
1006 lines
42 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# ----------------------
# Name: Simple-to-use Python interface to The TMDB's API (
# Python Script
# Author: dbr/Ben modified by R.D. Vaughan
# Purpose: This python script is intended to perform a variety of utility functions to search and access text
# metadata and image URLs from TMDB. These routines are based on the v2.1 TMDB api. Specifications
# for this apu are published at
# License:Creative Commons GNU GPL v2
# (
__title__ ="tmdb_api - Simple-to-use Python interface to The TMDB's API (";
__author__="dbr/Ben modified by R.D. Vaughan"
This python script is intended to perform a variety of utility functions to search and access text
metadata and image URLs from TMDB. These routines are based on the v2.1 TMDB api. Specifications
for this api are published at
# 0.1.0 Initial development
# 0.1.1 Alpha Release
# 0.1.2 Added removal of any line-feeds from data
# 0.1.3 Added display of URL to TMDB XML when debug was specified
# Added check and skipping any empty data from TMDB
# 0.1.4 More data validation added (e.g. valid image file extentions)
# More data massaging added.
# 0.1.5 Added a superclass to perform TMDB Trailer searches for the Mythnetvison grabber
# 0.1.6 Improved displayed error messages on an exception abort
# 0.1.7 Fixed issues with interactive movie selection
# 0.1.8 Fixed the error message reporting when the machines Internet connection or DNS is not working
import os, struct, sys, time
import urllib, urllib2
import logging
from tmdb_ui import BaseUI, ConsoleUI
from tmdb_exceptions import (TmdBaseError, TmdHttpError, TmdXmlError, TmdbUiAbort, TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound,)
class OutStreamEncoder(object):
"""Wraps a stream with an encoder"""
def __init__(self, outstream, encoding=None):
self.out = outstream
if not encoding:
self.encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
self.encoding = encoding
def write(self, obj):
"""Wraps the output stream, encoding Unicode strings with the specified encoding"""
if isinstance(obj, unicode):
except IOError:
except IOError:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"""Delegate everything but write to the stream"""
return getattr(self.out, attr)
sys.stdout = OutStreamEncoder(sys.stdout, 'utf8')
sys.stderr = OutStreamEncoder(sys.stderr, 'utf8')
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
class XmlHandler:
"""Deals with retrieval of XML files from API
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url
def _grabUrl(self, url):
urlhandle = urllib.urlopen(url)
except IOError, errormsg:
raise TmdHttpError(errormsg)
def getEt(self):
xml = self._grabUrl(self.url)
et = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
except SyntaxError, errormsg:
raise TmdXmlError(errormsg)
return et
class SearchResults(list):
"""Stores a list of Movie's that matched the search
def __repr__(self):
return u"<Search results: %s>" % (list.__repr__(self))
class Movie(dict):
"""A dict containing the information about the film
def __repr__(self):
return u"<Movie: %s>" % self.get(u"title")
class MovieAttribute(dict):
"""Base class for more complex attributes (like Poster,
which has multiple resolutions)
class Poster(MovieAttribute):
"""Stores poster image URLs, each size is under the appropriate dict key.
Common sizes are: cover, mid, original, thumb
def __repr__(self):
return u"<%s with sizes %s>" % (
u", ".join(
[u"'%s'" % x for x in sorted(self.keys())]
def set(self, poster_et):
"""Takes an elementtree Element ('poster') and appends the poster,
with a the size as the dict key.
For example:
<image type="poster"
poster['cover'] = [', '36431']
size = poster_et.get(u"size").strip()
url = poster_et.get(u"url").strip()
(dirName, fileName) = os.path.split(url)
(fileBaseName, fileExtension)=os.path.splitext(fileName)
if not fileExtension[1:].lower() in self.image_extentions:
imageid = poster_et.get(u"id").strip()
if not self.has_key(size):
self[size] = [[url, imageid]]
self[size].append([url, imageid])
def largest(self):
"""Attempts to return largest image.
for cur_size in [u"original", u"mid", u"cover", u"thumb"]:
if cur_size in self:
return self[cur_size]
def medium(self):
"""Attempts to return medium size image.
for cur_size in [u"cover", u"thumb", u"mid", u"original", ]:
if cur_size in self:
return self[cur_size]
class Backdrop(Poster):
"""Stores backdrop image URLs, each size under the appropriate dict key.
