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//! CLI options
use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use clap::Clap;
about = "A client for the pyth2wormhole Solana program",
author = "The Wormhole Project"
pub struct Cli {
default_value = "3",
about = "Logging level, where 0..=1 RUST_LOG=error and 5.. is RUST_LOG=trace"
pub log_level: u32,
about = "Identity JSON file for the entity meant to cover transaction costs",
default_value = "~/.config/solana/id.json"
pub payer: String,
#[clap(short, long, default_value = "http://localhost:8899")]
pub rpc_url: String,
pub p2w_addr: Pubkey,
pub action: Action,
pub enum Action {
#[clap(about = "Initialize a pyth2wormhole program freshly deployed under <p2w_addr>")]
Init {
/// The bridge program account
#[clap(short = 'w', long = "wh-prog")]
wh_prog: Pubkey,
#[clap(short = 'o', long = "owner")]
owner_addr: Pubkey,
#[clap(short = 'p', long = "pyth-owner")]
pyth_owner_addr: Pubkey,
about = "Use an existing pyth2wormhole program to attest product price information to another chain"
Attest {
#[clap(short = 'f', long = "--config", about = "Attestation YAML config")]
attestation_cfg: PathBuf,
about = "Update an existing pyth2wormhole program's settings (currently set owner only)"
SetConfig {
/// Current owner keypair path
#[clap(long = "owner", default_value = "~/.config/solana/id.json")]
owner: String,
/// New owner to set
#[clap(long = "new-owner")]
new_owner_addr: Pubkey,
#[clap(long = "new-wh-prog")]
new_wh_prog: Pubkey,
#[clap(long = "new-pyth-owner")]
new_pyth_owner_addr: Pubkey,