
504 lines
18 KiB

// Package p contains an HTTP Cloud Function.
package p
import (
type transfersResult struct {
Last24Hours map[string]map[string]map[string]float64
WithinPeriod map[string]map[string]map[string]float64
PeriodDurationDays int
Daily map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]float64
// an in-memory cache of previously calculated results
var warmTransfersCache = map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
var muWarmTransfersCache sync.RWMutex
var warmTransfersCacheFilePath = "notional-transferred-cache.json"
// finds the daily amount of each symbol transferred from each chain, to each chain,
// from the specified start to the present.
func createTransfersOfInterval(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, prefix string, start time.Time) map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]float64 {
if _, ok := warmTransfersCache["*"]; !ok {
loadJsonToInterface(ctx, warmTransfersCacheFilePath, &muWarmTransfersCache, &warmTransfersCache)
results := map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
now := time.Now().UTC()
numPrevDays := int(now.Sub(start).Hours() / 24)
var intervalsWG sync.WaitGroup
// there will be a query for each previous day, plus today
intervalsWG.Add(numPrevDays + 1)
// create the unique identifier for this query, for cache
cachePrefix := createCachePrefix(prefix)
cacheNeedsUpdate := false
for daysAgo := 0; daysAgo <= numPrevDays; daysAgo++ {
go func(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, prefix string, daysAgo int) {
// start is the SOD, end is EOD
// "0 daysAgo start" is 00:00:00 AM of the current day
// "0 daysAgo end" is 23:59:59 of the current day (the future)
// calulate the start and end times for the query
hoursAgo := (24 * daysAgo)
daysAgoDuration := -time.Duration(hoursAgo) * time.Hour
n := now.Add(daysAgoDuration)
year := n.Year()
month := n.Month()
day := n.Day()
loc := n.Location()
start := time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc)
end := time.Date(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59, maxNano, loc)
dateStr := start.Format("2006-01-02")
// initialize the map for this date in the result set
results[dateStr] = map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": {"*": 0}}}
// check to see if there is cache data for this date/query
if dates, ok := warmTransfersCache[cachePrefix]; ok {
// have a cache for this query
if dateCache, ok := dates[dateStr]; ok && len(dateCache) > 1 && useCache(dateStr) {
// have a cache for this date
if daysAgo >= 1 {
// only use the cache for yesterday and older
results[dateStr] = dateCache
} else {
// no cache for this query, initialize the map
warmTransfersCache[cachePrefix] = map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
defer intervalsWG.Done()
queryResult := fetchTransferRowsInInterval(tbl, ctx, prefix, start, end)
// iterate through the rows and increment the amounts
for _, row := range queryResult {
if _, ok := results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain]; !ok {
results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain] = map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": 0}}
if _, ok := results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain]; !ok {
results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
if _, ok := results[dateStr]["*"][row.DestinationChain]; !ok {
results[dateStr]["*"][row.DestinationChain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
// add the transfer data to the result set every possible way:
// by symbol, aggregated by: "leaving chain", "arriving at chain", "from any chain", "to any chain".
// add to the total amount leaving this chain, going to any chain, for all symbols
results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain]["*"]["*"] = results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain]["*"]["*"] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount leaving this chain, going to the destination chain, for all symbols
results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain]["*"] = results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain]["*"] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol leaving this chain, going to any chain
results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] = results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol leaving this chain, going to the destination chain
results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] = results[dateStr][row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount arriving at the destination chain, coming from anywhere, including all symbols
results[dateStr]["*"][row.DestinationChain]["*"] = results[dateStr]["*"][row.DestinationChain]["*"] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol arriving at the destination chain
results[dateStr]["*"][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] = results[dateStr]["*"][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol transferred, from any chain, to any chain
results[dateStr]["*"]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] = results[dateStr]["*"]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// and finally, total/total/total: amount of all symbols transferred from any chain to any other chain
results[dateStr]["*"]["*"]["*"] = results[dateStr]["*"]["*"]["*"] + row.Notional
if daysAgo >= 1 {
// set the result in the cache
if cacheData, ok := warmTransfersCache[cachePrefix][dateStr]; !ok || len(cacheData) == 1 || !useCache(dateStr) {
// cache does not have this date, add the data, and mark the cache stale
warmTransfersCache[cachePrefix][dateStr] = results[dateStr]
cacheNeedsUpdate = true
}(tbl, ctx, prefix, daysAgo)
if cacheNeedsUpdate {
persistInterfaceToJson(ctx, warmTransfersCacheFilePath, &muWarmTransfersCache, warmTransfersCache)
// having consistent keys in each object is helpful for clients, explorer GUI
// create a set of all the keys from all dates/chains, to ensure the result objects all have the same chain keys
seenChainSet := map[string]bool{}
for _, chains := range results {
for leaving, dests := range chains {
seenChainSet[leaving] = true
for dest := range dests {
seenChainSet[dest] = true
var muResult sync.RWMutex
// ensure each chain object has all the same symbol keys:
for date, chains := range results {
for chain := range seenChainSet {
if _, ok := chains[chain]; !ok {
results[date][chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": 0}}
for leaving := range chains {
for chain := range seenChainSet {
// check that date has all the chains
if _, ok := chains[chain]; !ok {
results[date][leaving][chain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
return results
// calculates the amount of each symbol that has gone from each chain, to each other chain, since the specified day.
