# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Provides base classes for accessing MythTV """ from MythStatic import * import os, re, socket, sys, locale, weakref from xml import * from datetime import datetime from time import sleep, time from urllib import urlopen from subprocess import Popen from sys import version_info #import MySQLdb, MySQLdb.cursors #MySQLdb.__version__ = tuple([v for v in MySQLdb.__version__.split('.')]) import mysql.connector import mysql.connector.cursor class DictData( object ): """ DictData.__init__(raw) -> DictData object Basic class for providing management of data resembling dictionaries. Must be subclassed for use. Subclasses must provide: field_order string list of field names field_type integer list of field types by: 0: integer - int(value) 1: float - float(value) 2: bool - bool(value) 3: string - value 4: date - datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value)) can be the single string 'Pass', to pass all values untouched Data can be accessed as: obj.field_name -- or -- obj['field_name'] """ class DictIterator( object ): def __init__(self, mode, parent): # modes = 1:keys, 2:values, 3:items self.index = 0 self.mode = mode self.data = parent def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): self.index += 1 if self.index > len(self.data.field_order): raise StopIteration key = self.data.field_order[self.index-1] if self.mode == 1: return key elif self.mode == 2: return self.data[key] elif self.mode == 3: return (key, self.data[key]) logmodule = 'Python DictData' # class emulation functions def __getattr__(self,name): # function for class attribute access of data fields # accesses real attributes, falls back to data fields, and errors if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] elif name in self.field_order: return self.data[name] else: raise AttributeError("'DictData' object has no attribute '%s'"%name) def __setattr__(self,name,value): # function for class attribute access of data fields # sets value in data fields, falling back to real attributes if name in self.field_order: self.data[name] = value else: self.__dict__[name] = value # container emulation functions def __getitem__(self,key): # function for and dist-like access to content # as a side effect of dual operation, dict data cannot be indexed # keyed off integer values if key in self.data: return self.data[key] else: raise KeyError("'DictData' object has no key '%s'" %key) def __setitem__(self,key,value): # function for dist-like access to content # does not allow setting of data not already in field_order if key in self.field_order: self.data[key] = value else: raise KeyError("'DictData' does not allow new data") def __contains__(self,item): return bool(item in self.data.keys()) def __iter__(self): return self.DictIterator(2,self) def iterkeys(self): """ obj.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of obj ordered by self.field_order """ return self.DictIterator(1,self) def itervalues(self): """ obj.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of obj ordered by self.field_order """ return self.DictIterator(2,self) def iteritems(self): """ obj.iteritems() -> an iterator of over the (key,value) pairs of obj ordered by self.field_order """ return self.DictIterator(3,self) def keys(self): """obj.keys() -> list of self.field_order""" return list(self.iterkeys()) def has_key(self,item): return self.__contains__(item) def values(self): """obj.values() -> list of values, ordered by self.field_order""" return list(self.itervalues()) def get(self,key): return self.data[key] def items(self): """ obj.items() -> list of (key,value) pairs, ordered by self.field_order """ return list(self.iteritems()) def pop(self,key): raise NotImplementedError def popitem(self): raise NotImplementedError def update(self, *args, **keywords): self.data.update(*args, **keywords) ### additional management functions def _setDefs(self): self.data = {} self.field = 0 self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule) def __init__(self, raw): self._setDefs() self.data.update(self._process(raw)) def _process(self, data): data = list(data) for i in range(0, len(data)): if data[i] == '': data[i] = None elif self.field_type == 'Pass': data[i] = data[i] elif self.field_type[i] == 0: data[i] = int(data[i]) elif self.field_type[i] == 1: data[i] = locale.atof(data[i]) elif self.field_type[i] == 2: data[i] = bool(data[i]) elif self.field_type[i] == 3: data[i] = data[i] elif self.field_type[i] == 4: data[i] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data[i])) return dict(zip(self.field_order,data)) @staticmethod def joinInt(high,low): """obj.joinInt(high, low) -> 64-bit int, from two signed ints""" return (high + (low<0))*2**32 + low @staticmethod def splitInt(integer): """obj.joinInt(64-bit int) -> (high, low)""" return integer/(2**32),integer%2**32 - (integer%2**32 > 2**31)*2**32 class DBData( DictData ): """ DBData.__init__(data=None, db=None, raw=None) --> DBData object Altered DictData adding several functions for dealing with individual rows. Must be subclassed for use. Subclasses must provide: table Name of database table to be accessed where String defining WHERE clause for database lookup setwheredat String of comma separated variables to be evaluated to set 'wheredat'. 'eval(setwheredat)' must return a tuple, so string must contain at least one comma. Subclasses may provide: allow_empty Controls whether DBData() will allow an empty instance. schema_value, schema_local, schema_name Allows checking of alternate plugin schemas Can be populated in two manners: data Tuple used to perform a SQL query, using the subclass provided 'where' clause raw Raw list as returned by 'select * from mytable' """ field_type = 'Pass' allow_empty = False logmodule = 'Python DBData' schema_value = 'DBSchemaVer' schema_local = SCHEMA_VERSION schema_name = 'Database' def getAllEntries(self): """obj.getAllEntries() -> tuple of DBData objects""" c = self.db.cursor(self.log) query = """SELECT * FROM %s""" % self.table self.log(MythLog.DATABASE, query) if c.execute(query) == 0: return () objs = [] for row in c.fetchall(): objs.append(self.__class__(db=self.db, raw=row)) c.close() return objs def _setDefs(self): self.__dict__['field_order'] = self.db.tablefields[self.table] DictData._setDefs(self) self._fillNone() self.wheredat = None self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule, db=self.db) def __init__(self, data=None, db=None, raw=None): self.