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2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
import os
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
import clutter
2007-12-21 03:39:50 -08:00
import pygtk
import gtk
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
from xml.dom import minidom
class ThemeMgr:
defaultTheme = "default"
currentTheme = "default"
#currentTheme = "Pear"
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
def __init__(self, glossMgr):
self.stage = glossMgr.stage
self.glossMgr = glossMgr
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00 = []
self.default_docs = []
theme_dir = "ui/" + self.currentTheme
#If the current theme is the default theme, we just use the one list, else create a second one
if self.currentTheme == self.defaultTheme:
self.default_docs =
theme_dir = "ui/" + self.defaultTheme
self.importDocs(theme_dir, self.default_docs)
def importDocs(self, dir, docs):
file_list = os.listdir(dir)
file_list = filter(self.filterXMLFile, file_list)
for file in file_list:
conf_file = dir + "/" + file
#Filter function for fiding XML files
def filterXMLFile(self, filename):
xml_file_types = ["xml", "XML"]
extension = filename[-3:]
if extension in xml_file_types:
return True
return False
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
#Loops through firstly the current theme files, then the default ones looking for an element of 'element_type' with an ID of 'element_id'
def search_docs(self, element_type, element_id):
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
texture_element = None
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
#First loop through the current theme docs
for doc in
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
temp_element = self.find_element(doc.getElementsByTagName(element_type), "id", element_id)
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
if not temp_element is None:
texture_element = temp_element
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
#If texture_element is still equal to None, we check the default theme
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
if (texture_element is None) and (not == self.default_docs):
for doc in self.default_docs:
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
temp_element = self.find_element(doc.getElementsByTagName(element_type), "id", element_id)
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
if not temp_element is None:
texture_element = temp_element
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
return texture_element
#Simple utity function that is used by 'search_docs' to find a matching element in an array of elements
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
def find_element(self, elements, attribute, value):
for element in elements:
val = element.getAttribute(attribute)
if val == value:
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
#print val
2007-12-11 02:50:45 -08:00
return element
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
return None
#Search through an element to find a value
#Specifying the element name in the format 'level1. value' will result in the function looping
def find_child_value(self, nodeList, value):
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
#print "No Nodes: " + str(len(nodeList))
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
#Check whether the value is in the form "xxx.y"
values = value.find(".")
if not values == -1:
desiredTagName = value[:values]
#print "test " + value[(values+1):]
#print "blah" + tagName
for subnode in nodeList:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE:
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
#print "Tag Name: " + subnode.tagName
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
if subnode.tagName == desiredTagName:
# call function again to get children
return self.find_child_value(subnode.childNodes, value[(values+1):])
for subnode in nodeList:
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
if (subnode.nodeType == subnode.TEXT_NODE) and (not subnode.nextSibling is None):
2007-12-16 04:21:40 -08:00
subnode = subnode.nextSibling
if subnode.localName == value:
valueNode = subnode.childNodes[0]
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
#If we get to here, we hath failed
return None
#Search through an element to find an attribute
#This is basically the same as find_child_value except it gets an attribute
def find_attribute_value(self, nodeList, tagName, attributeID):
#print "No Nodes: " + str(len(nodeList))
#Check whether the value is in the form "xxx.y"
values = tagName.find(".")
if not values == -1:
desiredTagName = tagName[:values]
#print "test " + value[(values+1):]
#print "blah" + tagName
for subnode in nodeList:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE:
#print "Tag Name: " + subnode.tagName
if subnode.tagName == desiredTagName:
# call function again to get children
return self.find_attribute_value(subnode.childNodes, tagName[(values+1):])
for subnode in nodeList:
if subnode.localName == tagName:
#print "keys: " + str(len(subnode.attributes.values()))
if len(subnode.attributes.values()) > 0:
return subnode.attributes[attributeID].value
#If we get to here, we hath failed
return None
#Given an element, returns a subset of it based on the tag name of the subset
def get_subnode(self, element, tag_name):
for node in element:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.tagName == tag_name:
return node.childNodes
return None
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
# The methods below all relate to fulfilling requests for actors
#This is the generic function for setting up an actor.
