/* Asynchronous WebServer library for Espressif MCUs Copyright (c) 2016 Hristo Gochkov. All rights reserved. This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _ESPAsyncWebServer_H_ #define _ESPAsyncWebServer_H_ #include "Arduino.h" #include #include "FS.h" #include "StringArray.h" #ifdef ESP32 #include #include #include "SPIFFS.h" #elif defined(ESP8266) #include #include #else #error Platform not supported #endif #define DEBUGF(...) //Serial.printf(__VA_ARGS__) class AsyncWebServer; class AsyncWebServerRequest; class AsyncWebServerResponse; class AsyncWebHeader; class AsyncWebParameter; class AsyncWebRewrite; class AsyncWebHandler; class AsyncStaticWebHandler; class AsyncCallbackWebHandler; class AsyncResponseStream; typedef enum { HTTP_GET = 0b00000001, HTTP_POST = 0b00000010, HTTP_DELETE = 0b00000100, HTTP_PUT = 0b00001000, HTTP_PATCH = 0b00010000, HTTP_HEAD = 0b00100000, HTTP_OPTIONS = 0b01000000, HTTP_ANY = 0b01111111, } WebRequestMethod; typedef uint8_t WebRequestMethodComposite; /* * PARAMETER :: Chainable object to hold GET/POST and FILE parameters * */ class AsyncWebParameter { private: String _name; String _value; size_t _size; bool _isForm; bool _isFile; public: AsyncWebParameter(const String& name, const String& value, bool form=false, bool file=false, size_t size=0): _name(name), _value(value), _size(size), _isForm(form), _isFile(file){} const String& name() const { return _name; } const String& value() const { return _value; } size_t size() const { return _size; } bool isPost() const { return _isForm; } bool isFile() const { return _isFile; } }; /* * HEADER :: Chainable object to hold the headers * */ class AsyncWebHeader { private: String _name; String _value; public: AsyncWebHeader(const String& name, const String& value): _name(name), _value(value){} AsyncWebHeader(const String& data): _name(), _value(){ if(!data) return; int index = data.indexOf(':'); if (index < 0) return; _name = data.substring(0, index); _value = data.substring(index + 2); } ~AsyncWebHeader(){} const String& name() const { return _name; } const String& value() const { return _value; } String toString() const { return String(_name+": "+_value+"\r\n"); } }; /* * REQUEST :: Each incoming Client is wrapped inside a Request and both live together until disconnect * */ typedef enum { RCT_NOT_USED = -1, RCT_DEFAULT = 0, RCT_HTTP, RCT_WS, RCT_EVENT, RCT_MAX } RequestedConnectionType; typedef std::function AwsResponseFiller; typedef std::function AwsTemplateProcessor; class AsyncWebServerRequest { using File = fs::File; using FS = fs::FS; friend class AsyncWebServer; private: AsyncClient* _client; AsyncWebServer* _server; AsyncWebHandler* _handler; AsyncWebServerResponse* _response; StringArray _interestingHeaders; String _temp; uint8_t _parseState; uint8_t _version; WebRequestMethodComposite _method; String _url; String _host; String _contentType; String _boundary; String _authorization; RequestedConnectionType _reqconntype; void _removeNotInterestingHeaders(); bool _isDigest; bool _isMultipart; bool _isPlainPost; bool _expectingContinue; size_t _contentLength; size_t _parsedLength; LinkedList _headers; LinkedList _params; uint8_t _multiParseState; uint8_t _boundaryPosition; size_t _itemStartIndex; size_t _itemSize; String _itemName; String _itemFilename; String _itemType; String _itemValue; uint8_t *_itemBuffer; size_t _itemBufferIndex; bool _itemIsFile; void _onPoll(); void _onAck(size_t len, uint32_t time); void _onError(int8_t error); void _onTimeout(uint32_t time); void _onDisconnect(); void _onData(void *buf, size_t len); void _addParam(AsyncWebParameter*); bool _parseReqHead(); bool _parseReqHeader(); void _parseLine(); void _parsePlainPostChar(uint8_t data); void _parseMultipartPostByte(uint8_t data, bool last); void _addGetParams(const String& params); void _handleUploadStart(); void _handleUploadByte(uint8_t data, bool last); void _handleUploadEnd(); public: File _tempFile; void *_tempObject; AsyncWebServerRequest(AsyncWebServer*, AsyncClient*); ~AsyncWebServerRequest(); AsyncClient* client(){ return _client; } uint8_t version() const { return _version; } WebRequestMethodComposite method() const { return _method; } const String& url() const { return _url; } const String& host() const { return _host; } const String& contentType() const { return _contentType; } size_t contentLength() const { return _contentLength; } bool multipart() const { return _isMultipart; } const char * methodToString() const; const char * requestedConnTypeToString() const; RequestedConnectionType requestedConnType() const { return _reqconntype; } bool isExpectedRequestedConnType(RequestedConnectionType erct1, RequestedConnectionType erct2 = RCT_NOT_USED, RequestedConnectionType erct3 = RCT_NOT_USED); //hash is the string representation of: // base64(user:pass) for basic or // user:realm:md5(user:realm:pass) for digest bool authenticate(const char * hash); bool authenticate(const char * username, const char * password, const char * realm = NULL, bool passwordIsHash = false); void requestAuthentication(const char * realm = NULL, bool isDigest = true); void setHandler(AsyncWebHandler *handler){ _handler = handler; } void addInterestingHeader(const String& name); void redirect(const String& url); void send(AsyncWebServerResponse *response); void send(int code, const String& contentType=String(), const String& content=String()); void send(FS &fs, const String& path, const String& contentType=String(), bool download=false, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); void send(File content, const String& path, const String& contentType=String(), bool download=false, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); void send(Stream &stream, const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); void send(const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback=nullptr); void sendChunked(const String& contentType, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback=nullptr); void send_P(int code, const String& contentType, const uint8_t * content, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); void send_P(int code, const String& contentType, PGM_P content, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(int code, const String& contentType=String(), const String& content=String()); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(FS &fs, const String& path, const String& contentType=String(), bool download=false, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(File content, const String& path, const String& contentType=String(), bool download=false, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(Stream &stream, const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse(const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback=nullptr); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginChunkedResponse(const String& contentType, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback=nullptr); AsyncResponseStream *beginResponseStream(const String& contentType, size_t bufferSize=1460); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse_P(int code, const String& contentType, const uint8_t * content, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); AsyncWebServerResponse *beginResponse_P(int code, const String& contentType, PGM_P content, AwsTemplateProcessor callback=nullptr); size_t headers() const; // get header count bool hasHeader(const String& name) const; // check if header exists bool hasHeader(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const; // check if header exists AsyncWebHeader* getHeader(const String& name) const; AsyncWebHeader* getHeader(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const; AsyncWebHeader* getHeader(size_t num) const; size_t params() const; // get arguments count bool hasParam(const String& name, bool post=false, bool file=false) const; bool hasParam(const __FlashStringHelper * data, bool post=false, bool file=false) const; AsyncWebParameter* getParam(const String& name, bool post=false, bool file=false) const; AsyncWebParameter* getParam(const __FlashStringHelper * data, bool post, bool file) const; AsyncWebParameter* getParam(size_t num) const; size_t args() const { return params(); } // get arguments count const String& arg(const String& name) const; // get request argument value by name const String& arg(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const; // get request argument value by F(name) const String& arg(size_t i) const; // get request argument value by number const String& argName(size_t i) const; // get request argument name by number bool hasArg(const char* name) const; // check if argument exists bool hasArg(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const; // check if F(argument) exists const String& header(const char* name) const;// get request header value by name const String& header(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const;// get request header value by F(name) const String& header(size_t i) const; // get request header value by number const String& headerName(size_t i) const; // get request header name by number String urlDecode(const String& text) const; }; /* * FILTER :: Callback to filter AsyncWebRewrite and AsyncWebHandler (done by the Server) * */ typedef std::function ArRequestFilterFunction; bool ON_STA_FILTER(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); bool ON_AP_FILTER(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); /* * REWRITE :: One instance can be handle any Request (done by the Server) * */ class AsyncWebRewrite { protected: String _from; String _toUrl; String _params; ArRequestFilterFunction _filter; public: AsyncWebRewrite(const char* from, const char* to): _from(from), _toUrl(to), _params(String()), _filter(NULL){ int index = _toUrl.indexOf('?'); if (index > 0) { _params = _toUrl.substring(index +1); _toUrl = _toUrl.substring(0, index); } } AsyncWebRewrite& setFilter(ArRequestFilterFunction fn) { _filter = fn; return *this; } bool filter(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) const { return _filter == NULL || _filter(request); } const String& from(void) const { return _from; } const String& toUrl(void) const { return _toUrl; } const String& params(void) const { return _params; } }; /* * HANDLER :: One instance can be attached to any Request (done by the Server) * */ class AsyncWebHandler { protected: ArRequestFilterFunction _filter; String _username; String _password; public: AsyncWebHandler():_username(""), _password(""){} AsyncWebHandler& setFilter(ArRequestFilterFunction fn) { _filter = fn; return *this; } AsyncWebHandler& setAuthentication(const char *username, const char *password){ _username = String(username);_password = String(password); return *this; }; bool filter(AsyncWebServerRequest *request){ return _filter == NULL || _filter(request); } virtual ~AsyncWebHandler(){} virtual bool canHandle(AsyncWebServerRequest *request __attribute__((unused))){ return false; } virtual void handleRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request __attribute__((unused))){} virtual void handleUpload(AsyncWebServerRequest *request __attribute__((unused)), const String& filename __attribute__((unused)), size_t index __attribute__((unused)), uint8_t *data __attribute__((unused)), size_t len __attribute__((unused)), bool final __attribute__((unused))){} virtual void handleBody(AsyncWebServerRequest *request __attribute__((unused)), uint8_t *data __attribute__((unused)), size_t len __attribute__((unused)), size_t index __attribute__((unused)), size_t total __attribute__((unused))){} }; /* * RESPONSE :: One instance is created for each Request (attached by the Handler) * */ typedef enum { RESPONSE_SETUP, RESPONSE_HEADERS, RESPONSE_CONTENT, RESPONSE_WAIT_ACK, RESPONSE_END, RESPONSE_FAILED } WebResponseState; class AsyncWebServerResponse { protected: int _code; LinkedList _headers; String _contentType; size_t _contentLength; bool _sendContentLength; bool _chunked; size_t _headLength; size_t _sentLength; size_t _ackedLength; size_t _writtenLength; WebResponseState _state; const char* _responseCodeToString(int code); public: AsyncWebServerResponse(); virtual ~AsyncWebServerResponse(); virtual void setCode(int code); virtual void setContentLength(size_t len); virtual void setContentType(const String& type); virtual void addHeader(const String& name, const String& value); virtual String _assembleHead(uint8_t version); virtual bool _started() const; virtual bool _finished() const; virtual bool _failed() const; virtual bool _sourceValid() const; virtual void _respond(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); virtual size_t _ack(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, size_t len, uint32_t time); }; /* * SERVER :: One instance * */ typedef std::function ArRequestHandlerFunction; typedef std::function ArUploadHandlerFunction; typedef std::function ArBodyHandlerFunction; class AsyncWebServer { protected: AsyncServer _server; LinkedList _rewrites; LinkedList _handlers; AsyncCallbackWebHandler* _catchAllHandler; public: AsyncWebServer(uint16_t port); ~AsyncWebServer(); void begin(); #if ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED void onSslFileRequest(AcSSlFileHandler cb, void* arg); void beginSecure(const char *cert, const char *private_key_file, const char *password); #endif AsyncWebRewrite& addRewrite(AsyncWebRewrite* rewrite); bool removeRewrite(AsyncWebRewrite* rewrite); AsyncWebRewrite& rewrite(const char* from, const char* to); AsyncWebHandler& addHandler(AsyncWebHandler* handler); bool removeHandler(AsyncWebHandler* handler); AsyncCallbackWebHandler& on(const char* uri, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest); AsyncCallbackWebHandler& on(const char* uri, WebRequestMethodComposite method, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest); AsyncCallbackWebHandler& on(const char* uri, WebRequestMethodComposite method, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest, ArUploadHandlerFunction onUpload); AsyncCallbackWebHandler& on(const char* uri, WebRequestMethodComposite method, ArRequestHandlerFunction onRequest, ArUploadHandlerFunction onUpload, ArBodyHandlerFunction onBody); AsyncStaticWebHandler& serveStatic(const char* uri, fs::FS& fs, const char* path, const char* cache_control = NULL); void onNotFound(ArRequestHandlerFunction fn); //called when handler is not assigned void onFileUpload(ArUploadHandlerFunction fn); //handle file uploads void onRequestBody(ArBodyHandlerFunction fn); //handle posts with plain body content (JSON often transmitted this way as a request) void reset(); //remove all writers and handlers, with onNotFound/onFileUpload/onRequestBody void _handleDisconnect(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); void _attachHandler(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); void _rewriteRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); }; #include "WebResponseImpl.h" #include "WebHandlerImpl.h" #include "AsyncWebSocket.h" #include "AsyncEventSource.h" #endif /* _AsyncWebServer_H_ */