__dict__['db'] = MythDBBase(db) self.db._check_schema(self.schema_value, self.schema_local, self.schema_name) self._setDefs() if raw is not None: if len(raw) == len(self.field_order): self.data.update(self._process(raw)) self.wheredat = eval(self.setwheredat) else: raise MythError('Incorrect raw input length to DBData()') elif data is not None: if None not in data: self.wheredat = tuple(data) self._pull() else: if self.allow_empty: self._fillNone() else: raise MythError('DBData() not given sufficient information') def _pull(self): """Updates table with data pulled from database.""" c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s""" \ % (self.table, self.where), self.wheredat) data = c.fetchone() c.close() if data is None: return self.data.update(self._process(data)) def _fillNone(self): """Fills out dictionary fields with empty data""" self.field_order = self.db.tablefields[self.table] for field in self.field_order: self.data[field] = None class DBDataWrite( DBData ): """ DBDataWrite.__init__(data=None, db=None, raw=None) --> DBDataWrite object Altered DBData, with support for writing back to the database. Must be subclassed for use. Subclasses must provide: table Name of database table to be accessed where String defining WHERE clause for database lookup setwheredat String of comma separated variables to be evaluated to set 'wheredat'. 'eval(setwheredat)' must return a tuple, so string must contain at least one comma. Subclasses may provide: defaults Dictionary of default values to be used when creating new database entries. Additionally, values of 'None' will be stripped and not used to alter the database. Can be populated in two manners: data Tuple used to perform a SQL query, using the subclass provided 'where' clause raw Raw list as returned by 'select * from mytable' Additionally, can be left uninitialized to allow creation of a new entry """ defaults = None allow_empty = True logmodule = 'Python DBDataWrite' def _sanitize(self, data, fill=True): """Remove fields from dictionary that are not in database table.""" data = data.copy() for key in data.keys(): if key not in self.field_order: del data[key] if self.defaults is not None: for key in self.defaults: if key in data: if self.defaults[key] is None: del data[key] elif data[key] is None: if fill: data[key] = self.defaults[key] return data def _setDefs(self): DBData._setDefs(self) self._fillDefs() def _fillDefs(self): self._fillNone() self.data.update(self.defaults) def __init__(self, data=None, db=None, raw=None): DBData.__init__(self, data, db, raw) if raw is not None: self.origdata = self.data.copy() def create(self,data=None): """ obj.create(data=None) -> new database row Creates a new database entry using given information. Will add any information in 'data' dictionary to local information before pushing the entire set onto the database. Will only function with an uninitialized object. """ if self.wheredat is not None: raise MythError('DBDataWrite object already bound to '+\ 'existing instance') if data is not None: data = self._sanitize(data, False) self.data.update(data) data = self._sanitize(self.data) for key in data.keys(): if data[key] is None: del data[key] c = self.db.cursor(self.log) fields = ', '.join(data.keys()) format_string = ', '.join(['%s' for d in data.values()]) c.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)""" \ % (self.table, fields, format_string), data.values()) intid = c.lastrowid c.close() return intid def _pull(self): DBData._pull(self) self.origdata = self.data.copy() def _push(self): if (self.where is None) or (self.wheredat is None): return c = self.db.cursor(self.log) data = self._sanitize(self.data) for key, value in data.items(): if value == self.origdata[key]: # filter unchanged data del data[key] if len(data) == 0: # no updates return format_string = ', '.join(['%s = %%s' % d for d in data]) sql_values = data.values() sql_values.extend(self.wheredat) c.execute("""UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s""" \ % (self.table, format_string, self.where), sql_values) c.close() self._pull() def update(self, *args, **keywords): """ obj.update(*args, **keywords) -> None Follows dict.update() syntax. Updates local information, and pushes changes onto the database. Will only function on an initialized object. """ data = {} data.update(*args, **keywords) self.data.update(self._sanitize(data)) self._push() def delete(self): """ obj.delete() -> None Delete video entry from database. """ if (self.where is None) or \ (self.wheredat is None) or \ (self.data is None): return c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s""" \ % (self.table, self.where), self.wheredat) c.close() class DBDataRef( object ): """ DBDataRef.__init__(where, db=None) --> DBDataRef object Class for managing lists of referenced data, such as recordedmarkup Subclasses must provide: table Name of database table to be accessed wfield list of fields for WHERE argument in lookup Can be populated by supplying a tuple, matching the fields specified in wfield """ logmodule = 'Python DBDataRef' class SubData( DictData ): def _setDefs(self): self.__dict__['field_order'] = [] DictData._setDefs(self) def __repr__(self): return str(tuple(self)) def __init__(self,data,fields): self._setDefs() self.field_order = fields self.field_type = 'Pass' self.data.update(self._process(data)) def __hash__(self): dat = self.data.copy() keys = dat.keys() keys.sort() return hash(str([hash(dat[k]) for k in keys])) def __cmp__(self, x): return cmp(hash(self),hash(x)) def _setDefs(self): self.data = None self.hash = None self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule, db=self.db) def __repr__(self): if self.data is None: self._fill() return "" % \ (str(tuple(self.data)), hex(id(self))) def __getitem__(self,index): if self.data is None: self._fill() if index in range(-len(self.data),0)+range(len(self.data)): return self.data[index] else: raise IndexError def __iter__(self): self.field = 0 if self.data is None: self._fill() return self def next(self): if self.field == len(self.data): del self.field raise StopIteration self.field += 1 return self[self.field-1] def __init__(self,where,db=None): self.db = MythDBBase(db) self._setDefs() self.where = tuple(where) self.dfield = list(self.db.tablefields[self.table]) for field in self.wfield: del self.dfield[self.dfield.index(field)] def _fill(self): self.data = [] self.hash = [] fields = ','.join(self.dfield) where = ' AND '.join('%s=%%s' % d for d in self.wfield) c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s""" \ % (fields, self.table, where), self.where) for entry in c.fetchall(): self.data.append(self.SubData(entry, self.dfield)) self.hash.append(hash(self.data[-1])) def add(self, data): """obj.add(data) -> None""" if self.data is None: self._fill() if len(data) != len(self.wfield): return dat = self.SubData(data, self.dfield) if hash(dat) in self.hash: return c = self.db.cursor(self.log) fields = ', '.join(self.wfield+self.dfield) format = ', '.join(['%s' for d in fields]) c.