func transferredSinceDate(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, prefix string, start time.Time) map[string]map[string]map[string]float64 {
result := map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": {"*": 0}}}
dailyTotals := createTransfersOfInterval(tbl, ctx, prefix, start)
for _, leaving := range dailyTotals {
for chain, dests := range leaving {
// ensure the chain exists in the result map
if _, ok := result[chain]; !ok {
result[chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": 0}}
for dest, tokens := range dests {
if _, ok := result[chain][dest]; !ok {
result[chain][dest] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
for symbol, amount := range tokens {
if _, ok := result[chain][dest][symbol]; !ok {
result[chain][dest][symbol] = 0
// add the amount of this symbol transferred this day to the
// amount already in the result (amount of this symbol prevoiusly transferred)
result[chain][dest][symbol] = result[chain][dest][symbol] + amount
// create a set of chainIDs, the union of source and destination chains,
// to ensure the result objects all have the same keys.
seenChainSet := map[string]bool{}
for leaving, dests := range result {
seenChainSet[leaving] = true
for dest := range dests {
seenChainSet[dest] = true
// make sure the root of the map has all the chainIDs
for chain := range seenChainSet {
if _, ok := result[chain]; !ok {
result[chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": 0}}
// make sure that each chain at the root (leaving) as a key (destination) for each chain
for leaving, dests := range result {
for chain := range seenChainSet {
// check that date has all the chains
if _, ok := dests[chain]; !ok {
result[leaving][chain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
return result
// returns the count of the rows in the query response
func transfersForInterval(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, prefix string, start, end time.Time) map[string]map[string]map[string]float64 {
// query for all rows in time range, return result count
queryResults := fetchTransferRowsInInterval(tbl, ctx, prefix, start, end)
result := map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": {"*": 0}}}
// iterate through the rows and increment the count for each index
for _, row := range queryResults {
if _, ok := result[row.LeavingChain]; !ok {
result[row.LeavingChain] = map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": 0}}
if _, ok := result[row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain]; !ok {
result[row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
if _, ok := result["*"][row.DestinationChain]; !ok {
result["*"][row.DestinationChain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
// add the transfer data to the result set every possible way:
// by symbol, aggregated by: "leaving chain", "arriving at chain", "from any chain", "to any chain".
// add to the total amount leaving this chain, going to any chain, for all symbols
result[row.LeavingChain]["*"]["*"] = result[row.LeavingChain]["*"]["*"] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount leaving this chain, going to the destination chain, for all symbols
result[row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain]["*"] = result[row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain]["*"] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol leaving this chain, going to any chain
result[row.LeavingChain]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] = result[row.LeavingChain]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol leaving this chain, going to the destination chain
result[row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] = result[row.LeavingChain][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount arriving at the destination chain, coming from anywhere, including all symbols
result["*"][row.DestinationChain]["*"] = result["*"][row.DestinationChain]["*"] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol arriving at the destination chain
result["*"][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] = result["*"][row.DestinationChain][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// add to the total amount of this symbol transferred, from any chain, to any chain
result["*"]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] = result["*"]["*"][row.TokenSymbol] + row.Notional
// and finally, total/total/total: amount of all symbols transferred from any chain to any other chain
result["*"]["*"]["*"] = result["*"]["*"]["*"] + row.Notional
// create a set of chainIDs, the union of source and destination chains,
// to ensure the result objects all have the same keys.
seenChainSet := map[string]bool{}
for leaving, dests := range result {
seenChainSet[leaving] = true
for dest := range dests {
seenChainSet[dest] = true
// make sure the root of the map has all the chainIDs
for chain := range seenChainSet {
if _, ok := result[chain]; !ok {
result[chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{"*": {"*": 0}}
// make sure that each chain at the root (leaving) as a key (destination) for each chain
for leaving, dests := range result {
for chain := range seenChainSet {
// check that date has all the chains
if _, ok := dests[chain]; !ok {
result[leaving][chain] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
return result
// finds the value that has been transferred from each chain to each other, by symbol.
func NotionalTransferred(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Set CORS headers for the preflight request
if r.Method == http.MethodOptions {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600")
// Set CORS headers for the main request.
