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# MySQL Connector/Python - MySQL driver written in Python.
# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
# Use is subject to license terms. (See COPYING)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
# There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License as it is applied to this software. View the
# full text of the exception in file EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in the directory
# of this software distribution or see the FOSS License Exception at
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
__MYSQL_DEBUG__ = False
import struct
def int1read(c):
Takes a bytes and returns it was an integer.
Returns integer.
if isinstance(c,int):
if c < 0 or c > 254:
raise ValueError('excepts int 0 <= x <= 254')
return c
elif len(c) > 1:
raise ValueError('excepts 1 byte long bytes-object or int')
return int('%02x' % ord(c),16)
def int2read(s):
Takes a string of 2 bytes and unpacks it as unsigned integer.
Returns integer.
if len(s) > 2:
raise ValueError('int2read require s length of maximum 3 bytes')
elif len(s) < 2:
s = s + '\x00'
return struct.unpack('<H', s)[0]
def int3read(s):
Takes a string of 3 bytes and unpacks it as integer.
Returns integer.
if len(s) > 3:
raise ValueError('int3read require s length of maximum 3 bytes')
elif len(s) < 4:
s = s + '\x00'*(4-len(s))
return struct.unpack('<I', s)[0]
def int4read(s):
Takes a string of 4 bytes and unpacks it as integer.
Returns integer.
if len(s) > 4:
raise ValueError('int4read require s length of maximum 4 bytes')
elif len(s) < 4:
s = s + '\x00'*(4-len(s))
return struct.unpack('<I', s)[0]
def int8read(s):
Takes a string of 8 bytes and unpacks it as integer.
Returns integer.
if len(s) > 8:
raise ValueError('int4read require s length of maximum 8 bytes')
elif len(s) < 8:
s = s + '\x00'*(8-len(s))
return struct.unpack('<Q', s)[0]
def intread(s):
Takes a string and unpacks it as an integer.
This function uses int1read, int2read, int3read and int4read by
checking the length of the given string.
Returns integer.
l = len(s)
if l < 1 or l > 4:
raise ValueError('intread expects a string not longer than 4 bytes')
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise ValueError('intread expects a string')
fs = {
1 : int1read,
2 : int2read,
3 : int3read,
4 : int4read,
8 : int8read,
return fs[l](s)
def int1store(i):
Takes an unsigned byte (1 byte) and packs it as string.
Returns string.
if i < 0 or i > 255:
raise ValueError('int1store requires 0 <= i <= 255')
return struct.pack('<B',i)
def int2store(i):
Takes an unsigned short (2 bytes) and packs it as string.
Returns string.
if i < 0 or i > 65535:
raise ValueError('int2store requires 0 <= i <= 65535')
return struct.pack('<H',i)
def int3store(i):
Takes an unsigned integer (3 bytes) and packs it as string.
Returns string.
if i < 0 or i > 16777215:
raise ValueError('int3store requires 0 <= i <= 16777215')
return struct.pack('<I',i)[0:3]
def int4store(i):
Takes an unsigned integer (4 bytes) and packs it as string.
Returns string.
if i < 0 or i > 4294967295L:
raise ValueError('int4store requires 0 <= i <= 4294967295')
return struct.pack('<I',i)
def intstore(i):
Takes an unsigned integers and packs it as a string.
This function uses int1store, int2store, int3store and
int4store depending on the integer value.
returns string.
if i < 0 or i > 4294967295L:
raise ValueError('intstore requires 0 <= i <= 4294967295')
if i <= 255:
fs = int1store
elif i <= 65535:
fs = int2store
elif i <= 16777215:
fs = int3store
fs = int4store
return fs(i)
def read_bytes(buf, size):
Reads bytes from a buffer.
Returns a tuple with buffer less the read bytes, and the bytes.
s = buf[0:size]
return (buf[size:], s)
def read_lc_string(buf):
Takes a buffer and reads a length coded string from the start.