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)""" \ % (self.table, fields, format), self.where+list(data)) c.close() self.data.append(dat) self.hash.append(hash(dat)) def delete(self, index): """obj.delete(data) -> None""" if self.data is None: self._fill() if index not in range(0, len(self.data)): return where = ' AND '.join(['%s=%%s' % d for d in self.wfield+self.dfield]) values = self.where+list(self.data[index]) c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s""" \ % (self.table, where), values) c.close() del self.data[index] del self.hash[index] class DBDataCRef( object ): """ DBDataRef.__init__(where, db=None) --> DBDataRef object Class for managing lists of crossreferenced data, such as recordedcredits Subclasses must provide: table - primary data table rtable - cross reference table t_ref - primary table field to align with cross reference table r_ref - cross reference table field to align with primary table t_add - list of fields for data stored in primary table r_add - list of fields for data stored in cross reference table w_field - list of fields for WHERE argument in lookup """ logmodule = 'Python DBDataCRef' class SubData( DictData ): def _setDefs(self): self.__dict__['field_order'] = [] DictData._setDefs(self) def __repr__(self): return str(tuple(self.data.values())) def __init__(self,data,fields): self._setDefs() self.field_order = ['cross']+fields self.field_type = 'Pass' self.data.update(self._process(data)) def __hash__(self): dat = self.data.copy() del dat['cross'] keys = dat.keys() keys.sort() return hash(str([hash(dat[k]) for k in keys])) def __cmp__(self, x): return cmp(hash(self),hash(x)) def _setDefs(self): self.data = None self.hash = None self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule, db=self.db) def __repr__(self): if self.data is None: self._fill() return "" % \ (str(tuple(self.data)), hex(id(self))) def __getitem__(self,index): if self.data is None: self._fill() if index in range(-len(self.data),0)+range(len(self.data)): return self.data[index] else: raise IndexError def __iter__(self): self.field = 0 if self.data is None: self._fill() return self def next(self): if self.field == len(self.data): del self.field raise StopIteration self.field += 1 return self[self.field-1] def __init__(self,where,db=None): self.db = MythDBBase(db) self._setDefs() self.w_dat = tuple(where) def _fill(self): self.data = [] self.hash = [] fields = ','.join([self.table+'.'+self.t_ref]+self.t_add+self.r_add) where = ' AND '.join('%s=%%s' % d for d in self.w_field) join = '%s.%s=%s.%s' % (self.table,self.t_ref,self.rtable,self.r_ref) c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""SELECT %s FROM %s JOIN %s ON %s WHERE %s"""\ % (fields, self.table, self.rtable, join, where), self.w_dat) for entry in c.fetchall(): self.data.append(self.SubData(entry, self.t_add+self.r_add)) self.hash.append(hash(self.data[-1])) def _tdata(self, sub): return tuple([sub[key] for key in self.t_add]) def _rdata(self, sub): return tuple([sub[key] for key in self.r_add+['cross']]+list(self.w_dat)) def _search(self, sub): for i in range(len(self.data)): if self.data[i] == sub: return i def add(self,data): """obj.add(data) -> None""" if self.data is None: self._fill() if len(data) != len(self.t_add+self.r_add): return # check for existing dat = self.SubData([0]+list(data),self.t_add+self.r_add) if dat in self.data: return tdata = self._tdata(dat) c = self.db.cursor(self.log) # search for existing table data, add if needed where = ' AND '.join('%s=%%s' % d for d in self.t_add) if c.execute("""SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s""" \ % (self.t_ref, self.table, where), self._tdata(dat)) > 0: id = c.fetchone()[0] else: fields = ', '.join(self.t_add) format = ', '.join(['%s' for d in self.t_add]) c.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)""" \ % (self.table, fields, format), self._tdata(dat)) id = c.lastrowid dat = self.SubData([id]+list(data),self.t_add+self.r_add) # double check for existing fields = self.r_add+[self.r_ref]+self.w_field where = ' AND '.join('%s=%%s' % d for d in fields) if c.execute("""SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s""" % (self.rtable, where), self._rdata(dat)) > 0: return # add cross reference fields = ', '.join(self.r_add+[self.r_ref]+self.w_field) format = ', '.join(['%s' for d in fields.split(', ')]) c.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)"""\ % (self.rtable, fields, format), self._rdata(dat)) c.close() # add local entry self.data.append(dat) def delete(self,data): """obj.delete(data) -> None""" if self.data is None: self._fill() # check for local entry dat = self.SubData([0]+list(data),self.t_add+self.r_add) if dat not in self.data: return # remove local entry index = self._search(dat) dat = self.data.pop(index) # remove database cross reference fields = self.r_add+[self.r_ref]+self.w_field where = ' AND '.join('%s=%%s' % d for d in fields) c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s""" % (self.rtable, where), self._rdata(dat)) # remove primary entry if unused if c.execute("""SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s""" \ % (self.r_ref, self.rtable, self.r_ref), dat.cross) == 0: c.execute("""DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s""" \ % (self.table, self.t_ref), dat.cross) c.close() index = self.hash.index[dat] del self.hash[index] del self.data[index] class MythDBCursor( mysql.connector.cursor.MySQLCursor ): """ Custom cursor, offering logging and error handling """ def __init__(self, connection): self.log = None mysql.connector.cursor.MySQLCursor.__init__(self, connection) def execute(self, query, args=None): #if MySQLdb.