import clutter import pygtk import gtk import pango import time from ReflectionTexture import Texture_Reflection class Menu(clutter.Group): font = "" zoomLevel = 0.5 opacityStep = 120 def __init__ (self, glossMgr): clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.glossMgr = glossMgr self.stage = self.glossMgr.get_stage() self.itemGroup = clutter.Group() self.glossMgr.themeMgr.setup_menu("main", self) self.menuItems = [] self.selected = 0 self.displayMin = 0 #The number of menu items that will be shown at a time self.moveQueue = 0 self.displaySize = self.displayMax - self.displayMin self.displayPosition = (0, 0) self.stage.add(self.itemGroup) self.timeline = clutter.Timeline(15, 75) #This timeline is used on any movements that occur when changing items self.timeline_completed=True self.glossMgr.addMenu(self) self.stage.add(self) def addItem(self, itemLabel): if len(self.menuItems) == 0: tempLabel = clutter.Label() tempLabel.set_font_name(self.font) tempLabel.set_text("S") #tempLabel.set_scale_with_gravity(self.zoomStep0, self.zoomStep0, clutter.GRAVITY_WEST) self.label_height = tempLabel.get_height() #self.label_height = self.label_height * self.zoomStep1 label_width = 0 #else: # (label_width, label_height) = self.menuItems[0].get_size() label_y = len(self.menuItems) * (self.label_height + self.item_gap) print "Label height: " + str(self.label_height) newItem = ListItem(self, itemLabel, label_y) self.menuItems.append(newItem) self.itemGroup.add(newItem) #group_x = self.itemGroup.get_x() #group_y = self.itemGroup.get_y() - (self.label_height) #self.itemGroup.set_position(group_x, group_y) return newItem def display(self): if self.displayMax > len(self.menuItems): self.displayMax = len(self.menuItems) self.displaySize = self.displayMax - self.displayMin for i in range(self.displaySize): self.menuItems[i].show() def getItem(self, index): return self.menuItems[index] def getStage(self): return self.stage def getGlossMgr(self): return self.glossMgr def setMenuPositionByName(self, location): return None if location == "center": menu_y = (self.stage.get_height()-self.itemGroup.get_height())/2 menu_x = (self.stage.get_width()-self.itemGroup.get_width())/2 self.itemGroup.set_position(menu_x, menu_y) #print "Original Group size: " + str(self.itemGroup.get_width()) #print "Starting at : " + str(menu_x) + ":" + str(menu_y) #The display position is the x, y coords of where the menu is when it is active def get_display_position(self): return (self.itemGroup.get_x(), self.itemGroup.get_y()) def setMenuPosition(self, x, y): self.itemGroup.set_position(x,y) def getItemGroup(self): return self.itemGroup def setListFont(self, newFont): currentY= 0 #self.itemGroup.get_y() self.font = newFont for li in self.menuItems: x = li.get_x() #y = li.getPositionY() li.set_font_name(newFont) li.set_position(x,currentY) currentY = currentY + li.get_height() #Returns the newly selected item def selectNext(self): #Initially check whether the last animation is still going if self.timeline.is_playing(): self.moveQueue = self.moveQueue + 1 #self.timeline.set_speed(1000) # Nasty hack to make sure the timeline finishes return None #Check if we're at the last item in the list if (self.selected) != (len(self.menuItems)-1): self.timeline = clutter.Timeline (15,85) self.timeline.connect('completed', self.completeMove) if not self.moveQueue == 0: self.selected = self.selected +1 #+ self.moveQueue self.moveQueue = self.moveQueue - 1 #0 if self.selected > (len(self.menuItems)-1): self.selected = (len(self.menuItems)-1) else: self.selected = self.selected+1 #This horrible loop does all the scaling #This includes, the selected item and the ones on either side of it for i in range(len(self.menuItems)): if i == self.selected: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(0, self.timeline) elif (i == self.selected-1) and (i >= self.displayMin): self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(1, self.timeline) elif (i == self.selected+1) and (i <= self.displayMax-1): self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(1, self.timeline) else: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(2, self.timeline) #Check we're at the bottom of the viewable list if self.selected >= (self.displayMax): #If yes, move the menu, leave the selection bar where is