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
var numDays, forChain, forAddress, daily, last24Hours, forPeriod string
// allow GET requests with querystring params, or POST requests with json body.
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
queryParams := r.URL.Query()
numDays = queryParams.Get("numDays")
forChain = queryParams.Get("forChain")
forAddress = queryParams.Get("forAddress")
daily = queryParams.Get("daily")
last24Hours = queryParams.Get("last24Hours")
forPeriod = queryParams.Get("forPeriod")
case http.MethodPost:
// declare request body properties
var d struct {
NumDays string `json:"numDays"`
ForChain string `json:"forChain"`
ForAddress string `json:"forAddress"`
Daily string `json:"daily"`
Last24Hours string `json:"last24Hours"`
ForPeriod string `json:"forPeriod"`
// deserialize request body
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&d); err != nil {
switch err {
case io.EOF:
// do nothing, empty body is ok
log.Printf("json.NewDecoder: %v", err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest)
numDays = d.NumDays
forChain = d.ForChain
forAddress = d.ForAddress
daily = d.Daily
last24Hours = d.Last24Hours
forPeriod = d.ForPeriod
http.Error(w, "405 - Method Not Allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
log.Println("Method Not Allowed")
if daily == "" && last24Hours == "" && forPeriod == "" {
// none of the options were set, so set one
last24Hours = "true"
var queryDays int
if numDays == "" {
queryDays = 30
} else {
var convErr error
queryDays, convErr = strconv.Atoi(numDays)
if convErr != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, "numDays must be an integer")
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest)
// create the rowkey prefix for querying
prefix := ""
if forChain != "" {
prefix = forChain
// if the request is forChain, always groupBy chain
if forAddress != "" {
// if the request is forAddress, always groupBy address
prefix = forChain + ":" + forAddress
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// total of last 24 hours
last24HourCount := map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
if last24Hours != "" {
go func(prefix string) {
last24HourInterval := -time.Duration(24) * time.Hour
now := time.Now().UTC()
start := now.Add(last24HourInterval)
defer wg.Done()
transfers := transfersForInterval(tbl, ctx, prefix, start, now)
for chain, dests := range transfers {
last24HourCount[chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{}
for dest, tokens := range dests {
last24HourCount[chain][dest] = map[string]float64{}
for symbol, amount := range tokens {
last24HourCount[chain][dest][symbol] = roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(amount)
// transfers of the last numDays
periodTransfers := map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
if forPeriod != "" {
go func(prefix string) {
hours := (24 * queryDays)
periodInterval := -time.Duration(hours) * time.Hour
now := time.Now().UTC()
prev := now.Add(periodInterval)
start := time.Date(prev.Year(), prev.Month(), prev.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, prev.Location())
defer wg.Done()
transfers := transferredSinceDate(tbl, ctx, prefix, start)
for chain, dests := range transfers {
periodTransfers[chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{}
for dest, tokens := range dests {
periodTransfers[chain][dest] = map[string]float64{}
for symbol, amount := range tokens {
periodTransfers[chain][dest][symbol] = roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(amount)
// daily totals
dailyTransfers := map[string]map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
if daily != "" {
go func(prefix string, queryDays int) {
hours := (24 * queryDays)
periodInterval := -time.Duration(hours) * time.Hour
now := time.Now().UTC()
prev := now.Add(periodInterval)
start := time.Date(prev.Year(), prev.Month(), prev.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, prev.Location())
defer wg.Done()
transfers := createTransfersOfInterval(tbl, ctx, prefix, start)
for date, chains := range transfers {
dailyTransfers[date] = map[string]map[string]map[string]float64{}
for chain, dests := range chains {
dailyTransfers[date][chain] = map[string]map[string]float64{}
for destChain, tokens := range dests {
dailyTransfers[date][chain][destChain] = map[string]float64{}
for symbol, amount := range tokens {
dailyTransfers[date][chain][destChain][symbol] = roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(amount)
}(prefix, queryDays)
result := &transfersResult{
Last24Hours: last24HourCount,
WithinPeriod: periodTransfers,
PeriodDurationDays: queryDays,
Daily: dailyTransfers,
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {