import pygtk import gtk import clutter from import song from modules.music_player.music_objects.artist import artist from modules.music_player.music_objects.album import album from modules.music_player.lastFM_interface import lastFM_interface from ui_elements.image_row import ImageRow class Module(): title = "Music" def __init__(self, glossMgr, dbMgr): self.stage = glossMgr.get_stage() self.glossMgr = glossMgr self.dbMgr = dbMgr self.setup_ui() self.albums = [] self.artists = [] self.songs = [] self.imageRow = ImageRow(self.glossMgr, self.stage.get_width(), 100, 10) self.lastFM = lastFM_interface() self.base_dir = self.dbMgr.get_setting("MusicLocation") self.images_dir = self.get_images_dir() print "Music Base Dir: " + self.base_dir self.is_playing = False #self.load_albums() self.load_artists() def setup_ui(self): self.menu_image = self.glossMgr.themeMgr.get_texture("music_menu_image", None, None) #Get the images dir setting our of the DB #But also creates the setting if it doesn't already exist def get_images_dir(self): images_dir = self.dbMgr.get_setting("GlossMusicImgLocation") if images_dir is None: #We need to create the setting #Default value is the same as the music base_dir + covers images_dir = self.base_dir + "/.images/" images_dir = images_dir.replace("//", "/") #Just a silly little check self.dbMgr.set_setting("GlossMusicImgLocation", images_dir) return images_dir #Action to take when menu item is selected def action(self): return self def on_key_press_event (self, stage, event): if event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.p: if self.paused: self.unpause() else: self.pause() if event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.q: clutter.main_quit() def begin(self, glossMgr): #Create a backdrop for the player. In this case we just use the same background as the menus self.backdrop = glossMgr.get_themeMgr().get_texture("background", None, None) self.backdrop.set_size(self.stage.get_width(), self.stage.get_height()) self.backdrop.set_opacity(0) self.stage.add(self.backdrop) #Fade the backdrop in timeline_backdrop = clutter.Timeline(10,40) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline_backdrop, clutter.ramp_inc_func) self.backdrop_behaviour = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(opacity_start=0, opacity_end=255, alpha=alpha) self.backdrop_behaviour.apply(self.backdrop) timeline_backdrop.start() for artist in self.artists: pixbuf = artist.get_image() if not pixbuf is None: tmpImage = clutter.Texture() tmpImage.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) self.imageRow.add_texture_group(tmpImage) self.stage.add(self.imageRow) def stop(self): pass def pause(self): pass def unpause(self): pass def load_albums(self): #Generate some SQL to retrieve videos that were in the final_file_list #Load the videos into the cover viewer sql = "SELECT * FROM music_songs" # WHERE filename IN (" if self.glossMgr.debug: print "Music SQL: " + sql results = self.dbMgr.run_sql(sql) #Check for null return if results == None: print "MusicPlayer: No connection to DB or no songs found in DB" return None pixbuf = None #Else add the entries in for record in results: tempSong = song(self) tempSong.import_from_mythObject(record) self.songs.append(tempSong) if not tempSong.get_image()is None: pixbuf = tempSong.get_image() break #print filename #tempSong.set_file(filename) if not pixbuf is None: loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() loader.write(pixbuf) loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() self.tmpImage = clutter.Texture() self.tmpImage.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) def load_artists(self): #Generate some SQL to retrieve videos that were in the final_file_list #Load the videos into the cover viewer sql = "SELECT * FROM music_artists" # WHERE filename IN (" if self.glossMgr.debug: print "Music Artist SQL: " + sql results = self.dbMgr.run_sql(sql) #Check for null return if results == None: print "MusicPlayer: No connection to DB or no artists found in DB" return None pixbuf = None #Else add the entries in for record in results: tempArtist = artist(self) tempArtist.import_from_mythObject(record) self.artists.append(tempArtist) """ if not tempArtist.get_image()is None: pixbuf = tempArtist.get_image() break """ #print filename #tempSong.set_file(filename) """ if not pixbuf is None: self.tmpImage = clutter.Texture() self.tmpImage.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) """