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2015-12-19 09:50:42 -08:00
#ifndef _ESPAsyncWebServer_H_
#define _ESPAsyncWebServer_H_
2015-12-19 08:53:33 -08:00
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <functional>
#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h>
2015-12-22 02:42:07 -08:00
#include "FS.h"
2015-12-19 08:53:33 -08:00
#include "StringArray.h"
class AsyncWebServer;
class AsyncWebServerRequest;
class AsyncWebServerResponse;
class AsyncWebHeader;
class AsyncWebParameter;
class AsyncWebHandler;
typedef enum {
} WebRequestMethod;
* PARAMETER :: Chainable object to hold GET/POST and FILE parameters
* */
class AsyncWebParameter {
String _name;
String _value;
size_t _size;
bool _isForm;
bool _isFile;
AsyncWebParameter *next;
AsyncWebParameter(String name, String value, bool form=false, bool file=false, size_t size=0): _name(name), _value(value), _size(size), _isForm(form), _isFile(file), next(NULL){}
String name(){ return _name; }
String value(){ return _value; }
size_t size(){ return _size; }
bool isPost(){ return _isForm; }
bool isFile(){ return _isFile; }
* HEADER :: Chainable object to hold the headers
* */
class AsyncWebHeader {
String _name;
String _value;
AsyncWebHeader *next;
AsyncWebHeader(String name, String value): _name(name), _value(value), next(NULL){}
AsyncWebHeader(String data): _name(), _value(), next(NULL){
if(!data || !data.length() || data.indexOf(':') < 0)
_name = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(':'));
_value = data.substring(data.indexOf(':') + 2);
String name(){ return _name; }
String value(){ return _value; }
String toString(){ return String(_name+": "+_value+"\r\n"); }
* REQUEST :: Each incoming Client is wrapped inside a Request and both live together until disconnect
* */
2015-12-19 10:48:53 -08:00
typedef std::function<size_t(uint8_t*, size_t)> AwsResponseFiller;
2015-12-19 08:53:33 -08:00
class AsyncWebServerRequest {
AsyncClient* _client;
AsyncWebServer* _server;
AsyncWebHandler* _handler;
AsyncWebServerResponse* _response;
StringArray* _interestingHeaders;
String _temp;
uint8_t _parseState;
WebRequestMethod _method;
String _url;
String _host;
String _contentType;
String _boundary;
String _authorization;
bool _isMultipart;
bool _isPlainPost;
bool _expectingContinue;
size_t _contentLength;
size_t _parsedLength;
AsyncWebHeader *_headers;
AsyncWebParameter *_params;
uint8_t _multiParseState;
uint8_t _boundaryPosition;
size_t _itemStartIndex;
size_t _itemSize;
String _itemName;
String _itemFilename;
String _itemType;
String _itemValue;
uint8_t *_itemBuffer;
size_t _itemBufferIndex;
bool _itemIsFile;
void _onPoll();
void _onAck(size_t len, uint32_t time);
2015-12-22 02:42:07 -08:00
void _onError(int8_t error);
2015-12-19 08:53:33 -08:00
void _onTimeout(uint32_t time);
void _onDisconnect();
void _onData(void *buf, size_t len);
void _addParam(AsyncWebParameter*);
String _urlDecode(const String& text);
bool _parseReqHead();
bool _parseReqHeader();
void _parseLine();
void _parseByte(uint8_t data);
void _parsePlainPostChar(uint8_t data);
void _parseMultipartPostByte(uint8_t data, bool last);
void _addGetParam(String param);
void _handleUploadStart();
void _handleUploadByte(uint8_t data, bool last);
void _handleUploadEnd();
File _tempFile;
AsyncWebServerRequest(AsyncWebServer*, AsyncClient*);
AsyncClient* client(){ return _client; }
WebRequestMethod method(){ return _method; }
String url(){ return _url; }
String host(){ return _host; }
String contentType(){ return _contentType; }
size_t contentLength(){ return _contentLength; }
bool multipart(){ return _isMultipart; }
bool authenticate(const char * username, const char * password);
bool authenticate(const char * hash);
void requestAuthentication();
void setHandler(AsyncWebHandler *handler){ _handler = handler; }
void addInterestingHeader(String name);
void send(AsyncWebServerResponse *response);
void send(int code, String contentType=String(), String content=String());
void send(FS &fs, String path, String contentType=String(), bool download=false);
void send(Stream &stream, String contentType, size_t len);
void send(String contentType, size_t len, AwsResponseFiller callback);
AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(int code, String contentType=String(), String content=String());
AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(FS &fs, String path, String contentType=String(), bool download=false);
AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(Stream &stream, String contentType, size_t len);
AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(String contentType, size_t len, AwsResponseFiller callback);
int headers(); // get header count
bool hasHeader(String name);
AsyncWebHeader* getHeader(String name);
AsyncWebHeader* getHeader(int num);
int params(); // get arguments count
bool hasParam(String name, bool post=false, bool file=false);
AsyncWebParameter* getParam(String name, bool post=false, bool file=false);
AsyncWebParameter* getParam(int num);
int args(){ return params(); } // get arguments count
String arg(const char* name); // get request argument value by name
String arg(int i); // get request argument value by number
String argName(int i); // get request argument name by number
bool hasArg(const char* name); // check if argument exists
String header(const char* name); // get request header value by name
String header(int i); // get request header value by number
String headerName(int i); // get request header name by number
bool hasHeader(const char* name); // check if header exists
* HANDLER :: One instance can be attached to any Request (done by the Server)
* */
class AsyncWebHandler {
AsyncWebHandler* next;
AsyncWebHandler(): next(NULL){}
virtual ~AsyncWebHandler(){}
virtual bool canHandle(AsyncWebServerRequest *request){ return false; }
virtual void handleRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request){}
virtual void handleUpload(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final){}
virtual void handleBody(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, uint8_t *data, size_t len, size_t index, size_t total){}
* RESPONSE :: One instance is created for each Request (attached by the Handler)
* */
typedef enum {
} WebResponseState;
class AsyncWebServerResponse {
int _code;
AsyncWebHeader *_headers;
String _contentType;
size_t _contentLength;
size_t _headLength;
size_t _sentLength;
size_t _ackedLength;
WebResponseState _state;
const char* _responseCodeToString(int code);
virtual ~AsyncWebServerResponse();
virtual void addHeader(String name, String value);
virtual String _assembleHead();
virtual bool _finished();
virtual bool _failed();
virtual void _respond(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
virtual size_t _ack(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, size_t len, uint32_t time);
* SERVER :: One instance
* */
typedef std::function<void(AsyncWebServerRequest *request)> ArRequestHandlerFunction;
typedef std::function<void(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final)> ArUploadHandlerFunction;
typedef std::function<void(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, uint8_t *data, size_t len, size_t index, size_t total)> ArBodyHandlerFunction;
class AsyncWebServer {
AsyncServer _server;
AsyncWebHandler* _handlers;
AsyncWebHandler* _catchAllHandler;
AsyncWebServer(uint16_t port);
void begin();
void addHandler(AsyncWebHandler* handler);
void on(const char* uri, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest);
void on(const char* uri, WebRequestMethod method, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest);
void on(const char* uri, WebRequestMethod method, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest, ArUploadHandlerFunction onUpload);
void on(const char* uri, WebRequestMethod method, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest, ArUploadHandlerFunction onUpload, ArBodyHandlerFunction onBody);
void serveStatic(const char* uri, fs::FS& fs, const char* path, const char* cache_header = NULL);
void onNotFound(ArRequestHandlerFunction fn); //called when handler is not assigned
void onFileUpload(ArUploadHandlerFunction fn); //handle file uploads
void onRequestBody(ArBodyHandlerFunction fn); //handle posts with plain body content (JSON often transmitted this way as a request)
void _handleDisconnect(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
void _handleRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
#endif /* _AsyncWebServer_H_ */