__version__ >= ('1','2','2'): # self.connection.ping(True) #else: # self.connection.ping() if self.log == None: self.log = MythLog('Python Database Connection') if args: self.log(self.log.DATABASE, ' '.join(query.split()), str(args)) else: self.log(self.log.DATABASE, ' '.join(query.split())) try: return mysql.connector.cursor.MySQLCursor.execute(self, query, args) except Exception, e: raise MythDBError(MythDBError.DB_RAW, e.args) def executemany(self, query, args): #if MySQLdb.__version__ >= ('1','2','2'): # self.connection.ping(True) #else: # self.connection.ping() if self.log == None: self.log = MythLog('Python Database Connection') for arg in args: self.log(self.log.DATABASE, ' '.join(query.split()), str(arg)) try: return mysql.connector.cursor.MySQLCursor.executemany(self, query, args) except Exception, e: raise MythDBError(MythDBError.DB_RAW, e.args) class MythDBConn( object ): """ This is the basic database connection object. You dont want to use this directly. """ def __init__(self, dbconn): self.log = MythLog('Python Database Connection') self.tablefields = {} self.settings = {} try: self.log(MythLog.DATABASE, "Attempting connection", str(dbconn)) self.db = mysql.connector.connect(user=dbconn['DBUserName'], host=dbconn['DBHostName'], password=dbconn['DBPassword'], db=dbconn['DBName'], port=dbconn['DBPort'], use_unicode=True, charset='utf8') except: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_CONNECTION, dbconn) def cursor(self, log=None, type=MythDBCursor): #if MySQLdb.__version__ >= ('1','2','2'): # self.db.ping(True) #else: # self.db.ping() #c = self.db.cursor(type) c = self.db.cursor() if log: c.log = log else: c.log = self.log return c class MythDBBase( object ): """ MythDBBase(db=None, args=None, **kwargs) -> database connection object Basic connection to the mythtv database Offers connection caching to prevent multiple connections 'db' will accept an existing MythDBBase object, or any subclass there of 'args' will accept a tuple of 2-tuples for connection settings 'kwargs' will accept a series of keyword arguments for connection settings 'args' and 'kwargs' accept the following values: DBHostName DBName DBUserName DBPassword SecurityPin The class will first use an existing connection if provided, use the 'args' and 'kwargs' values if sufficient information is available, falling back to '~/.mythtv/config.xml' and finally UPnP detection. If no 'SecurityPin' is given, UPnP detection will default to 0000, and if successful, will populate '~/.mythtv/config.xml' with the necessary information. Available methods: obj.cursor() - open a cursor for direct database manipulation obj.getStorageGroup() - return a tuple of StorageGroup objects """ logmodule = 'Python Database Connection' cursorclass = MythDBCursor shared = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __repr__(self): return "<%s '%s' at %s>" % \ (str(self.__class__).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1], self.ident, hex(id(self))) class _TableFields(object): """Provides a dictionary-like list of table fieldnames""" def __init__(self, db, log): self._db = db self._log = log def __getattr__(self,key): if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] elif key in self._db.tablefields: return self._db.tablefields[key] else: return self.__getitem__(key) def __getitem__(self,key): if key in self._db.tablefields: return self._db.tablefields[key] table_names = [] c = self._db.cursor(self._log) try: c.execute("DESC %s" % (key,)) except: return None for name in c.fetchall(): table_names.append(name[0]) c.close() self._db.tablefields[key] = tuple(table_names) return table_names class _Settings(object): """Provides dictionary-like list of hosts""" class __Settings(object): """Provides dictionary-like list of settings""" def __repr__(self): return str(self._shared.keys()) def __init__(self, db, log, host): self._db = db self._log = log self._host = host def __getattr__(self,name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] else: return self.__getitem__(name) def __setattr__(self,name,value): if name in ('_db','_host','_log'): self.__dict__[name] = value else: self.__setitem__(name,value) def __getitem__(self,key): if key in self._db.settings[self._host]: return self._db.settings[self._host][key] if self._host == 'NULL': where = 'IS NULL' wheredat = (key,) else: where = 'LIKE(%s)' wheredat = (key, self._host) c = self._db.cursor(self._log) c.execute("""SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value=%%s AND hostname %s LIMIT 1""" % where, wheredat) row = c.fetchone() c.close() if row: self._db.settings[self._host][key] = row[0] return row[0] else: return None def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._db.settings[self._host]: self.__getitem__(key) c = self._db.cursor(self._log) if key not in self._db.settings[self._host]: host = self._host if host is 'NULL': host = None c.execute("""INSERT INTO settings (value,data,hostname) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)""", (key, value, host)) else: query = """UPDATE settings SET data=%s WHERE value=%s AND""" dat = [value, key] if self._host == 'NULL': query += ' hostname IS NULL' else: query += ' hostname=%s' dat.append(self._host) c.execute(query, dat) self._db.settings[self._host][key] = value def __repr__(self): return str(self._db.settings.keys()) def __init__(self, db, log): self._db = db self._log = log def __getattr__(self,key): if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] else: return self.__getitem__(key) def __getitem__(self,key): if key not in self._db.settings: self._db.settings[key] = {} return self.__Settings(self._db, self._log, key) def __init__(self, db=None, args=None, **dbconn): self.db = None self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule) self.settings = None if db is not None: # load existing database connection self.log(MythLog.DATABASE, "Loading existing connection", str(db.dbconn)) dbconn.update(db.dbconn) if args is not None: # load user defined arguments (takes dict, or key/value tuple) self.log(MythLog.DATABASE, "Loading user settings", str(args)) dbconn.update(args) if 'SecurityPin' not in dbconn: dbconn['SecurityPin'] = 0 if not self._check_dbconn(dbconn): # insufficient information for connection given # try to read from config.xml config_files = [ os.path.expanduser('~/.mythtv/config.xml') ] if 'MYTHCONFDIR' in os.environ: config_files.append('%s/config.xml' %os.environ['MYTHCONFDIR']) for config_file in config_files: dbconn.update({ 'DBHostName':None, 'DBName':None, 'DBUserName':None, 'DBPassword':None, 'DBPort':0}) try: config = etree.parse(config_file).getroot() for child in config.find('UPnP').find('MythFrontend').