
183 lines
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import { TransactionResponse } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { TxInfo } from "@terra-money/terra.js";
import { TxInfo as XplaTxInfo } from "@xpla/xpla.js";
import { AptosClient, Types } from "aptos";
import { BigNumber, ContractReceipt } from "ethers";
import { FinalExecutionOutcome } from "near-api-js/lib/providers";
import { Implementation__factory } from "../ethers-contracts";
export function parseSequenceFromLogEth(
receipt: ContractReceipt,
bridgeAddress: string
): string {
// TODO: dangerous!(?)
const bridgeLog = receipt.logs.filter((l) => {
return l.address === bridgeAddress;
const {
args: { sequence },
} = Implementation__factory.createInterface().parseLog(bridgeLog);
return sequence.toString();
export function parseSequencesFromLogEth(
receipt: ContractReceipt,
bridgeAddress: string
): string[] {
// TODO: dangerous!(?)
const bridgeLogs = receipt.logs.filter((l) => {
return l.address === bridgeAddress;
return bridgeLogs.map((bridgeLog) => {
const {
args: { sequence },
} = Implementation__factory.createInterface().parseLog(bridgeLog);
return sequence.toString();
export function parseSequenceFromLogTerra(info: TxInfo): string {
// Scan for the Sequence attribute in all the outputs of the transaction.
// TODO: Make this not horrible.
let sequence = "";
const jsonLog = JSON.parse(info.raw_log);
jsonLog.map((row: any) => {
row.events.map((event: any) => {
event.attributes.map((attribute: any) => {
if (attribute.key === "message.sequence") {
sequence = attribute.value;
return sequence.toString();
export function parseSequenceFromLogXpla(info: XplaTxInfo): string {
// Scan for the Sequence attribute in all the outputs of the transaction.
// TODO: Make this not horrible.
let sequence = "";
const jsonLog = JSON.parse(info.raw_log);
jsonLog.map((row: any) => {
row.events.map((event: any) => {
event.attributes.map((attribute: any) => {
if (attribute.key === "message.sequence") {
sequence = attribute.value;
return sequence.toString();
export function parseSequencesFromLogTerra(info: TxInfo): string[] {
// Scan for the Sequence attribute in all the outputs of the transaction.
// TODO: Make this not horrible.
const sequences: string[] = [];
const jsonLog = JSON.parse(info.raw_log);
jsonLog.map((row: any) => {
row.events.map((event: any) => {
event.attributes.map((attribute: any) => {
if (attribute.key === "message.sequence") {
return sequences;
export function parseSequenceFromLogInjective(info: any): string {
// Scan for the Sequence attribute in all the outputs of the transaction.
let sequence = "";
const jsonLog = JSON.parse(info.rawLog);
jsonLog.map((row: any) => {
row.events.map((event: any) => {
event.attributes.map((attribute: any) => {
if (attribute.key === "message.sequence") {
sequence = attribute.value;
return sequence.toString();
const SOLANA_SEQ_LOG = "Program log: Sequence: ";
export function parseSequenceFromLogSolana(info: TransactionResponse) {
// TODO: better parsing, safer
const sequence = info.meta?.logMessages
?.filter((msg) => msg.startsWith(SOLANA_SEQ_LOG))?.[0]
?.replace(SOLANA_SEQ_LOG, "");
if (!sequence) {
throw new Error("sequence not found");
return sequence.toString();
export function parseSequencesFromLogSolana(info: TransactionResponse) {
// TODO: better parsing, safer
return info.meta?.logMessages
?.filter((msg) => msg.startsWith(SOLANA_SEQ_LOG))
.map((msg) => msg.replace(SOLANA_SEQ_LOG, ""));
export function parseSequenceFromLogAlgorand(
result: Record<string, any>
): string {
let sequence = "";
if (result["inner-txns"]) {
const innerTxns: [] = result["inner-txns"];
class iTxn {
"local-state-delta": [[Object]];
logs: Buffer[] | undefined;
"pool-error": string;
txn: { txn: [Object] } | undefined;
innerTxns.forEach((txn: iTxn) => {
if (txn.logs) {
sequence = BigNumber.from(txn.logs[0].slice(0, 8)).toString();
return sequence;
export function parseSequenceFromLogNear(
outcome: FinalExecutionOutcome
): string | null {
for (const o of outcome.receipts_outcome) {
for (const l of o.outcome.logs) {
if (l.startsWith(NEAR_EVENT_PREFIX)) {
const body = JSON.parse(l.slice(NEAR_EVENT_PREFIX.length));
if (body.standard === "wormhole" && body.event === "publish") {
return body.seq.toString();
return null;
* Given a transaction result, return the first WormholeMessage event sequence
* @param coreBridgeAddress Wormhole Core bridge address
* @param result the result of client.waitForTransactionWithResult(txHash)
* @returns sequence
export function parseSequenceFromLogAptos(
coreBridgeAddress: string,
result: Types.UserTransaction
): string | null {
if (result.success) {
const event = result.events.find(
(e) => e.type === `${coreBridgeAddress}::state::WormholeMessage`
return event?.data.sequence || null;
return null;