self.menuItems[self.selected].set_opacity(0) self.menuItems[self.selected].show() self.rollMenu( self.menuItems[self.selected], self.menuItems[self.selected-self.displaySize], self.timeline) else: #move the selection bar self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().selectItem(self.menuItems[self.selected], self.timeline) self.timeline.start() self.moveQueue = 0 #Returns the newly selected item def selectPrevious(self): #Initially check whether the last animation is still going if self.timeline.is_playing(): self.moveQueue = self.moveQueue - 1 #self.timeline.set_speed(1000) # Nasty hack to make sure the timeline finishes return None #Check if we're at the first item in the list if (self.selected) != 0: self.timeline = clutter.Timeline (15,85) self.timeline.connect('completed', self.completeMove) if not self.moveQueue == 0: self.selected = self.selected -1 #+ self.moveQueue self.moveQueue = self.moveQueue + 1 # 0 if self.selected < 0: self.selected = 0 else: self.selected = self.selected-1 #This horrible loop does all the scaling #This includes, the selected item and the ones on either side of it for i in range(len(self.menuItems)): #print str(i) if i == self.selected: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(0, self.timeline) elif (i == self.selected-1) and (i >= self.displayMin): self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(1, self.timeline) elif (i == self.selected+1) and (i <= self.displayMax-1): self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(1, self.timeline) else: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(2, self.timeline) #Check we're at the top of the viewable list if self.selected < (self.displayMin): #If yes, move the menu, leave the selection bar where is #self.menuItems[self.selected].set_opacity(0) #self.menuItems[self.selected].show() self.rollMenu( self.menuItems[self.selected], self.menuItems[self.selected+self.displaySize], self.timeline) else: #move the selection bar self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().selectItem(self.menuItems[self.selected], self.timeline) self.timeline.start() self.moveQueue = 0 def completeMove(self, data): #print self.itemGroup.get_abs_position() if self.moveQueue > 0: self.selectNext() elif self.moveQueue < 0: self.selectPrevious() def selectFirst(self, moveBar): if self.timeline.is_playing: "ERROR: Timeline should NOT be playing here!" #Empty out things on the menu first (if any) for group in self.get_children(): self.remove(group) self.timeline = clutter.Timeline(1, 75) self.selected = 0 for i in range(0,len(self.menuItems)): if i == 0: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(0, self.timeline) elif i == 1: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(1, self.timeline) else: self.menuItems[i].scaleLabel(2, self.timeline) if moveBar: self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().selectItem(self.menuItems[self.selected], self.timeline) self.timeline.start() #When the menu needs to display a new item from the top or bottom, it rolls # The distance the menu moves is the distance (in pixels) between the incoming item and the selector bar def rollMenu(self, incomingMenuItem, outgoingMenuItem, timeline): (group_x, group_y) = self.itemGroup.get_abs_position() (bar_x, bar_y) = self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().get_abs_position() # incomingMenuItem.get_menu().getMenuMgr(). (incoming_x, incoming_y) = self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().get_true_abs_position(incomingMenuItem) #incomingMenuItem.get_abs_position() #print self.itemGroup.get_abs_position() #print "Starting group position: " + self.itemGroup.get_abs_position() if incoming_y > bar_y: #Then the incoming item is below the selector bar height_diff = int(self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().get_height() - self.glossMgr.get_selector_bar().get_height()) print "height diff: " + str(height_diff) gap = (incoming_y - bar_y) * -1 #- (self.item_gap/2)) * -1 #gap = -65 self.displayMin = self.displayMin+1 self.displayMax = self.displayMax+1 else: #Then the incoming item is above the selector bar gap = bar_y - incoming_y# + (self.item_gap/2) #gap = 65 self.displayMin = self.displayMin-1 self.displayMax = self.displayMax-1 #print "Gap: " + str(gap) new_y = (group_y + gap) knots = (\ (group_x, group_y),\ (group_x, new_y )\ ) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline, clutter.ramp_inc_func) self.behaviour1 = clutter.BehaviourPath(alpha, knots) self.behaviour2 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, outgoingMenuItem.get_opacity(), 0) #print "Going to: "+ str(new_y) #print behaviour1.get_knots() self.behaviour1.apply(self.itemGroup) self.behaviour2.apply(outgoingMenuItem) def get_item_gap(self): return self.item_gap def get_current_item(self): return self.menuItems[self.selected] class ListItem (clutter.Label): zoomLevel = 0.5 opacityStep = 120 def __init__ (self, menu, itemLabel, y): clutter.Label.