import pygtk import gtk import pygst import gst import gobject import pango import clutter class coverViewer(clutter.Group): scaleFactor = 1.4 inactiveOpacity = 150 def __init__(self, stage, width, height): clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.stage = stage self.videoLibrary = [] self.textureLibrary = [] self.current_video_details = video_details_group(width) self.covers_group = clutter.Group() self.num_covers = 0 self.cover_gap = 1 self.num_visible_rows = 3 self.num_columns = 4 self.cover_size = int(width / self.num_columns) #200 #A cover will be cover_size * cover_size (X * Y) #Setup the current min and max viewable rows self.min_visible_rows = 0 self.max_visible_rows = self.num_visible_rows self.currentSelection = 0 self.add(self.covers_group) #self.stage.add(self.current_video_description) self.current_video_details.show_all() #Turns the description group off and on def toggle_details(self): if self.current_video_details.get_parent() == None: self.add(self.current_video_details) #Set the position of the details group (pos_x, pos_y) = self.get_abs_position() #The next two lines are horribly ugly, but all they do is position the details viewer in the middle of the gap between the bottom of the visible cover viewer and the bottom of the stage viewer_lower_y = int(pos_y + (self.max_visible_rows * self.cover_size)) pos_y = viewer_lower_y# + int( (self.stage.get_height() - viewer_lower_y) / 2 - int(self.current_video_details.get_height()/2)) self.current_video_details.set_position(20, pos_y) else: self.stage.remove(self.current_video_details) def add_video(self, video): self.videoLibrary.append(video) imagePath = video.getCoverfile() tempTexture = clutter.Texture() pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(imagePath) tempTexture.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) xy_ratio = float(tempTexture.get_width()) / tempTexture.get_height() width = int(self.cover_size * xy_ratio) tempTexture.set_width(width) tempTexture.set_height(self.cover_size) tempTexture.set_opacity(self.inactiveOpacity) tempTexture.set_position( (self.num_covers * self.cover_size), 0) tempTexture.set_depth(1) self.textureLibrary.append(tempTexture) #x = (self.cover_gap + self.cover_size) * (self.num_covers/self.num_rows) #y = (self.num_covers % self.num_rows) * self.cover_size + ( (self.num_covers % self.num_rows) * self.cover_gap) x = (self.num_covers % self.num_columns) * self.cover_size + ( (self.num_covers % self.num_columns) * self.cover_gap) y = (self.cover_gap + self.cover_size) * (self.num_covers/self.num_columns) #Center the cover if width < self.cover_size: x = x + (self.cover_size - width)/2 tempTexture.set_position(x, y) #If we're past the maximum rows, make the pics invistible if self.num_covers > (self.num_columns * self.num_visible_rows)-1: tempTexture.set_opacity(0) else: self.covers_group.add(tempTexture) self.num_covers = self.num_covers +1 def select_item(self, incomingItem, outgoingItem): self.timeline = clutter.Timeline(10,35) self.current_video_details.set_video(self.videoLibrary[incomingItem], self.timeline) #Check if the cover is currently not visible rolling = False if incomingItem > (self.num_columns * self.max_visible_rows-1): self.rollViewer(True, self.timeline) rolling = True if incomingItem < (self.num_columns * self.min_visible_rows): self.rollViewer(False, self.timeline) rolling = True outgoingTexture = self.textureLibrary[outgoingItem] incomingTexture = self.textureLibrary[incomingItem] alpha = clutter.Alpha(self.timeline, clutter.smoothstep_inc_func)# clutter.ramp_inc_func) self.behaviourNew_scale = clutter.BehaviourScale(alpha, 1, self.scaleFactor, clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.behaviourNew_z = clutter.BehaviourDepth(alpha, 1, 2) #If we're performing a roll (See above) then the incoming opacity should start at 0 rather than the normal inactive opacity if rolling: self.behaviourNew_opacity = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 0, 255) else: self.behaviourNew_opacity = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, self.inactiveOpacity, 255) self.behaviourOld_scale = clutter.BehaviourScale(alpha, self.scaleFactor, 1, clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.behaviourOld_z = clutter.BehaviourDepth(alpha, 2, 1) self.behaviourOld_opacity = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 255, self.inactiveOpacity) self.behaviourNew_scale.apply(incomingTexture) self.behaviourNew_z.apply(incomingTexture) self.behaviourNew_opacity.apply(incomingTexture) self.behaviourOld_scale.apply(outgoingTexture) self.behaviourOld_z.apply(outgoingTexture) self.behaviourOld_opacity.apply(outgoingTexture) self.currentSelection = incomingItem self.timeline.start() def select_first(self): self.timeline = clutter.Timeline(20,80) self.current_video_details.set_video(self.videoLibrary[0], self.timeline) incomingItem = 0 incomingTexture = self.textureLibrary[incomingItem] alpha = clutter.Alpha(self.timeline, clutter.ramp_inc_func) self.behaviourNew_scale = clutter.BehaviourScale(alpha, 1, self.scaleFactor, clutter.GRAVITY_CENTER) self.behaviourNew_z = clutter.BehaviourDepth(alpha, 1, 2) self.behaviourNew_opacity = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, self.inactiveOpacity, 255) self.behaviourNew_scale.apply(incomingTexture) self.behaviourNew_z.apply(incomingTexture) self.behaviourNew_opacity.apply(incomingTexture) self.currentSelection = incomingItem self.timeline.start() #This moves the visible row of covers up and down # moveUp: True if the covers are to come up, false if they're to go down def rollViewer(self, moveUp, timeline): if moveUp: new_y = self.covers_group.get_y() - self.cover_size self.max_visible_rows = self.max_visible_rows + 1 self.min_visible_rows = self.min_visible_rows + 1 #Define the row of covers that now needs to disapear / appear min_outgoing = (self.min_visible_rows-1) * self.num_columns max_outgoing = min_outgoing + self.num_columns min_incoming = (self.max_visible_rows-1) * self.num_columns max_incoming = min_incoming + self.num_columns #Quick check to make sure that max_incoming isn't greater than the max number of images (This occurs when the final row is incomplete) if max_incoming > self.num_covers: max_incoming = min_incoming + (self.num_covers % self.num_columns) else: new_y = self.covers_group.get_y() + self.cover_size self.max_visible_rows = self.max_visible_rows - 1 self.min_visible_rows = self.min_visible_rows - 1 #Define the row of covers that now needs to disapear / appear min_incoming = (self.min_visible_rows) * self.num_columns max_incoming = min_incoming + self.num_columns min_outgoing = (self.max_visible_rows) * self.num_columns max_outgoing = min_outgoing + self.num_columns #Quick check to make sure that max_outgoing isn't greater than the max number of images (This occurs when the final row is incomplete) if max_outgoing > self.num_covers: max_outgoing = min_outgoing + (self.num_covers % self.num_columns) #Need to add the new row to the group self.addIncomingRow(min_incoming, max_incoming) #And set the outgoing row to remove after the timeline finishes self.timeline.connect('completed', self.removeOutgoingRow, min_outgoing, max_outgoing) knots = (\ (self.covers_group.get_x(), self.covers_group.get_y()),\ (self.covers_group.get_x(), new_y) \ ) alpha = clutter.Alpha(timeline, clutter.ramp_inc_func) self.behaviour_path = clutter.BehaviourPath(alpha, knots) self.behaviour_incoming = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, 0, self.inactiveOpacity) self.behaviour_outgoing = clutter.BehaviourOpacity(alpha, self.inactiveOpacity, 0) self.behaviour_path.apply(self.covers_group) #Also need to change a few opacities - This is really messy, but works for i in range(min_outgoing, max_outgoing): self.behaviour_outgoing.apply(self.textureLibrary[i]) for i in range(min_incoming, max_incoming): self.behaviour_incoming.apply(self.textureLibrary[i]) def removeOutgoingRow(self, timeline, min, max): for i in range(min, max): self.covers_group.remove(self.textureLibrary[i]) def addIncomingRow(self, min, max): for i in range(min, max): self.covers_group.add(self.textureLibrary[i]) #xy_ratio = float(self.textureLibrary[i].get_width()) / self.textureLibrary[i].get_height() #width = int(self.cover_size * xy_ratio) #x = (i % self.num_columns) * self.cover_size + ( (i % self.num_columns) * self.cover_gap) #y = (self.cover_gap + self.cover_size) * (i/self.num_columns) #Center the cover #if width < self.cover_size: # x = x + (self.cover_size - width)/2 #self.textureLibrary[i].set_position(x, y) self.textureLibrary[i].show() def get_current_video(self): return self.videoLibrary[self.currentSelection] def on_key_press_event(self, event): newItem = None if event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.Left: #Make sure we're not already on the first cover if not self.currentSelection == 0: newItem = self.currentSelection - 1 elif event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.Right: #This check makes sure that we're not on the last cover already if not self.currentSelection == (self.num_covers-1): newItem = self.currentSelection + 1 elif event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.Down: #Check if we're already on the bottom row if not (self.currentSelection > (len(self.textureLibrary)-1 - self.num_columns)): newItem = self.currentSelection + self.num_columns elif event.keyval == clutter.keysyms.Up: #Check if we're already on the top row if not (self.currentSelection < self.num_columns): newItem = self.currentSelection - self.num_columns #Final sanity check if (newItem < 0) and (not newItem == None): newItem = self.currentSelection #If there is movement, make the scale happen if not newItem == None: self.select_item(newItem, self.currentSelection) class video_details_group(clutter.Group): font = "Lucida Grande " title_font_size = 30 main_font_size = 22 plot_font_size = 18 def __init__(self, desired_width): clutter.Group.__init__(self) self.width = desired_width #Add the various labels self.title = clutter.Label() self.title.set_font_name(self.font + str(self.title_font_size)) self.title.set_color(clutter.color_parse('White')) self.title.set_text("") self.title.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.add(self.title) #Not sure how to get the row height before the text is set :( self.row_gap = self.title.get_height() self.year = clutter.Label() self.year.set_font_name(self.font + str(self.main_font_size)) self.year.set_color(clutter.color_parse('White')) self.year.set_text("") self.year.set_opacity(220) self.year.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.year.set_position(0, self.row_gap) self.add(self.year) self.director = clutter.Label() self.director.set_font_name(self.font + str(self.main_font_size)) self.director.set_color(clutter.color_parse('White')) self.director.set_text("") self.director.set_opacity(220) self.director.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.director.set_position(int(self.year.get_width()), self.row_gap) self.add(self.director) self.plot = clutter.Label() self.plot.set_font_name(self.font + str(self.plot_font_size)) self.plot.set_color(clutter.color_parse('White')) self.plot.set_text("") self.plot.set_opacity(220) #self.plot.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.plot.set_position(0, int(self.row_gap*2)) self.add(self.plot) self.show_all() def set_video_bare(self,video): self.timeline = clutter.Timeline(10,45) self.set_video(video, self.timeline) def set_video(self, video, timeline): = video self.title.set_text(video.title) self.title.set_width(self.width) self.year.set_text("Year: " + str(video.year)) self.director.set_text(" Director: " + str(video.director)) self.director.set_position(int(self.year.get_width()), self.row_gap) self.director.set_width(int(self.width - self.year.get_width())) self.plot.set_text(video.plot) self.plot.set_width(self.width)