\ find('DefaultBackend').getchildren(): if child.tag in dbconn: dbconn[child.tag] = child.text except: continue if self._check_dbconn(dbconn): self.log(MythLog.IMPORTANT|MythLog.DATABASE, "Using connection settings from %s" % config_file) break else: # fall back to UPnP dbconn = self._listenUPNP(dbconn['SecurityPin'], 5.0) # push data to new settings file settings = [dbconn[key] for key in \ ('SecurityPin','DBHostName','DBUserName', 'DBPassword','DBName','DBPort')] config = """ %s %s %s %s %s %s """ % tuple(settings) mythdir = os.path.expanduser('~/.mythtv') if not os.access(mythdir, os.F_OK): os.mkdir(mythdir,0755) fp = open(mythdir+'/config.xml', 'w') fp.write(config) fp.close() if 'DBPort' not in dbconn: dbconn['DBPort'] = 3306 else: dbconn['DBPort'] = int(dbconn['DBPort']) if dbconn['DBPort'] == 0: dbconn['DBPort'] = 3306 self.dbconn = dbconn self.ident = "sql://%s@%s:%d/" % \ (dbconn['DBName'],dbconn['DBHostName'],dbconn['DBPort']) if self.ident in self.shared: # reuse existing database connection and update count self.db = self.shared[self.ident] else: # attempt new connection self.db = MythDBConn(dbconn) # check schema version self._check_schema('DBSchemaVer',SCHEMA_VERSION) # add connection to cache self.shared[self.ident] = self.db # connect to table name cache self.tablefields = self._TableFields(self.shared[self.ident], self.log) self.settings = self._Settings(self.shared[self.ident], self.log) def _listenUPNP(self, pin, timeout): # open outbound socket upnpport = 1900 upnptup = ('', upnpport) sreq = '\r\n'.join(['M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1', 'HOST: %s:%s' % upnptup, 'MAN: "ssdp:discover"', 'MX: 5', 'ST: ssdp:all','']) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: sock.bind(('', upnpport)) except: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_CREDENTIALS) sock.setblocking(0) sock.settimeout(5) # spam the request a couple times sock.sendto(sreq, upnptup) sock.sendto(sreq, upnptup) sock.sendto(sreq, upnptup) reLOC = re.compile('http://(?P[0-9\.]+):(?P[0-9]+)/.*') # listen for atime = time()+timeout while time() < atime: sleep(0.1) try: sdata, saddr = sock.recvfrom(2048) except socket.error: continue # on fault from nonblocking recv lines = sdata.split('\n') sdict = {'request':lines[0].strip()} for line in lines[1:]: fields = line.split(':',1) if len(fields) == 2: sdict[fields[0].strip().lower()] = fields[1].strip() if 'st' not in sdict: continue if sdict['st'] not in \ ('urn:schemas-mythtv-org:device:MasterMediaServer:1', 'urn:schemas-mythtv-org:device:SlaveMediaServer:1', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1'): continue ip, port = reLOC.match(sdict['location']).group(1,2) xml = MythXMLConn(backend=ip, port=port) dbconn = xml.getConnectionInfo(pin) if self._check_dbconn(dbconn): break else: sock.close() raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_CREDENTIALS) sock.close() return dbconn def _check_dbconn(self,dbconn): reqs = ['DBHostName','DBName','DBUserName','DBPassword'] for req in reqs: if req not in dbconn: return False if dbconn[req] is None: return False return True def _check_schema(self, value, local, name='Database'): if self.settings is None: c = self.cursor(self.log) lines = c.execute("""SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value LIKE(%s)""",(value,)) if lines == 0: c.close() raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SETTING, value) sver = int(c.fetchone()[0]) c.close() else: sver = int(self.settings['NULL'][value]) if local != sver: self.log(MythLog.DATABASE|MythLog.IMPORTANT, "%s schema mismatch: we speak %d but database speaks %s" \ % (name, local, sver)) self.db = None raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SCHEMAMISMATCH, value, sver, local) def getStorageGroup(self, groupname=None, hostname=None): """ obj.getStorageGroup(groupname=None, hostname=None) -> tuple of StorageGroup objects groupname and hostname can be used as optional filters """ c = self.cursor(self.log) where = [] wheredat = [] if groupname: where.append("groupname=%s") wheredat.append(groupname) if hostname: where.append("hostname=%s") wheredat.append(hostname) if len(where): where = 'WHERE '+' AND '.join(where) c.execute("""SELECT * FROM storagegroup %s ORDER BY id""" \ % where, wheredat) else: c.execute("""SELECT * FROM storagegroup ORDER BY id""") ret = [] for row in c.fetchall(): ret.append(StorageGroup(raw=row,db=self)) return ret def cursor(self, log=None): if not log: log = self.log return self.db.cursor(log, self.cursorclass) class MythBEConn( object ): """ This is the basic backend connection object. You probably dont want to use this directly. """ logmodule = 'Python Backend Connection' def __init__(self, backend, type, db=None): """ MythBEConn(backend, type, db=None) -> backend socket connection 'backend' can be either a hostname or IP address, or will default to the master backend if None. 'type' is any value, as required by obj.announce(type). The stock method passes 'Monitor' or 'Playback' during connection to backend. There is no checking on this input. 'db' will accept an existing MythDBBase object, or any subclass there of. """ self.connected = False self.db = MythDBBase(db) self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule, db=self.db) if backend is None: # use master backend, no sanity checks, these should always be set self.host = self.db.settings.NULL.MasterServerIP self.port = self.db.settings.NULL.MasterServerPort else: if re.match('(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}',backend): # process ip address c = self.db.cursor(self.log) if c.execute("""SELECT hostname FROM settings WHERE value='BackendServerIP' AND data=%s""", backend) == 0: c.close() raise MythError(MythError.DB_SETTING, 'BackendServerIP', backend) backend = c.fetchone()[0] c.close() self.host = self.db.settings[backend].BackendServerIP if not self.host: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SETTING, 'BackendServerIP', backend) self.port = self.db.settings[backend].BackendServerPort if not self.port: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SETTING, 'BackendServerPort', backend) self.port = int(self.port) try: self.log(MythLog.SOCKET|MythLog.NETWORK, "Connecting to backend %s:%d" % (self.host, self.port)) self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.settimeout(10) self.socket.connect((self.host, self.port)) self.check_version() self.announce(type) self.connected = True except socket.error, e: self.log(MythLog.IMPORTANT|MythLog.SOCKET, "Couldn't connect to backend %s:%d" \ % (self.host, self.port)) raise MythBEError(MythError.PROTO_CONNECTION, self.host, self.port) except: raise def announce(self,type): res = self.backendCommand('ANN %s %s 0' % (type, socket.gethostname())) if res != 'OK': self.log(MythLog.IMPORTANT|MythLog.NETWORK, "Unexpected answer to ANN", res) raise MythBEError(MythError.PROTO_ANNOUNCE, self.host, self.port, res) else: self.log(MythLog.SOCKET,"Successfully connected to backend", "%s:%d" % (self.host, self.port)) self.hostname = self.backendCommand('QUERY_HOSTNAME') def check_version(self): res = self.backendCommand('MYTH_PROTO_VERSION %s' \ % PROTO_VERSION).split(BACKEND_SEP) if res[0] == 'REJECT': self.log(MythLog.IMPORTANT|MythLog.NETWORK, "Backend has version %s, and we speak %d" %\ (res[1], PROTO_VERSION)) raise MythBEError(MythError.PROTO_MISMATCH, int(res[1]), PROTO_VERSION) def backendCommand(self, data): """ obj.backendCommand(data) -> response string Sends a formatted command via a socket to the mythbackend. """ def recv(): """ Reads the data returned from the backend. """ # The first 8 bytes of the response gives us the length data = self.socket.recv(8) try: length = int(data) except: return u'' data = [] while length > 0: chunk = self.socket.recv(length) length = length - len(chunk) data.append(chunk) try: return unicode(''.join(data),'utf8') except: return u''.join(data) data = data.encode('utf-8') command = '%-8d%s' % (len(data), data) self.log(MythLog.NETWORK, "Sending command", command) self.socket.send(command) return recv() def __del__(self): if self.connected: self.log(MythLog.SOCKET|MythLog.NETWORK, "Terminating connection to %s:%d" % (self.host, self.port)) self.backendCommand('DONE') self.socket.shutdown(1) self.socket.close() self.connected = False class MythBEBase( object ): """ MythBEBase(backend=None, type='Monitor', db=None) -> MythBackend connection object Basic class for mythbackend socket connections. Offers connection caching to prevent multiple connections. 'backend' allows a hostname or IP address to connect to. If not provided, connect will be made to the master backend. Port is always taken from the database. 'db' allows an existing database object to be supplied. 'type' specifies the type of connection to declare to the backend. Accepts 'Monitor' or 'Playback'. Available methods: joinInt() - convert two signed ints to one 64-bit signed int splitInt() - convert one 64-bit signed int to two signed ints backendCommand() - Sends a formatted command to the backend and returns the response. """ logmodule = 'Python Backend Connection' shared = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __repr__(self): return "<%s 'myth://%s:%d/' at %s>" % \ (str(self.__class__).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1], self.hostname, self.port, hex(id(self))) def __init__(self, backend=None, type='Monitor', db=None): self.db = MythDBBase(db) self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule, db=self.db) self._ident = '%s@%s' % (type, backend) if self._ident in self.shared: self.be = self.shared[self._ident] else: self.be = MythBEConn(backend, type, db) self.shared[self._ident] = self.be self.hostname = self.be.hostname self.port = self.be.port def backendCommand(self, data): """ obj.backendCommand(data) -> response string Sends a formatted command via a socket to the mythbackend. """ return self.be.backendCommand(data) def joinInt(self,high,low): """obj.joinInt(high, low) -> 64-bit int, from two signed ints""" return (high + (low<0))*2**32 + low def splitInt(self,integer): """obj.joinInt(64-bit int) -> (high, low)""" return integer/(2**32),integer%2**32 - (integer%2**32 > 2**31)*2**32 class MythXMLConn( object ): """ MythXMLConn(backend=None, db=None, port=None) -> Backend status object Basic access to MythBackend status page and XML data server 'backend' allows a hostname or IP, defaulting to the master backend. 'port' defines the port used to access the backend, retrieved from the database if not given. 'db' allows an existing database connection. Will only be used if either 'backend' or 'port' is not defined. """ def __repr__(self): return "<%s 'http://%s:%d/' at %s>" % \ (str(self.__class__).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1], self.host, self.port, hex(id(self))) def __init__(self, backend=None, db=None, port=None): if backend and port: self.db = None self.host, self.port = backend, int(port) return self.db = MythDBBase(db) self.log = MythLog('Python XML Connection', db=self.db) if backend is None: # use master backend backend = self.db.settings.NULL.MasterServerIP if re.match('(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}',backend): # process ip address c = self.db.cursor(self.log) if c.execute("""SELECT hostname FROM settings WHERE value='BackendServerIP' AND data=%s""", backend) == 0: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SETTING, backend+': BackendServerIP') self.host = c.fetchone()[0] self.port = int(self.db.settings[self.host].BackendStatusPort) c.close() else: # assume given a hostname self.host = backend self.port = int(self.db.settings[self.host].BackendStatusPort) if not self.port: # try a truncated hostname self.host = backend.split('.')[0] self.port = int(self.db.setting[self.host].BackendStatusPort) if not self.port: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SETTING, backend+': BackendStatusPort') def _query(self, path=None, **keyvars): """ obj._query(path=None, **keyvars) -> xml string 'path' is an optional page to access. 'keyvars' are a series of optional variables to specify on the URL. """ url = 'http://%s:%d/' % (self.host, self.port) if path == 'xml': url += 'xml' elif path is not None: url += 'Myth/%s' % path if len(keyvars) > 0: fields = [] for key in keyvars: fields.append('%s=%s' % (key, keyvars[key])) url += '?'