Common sizes are: mid, original, thumb
class People(MovieAttribute):
"""Stores people in a dictionary of roles in the movie.
def __repr__(self):
return u"<%s with jobs %s>" % (
u", ".join(
[u"'%s'" % x for x in sorted(self.keys())]
def set(self, cast_et):
"""Takes an element tree Element ('cast') and stores a dictionary of roles,
for each person.
For example:
name="Quentin Tarantino" job="Director"
character="Special Guest Director"
self['people']['director'] = 'Robert Rodriguez'
people = self[u'people']
for node in cast_et.getchildren():
if node.get(u'name') != None:
key = unicode(node.get(u"job").lower(), 'utf8')
except (UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
key = node.get(u"job").lower().strip()
data = unicode(node.get(u'name'), 'utf8')
except (UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
data = node.get(u'name')
if people.has_key(key):
people[key]=u"%s,%s" % (people[key], data.strip())
class MovieDb(object):
"""Main interface to
Supports several search TMDB search methods and a number of TMDB data retrieval methods.
The apikey is a maditory parameter when creating an instance of this class
def __init__(self,
mythtv = False,
interactive = False,
select_first = False,
debug = False,
custom_ui = None,
language = None,
search_all_languages = False, ###CHANGE - Needs to be added
"""apikey (str/unicode):
Specify the API key. Applications need their own key.
See to get your own API key
mythtv (True/False):
When True, the movie metadata is being returned has the key and values massaged to match MythTV
When False, the movie metadata is being returned matches what TMDB returned
interactive (True/False):
When True, uses built-in console UI is used to select the correct show.
When False, the first search result is used.
select_first (True/False):
Automatically selects the first series search result (rather
than showing the user a list of more than one series).
Is overridden by interactive = False, or specifying a custom_ui
debug (True/False):
shows verbose debugging information
custom_ui (tmdb_ui.BaseUI subclass):
A callable subclass of tmdb_ui.BaseUI (overrides interactive option)
language (2 character language abbreviation):
The language of the returned data. Is also the language search
uses. Default is "en" (English). For full list, run..
>>> MovieDb().config['valid_languages'] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['da', 'fi', 'nl', ...]
search_all_languages (True/False):
By default, TMDB will only search in the language specified using
the language option. When this is True, it will search for the
show in any language
self.config = {}
if apikey is not None:
self.config['apikey'] = apikey
sys.stderr.write("\n! Error: An TMDB API key must be specified. See to get your own API key\n\n")
# Set the movie details function to either massaged for MythTV or left as it is returned by TMDB
if mythtv:
self.movieDetails = self._mythtvDetails
self.movieDetails = self._tmdbDetails
self.config['debug_enabled'] = debug # show debugging messages
self.log = self._initLogger() # Setups the logger (self.log.debug() etc)
self.config['custom_ui'] = custom_ui
self.config['interactive'] = interactive # prompt for correct series?
self.config['select_first'] = select_first
self.config['search_all_languages'] = search_all_languages
# The supported languages have not been published or enabled at this time.
# List of language from ???????
# Hard-coded here as it is realtively static, and saves another HTTP request, as
# recommended on ?????
#self.config['valid_languages'] = [
# "da", "fi", "nl", "de", "it", "es", "fr","pl", "hu","el","tr",
# "ru","he","ja","pt","zh","cs","sl", "hr","ko","en","sv","no"
# ONLY ENGISH is supported at this time
self.config['language'] = "en"
#if language is None:
# self.config['language'] = "en"
#elif language not in self.config['valid_languages']:
# raise ValueError("Invalid language %s, options are: %s" % (
# language, self.config['valid_languages']
# ))
# self.config['language'] = language
# The following url_ configs are based of the
self.config['base_url'] = ""
self.lang_url = u'/%s/xml/' # Used incase the user wants to overside the configured/default language
self.config[u'urls'] = {}
# v2.1 api calls
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/' % (self.config)
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/Movie.getInfo/%(language)s/xml/%(apikey)s/%%s' % (self.config)
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/Movie.imdbLookup/%(language)s/xml/%(apikey)s/tt%%s' % (self.config)
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/Movie.getImages/%(language)s/xml/%(apikey)s/%%s' % (self.config)
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/' % (self.config)
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/Person.getInfo/%(language)s/xml/%(apikey)s/%%s' % (self.config)
self.config[u'urls'][u''] = u'%(base_url)s/Hash.getInfo/%(language)s/xml/%(apikey)s/%%s' % (self.config)
# Translation of TMDB elements into MythTV keys/db grabber names
self.config[u'mythtv_translation'] = {u'actor': u'cast', u'backdrop': u'fanart', u'categories': u'genres', u'director': u'director', u'id': u'inetref', u'name': u'title', u'overview': u'plot', u'rating': u'userrating', u'poster': u'coverart', u'production_countries': u'countries', u'released': u'releasedate', u'runtime': u'runtime', u'url': u'url', u'imdb_id': u'imdb', u'certification': u'movierating', }
self.config[u'image_extentions'] = ["png", "jpg", "bmp"] # Acceptable image extentions
self.thumbnails = False
# end __init__()
def _initLogger(self):
"""Setups a logger using the logging module, returns a log object
logger = logging.getLogger("tmdb")
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s) %(levelname)s %(message)s')
hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
if self.config['debug_enabled']:
return logger
#end initLogger
def textUtf8(self, text):
if text == None:
return text
return unicode(text, 'utf8')
except (UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
return text
# end textUtf8()
def getCategories(self, categories_et):
"""Takes an element tree Element ('categories') and create a string of comma seperated film
return comma seperated sting of film category names
For example:
<category type="genre" url="" name="Crime"/>
<category type="genre" url="" name="Drama"/>
<category type="genre" url="" name="Thriller"/>
cat = u''
for category in categories_et.getchildren():
if category.get(u'name') != None:
cat+=u"%s," % self.textUtf8(category.get(u'name').strip())
if len(cat):
return cat
def getStudios(self, studios_et):
"""Takes an element tree Element ('studios') and create a string of comma seperated film
studios names
return comma seperated sting of film studios names
For example:
<studio url="" name="Miramax Films"/>
<studio url="" name="Dimension"/>
'Miramax Films,Dimension'
cat = u''
for studio in studios_et.getchildren():
if studio.get(u'name') != None:
cat+=u"%s," % self.textUtf8(studio.get(u'name').strip())
if len(cat):
return cat
def getProductionCountries(self, countries_et):
"""Takes an element tree Element ('countries') and create a string of comma seperated film
return comma seperated sting of countries associated with the film
For example:
<country url="" name="United States of America" code="US"/>
'United States of America'
countries = u''
for country in countries_et.getchildren():
if country.get(u'name') != None:
if len(countries):
countries+=u", %s" % self.textUtf8(country.get(u'name').strip())
return countries
def _tmdbDetails(self, movie_element):
'''Create a dictionary of movie details including text metadata, image URLs (poster/fanart)
return the dictionary of movie information
cur_movie = Movie()
cur_poster = Poster()
