
132 lines
4.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package node.v1;
option go_package = "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/node/v1;nodev1";
// NodePrivilegedService exposes an administrative API. It runs on a UNIX socket and is authenticated
// using Linux filesystem permissions.
service NodePrivilegedService {
// InjectGovernanceVAA injects a governance VAA into the guardian node.
// The node will inject the VAA into the aggregator and sign/broadcast the VAA signature.
// A consensus majority of nodes on the network will have to inject the VAA within the
// VAA timeout window for it to reach consensus.
rpc InjectGovernanceVAA (InjectGovernanceVAARequest) returns (InjectGovernanceVAAResponse);
// FindMissingMessages will detect message sequence gaps in the local VAA store for a
// specific emitter chain and address. Start and end slots are the lowest and highest
// sequence numbers available in the local store, respectively.
// An error is returned if more than 1000 gaps are found.
rpc FindMissingMessages (FindMissingMessagesRequest) returns (FindMissingMessagesResponse);
message InjectGovernanceVAARequest {
// Index of the current guardian set.
uint32 current_set_index = 1;
// List of governance VAA messages to inject.
repeated GovernanceMessage messages = 2;
message GovernanceMessage {
// Sequence number. This is critical for replay protection - make sure the sequence number
// is unique for every new manually injected governance VAA. Sequences are tracked
// by emitter, and manually injected VAAs all use a single hardcoded emitter.
// We use random sequence numbers for the manual emitter.
uint64 sequence = 2;
// Random nonce for disambiguation. Must be identical across all nodes.
uint32 nonce = 3;
oneof payload{
// Core module
GuardianSetUpdate guardian_set = 10;
ContractUpgrade contract_upgrade = 11;
// Token bridge and NFT module
BridgeRegisterChain bridge_register_chain = 12;
BridgeUpgradeContract bridge_contract_upgrade = 13;
message InjectGovernanceVAAResponse {
// Canonical digests of the submitted VAAs.
repeated bytes digests = 1;
// GuardianSet represents a new guardian set to be submitted to and signed by the node.
// During the genesis procedure, this data structure will be assembled using off-chain collaborative tooling
// like GitHub using a human-readable encoding, so readability is a concern.
message GuardianSetUpdate {
// List of guardian set members.
message Guardian {
// Guardian key pubkey. Stored as hex string with 0x prefix for human readability -
// this is the canonical Ethereum representation.
string pubkey = 1;
// Optional descriptive name. Not stored on any chain, purely informational.
string name = 2;
repeated Guardian guardians = 3;
// GuardianKey specifies the on-disk format for a node's guardian key.
message GuardianKey {
// data is the binary representation of the secp256k1 private key.
bytes data = 1;
// Whether this key is deterministically generated and unsuitable for production mode.
bool unsafe_deterministic_key = 2;
message BridgeRegisterChain {
// Module identifier of the token or NFT bridge (typically "TokenBridge" or "NFTBridge")
string module = 1;
// ID of the chain to be registered.
uint32 chain_id = 2;
// Hex-encoded emitter address to be registered (without leading 0x).
string emitter_address = 3;
// ContractUpgrade represents a Wormhole contract update to be submitted to and signed by the node.
message ContractUpgrade {
// ID of the chain where the Wormhole contract should be updated (uint8).
uint32 chain_id = 1;
// Hex-encoded address (without leading 0x) address of the new program/contract.
string new_contract = 2;
message BridgeUpgradeContract {
// Module identifier of the token or NFT bridge (typically "TokenBridge" or "NFTBridge").
string module = 1;
// ID of the chain where the bridge contract should be updated (uint16).
uint32 target_chain_id = 2;
// Hex-encoded address (without leading 0x) of the new program/contract.
string new_contract = 3;
message FindMissingMessagesRequest {
// Emitter chain ID to iterate.
uint32 emitter_chain = 1;
// Hex-encoded (without leading 0x) emitter address to iterate.
string emitter_address = 2;
message FindMissingMessagesResponse {
// List of missing sequence numbers.
repeated string missing_messages = 1;
// Range processed
uint64 first_sequence = 2;
uint64 last_sequence = 3;