestId))
return false
isMinContext, currentSlotFromError := ccqIsMinContextSlotError(err)
if !isMinContext {
return false
var currentSlot uint64
if currentSlotFromError != 0 {
currentSlot = currentSlotFromError
} else {
currentSlot = w.GetLatestFinalizedBlockNumber()
// Estimate how far in the future the requested slot is, using our estimated slot time.
futureSlotEstimate := time.Duration(req.MinContextSlot-currentSlot) * CCQ_ESTIMATED_SLOT_TIME
// If the requested slot is definitively more than the retry interval, use the regular retry mechanism.
if futureSlotEstimate > query.RetryInterval*2 {
w.ccqLogger.Info("minimum context slot is too far in the future, requesting slow retry",
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.Uint64("currentSlot", currentSlot),
zap.Uint64("currentSlotFromError", currentSlotFromError),
zap.Uint64("minContextSlot", req.MinContextSlot),
zap.Stringer("futureSlotEstimate", futureSlotEstimate),
return false
// Kick off the retry after a short delay.
go w.ccqSleepAndRetryAccountQuery(ctx, queryRequest, req, requestId, currentSlot, currentSlotFromError, giveUpTime, log, tag, publisher, numFastRetries)
return true
// ccqSleepAndRetryAccountQuery does a short sleep and then initiates a retry.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqSleepAndRetryAccountQuery(
ctx context.Context,
queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal,
req *query.SolanaAccountQueryRequest,
requestId string,
currentSlot uint64,
currentSlotFromError uint64,
giveUpTime time.Time,
log bool,
tag string,
publisher ccqCustomPublisher,
numFastRetries int,
) {
if log {
w.ccqLogger.Info("minimum context slot has not been reached, will retry shortly",
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.Uint64("currentSlot", currentSlot),
zap.Uint64("currentSlotFromError", currentSlotFromError),
zap.Uint64("minContextSlot", req.MinContextSlot),
zap.Stringer("retryInterval", CCQ_FAST_RETRY_INTERVAL),
if log {
w.ccqLogger.Info("initiating fast retry", zap.String("requestId", requestId))
w.ccqBaseHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest(ctx, queryRequest, req, giveUpTime, tag, requestId, true, publisher, numFastRetries+1)
// ccqIsMinContextSlotError parses an error to see if it is "Minimum context slot has not been reached". If it is, it returns the slot number
func ccqIsMinContextSlotError(err error) (bool, uint64) {
A MinContextSlot error looks like this (and contains the context slot):
"(*jsonrpc.RPCError)(0xc00b3881b0)({\n Code: (int) -32016,\n Message: (string) (len=41) \"Minimum context slot has not been reached\",\n Data: (map[string]interface {}) (len=1) {\n (string) (len=11) \"contextSlot\": (json.Number) (len=4) \"3630\"\n }\n})\n"
Except some endpoints return something like this instead:
"(*jsonrpc.RPCError)(0xc03c0bcd20)({\n Code: (int) -32016,\n Message: (string) (len=41) \"Minimum context slot has not been reached\",\n Data: (interface {}) <nil>\n})\n"
var rpcErr *jsonrpc.RPCError
if !errors.As(err, &rpcErr) {
return false, 0 // Some other kind of error.
if rpcErr.Code != -32016 { // Minimum context slot has not been reached
return false, 0 // Some other kind of RPC error.
// We know it is a MinContextSlot error. If it contains the current slot number, extract and return that.
// Since some Solana endpoints do not return that, we can't treat it as an error if it is missing.
m, ok := rpcErr.Data.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return true, 0
contextSlot, ok := m["contextSlot"]
if !ok {
return true, 0
currentSlotAsJson, ok := contextSlot.(json.Number)
if !ok {
return true, 0
currentSlot, typeErr := strconv.ParseUint(currentSlotAsJson.String(), 10, 64)
if typeErr != nil {
return true, 0
return true, currentSlot
// ccqHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest is the query handler for a sol_account request.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest(ctx context.Context, queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal, req *query.SolanaAccountQueryRequest, giveUpTime time.Time) {
requestId := "sol_account" + ":" + queryRequest.ID()
w.ccqLogger.Info("received a sol_account query",
zap.Uint64("minContextSlot", req.MinContextSlot),
zap.Uint64("dataSliceOffset", req.DataSliceOffset),
zap.Uint64("dataSliceLength", req.DataSliceLength),
zap.Int("numAccounts", len(req.Accounts)),
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
publisher := ccqSolanaAccountPublisher{w}
w.ccqBaseHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest(ctx, queryRequest, req, giveUpTime, "sol_account", requestId, false, publisher, 0)
// ccqSolanaAccountPublisher is the publisher for the sol_account query. All it has to do is forward the response passed in to the watcher, as is.
type ccqSolanaAccountPublisher struct {
w *SolanaWatcher
func (impl ccqSolanaAccountPublisher) publish(resp *query.PerChainQueryResponseInternal, _ *query.SolanaAccountQueryResponse) {
// ccqHandleSolanaPdaQueryRequest is the query handler for a sol_pda request.
func (w *SolanaWatcher) ccqHandleSolanaPdaQueryRequest(ctx context.Context, queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal, req *query.SolanaPdaQueryRequest, giveUpTime time.Time) {
requestId := "sol_pda:" + queryRequest.ID()
w.ccqLogger.Info("received a sol_pda query",
zap.Uint64("minContextSlot", req.MinContextSlot),
zap.Uint64("dataSliceOffset", req.DataSliceOffset),
zap.Uint64("dataSliceLength", req.DataSliceLength),
zap.Int("numPdas", len(req.PDAs)),
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
// Derive the list of accounts from the PDAs and save those along with the bumps.
