Update Instructions Unfortunately there is not automatic update or even a good manual update process for 3rd party repositories at this time. I am hoping Boxee gets around to adding this feature in soon. In the mean time you will need to follow the instructions outlined below to successfully update the MythBoxee app. Also please note that all the configuration settings will remain in place even after you remove the app and re-add it, so you shouldn't have to reconfigure the app. Below are the step by step instructions on how to update the MythBoxee app. 1. Start Boxee 2. Browse to Apps 3. Select MythBoxee Beta 4. Select Remove from Apps 5. Exit Boxee 6. Clear Boxee cache folders 6.a. UserData\cache\* 6.b. UserData\profiles\\cache\* 7. Start Boxee 8. Browse to Apps 9. Browse to MythBoxee Repository 10. Select MythBoxee Beta 11. Select Add to My Apps 12. Run the App Cheers! -Erik