This is how Length coded strings work
If the string is 250 bytes long or smaller, then it looks like this:
<-- 1b -->
| length | a string goes here
If the string is bigger than 250, then it looks like this:
<- 1b -><- 2/3/4 ->
| type | length | a string goes here
if type == \xfc:
length is code in next 2 bytes
elif type == \xfd:
length is code in next 3 bytes
elif type == \xfe:
length is code in next 4 bytes
NULL has a special value. If the buffer starts with \xfb then
it's a NULL and we return None as value.
Returns a tuple (trucated buffer, string).
if buf[0] == '\xfb':
# NULL value
return (buf[1:], None)
l = lsize = start = 0
fst = buf[0]
# Remove the type byte, we got the length information.
buf = buf[1:]
if fst <= '\xFA':
# Returns result right away.
l = ord(fst)
s = buf[:l]
return (buf[l:], s)
elif fst == '\xFC':
lsize = 2
elif fst == '\xFD':
lsize = 3
elif fst == '\xFE':
lsize = 4
l = intread(buf[0:lsize])
# Chop of the bytes which hold the length
buf = buf[lsize:]
# Get the actual string
s = buf[0:l]
# Set the buffer so we can return it
buf = buf[l:]
return (buf, s)
def read_lc_string_list(buf):
Reads all length encoded strings from the given buffer.
This is exact same function as read_lc_string() but duplicated
in hopes for performance gain when reading results.
strlst = []
while buf:
if buf[0] == '\xfb':
# NULL value
buf = buf[1:]
l = lsize = start = 0
fst = buf[0]
# Remove the type byte, we got the length information.
buf = buf[1:]
if fst <= '\xFA':
# Returns result right away.
l = ord(fst)
buf = buf[l:]
elif fst == '\xFC':
lsize = 2
elif fst == '\xFD':
lsize = 3
elif fst == '\xFE':
lsize = 4
l = intread(buf[0:lsize])
# Chop of the bytes which hold the length
buf = buf[lsize:]
# Get the actual string
s = buf[0:l]
# Set the buffer so we can return it
buf = buf[l:]
return strlst
def read_string(buf, end=None, size=None):
Reads a string up until a character or for a given size.
Returns a tuple (trucated buffer, string).
if end is None and size is None:
raise ValueError('read_string() needs either end or size')
if end is not None:
idx = buf.index(end)
except (ValueError), e:
raise ValueError("end byte not precent in buffer")
return (buf[idx+1:], buf[0:idx])
elif size is not None:
return read_bytes(buf,size)
raise ValueError('read_string() needs either end or size (weird)')
def read_int(buf, size):
Take a buffer and reads an integer of a certain size (1 <= size <= 4).
Returns a tuple (truncated buffer, int)
if len(buf) == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty buffer.")
if not isinstance(size,int) or (size not in [1,2,3,4,8]):
raise ValueError('size should be int in range of 1..4 or 8')
i = None
if size == 1:
i = int1read(buf[0])
elif size == 2:
i = int2read(buf[0:2])
elif size == 3:
i = int3read(buf[0:3])
elif size == 4:
i = int4read(buf[0:4])
elif size == 8:
i = int8read(buf[0:8])
raise ValueError('size should be int in range of 1..4 or 8 (weird)')
return (buf[size:], int(i))
def read_lc_int(buf):
Takes a buffer and reads an length code string from the start.
Returns a tuple with buffer less the integer and the integer read.
if len(buf) == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty buffer.")
(buf,s) = read_int(buf,1)
if s == 251:
l = 0
return (buf,None)
elif s == 252:
(buf,i) = read_int(buf,2)
elif s == 253:
(buf,i) = read_int(buf,3)
elif s == 254:
(buf,i) = read_int(buf,8)
i = s
return (buf, int(i))
# For debugging
def _dump_buffer(buf, label=None):
import __main__
if not __main__.__dict__.has_key('__MYSQL_DEBUG__'):
debug = __main__.__dict__['__MYSQL_DEBUG__']
if debug:
if len(buf) == 0:
print "%s : EMPTY BUFFER" % label
import string
print "%s: %s" % (label,string.join( [ "%02x" % ord(c) for c in buf ], ' '))
if debug > 1:
print "%s: %s" % (label,string.join( [ "%s" % chr(ord(c)) for c in buf ], ''))