
199 lines
6.4 KiB

import { NodeHttpTransport } from "@improbable-eng/grpc-web-node-http-transport";
import {PythImplementation__factory} from "./ethers-contracts";
import * as http from "http";
import * as net from "net";
import fs from "fs";
import {ethers} from "ethers";
import {getSignedAttestation, parseBatchAttestation, p2w_core, sol_addr2buf} from "@certusone/p2w-sdk";
import {setDefaultWasm, importCoreWasm} from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/solana/wasm";
interface NewAttestationsResponse {
pendingSeqnos: Array<number>,
async function readinessProbeRoutine(port: number) {
let srv = net.createServer();
return await srv.listen(port);
(async () => {
// p2w-attest exposes an HTTP endpoint that shares the currently pending sequence numbers
const P2W_ATTESTATIONS_HOST = process.env.P2W_ATTESTATIONS_HOST || "p2w-attest";
const P2W_ATTESTATIONS_PORT = Number(process.env.P2W_ATTESTATIONS_PORT || "4343");
const P2W_SOL_ADDRESS = process.env.P2W_SOL_ADDRESS || "P2WH424242424242424242424242424242424242424";
const READINESS_PROBE_PORT = Number(process.env.READINESS_PROBE_PORT || "2000");
const P2W_RELAY_RETRY_COUNT = Number(process.env.P2W_RELAY_RETRY_COUNT || "3");
// ETH node connection details; Currently, we expect to read BIP44
// wallet recovery mnemonics from a text file.
const ETH_NODE_URL = process.env.ETH_NODE_URL || "ws://eth-devnet:8545";
const ETH_P2W_CONTRACT = process.env.ETH_P2W_CONTRACT || "0xA94B7f0465E98609391C623d0560C5720a3f2D33";
const ETH_MNEMONIC_FILE = process.env.ETH_MNEMONIC_FILE || "../../../ethereum/devnet_mnemonic.txt";
const ETH_HD_WALLET_PATH = process.env.ETH_HD_WALLET_PATH || "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
// Public RPC address for use with signed attestation queries
const GUARDIAN_RPC_HOST_PORT = process.env.GUARDIAN_RPC_HOST_PORT || "http://guardian:7071";
let readinessProbe = null;
let seqnoPool: Map<number, number> = new Map();
console.log(`Polling attestations endpoint every ${P2W_ATTESTATIONS_POLL_INTERVAL_MS / 1000} seconds`);
const {parse_vaa} = await importCoreWasm();
let p2w_eth: any;
// Connect to ETH
try {
let provider = new ethers.providers.WebSocketProvider(ETH_NODE_URL);
let mnemonic: string = fs.readFileSync(ETH_MNEMONIC_FILE).toString("utf-8").trim();
let wallet = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, ETH_HD_WALLET_PATH);
console.log(`Using ETH wallet pubkey: ${wallet.publicKey}`);
let signer = new ethers.Wallet(wallet.privateKey, provider);
let balance = await signer.getBalance();
console.log(`Account balance is ${balance}`);
let factory = new PythImplementation__factory(signer);
p2w_eth = factory.attach(ETH_P2W_CONTRACT);
catch(e) {
console.error(`Error: Could not instantiate ETH contract:`, e);
throw e;
while (true) {
path: "/",
agent: false
}, (res) => {
if (res.statusCode != 200) {
console.error("Could not reach attestations endpoint", res);
} else {
let chunks: string[] = [];
res.on('data', (chunk) => {
res.on('end', () => {
let body = chunks.join('');
let response: NewAttestationsResponse = JSON.parse(body);
console.log(`Got ${response.pendingSeqnos.length} new seqnos: ${response.pendingSeqnos}`);
for (let seqno of response.pendingSeqnos) {
seqnoPool.set(seqno, 0);
}).on('error', (e) => {
console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);
console.log("Processing seqnos:", seqnoPool);
for (let poolEntry of seqnoPool) {
let seqno = poolEntry[0];
let attempts = poolEntry[1];
if (attempts >= P2W_RELAY_RETRY_COUNT) {
console.warn(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Exceeded retry count, removing from list`);
let vaaResponse: any;
try {
vaaResponse = await getSignedAttestation(
transport: NodeHttpTransport()
catch(e) {
console.error(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Error: Could not call getSignedAttestation:`, e);
seqnoPool.set(seqno, attempts + 1);
console.log(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Price attestation VAA bytes:\n`, vaaResponse.vaaBytes);
let parsedVaa = parse_vaa(vaaResponse.vaaBytes);
console.log(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Parsed VAA:\n`, parsedVaa);
let parsedAttestations = await parseBatchAttestation(parsedVaa.payload);
console.log(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Parsed ${parsedAttestations.length} price attestations:\n`, parsedAttestations);
// try {
// let tx = await p2w_eth.attestPrice(vaaResponse.vaaBytes, {gasLimit: 1000000});
// let retval = await tx.wait();
// console.log(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] attestPrice() output:\n`, retval);
// } catch(e) {
// console.error(`[seqno ${poolEntry}, {parsedAttestations.length} symbols] Error: Could not call attestPrice() on ETH:`, e);
// seqnoPool.set(seqno, attempts + 1);
// continue;
// }
console.warn("TODO: implement relayer ETH call");
// for (let att of parsedAttestations) {
// let product_id = att.product_id;
// let price_type = att.price_type == "Price" ? 1 : 0;
// let latest_attestation: any;
// try {
// let p2w = await p2w_core();
// console.log(`Looking up latestAttestation for `, product_id, price_type);
// latest_attestation = await p2w_eth.latestAttestation(product_id, price_type);
// } catch(e) {
// console.error(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Error: Could not call latestAttestation() on ETH:`, e);
// seqnoPool.set(seqno, attempts + 1);
// continue;
// }
// console.log(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Latest price type ${price_type} attestation of ${product_id} is ${latest_attestation}`);
// }
if (!readinessProbe) {
console.log(`[seqno ${poolEntry}] Attestation successful. Starting readiness probe.`);
readinessProbe = readinessProbeRoutine(READINESS_PROBE_PORT);
seqnoPool.delete(seqno); // Everything went well, seqno no longer pending.
await new Promise(f => {setTimeout(f, P2W_ATTESTATIONS_POLL_INTERVAL_MS);});