cur_backdrop = Backdrop()
cur_poster.image_extentions = self.config[u'image_extentions']
cur_backdrop.image_extentions = self.config[u'image_extentions']
cur_people = People()
for item in movie_element.getchildren():
if item.tag.lower() == u"images":
for image in item.getchildren():
if image.get(u"type").lower() == u"poster":
elif image.get(u"type").lower() == u"backdrop":
elif item.tag.lower() == u"categories":
cur_movie[u'categories'] = self.getCategories(item)
elif item.tag.lower() == u"studios":
cur_movie[u'studios'] = self.getStudios(item)
elif item.tag.lower() == u"countries":
cur_movie[u'production_countries'] = self.getProductionCountries(item)
elif item.tag.lower() == u"cast":
if item.text != None:
tag = self.textUtf8(item.tag.strip())
cur_movie[tag] = self.textUtf8(item.text.strip())
if cur_poster.largest() != None:
tmp = u''
for imagedata in cur_poster.largest():
if imagedata[0]:
tmp+=u"%s," % imagedata[0]
if len(tmp):
tmp = tmp[:-1]
cur_movie[u'poster'] = tmp
if self.thumbnails and cur_poster.medium() != None:
tmp = u''
for imagedata in cur_poster.medium():
if imagedata[0]:
tmp+=u"%s," % imagedata[0]
if len(tmp):
tmp = tmp[:-1]
cur_movie[self.thumbnails] = tmp
if cur_backdrop.largest() != None:
tmp = u''
for imagedata in cur_backdrop.largest():
if imagedata[0]:
tmp+=u"%s," % imagedata[0]
if len(tmp):
tmp = tmp[:-1]
cur_movie[u'backdrop'] = tmp
if cur_people.has_key(u'people'):
if cur_people[u'people'] != None:
for key in cur_people[u'people']:
if cur_people[u'people'][key]:
cur_movie[key] = cur_people[u'people'][key]
if self._tmdbDetails == self.movieDetails:
data = {}
for key in cur_movie.keys():
if cur_movie[key]:
data[key] = cur_movie[key]
return data
return cur_movie
# end _tmdbDetails()
def _mythtvDetails(self, movie_element):
'''Massage the movie details into key value pairs as compatible with MythTV
return a dictionary of massaged movie details
if movie_element == None:
return {}
cur_movie = self._tmdbDetails(movie_element)
for key in cur_movie:
if cur_movie[key] == None or cur_movie[key] == u'None':
if isinstance(cur_movie[key], str) or isinstance(cur_movie[key], unicode):
if cur_movie[key].strip() == u'':
cur_movie[key] = cur_movie[key].strip()
if key in [u'rating']:
if cur_movie[key] == 0.0 or cur_movie[key] == u'0.0':
if key in [u'popularity', u'budget', u'runtime', u'revenue', ]:
if cur_movie[key] == 0 or cur_movie[key] == u'0':
if key == u'imdb_id':
cur_movie[key] = cur_movie[key][2:]
if key == u'released':
translated[u'year'] = cur_movie[key][:4]
if self.config[u'mythtv_translation'].has_key(key):
translated[self.config[u'mythtv_translation'][key]] = cur_movie[key]
translated[key] = cur_movie[key]
for key in translated.keys():
if translated[key]:
translated[key] = translated[key].replace(u'\n',u' ') # Remove any line-feeds from data
return translated
# end _mythtvDetails()
def searchTitle(self, title, lang=False):
"""Searches for a film by its title.
Returns SearchResults (a list) containing all matches (Movie instances)
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
org_title = title
title = urllib.quote(title.encode("utf-8"))
url = URL % (title)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the title (%s)' % org_title)
search_results = SearchResults()
for cur_result in etree.find(u"movies").findall(u"movie"):
if cur_result == None:
cur_movie = self._tmdbDetails(cur_result)
if not len(search_results):
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the title (%s)' % org_title)
# Check if no ui has been requested and therefore just return the raw search results.
if (self.config['interactive'] == False and self.config['select_first'] == False and self.config['custom_ui'] == None) or not len(search_results):
return search_results
# Select the first result (most likely match) or invoke user interaction to select the correct movie
if self.config['custom_ui'] is not None:
self.log.debug("Using custom UI %s" % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
ui = self.config['custom_ui'](config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = org_title)
if not self.config['interactive']:
self.log.debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
ui = BaseUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = org_title)
self.log.debug('Interactivily selecting movie using ConsoleUI')
ui = ConsoleUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = org_title)
return ui.selectMovieOrPerson(search_results)
# end searchTitle()
def searchTMDB(self, by_id, lang=False):
"""Searches for a film by its TMDB id number.