#It sets up all the 'common' properties:
2007-12-21 03:39:50 -08:00
#Currently: size, position, opacity
def get_value(self, type, name, property):
element = self.search_docs(type, name).childNodes
#Quick check to make sure we found something
if element is None:
return None
return self.find_child_value(element, property)
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
def setup_actor(self, actor, element, parent):
#Set the size
#First setup the parent
relativeTo = str(self.find_attribute_value(element, "dimensions", "type"))
if relativeTo == "relativeToStage":
parent = self.stage
elif relativeTo == "relativeToParent":
parent = actor.get_parent()
elif relativeTo == "relativeToSelf":
parent = actor
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
(width, height) = self.get_dimensions(element, parent)
if (not width is None) and (not width == "default"): actor.set_width(width)
if (not height is None) and (not height == "default"):
if height == "relative":
xy_ratio = float(actor.get_height()) / float(actor.get_width())
height = int(width * xy_ratio)
#Set the position of the actor
(x,y) = (0,0)
#Get the parent
relativeTo = str(self.find_attribute_value(element, "position", "type"))
if relativeTo == "relativeToStage":
parent = self.stage
elif not (relativeTo == "relativeToParent"):
parent = None
(x, y) = self.get_position(element, parent)
actor.set_position(int(x), int(y))
#now set the opacity
opacity = self.find_child_value(element, "opacity")
if not opacity is None:
opacity = int(opacity)
def get_dimensions(self, element, parent):
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
width = self.find_child_value(element, "dimensions.width")
if (not width == "default") and (not width is None):
if width[-1] == "%":
#Quick check on parent
if parent is None:
print "Theme error: type must be specified when using percentage values"
return None
width = (float(width[:-1]) / 100.0) * parent.get_width()
#print "width: " + str(width)
width = int(width)
width = None
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
height = self.find_child_value(element, "dimensions.height")
if (not height == "default") and (not height is None) and (not height == "relative"):
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
if height[-1] == "%":
height = (float(height[:-1]) / 100.0) * parent.get_height()
height = int(height)
elif height == "relative":
height = None
return (width, height)
#Given an element, returns (x, y) coords for it
def get_position(self, element, parent):
2007-12-21 03:39:50 -08:00
#set the x coord
x = self.find_child_value(element, "position.x")
if (not x == "default") and (not x is None):
if x[-1] == "%":
#Quick check on parent
if parent is None:
print "Theme error: type must be specified when using percentage values"
return None
x = (float(x[:-1]) / 100.0) * parent.get_width()
#print "width: " + str(width)
elif x == "center":
#Quick check on parent
if parent is None:
print "Theme error: type must be specified when using 'center' values"
return None
x = (parent.get_width() - actor.get_width)/2
x = 0
#set the y coord
y = self.find_child_value(element, "position.y")
if (not y == "default") and (not y is None):
if y[-1] == "%":
#Quick check on parent
if parent is None:
print "Theme error: type must be specified when using percentage values"
return None
y = (float(y[:-1]) / 100.0) * parent.get_height()
#print "width: " + str(width)
elif y == "center":
#Quick check on parent
if parent is None:
print "Theme error: type must be specified when using 'center' values"
return None
y = (parent.get_height() - actor.get_height)/2
y = 0
return (int(x), int(y))
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
2007-12-31 17:21:28 -08:00
def get_texture(self, name, parent, texture):
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
texture_src = None
2007-12-31 17:21:28 -08:00
if texture is None:
texture = clutter.Texture()
2007-12-17 05:19:22 -08:00
element = self.search_docs("texture", name).childNodes
#Quick check to make sure we found something
if element is None:
return None
2007-12-21 03:39:50 -08:00
#Setup the pixbuf
src = self.find_child_value(element, "image")
src = "ui/" + self.currentTheme + "/" + src
pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(src)
#Setup general actor properties
self.setup_actor(texture, element, None)
return texture
2007-12-31 17:21:28 -08:00
def get_font(self, name, element):
if element is None:
element = self.search_docs("font", name).childNodes
#Quick check to make sure we found something
if element is None:
return None
face = self.find_child_value(element, "face")
res = str(self.stage.get_width()) + "x" + str(self.stage.get_height())
size = None
defSize = None
#Loop through all the different sizes until we find the right one (or else use the default)
for node in element:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.tagName == "size":
if node.attributes["id"].value == res:
size = node.childNodes[0].data
elif node.attributes["id"].value == "default":
defSize = node.childNodes[0].data
if size is None:
size = defSize
fontString = str(face) + " " + str(size)
return fontString
def setup_menu(self, name, menu):
element = self.search_docs("menu", name).childNodes
#Quick check to make sure we found something
if element is None:
return None
menu.item_gap = int(self.find_child_value(element, "item_gap"))
menu.displayMax = int(self.find_child_value(element, "num_visible_elements"))
#Grab the font
font_node = self.get_subnode(element, "font")
fontString = self.get_font("main", font_node)
2007-12-31 17:21:28 -08:00
menu.font = fontString
#Set the selection effect steps
menu.zoomStep0 = float(self.find_child_value(element, "scale_step0"))
menu.zoomStep1 = float(self.find_child_value(element, "scale_step1"))
menu.zoomStep2 = float(self.find_child_value(element, "scale_step2"))
menu.opacityStep0 = int(self.find_child_value(element, "opacity_step0"))
menu.opacityStep1 = int(self.find_child_value(element, "opacity_step1"))
menu.opacityStep2 = int(self.find_child_value(element, "opacity_step2"))
#setup the menu_image properties
menu.useReflection = True == (self.find_child_value(element, "menu_item_texture.use_image_reflections"))
menu.menu_image_rotation = int(self.find_child_value(element, "menu_item_texture.image_y_rotation"))
menu_image_node = self.get_subnode(element, "menu_item_texture")
if not menu_image_node is None:
#Set the position
(x, y) = self.get_position(menu_image_node, self.stage)
menu.menu_image_x = int(x)
menu.menu_image_y = int(y)
#Set the size
(width, height) = self.get_dimensions(menu_image_node, self.stage)
if width is None:
print "no size change"
menu.menu_image_width = None
menu.menu_image_height = None
menu.menu_image_width = int(width)
menu.menu_image_height = int(height)
#Setup the menu image transition
image_transition = self.find_child_value(element, "")
transition_options = self.find_child_value(element, "menu_item_texture.image_transition.options")
transition_path = "transitions/menu_items/" + str(image_transition)
menu.menu_item_transition = __import__(transition_path).Transition(self.glossMgr)
except ImportError:
print "Theme Error: No menu_item transition titled '" + str(image_transition) + "'"
menu.menu_item_transition = None
#Finally set general actor properties (position etc)
self.setup_actor(menu.getItemGroup(), element, self.stage)