import clutter from clutter import cluttergst from Menu import Menu import time import os.path import pygtk import gtk import random #import thread class Slideshow: image_file_types = ["jpg", "gif", "jpeg", "png", "bmp"] sound_file_types = ["mp3", "wav", "ogg"] #possibly more supported by default? imageDuration = 7 # In seconds effect_FPS = 50 def __init__(self, MenuMgr, basedir): #self.image_texture_group = clutter.Group() self.baseDir = basedir self.MenuMgr = MenuMgr self.currentTexture = clutter.Texture() self.currentSong = None self.paused = False self.textures = [] = [] self.overlay = clutter.Rectangle() self.backdrop = None def on_key_press_event (self, stage, event): #print event.hardware_keycode if event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.p: if self.paused: self.unpause() else: self.pause() if event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.q: clutter.main_quit() def loadDir(self, dirPath, recurse): if not os.path.isdir(dirPath): print "ERROR: Invalid path" return None new_file_list = os.listdir(dirPath) #If recursive sub-dirs is on, loop through any directories if recurse: for fs_object in new_file_list: path = dirPath + "/" + fs_object if os.path.isdir(path): self.loadDir(path, True) new_image_list = filter(self.filterImageFile, new_file_list) new_sound_list = filter(self.filterSoundFile, new_file_list) #Load pictures into textures array for pic in new_image_list: imgName = dirPath + "/" + pic self.textures.append(imgName) #Load sound into music array i = len( for sound in new_sound_list: sndName = dirPath + "/" + sound[i].set_filename(sndName) i = i+1 #This makes sure we only take in image files def filterImageFile(self, fileName): extension = fileName[-3:] #Get 3 letter extension if extension in self.image_file_types: return True else: return False #This makes sure we only take in sound files def filterSoundFile(self, fileName): extension = fileName[-3:] #Get 3 letter extension if extension in self.sound_file_types: return True else: return False def begin(self, MenuMgr): self.stage = self.MenuMgr.get_stage() #self.MenuMgr.get_selector_bar().set_spinner(True) #self.stage.queue_redraw() #Clear out music and texture lists self.textures = [] = [] #Then load them back up slideName = self.baseDir + "/" + self.MenuMgr.get_current_menu().get_current_item().get_data() self.loadDir(slideName, True) #self.MenuMgr.get_selector_bar().set_spinner(False) if self.backdrop == None: #Create a rectangle that serves as the backdrop for the slideshow self.backdrop = clutter.Rectangle() self.backdrop.set_color(clutter.color_parse('Black')) self.backdrop.set_width(self.stage.get_width()) self.backdrop.set_height(self.stage.get_height()) self.stage.add(self.backdrop) #Fade the backdrop in #self.image_texture_group.set_opacity(255) self.backdrop.set_opacity(0) timeline_backdrop = clutter.Timeline(10,30) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline_backdrop, clutter.ramp_inc_func) backdrop_behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 0, 255) backdrop_behaviour.apply(self.backdrop) timeline_backdrop.start() #print "No of children: " + str(self.image_texture_group.get_n_children()) #Get a random texture self.rand1 = random.randint(0, len(self.textures)-1) self.currentFilename = self.textures[self.rand1] pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(self.currentFilename) self.currentTexture.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) self.stage.add(self.currentTexture) #Make sure its visible self.currentTexture.set_opacity(255) #Get a random song (if there's songs available) if not len( == 0: self.rand1 = random.randint(0, len( self.currentSong =[self.rand1] self.playNextSong(None) #Housekeeping self.nextSong = None #Begin the show self.nextImage(self.currentTexture) def end(self): pass def nextImage(self, currentTexture): #Setup stuff for KEN BURNS EFFECT!! self.timeline_main = clutter.Timeline((self.effect_FPS * self.imageDuration), self.effect_FPS) self.timeline_main.connect('completed', self.image_timeline_end_event) self.alpha = clutter.Alpha(self.timeline_main, clutter.ramp_inc_func) #Decide on the next texture to use self.nextTexture = None while (self.nextTexture == None): self.rand1 = random.randint(0, len(self.textures)-1 ) self.nextTexture = clutter.Texture() self.newFilename = self.textures[self.rand1] pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(self.newFilename) self.nextTexture.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) #Make sure we don't show the same photo twice if (self.newFilename == self.currentFilename) and (len(self.textures) > 1): self.nextTexture = None #Make sure its not visible initially (Prevents a nasty flicker the first time a photo is shown) self.nextTexture.set_opacity(0) #Zooming stuff rand_zoom = random.uniform(1,1.3) # Zoom somewhere between 1 and 1.3 times self.behaviour1 = clutter.BehaviourScale(self.alpha, 1, rand_zoom, clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) #panning stuff x_pos = self.currentTexture.get_x() + random.randint(-100, 100) y_pos = self.currentTexture.get_y() + random.randint(-100, 100) self.alpha = clutter.Alpha(self.timeline_main, clutter.ramp_inc_func) knots = (\ (self.currentTexture.get_x(), self.currentTexture.get_y()),\ (x_pos, y_pos)\ ) self.behaviour2 = clutter.BehaviourPath(self.alpha, knots) #Start and run the Ken Burns effect self.behaviour1.apply(self.currentTexture) self.behaviour2.apply(self.currentTexture) self.timeline_main.start() def image_timeline_end_event(self, data): #Add the timeline for the dissolve at the end self.timeline_dissolve = clutter.Timeline(30,30) self.timeline_dissolve.connect('completed', self.dissolve_timeline_end_event) self.alpha_dissolve = clutter.Alpha(self.timeline_dissolve, clutter.ramp_inc_func) #Setup the dissolve to the next image self.behaviour3 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(self.alpha_dissolve, 255, 0) self.behaviour4 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(self.alpha_dissolve, 0, 255) self.behaviour3.apply(self.currentTexture) self.behaviour4.apply(self.nextTexture) #Pick a random spot for the next image x_pos = random.randint(0, abs(self.stage.get_width() - self.nextTexture.get_width()) ) #Somewhere between 0 and (stage_width-image_width) y_pos = random.randint(0, abs(self.stage.get_height() - self.nextTexture.get_height()) ) self.nextTexture.set_position(x_pos, y_pos) self.oldTexture = self.currentTexture self.currentTexture = self.nextTexture self.currentFilename = self.newFilename self.stage.add(self.currentTexture) self.timeline_dissolve.start() self.nextImage(self.currentTexture) def dissolve_timeline_end_event(self, data): self.stage.remove(self.oldTexture) #Begins playing a new song def playNextSong(self, data): self.nextSong = None #Check first that there actually is music if len( == 0: return None #Decide on the next song to play while self.nextSong == None: self.rand1 = random.randint(0, len( self.nextSong =[self.rand1] #Make sure we don't play the same song twice if (self.nextSong == self.currentSong) and (len( > 1): self.nextSong = None self.currentSong = self.nextSong self.currentSong.set_playing(True) self.currentSong.connect('eos', self.playNextSong) def pause(self): self.paused = True #Use the overlay to go over show self.overlay.set_color(clutter.color_parse('Black')) self.overlay.set_width(self.stage.get_width()) self.overlay.set_height(self.stage.get_height()) self.overlay.set_opacity(0) #self.overlay.raise_top() #self.image_texture_group.lower(self.overlay) self.stage.add(self.overlay) #Fade the backdrop in timeline_overlay = clutter.Timeline(10,30) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline_overlay, clutter.ramp_inc_func) overlay_behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 0, 100) overlay_behaviour2 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 255, 100) #Used on the backdrop overlay_behaviour3 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 255, 0) #Used on the current texture overlay_behaviour.apply(self.overlay) overlay_behaviour2.apply(self.backdrop) overlay_behaviour3.apply(self.currentTexture) timeline_overlay.start() #Pause the main slideshow self.timeline_main.pause() #Pause any music if not self.currentSong == None: if self.currentSong.get_playing(): self.currentSong.set_playing(False) def unpause(self): self.paused = False #Fade the backdrop in timeline_overlay = clutter.Timeline(10,30) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline_overlay, clutter.ramp_inc_func) overlay_behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 100, 0) overlay_behaviour2 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 100, 255) #Used on the backdrop overlay_behaviour3 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 0, 255) #Used on the current texture overlay_behaviour.apply(self.overlay) overlay_behaviour2.apply(self.backdrop) overlay_behaviour3.apply(self.currentTexture) timeline_overlay.start() #Resume the main slideshow self.timeline_main.start() #Resume any music if not self.currentSong == None: self.currentSong.set_playing(True) def stop(self): #Stop any running timelines self.timeline_main.stop() #Fade everything out timeline_stop = clutter.Timeline(10,30) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline_stop, clutter.ramp_inc_func) stop_behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 255, 0) stop_behaviour.apply(self.currentTexture) stop_behaviour.apply(self.backdrop) stop_behaviour.apply(self.overlay) timeline_stop.connect('completed', self.destroySlideshow) timeline_stop.start() #Stop any music if not self.currentSong == None: if self.currentSong.get_playing(): self.currentSong.set_playing(False) self.currentSong.set_position(0) def destroySlideshow(self, data): self.stage.remove(self.currentTexture) #self.stage.remove(self.nextTexture) self.backdrop.hide() #self.stage.remove(self.overlay) self.currentTexture = None self.nextTexture = None self.currentSong = None self.nexttSong = None #The following generates a menu with an option for each of the slideshows in the base menu def generateMenu(self): tempMenu = Menu(self.MenuMgr) #print self.baseDir file_list = os.listdir(self.baseDir) for directoryEntry in file_list: subdir = self.baseDir + "/" + directoryEntry if os.path.isdir(subdir): if not (len(os.listdir(subdir)) == 0): imgPath = subdir + "/" + os.listdir(subdir)[0] #print imgPath tempItem = tempMenu.addItem(directoryEntry, "/home/josh/.mythtv/MythVideo/0088763.jpg") tempItem.setAction(self) return tempMenu