Returns a movie data dictionary
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
id_url = urllib.quote(by_id.encode("utf-8"))
url = URL % (id_url)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the TMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
if etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie"):
return self.movieDetails(etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie"))
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the TMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
def searchIMDB(self, by_id, lang=False):
"""Searches for a film by its IMDB number.
Returns a movie data dictionary
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
id_url = urllib.quote(by_id.encode("utf-8"))
url = URL % (id_url)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the IMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
if etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie") == None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the IMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
if self._tmdbDetails(etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie")).has_key(u'id'):
return self.searchTMDB(self._tmdbDetails(etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie"))[u'id'],)
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the IMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
def searchHash(self, by_hash, lang=False):
"""Searches for a film by its TMDB id number.
Returns a movie data dictionary
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
id_url = urllib.quote(by_hash.encode("utf-8"))
url = URL % (id_url)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the hash value (%s)' % by_hash)
if etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie"):
return self.movieDetails(etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie"))
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movies matching the hash value (%s)' % by_hash)
def searchImage(self, by_id, lang=False, filterout=False):
"""Searches for a film's images URLs by TMDB number.
Returns a image URL dictionary
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
id_url = urllib.quote(by_id.encode("utf-8"))
url = URL % (id_url)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movie matching the TMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
if not etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie"):
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Movie matching the TMDB number (%s)' % by_id)
cur_poster = {}
cur_backdrop = {}
for item in etree.find(u"movies").find(u"movie").getchildren():
if item.tag.lower() == u"images":
for image in item.getchildren():
if image.tag == u"poster":
for poster in image.getchildren():
key = poster.get('size')
if key in cur_poster.keys():
cur_poster[key.strip()] = [poster.get('url').strip()]
elif image.tag == u"backdrop":
for backdrop in image.getchildren():
key = backdrop.get('size')
if key in cur_backdrop.keys():
cur_backdrop[key.strip()] = [backdrop.get('url').strip()]
images = {}
if cur_poster.keys():
for cur_size in [u"original", u"mid", u"cover", u"thumb"]:
keyvalue = u'poster_%s' % cur_size
tmp = u''
if cur_size in cur_poster:
for data in cur_poster[cur_size]:
tmp+=u'%s,' % data
if len(tmp):
images[keyvalue] = tmp
if cur_backdrop.keys():
for cur_size in [u"original", u"mid", u"cover", u"thumb"]:
keyvalue = u'fanart_%s' % cur_size
tmp = u''
if cur_size in cur_backdrop:
for data in cur_backdrop[cur_size]:
tmp+= u'%s,' % data
if len(tmp):
images[keyvalue] = tmp
if filterout:
if images.has_key(filterout):
return images[filterout]
return u''
return images
# end searchImage()
def searchPeople(self, name, lang=False):
"""Searches for a People by name.
Returns a list if matching persons and a dictionary of their attributes
tmp_name = name.strip().replace(u' ',u'+')
id_url = urllib.quote(tmp_name.encode("utf-8"))
except (UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
id_url = urllib.quote(tmp_name)
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
url = URL % (id_url)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No People matches found for the name (%s)' % name)
if not etree.find(u"people").find(u"person"):
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No People matches found for the name (%s)' % name)
people = []
for item in etree.find(u"people").getchildren():
if item.tag == u"person":
person = {}
for p in item.getchildren():
if p.tag != u'images':
person[p.tag] = self.textUtf8(p.text.strip())
elif len(p.getchildren()):
person[p.tag] = {}
for image in p.getchildren():
person[p.tag][image.get('size')] = image.get('url').strip()
# Check if no ui has been requested and therefore just return the raw search results.
if (self.config['interactive'] == False and self.config['select_first'] == False and self.config['custom_ui'] == None) or not len(people):
return people
# Select the first result (most likely match) or invoke user interaction to select the correct movie
if self.config['custom_ui'] is not None:
self.log.debug("Using custom UI %s" % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
ui = self.config['custom_ui'](config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = name.strip())
if not self.config['interactive']:
self.log.debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
ui = BaseUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = name.strip())
self.log.debug('Interactivily selecting movie using ConsoleUI')
ui = ConsoleUI(config = self.config, log = self.log, searchTerm = name.strip())
return ui.selectMovieOrPerson(people)
# end searchPeople()
def personInfo(self, by_id, lang=False):
"""Retrieve a Person's informtaion by their TMDB id.