+'&'.join(fields) ufd = urlopen(url) res = ufd.read() ufd.close() return res def _queryTree(self, path=None, **keyvars): """obj._queryTree(path=None, **keyvars) -> xml element tree""" xmlstr = self._query(path, **keyvars) if xmlstr.find('xmlns') >= 0: ind1 = xmlstr.find('xmlns') ind2 = xmlstr.find('"', ind1+7) + 1 xmlstr = xmlstr[:ind1] + xmlstr[ind2:] return etree.ElementTree.fromstring(xmlstr) def getConnectionInfo(self, pin=0): """Return dbconn dict from backend connection info.""" dbconn = {'SecurityPin':pin} conv = {'Host':'DBHostName', 'Port':'DBPort', 'UserName':'DBUserName','Password':'DBPassword', 'Name':'DBName'} tree = self._queryTree('GetConnectionInfo', Pin=pin) if tree.tag == 'GetConnectionInfoResponse': for child in tree.find('Info').find('Database'): if child.tag in conv: dbconn[conv[child.tag]] = child.text if 'DBPort' in dbconn: dbconn['DBPort'] = int(dbconn['DBPort']) return dbconn class MythLog( object ): """ MythLog(module='pythonbindings', lstr=None, lbit=None, \ db=None, logfile=None) -> logging object 'module' defines the source of the message in the logs 'lstr' and 'lbit' define the message filter 'lbit' takes a bitwise value 'lstr' takes a string in the normal '-v level' form default is set to 'important,general' 'logfile' sets a file to open and subsequently log to The filter level and logfile are global values, shared between all logging instances. Furthermode, the logfile can only be set once, and cannot be changed. The logging object is callable, and implements the MythLog.log() method. """ ALL = int('1111111111111111111111111111', 2) MOST = int('0011111111101111111111111111', 2) NONE = int('0000000000000000000000000000', 2) IMPORTANT = int('0000000000000000000000000001', 2) GENERAL = int('0000000000000000000000000010', 2) RECORD = int('0000000000000000000000000100', 2) PLAYBACK = int('0000000000000000000000001000', 2) CHANNEL = int('0000000000000000000000010000', 2) OSD = int('0000000000000000000000100000', 2) FILE = int('0000000000000000000001000000', 2) SCHEDULE = int('0000000000000000000010000000', 2) NETWORK = int('0000000000000000000100000000', 2) COMMFLAG = int('0000000000000000001000000000', 2) AUDIO = int('0000000000000000010000000000', 2) LIBAV = int('0000000000000000100000000000', 2) JOBQUEUE = int('0000000000000001000000000000', 2) SIPARSER = int('0000000000000010000000000000', 2) EIT = int('0000000000000100000000000000', 2) VBI = int('0000000000001000000000000000', 2) DATABASE = int('0000000000010000000000000000', 2) DSMCC = int('0000000000100000000000000000', 2) MHEG = int('0000000001000000000000000000', 2) UPNP = int('0000000010000000000000000000', 2) SOCKET = int('0000000100000000000000000000', 2) XMLTV = int('0000001000000000000000000000', 2) DVBCAM = int('0000010000000000000000000000', 2) MEDIA = int('0000100000000000000000000000', 2) IDLE = int('0001000000000000000000000000', 2) CHANNELSCAN = int('0010000000000000000000000000', 2) EXTRA = int('0100000000000000000000000000', 2) TIMESTAMP = int('1000000000000000000000000000', 2) DBALL = 8 DBDEBUG = 7 DBINFO = 6 DBNOTICE = 5 DBWARNING = 4 DBERROR = 3 DBCRITICAL = 2 DBALERT = 1 DBEMERGENCY = 0 LOGLEVEL = IMPORTANT|GENERAL LOGFILE = None helptext = """Verbose debug levels. Accepts any combination (separated by comma) of: " all " - ALL available debug output " most " - Most debug (nodatabase,notimestamp,noextra) " important " - Errors or other very important messages " general " - General info " record " - Recording related messages " playback " - Playback related messages " channel " - Channel related messages " osd " - On-Screen Display related messages " file " - File and AutoExpire related messages " schedule " - Scheduling related messages " network " - Network protocol related messages " commflag " - Commercial Flagging related messages " audio " - Audio related messages " libav " - Enables libav debugging " jobqueue " - JobQueue related messages " siparser " - Siparser related messages " eit " - EIT related messages " vbi " - VBI related messages " database " - Display all SQL commands executed " dsmcc " - DSMCC carousel related messages " mheg " - MHEG debugging messages " upnp " - upnp debugging messages " socket " - socket debugging messages " xmltv " - xmltv output and related messages " dvbcam " - DVB CAM debugging messages " media " - Media Manager debugging messages " idle " - System idle messages " channelscan " - Channel Scanning messages " extra " - More detailed messages in selected levels " timestamp " - Conditional data driven messages " none " - NO debug output The default for this program appears to be: '-v "important,general" ' Most options are additive except for none, all, and important. These three are semi-exclusive and take precedence over any prior options given. You can however use something like '-v none,jobqueue' to get only JobQueue related messages and override the default verbosity level. The additive options may also be subtracted from 'all' by prefixing them with 'no', so you may use '-v all,nodatabase' to view all but database debug messages. Some debug levels may not apply to this program. """ def __repr__(self): return "<%s '%s','%s' at %s>" % \ (str(self.__class__).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1], self.module, bin(self.LOGLEVEL), hex(id(self))) def __init__(self, module='pythonbindings', lstr=None, lbit=None, \ db=None, logfile=None): self._setlevel(lstr, lbit) self.module = module self.db = db if self.db: self.db = MythDBBase(self.db) if (logfile is not None) and (self.LOGFILE is None): self.LOGFILE = open(logfile,'w') def _setlevel(lstr=None, lbit=None): if lstr: MythLog.LOGLEVEL = MythLog._parselevel(lstr) elif lbit: MythLog.LOGLEVEL = lbit _setlevel = staticmethod(_setlevel) def _parselevel(lstr): level = MythLog.NONE bwlist = ( 'important','general','record','playback','channel','osd', 'file','schedule','network','commflag','audio','libav', 'jobqueue','siparser','eit','vbi','database','dsmcc', 'mheg','upnp','socket','xmltv','dvbcam','media','idle', 'channelscan','extra','timestamp') for l in lstr.split(','): if l in ('all','most','none'): # set initial bitfield level = eval('MythLog.'+l.upper()) elif l in bwlist: # update bitfield OR level |= eval('MythLog.'+l.upper()) elif len(l) > 2: if l[0:2] == 'no': if l[2:] in bwlist: # update bitfield NOT level &= level^eval('MythLog.'+l[2:].upper()) return level _parselevel = staticmethod(_parselevel) def log(self, level, message, detail=None, dblevel=None): """ MythLog.log(level, message, detail=None, dblevel=None) -> None 'level' sets the bitwise log level, to be matched against the log filter. If any bits match true, the message will be logged. 