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# MySQL Connector/Python - MySQL driver written in Python.
# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
# Use is subject to license terms. (See COPYING)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
# There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License as it is applied to this software. View the
# full text of the exception in file EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in the directory
# of this software distribution or see the FOSS License Exception at
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""Converting MySQL and Python types
from types import NoneType
import re
import datetime
import time
from decimal import Decimal
import errors
from constants import FieldType, FieldFlag
class ConverterBase(object):
def __init__(self, charset='utf8', use_unicode=True):
self.python_types = None
self.mysql_types = None
def set_charset(self, charset):
if charset is not None:
self.charset = charset
# default to utf8
self.charset = 'utf8'
def set_unicode(self, value=True):
self.use_unicode = value
def to_mysql(self, value):
return value
def to_python(self, vtype, value):
return value
def escape(self, buf):
return buf
def quote(self, buf):
return str(buf)
class MySQLConverter(ConverterBase):
A converted class grouping:
o escape method: for escpaing values send to MySQL
o quoting method: for quoting values send to MySQL in statements
o conversion mapping: maps Python and MySQL data types to
function for converting them.
This class should be overloaded whenever one needs differences
in how values are to be converted. Each MySQLConnection object
has a default_converter property, which can be set like
def __init__(self, charset=None, use_unicode=True):
ConverterBase.__init__(self, charset, use_unicode)
# Python types
self.python_types = {
int : int,
str : self._str_to_mysql,
long : long,
float : float,
unicode : self._unicode_to_mysql,
bool : self._bool_to_mysql,
NoneType : self._none_to_mysql,
datetime.datetime : self._datetime_to_mysql, : self._date_to_mysql,
datetime.time : self._time_to_mysql,
time.struct_time : self._struct_time_to_mysql,
datetime.timedelta : self._timedelta_to_mysql,
Decimal : self._decimal_to_mysql,
# MySQL types
self.mysql_types = {
FieldType.TINY : self._int,
FieldType.SHORT : self._int,
FieldType.INT24 : self._int,
FieldType.LONG : self._long,
FieldType.LONGLONG : self._long,
FieldType.FLOAT : self._float,
FieldType.DOUBLE : self._float,
FieldType.DECIMAL : self._decimal,
FieldType.NEWDECIMAL : self._decimal,
FieldType.VAR_STRING : self._STRING_to_python,
FieldType.STRING : self._STRING_to_python,
FieldType.SET : self._SET_to_python,
FieldType.TIME : self._TIME_to_python,
FieldType.DATE : self._DATE_to_python,
FieldType.NEWDATE : self._DATE_to_python,
FieldType.DATETIME : self._DATETIME_to_python,
FieldType.TIMESTAMP : self._DATETIME_to_python,
FieldType.BLOB : self._STRING_to_python,
def escape(self, value):
Escapes special characters as they are expected to by when MySQL
receives them.
As found in MySQL source mysys/charset.c
Returns the value if not a string, or the escaped string.
if value is None:
return value
elif isinstance(value, (int,float,long,Decimal)):
return value
backslash = re.compile(r'\134')
res = value
res = backslash.sub(r'\\\\', res)
res = res.replace('\n','\\n')
res = res.replace('\r','\\r')
res = res.replace('\047','\134\047') # single quotes
res = res.replace('\042','\134\042') # double quotes
res = res.replace('\032','\134\032') # for Win32
return res
def quote(self, buf):
Quote the parameters for commands. General rules:
o numbers are returns as str type (because operation expect it)
o None is returned as str('NULL')
o String are quoted with single quotes '<string>'
Returns a string.
if isinstance(buf, (int,float,long,Decimal)):
return str(buf)
elif isinstance(buf, NoneType):
return "NULL"
# Anything else would be a string
return "'%s'" % buf
def to_mysql(self, value):
vtype = type(value)
return self.python_types[vtype](value)
def _str_to_mysql(self, value):
return str(value)
def _unicode_to_mysql(self, value):
Encodes value, a Python unicode string, to whatever the
character set for this converter is set too.
return value.encode(self.charset)
def _bool_to_mysql(self, value):
if value:
return 1
return 0
def _none_to_mysql(self, value):
This would return what None would be in MySQL, but instead we
leave it None and return it right away. The actual convertion
from None to NULL happens in the quoting functionality.