__init__ (self) glossMgr = menu.getGlossMgr() = menu self.stage = glossMgr.get_stage() #ItemTexturesGroup is what shows any images / reflections associated with the item self.itemTexturesGroup = clutter.Group() #setup the label font = menu.font self.set_font_name(font) self.set_text(itemLabel) self.color = clutter.Color(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xdd) self.set_color(self.color) self.currentOpacity = 255 = itemLabel #By default the items data is simply its label #The width is the length of the selector bar minus its offset width = glossMgr.get_selector_bar().get_width() + glossMgr.get_selector_bar().get_x_offset() self.set_width(width) self.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) #Text is actually scaled down in 'regular' position so that it doesn't get jaggies when zoomed in self.set_scale(self.zoomLevel, self.zoomLevel) self.currentZoom = 0 #(label_width, label_height) = self.label.get_size() label_x = 0 #x #self.stage.get_width() - label_width - 50 label_y = y #self.stage.get_height() - label_height self.set_position(0, y) #Add textures group and mark whether or not the textures are currently on the stage self.itemTexturesGroup.show_all() self.onStage = False def scaleLabel(self, level, timeline): #Determine the zooming level zoomTo=0 opacityTo = 255 if level==0: zoomTo = #self.zoomLevel * 1.5 opacityTo = self.onStage = True #self.itemTexturesGroup.show_all() if level==1: zoomTo = opacityTo = if self.onStage: self.onStage = False #self.itemTexturesGroup.hide_all() if level==2: zoomTo = opacityTo = if self.onStage: self.onStage = False #self.itemTexturesGroup.hide_all() if (zoomTo == self.currentZoom) and (opacityTo == self.currentOpacity): return None alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline, clutter.ramp_inc_func) self.behaviour1 = clutter.BehaviourScale(scale_start=self.currentZoom, scale_end=zoomTo, alpha=alpha) #scale_gravity=clutter.GRAVITY_WEST, self.behaviour1.set_property("scale-gravity", clutter.GRAVITY_WEST) #As at Clutter r1807 you cannot set the gravity on the line above. self.behaviour2 = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(opacity_start=self.currentOpacity, opacity_end=opacityTo, alpha=alpha) self.behaviour1.apply(self) self.behaviour2.apply(self) #timeline.connect('completed', self.scale_end_event, zoomTo, opacityTo) self.currentZoom = zoomTo self.currentOpacity = opacityTo def scale_end_event(self, data, zoomTo, opacityTo): pass def get_zoom_level(self): return self.zoomLevel def add_image_from_path(self, path, x, y): self.tempTexture = clutter.Texture() pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path) tempTexture.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) self.add_image_from_texture(tempTexture, x, y) def add_image_from_texture(self, texture): if texture is None: print "NO TEXTURE!" #Scale the image down by half #xy_ratio = tempTexture.get_width() / self.tempTexture.get_height() #self.tempTexture.set_width(int(self.stage.get_width() * 0.20)) #30% of the stages width #self.tempTexture.set_height(self.tempTexture.get_width() * xy_ratio ) #Just makes sure the sizes stay the same #Rotate appropriately texture.set_depth(texture.get_width()/2) texture.set_rotation(clutter.Y_AXIS, 45, (texture.get_width()/2), 0, 0) self.itemTexturesGroup.add(texture) #texture.hide() #For some reason this line is occasionally removing the pixbuf from the texture. #Set position (abs_x, abs_y) = self.get_position() #x = abs_x# - self.tempTexture.get_width() #y = ( - (self.tempTexture.get_height()/2) #self.tempTexture.set_position(x, y) if self.reflectionTexture = Texture_Reflection(texture) self.itemTexturesGroup.add(self.reflectionTexture) self.itemTexturesGroup.show_all() def set_data(self, data): = data def get_data(self): return def setAction(self, newAction): self.action = newAction def getAction(self): return self.action def get_menu(self): return