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// contracts/Messages.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "./Getters.sol";
import "./Structs.sol";
import "./libraries/external/BytesLib.sol";
contract Messages is Getters {
using BytesLib for bytes;
/// @dev parseAndVerifyVM serves to parse an encodedVM and wholy validate it for consumption
function parseAndVerifyVM(bytes calldata encodedVM) public view returns (Structs.VM memory vm, bool valid, string memory reason) {
vm = parseVM(encodedVM);
(valid, reason) = verifyVM(vm);
* @dev `verifyVM` serves to validate an arbitrary vm against a valid Guardian set
* - it aims to make sure the VM is for a known guardianSet
* - it aims to ensure the guardianSet is not expired
* - it aims to ensure the VM has reached quorum
* - it aims to verify the signatures provided against the guardianSet
function verifyVM(Structs.VM memory vm) public view returns (bool valid, string memory reason) {
/// @dev Obtain the current guardianSet for the guardianSetIndex provided
Structs.GuardianSet memory guardianSet = getGuardianSet(vm.guardianSetIndex);
* @dev Checks whether the guardianSet has zero keys
* WARNING: This keys check is critical to ensure the guardianSet has keys present AND to ensure
* that guardianSet key size doesn't fall to zero and negatively impact quorum assessment. If guardianSet
* key length is 0 and vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and
* signature verification.
if(guardianSet.keys.length == 0){
return (false, "invalid guardian set");
/// @dev Checks if VM guardian set index matches the current index (unless the current set is expired).
if(vm.guardianSetIndex != getCurrentGuardianSetIndex() && guardianSet.expirationTime < block.timestamp){
return (false, "guardian set has expired");
* @dev We're using a fixed point number transformation with 1 decimal to deal with rounding.
* WARNING: This quorum check is critical to assessing whether we have enough Guardian signatures to validate a VM
* if making any changes to this, obtain additional peer review. If guardianSet key length is 0 and
* vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and signature verification.
if (vm.signatures.length < quorum(guardianSet.keys.length)){
return (false, "no quorum");
/// @dev Verify the proposed vm.signatures against the guardianSet
(bool signaturesValid, string memory invalidReason) = verifySignatures(vm.hash, vm.signatures, guardianSet);
return (false, invalidReason);
/// If we are here, we've validated the VM is a valid multi-sig that matches the guardianSet.
return (true, "");
* @dev verifySignatures serves to validate arbitrary sigatures against an arbitrary guardianSet
* - it intentionally does not solve for expectations within guardianSet (you should use verifyVM if you need these protections)
* - it intentioanlly does not solve for quorum (you should use verifyVM if you need these protections)
* - it intentionally returns true when signatures is an empty set (you should use verifyVM if you need these protections)
function verifySignatures(bytes32 hash, Structs.Signature[] memory signatures, Structs.GuardianSet memory guardianSet) public pure returns (bool valid, string memory reason) {
uint8 lastIndex = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) {
Structs.Signature memory sig = signatures[i];
/// Ensure that provided signature indices are ascending only
require(i == 0 || sig.guardianIndex > lastIndex, "signature indices must be ascending");
lastIndex = sig.guardianIndex;
/// Check to see if the signer of the signature does not match a specific Guardian key at the provided index
if(ecrecover(hash, sig.v, sig.r, sig.s) != guardianSet.keys[sig.guardianIndex]){
return (false, "VM signature invalid");
/// If we are here, we've validated that the provided signatures are valid for the provided guardianSet
return (true, "");
* @dev parseVM serves to parse an encodedVM into a vm struct
* - it intentionally performs no validation functions, it simply parses raw into a struct
function parseVM(bytes memory encodedVM) public pure virtual returns (Structs.VM memory vm) {
uint index = 0;
vm.version = encodedVM.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
require(vm.version == 1, "VM version incompatible");
vm.guardianSetIndex = encodedVM.toUint32(index);
index += 4;
// Parse Signatures
uint256 signersLen = encodedVM.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
vm.signatures = new Structs.Signature[](signersLen);
for (uint i = 0; i < signersLen; i++) {
vm.signatures[i].guardianIndex = encodedVM.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
vm.signatures[i].r = encodedVM.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
vm.signatures[i].s = encodedVM.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
vm.signatures[i].v = encodedVM.toUint8(index) + 27;
index += 1;
// Hash the body
bytes memory body = encodedVM.slice(index, encodedVM.length - index);
vm.hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(body)));
// Parse the body
vm.timestamp = encodedVM.toUint32(index);
index += 4;
vm.nonce = encodedVM.toUint32(index);
index += 4;
vm.emitterChainId = encodedVM.toUint16(index);
index += 2;
vm.emitterAddress = encodedVM.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
vm.sequence = encodedVM.toUint64(index);
index += 8;
vm.consistencyLevel = encodedVM.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
vm.payload = encodedVM.slice(index, encodedVM.length - index);
* @dev quorum serves solely to determine the number of signatures required to acheive quorum
function quorum(uint numGuardians) public pure virtual returns (uint numSignaturesRequiredForQuorum) {
return ((numGuardians * 2) / 3) + 1;