'message' and 'detail' set the log message content using the format: : ---- or ---- : -- """ if level&self.LOGLEVEL: if (version_info[0]>2) | (version_info[1]>5): # 2.6 or newer nowstr = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] else: nowstr = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000') if detail is not None: lstr = "%s %s: %s -- %s"%(nowstr, self.module, message, detail) else: lstr = "%s %s: %s" % (nowstr, self.module, message) if self.LOGFILE: self.LOGFILE.write(lstr+'\n') self.LOGFILE.flush() os.fsync(self.LOGFILE.fileno()) else: print lstr return if dblevel is not None: if self.db is None: self.db = MythDBBase() c = self.db.cursor(self.log) c.execute("""INSERT INTO mythlog (module, priority, logdate, host, message, details) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (self.module, dblevel, now(), self.host, message, detail)) c.close() def __call__(self, level, message, detail=None, dblevel=None): self.log(level, message, detail, dblevel) class MythError( Exception ): """ MythError('Generic Error Code') -> Exception MythError(error_code, additional_arguments) -> Exception Objects will have an error string available at obj.args as well as an error code at obj.ecode. Additional attributes may be available depending on the error code. """ GENERIC = 0 SYSTEM = 1 DB_RAW = 50 DB_CONNECTION = 51 DB_CREDENTIALS = 52 DB_SETTING = 53 DB_SCHEMAMISMATCH = 54 PROTO_CONNECTION = 100 PROTO_ANNOUNCE = 101 PROTO_MISMATCH = 102 FE_CONNECTION = 150 FE_ANNOUNCE = 151 FILE_ERROR = 200 FILE_FAILED_READ = 201 FILE_FAILED_WRITE = 202 def __init__(self, *args): if args[0] == self.SYSTEM: self.ename = 'SYSTEM' self.ecode, self.retcode, self.command, self.stderr = args self.args = ("External system call failed: code %d" %self.retcode,) elif args[0] == self.DB_RAW: self.ename = 'DB_RAW' self.ecode, sqlerr = args if len(sqlerr) == 1: self.sqlcode = 0 self.sqlerr = sqlerr[0] self.args = ("MySQL error: %s" % self.sqlerr,) else: self.sqlcode, self.sqlerr = sqlerr self.args = ("MySQL error %d: %s" % sqlerr,) elif args[0] == self.DB_CONNECTION: self.ename = 'DB_CONNECTION' self.ecode, self.dbconn = args self.args = ("Failed to connect to database at '%s'@'%s'" \ % (self.dbconn['DBName'], self.dbconn['DBHostName']) \ +"for user '%s' with password '%s'." \ % (self.dbconn['DBUserName'], self.dbconn['DBPassword']),) elif args[0] == self.DB_CREDENTIALS: self.ename = 'DB_CREDENTIALS' self.ecode = args self.args = ("Could not find database login credentials",) elif args[0] == self.DB_SETTING: self.ename = 'DB_SETTING' self.ecode, self.setting, self.hostname = args self.args = ("Could not find setting '%s' on host '%s'" \ % (self.setting, self.hostname),) elif args[0] == self.DB_SCHEMAMISMATCH: self.ename = 'DB_SCHEMAMISMATCH' self.ecode, self.setting, self.remote, self.local = args self.args = ("Mismatched schema version for '%s': " % self.setting \ + "database speaks version %d, we speak version %d"\ % (self.remote, self.local),) elif args[0] == self.PROTO_CONNECTION: self.ename = 'PROTO_CONNECTION' self.ecode, self.backend, self.port = args self.args = ("Failed to connect to backend at %s:%d" % \ (self.backend, self.port),) elif args[0] == self.PROTO_ANNOUNCE: self.ename = 'PROTO_ANNOUNCE' self.ecode, self.backend, self.port, self.response = args self.args = ("Unexpected response to ANN on %s:%d - %s" \ % (self.backend, self.port, self.response),) elif args[0] == self.PROTO_MISMATCH: self.ename = 'PROTO_MISMATCH' self.ecode, self.remote, self.local = args self.args = ("Backend speaks version %s, we speak version %s" % \ (self.remote, self.local),) elif args[0] == self.FE_CONNECTION: self.ename = 'FE_CONNECTION' self.ecode, self.frontend, self.port = args self.args = ('Connection to frontend %s:%d failed' \ % (self.frontend, self.port),) elif args[0] == self.FE_ANNOUNCE: self.ename = 'FE_ANNOUNCE' self.ecode, self.frontend, self.port = args self.args = ('Open socket at %s:%d not recognized as mythfrontend'\ % (self.frontend, self.port),) elif args[0] == self.FILE_ERROR: self.ename = 'FILE_ERROR' self.ecode, self.reason = args self.args = ("Error accessing file: " % self.reason,) elif args[0] == self.FILE_FAILED_READ: self.ename = 'FILE_FAILED_READ' self.ecode, self.file = args self.args = ("Error accessing %s" %(self.file,self.mode),) elif args[0] == self.FILE_FAILED_WRITE: self.ename = 'FILE_FAILED_WRITE' self.ecode, self.file, self.reason = args self.args = ("Error writing to %s, %s" % (self.file, self.reason),) else: self.ename = 'GENERIC' self.ecode = self.GENERIC self.args = args self.message = str(self.args[0]) class MythDBError( MythError ): pass class MythBEError( MythError ): pass class MythFEError( MythError ): pass class MythFileError( MythError ): pass class StorageGroup( DBData ): """ StorageGroup(id=None, db=None, raw=None) -> StorageGroup object Represents a single storage group entry """ table = 'storagegroup' where = 'id=%s' setwheredat = 'self.id,' logmodule = 'Python StorageGroup' def __str__(self): return u" Grabber object 'path' sets the object to use a path to an external command 'setting' pulls the external command from a setting in the database """ logmodule = 'Python Metadata Grabber' def __init__(self, path=None, setting=None, db=None): MythDBBase.__init__(self, db=db) self.log = MythLog(self.logmodule, db=self) self.path = '' if path is not None: self.path = path elif setting is not None: host = socket.gethostname() self.path = self.settings[host][setting] if self.path is None: raise MythDBError(MythError.DB_SETTING, setting, host) else: raise MythError('Invalid input to Grabber()') self.returncode = 0 self.stderr = '' def __str__(self): return "<%s '%s' at %s>" % \ (str(self.__class__).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1], self.path, hex(id(self))) def __repr__(self): return str(self).encode('utf-8') def append(self, *args): """ obj.append(*args) -> None Permenantly appends one or more strings to the command path, separated by spaces. """ self.path += ' '+' '.join(['%s' % a for a in args]) def command(self, *args): """ obj.command(*args) -> output string Executes external command, adding one or more strings to the command during the call. If call exits with a code not equal to 0, a MythError will be raised. The error code and stderr will be available in the exception and this object as attributes 'returncode' and 'stderr'. """ if self.path is '': return '' arg = ' '+' '.join(['%s' % a for a in args]) fd = Popen('%s %s' % (self.path, arg), stdout=-1, stderr=-1, shell=True) self.returncode = fd.wait() stdout,self.stderr = fd.communicate() if self.returncode: raise MythError(MythError.SYSTEM,self.returncode,arg,self.stderr) return stdout