
113 lines
4.7 KiB

import algosdk from 'algosdk'
import { IPublisher, PublishInfo } from './IPublisher'
import { StatusCode } from '../common/statusCodes'
import { PythData } from 'backend/common/basetypes'
const PricecasterLib = require('../../lib/pricecaster')
const tools = require('../../tools/app-tools')
export class Pricekeeper2Publisher implements IPublisher {
private algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2
private pclib: any
private account: algosdk.Account
private vaaProcessorAppId: number
private vaaProcessorOwner: string
private numOfVerifySteps: number = 0
private guardianCount: number = 0
private stepSize: number = 0
private dumpFailedTx: boolean
private dumpFailedTxDirectory: string | undefined
private compiledVerifyProgram: { bytes: Uint8Array, hash: string } = { bytes: new Uint8Array(), hash: '' }
constructor (vaaProcessorAppId: number,
priceKeeperAppId: number,
vaaProcessorOwner: string,
verifyProgramBinary: Uint8Array,
verifyProgramHash: string,
signKey: algosdk.Account,
algoClientToken: string,
algoClientServer: string,
algoClientPort: string,
dumpFailedTx: boolean = false,
dumpFailedTxDirectory: string = './') {
this.account = signKey
this.compiledVerifyProgram.bytes = verifyProgramBinary
this.compiledVerifyProgram.hash = verifyProgramHash
this.vaaProcessorAppId = vaaProcessorAppId
this.vaaProcessorOwner = vaaProcessorOwner
this.dumpFailedTx = dumpFailedTx
this.dumpFailedTxDirectory = dumpFailedTxDirectory
this.algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2(algoClientToken, algoClientServer, algoClientPort)
this.pclib = new PricecasterLib.PricecasterLib(this.algodClient)
this.pclib.setAppId('vaaProcessor', vaaProcessorAppId)
this.pclib.setAppId('pricekeeper', priceKeeperAppId)
async start () {
stop () {
signCallback (sender: string, tx: algosdk.Transaction) {
const txSigned = tx.signTxn(this.account.sk)
return txSigned
async publish (data: PythData): Promise<PublishInfo> {
const publishInfo: PublishInfo = { status: StatusCode.OK }
const txParams = await this.algodClient.getTransactionParams().do()
txParams.fee = 1000
txParams.flatFee = true
this.guardianCount = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(this.algodClient, this.vaaProcessorAppId, this.vaaProcessorOwner, 'gscount')
this.stepSize = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(this.algodClient, this.vaaProcessorAppId, this.vaaProcessorOwner, 'vssize')
this.numOfVerifySteps = Math.ceil(this.guardianCount / this.stepSize)
if (this.guardianCount === 0 || this.stepSize === 0) {
throw new Error('cannot get guardian count and/or step-size from global state')
// (!)
// Stateless programs cannot access state nor stack from stateful programs, so
// for the VAA Verify program to use the guardian set, we pass the global state as TX argument,
// (and check it against the current global list to be sure it's ok). This way it can be read by
// VAA verifier as a stateless program CAN DO READS of call transaction arguments in a group.
// The same technique is used for the note field, where the payload is set.
try {
const guardianKeys = []
const buf = Buffer.alloc(8)
for (let i = 0; i < this.guardianCount; i++) {
const gk = await tools.readAppGlobalStateByKey(this.algodClient, this.vaaProcessorAppId, this.vaaProcessorOwner, buf.toString())
guardianKeys.push(Buffer.from(gk, 'base64').toString('hex'))
const strSig = data.signatures.toString('hex')
const gid = this.pclib.beginTxGroup()
const sigSubsets = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.numOfVerifySteps; i++) {
const st = this.stepSize * i
const sigSetLen = 132 * this.stepSize
const keySubset = guardianKeys.slice(st, i < this.numOfVerifySteps - 1 ? st + this.stepSize : undefined)
sigSubsets.push(strSig.slice(i * sigSetLen, i < this.numOfVerifySteps - 1 ? ((i * sigSetLen) + sigSetLen) : undefined))
this.pclib.addVerifyTx(gid, this.compiledVerifyProgram.hash, txParams, data.vaaBody, keySubset, this.guardianCount)
this.pclib.addPriceStoreTx(gid, this.vaaProcessorOwner, txParams, data.symbol, data.vaaBody.slice(51))
const txId = await this.pclib.commitVerifyTxGroup(gid, this.compiledVerifyProgram.bytes, sigSubsets, this.vaaProcessorOwner, this.signCallback.bind(this))
publishInfo.txid = txId
} catch (e: any) {
publishInfo.status = StatusCode.ERROR_SUBMIT_MESSAGE
publishInfo.reason = e.response.text ? e.response.text : e.toString()
return publishInfo
return publishInfo