accounts := make([][query.SolanaPublicKeyLength]byte, 0, len(req.PDAs))
bumps := make([]uint8, 0, len(req.PDAs))
for _, pda := range req.PDAs {
account, bump, err := solana.FindProgramAddress(pda.Seeds, pda.ProgramAddress)
if err != nil {
w.ccqLogger.Error("failed to derive account from pda for sol_pda query",
zap.String("requestId", requestId),
zap.String("programAddress", hex.EncodeToString(pda.ProgramAddress[:])),
zap.Any("seeds", pda.Seeds),
w.ccqSendErrorResponse(queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
accounts = append(accounts, account)
bumps = append(bumps, bump)
// Build a standard sol_account query using the derived accounts.
acctReq := &query.SolanaAccountQueryRequest{
Commitment: req.Commitment,
MinContextSlot: req.MinContextSlot,
DataSliceOffset: req.DataSliceOffset,
DataSliceLength: req.DataSliceLength,
Accounts: accounts,
publisher := ccqPdaPublisher{
w: w,
queryRequest: queryRequest,
requestId: requestId,
accounts: accounts,
bumps: bumps,
// Execute the standard sol_account query passing in the publisher to publish a sol_pda response.
w.ccqBaseHandleSolanaAccountQueryRequest(ctx, queryRequest, acctReq, giveUpTime, "sol_pda", requestId, false, publisher, 0)
// ccqPdaPublisher is a custom publisher that publishes a sol_pda response.
type ccqPdaPublisher struct {
w *SolanaWatcher
queryRequest *query.PerChainQueryInternal
requestId string
accounts [][query.SolanaPublicKeyLength]byte
bumps []uint8
func (pub ccqPdaPublisher) publish(pcrResp *query.PerChainQueryResponseInternal, acctResp *query.SolanaAccountQueryResponse) {
if pcrResp == nil {
pub.w.ccqLogger.Error("sol_pda query failed, pcrResp is nil", zap.String("requestId", pub.requestId))
pub.w.ccqSendErrorResponse(pub.queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
if pcrResp.Status != query.QuerySuccess {
// publish() should only get called in success cases.
pub.w.ccqLogger.Error("received an unexpected query response for sol_pda query", zap.String("requestId", pub.requestId), zap.Any("pcrResp", pcrResp))
pub.w.ccqSendErrorResponse(pub.queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
if acctResp == nil {
pub.w.ccqLogger.Error("sol_pda query failed, acctResp is nil", zap.String("requestId", pub.requestId))
pub.w.ccqSendErrorResponse(pub.queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
if len(acctResp.Results) != len(pub.accounts) {
pub.w.ccqLogger.Error("sol_pda query failed, unexpected number of results", zap.String("requestId", pub.requestId), zap.Int("numResults", len(acctResp.Results)), zap.Int("expectedResults", len(pub.accounts)))
pub.w.ccqSendErrorResponse(pub.queryRequest, query.QueryFatalError)
// Build the PDA response from the base response.
results := make([]query.SolanaPdaResult, 0, len(pub.accounts))
for idx, acctResult := range acctResp.Results {
results = append(results, query.SolanaPdaResult{
Account: pub.accounts[idx],
Bump: pub.bumps[idx],
Lamports: acctResult.Lamports,
RentEpoch: acctResult.RentEpoch,
Executable: acctResult.Executable,
Owner: acctResult.Owner,
Data: acctResult.Data,
resp := &query.SolanaPdaQueryResponse{
SlotNumber: acctResp.SlotNumber,
BlockTime: acctResp.BlockTime,
BlockHash: acctResp.BlockHash,
Results: results,
// Finally, publish the result.
pub.w.ccqSendQueryResponse(query.CreatePerChainQueryResponseInternal(pub.queryRequest.RequestID, pub.queryRequest.RequestIdx, pub.queryRequest.Request.ChainId, query.QuerySuccess, resp))
type M map[string]interface{}
// getMultipleAccountsWithOpts is a work-around for the fact that the library call doesn't honor MinContextSlot.
// Opened the following issue against the library: https://github.com/gagliardetto/solana-go/issues/170
func (w *SolanaWatcher) getMultipleAccountsWithOpts(
ctx context.Context,
accounts []solana.PublicKey,
opts *rpc.GetMultipleAccountsOpts,
) (out *rpc.GetMultipleAccountsResult, err error) {
params := []interface{}{accounts}
if opts != nil {
obj := M{}
if opts.Encoding != "" {
obj["encoding"] = opts.Encoding
if opts.Commitment != "" {
obj["commitment"] = opts.Commitment
if opts.DataSlice != nil {
obj["dataSlice"] = M{
"offset": opts.DataSlice.Offset,
"length": opts.DataSlice.Length,
if opts.Encoding == solana.EncodingJSONParsed {
return nil, errors.New("cannot use dataSlice with EncodingJSONParsed")
if opts.MinContextSlot != nil {
obj["minContextSlot"] = *opts.MinContextSlot
if len(obj) > 0 {
params = append(params, obj)
err = w.rpcClient.RPCCallForInto(ctx, &out, "getMultipleAccounts", params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if out.Value == nil {
return nil, rpc.ErrNotFound