Return None.
return None
def _datetime_to_mysql(self, value):
Converts a datetime instance to a string suitable for MySQL.
The returned string has format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
If the instance isn't a datetime.datetime type, it return None.
Returns a string or None when not valid.
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return None
def _date_to_mysql(self, value):
Converts a date instance to a string suitable for MySQL.
The returned string has format: %Y-%m-%d
If the instance isn't a type, it return None.
Returns a string or None when not valid.
if isinstance(value,
return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return None
def _time_to_mysql(self, value):
Converts a time instance to a string suitable for MySQL.
The returned string has format: %H:%M:%S
If the instance isn't a datetime.time type, it return None.
Returns a string or None when not valid.
if isinstance(value, datetime.time):
return value.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
return None
def _struct_time_to_mysql(self, value):
Converts a time.struct_time sequence to a string suitable
for MySQL.
The returned string has format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Returns a string or None when not valid.
if isinstance(value, time.struct_time):
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',value)
return None
def _timedelta_to_mysql(self, value):
Converts a timedelta instance to a string suitable for MySQL.
The returned string has format: %H:%M:%S
Returns a string or None when not valid.
if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
secs = value.seconds%60
mins = value.seconds%3600/60
hours = value.seconds/3600+(value.days*24)
return '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours,mins,secs)
return None
def _decimal_to_mysql(self, value):
Converts a decimal.Decimal instance to a string suitable for
Returns a string or None when not valid.
if isinstance(value, Decimal):
return str(value)
return None
def to_python(self, flddsc, value):
Converts a given value coming from MySQL to a certain type in Python.
The flddsc contains additional information for the field in the
table. It's an element from MySQLCursor.description.
Returns a mixed value.
res = value
if value == '\x00':
# Don't go further when we hit a NULL value
return None
if value is None:
return None
res = self.mysql_types[flddsc[1]](value, flddsc)
except KeyError:
# If one type is not defined, we just return the value as str
return str(value)
except ValueError, e:
raise ValueError, "%s (field %s)" % (e, flddsc[0])
except TypeError, e:
raise TypeError, "%s (field %s)" % (e, flddsc[0])
return res
def _float(self, v, desc=None):
Returns v as float type.
return float(v)
def _int(self, v, desc=None):
Returns v as int type.
return int(v)
def _long(self, v, desc=None):
Returns v as long type.
return long(v)
def _decimal(self, v, desc=None):
Returns v as a decimal.Decimal.
return Decimal(v)
def _str(self, v, desc=None):
Returns v as str type.
return str(v)
def _DATE_to_python(self, v, dsc=None):
Returns DATE column type as type.
pv = None
pv =*[ int(s) for s in v.split('-')])
except ValueError:
return None
return pv
def _TIME_to_python(self, v, dsc=None):
Returns TIME column type as datetime.time type.
pv = None
(h, m, s) = [ int(s) for s in v.split(':')]
pv = datetime.timedelta(hours=h,minutes=m,seconds=s)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Could not convert %s to python datetime.timedelta" % v
return pv
def _DATETIME_to_python(self, v, dsc=None):
Returns DATETIME column type as datetime.datetime type.
pv = None
pv = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(v, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[0:6])
except ValueError:
pv = None
return pv
def _SET_to_python(self, v, dsc=None):
Actually, MySQL protocol sees a SET as a string type field. So this
code isn't called directly, but used by STRING_to_python() method.
Returns SET column type as string splitted using a comma.
pv = None
pv = v.split(',')
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Could not convert set %s to a sequence." % v
return pv
def _STRING_to_python(self, v, dsc=None):
Note that a SET is a string too, but using the FieldFlag we can see
whether we have to split it.
Returns string typed columns as string type.
if dsc is not None:
# Check if we deal with a SET
if dsc[7] & FieldFlag.SET:
return self._SET_to_python(v, dsc)
if self.use_unicode:
return unicode(v, self.charset)
return str(v)