Returns dictionary of the persons information attributes
if lang: # Override language
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u''].replace(self.lang_url % self.config['language'], self.lang_url % lang)
URL = self.config[u'urls'][u'']
id_url = urllib.quote(by_id)
url = URL % (id_url)
if self.config['debug_enabled']: # URL so that raw TMDB XML data can be viewed in a browser
sys.stderr.write(u'\nDEBUG: XML URL:%s\n\n' % url)
etree = XmlHandler(url).getEt()
if etree is None:
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Person match found for the Person ID (%s)' % by_id)
if not etree.find(u"people").find(u"person"):
raise TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound(u'No Person match found for the Person ID (%s)' % by_id)
person = {}
elements = ['also_known_as', 'filmography', 'images' ]
for elem in etree.find(u"people").find(u"person").getchildren():
if elem.tag in elements:
if elem.tag == 'also_known_as':
alias = []
for a in elem.getchildren():
if a.text:
alias.append(self.textUtf8(a.text.strip()).replace(u'\n',u' '))
if alias:
person[elem.tag] = alias
elif elem.tag == 'filmography':
movies = []
for a in elem.getchildren():
details = {}
for get in ['url', 'name', 'character', 'job', 'id']:
details[get] = a.get(get).strip()
if details:
if movies:
person[elem.tag] = movies
elif len(elem.getchildren()):
images = {}
for image in elem.getchildren():
(dirName, fileName) = os.path.split(image.get('url'))
(fileBaseName, fileExtension) = os.path.splitext(fileName)
if not fileExtension[1:] in self.config[u'image_extentions']:
if image.get('size') in images.keys():
images[image.get('size')]+= u',%s' % image.get('url').strip()
images[image.get('size')] = u'%s' % image.get('url').strip()
if images:
person[elem.tag] = images
if elem.text:
person[elem.tag] = self.textUtf8(elem.text.strip()).replace(u'\n',u' ')
return person
# end personInfo()
# end MovieDb class
class Videos(MovieDb):
"""A super class of the MovieDB functionality for the MythTV Netvision plugin functionality.
This is done to support a common naming framework for all python Netvision plugins no matter their site
def __init__(self, apikey, mythtv, interactive, select_first, debug, custom_ui, language, search_all_languages, ):
"""Pass the configuration options
super(Videos, self).__init__(apikey, mythtv, interactive, select_first, debug, custom_ui, language, search_all_languages, )
# end __init__()
error_messages = {'TmdHttpError': u"! Error: A connection error to was raised (%s)\n", 'TmdXmlError': u"! Error: Invalid XML was received from (%s)\n", 'TmdBaseError': u"! Error: A user interface error was raised (%s)\n", 'TmdbUiAbort': u"! Error: A user interface input error was raised (%s)\n", }
key_translation = [{'channel_title': 'channel_title', 'channel_link': 'channel_link', 'channel_description': 'channel_description', 'channel_numresults': 'channel_numresults', 'channel_returned': 'channel_returned', 'channel_startindex': 'channel_startindex'}, {'title': 'item_title', 'item_author': 'item_author', 'releasedate': 'item_pubdate', 'overview': 'item_description', 'url': 'item_link', 'trailer': 'item_url', 'runtime': 'item_duration', 'userrating': 'item_rating', 'width': 'item_width', 'height': 'item_height', 'language': 'item_lang'}]
def searchForVideos(self, title, pagenumber):
"""Common name for a video search. Used to interface with MythTV plugin NetVision
def displayMovieData(data):
'''Parse movie trailer metadata
return None if no valid data
return a dictionary of Movie trailer metadata
if data == None:
return None
if not 'trailer' in data.keys():
return None
if data['trailer'] == u'':
return None
trailer_data = {}
for key in self.key_translation[1].keys():
if key in data.keys():
if key == self.thumbnails:
thumbnail = data[key].split(u',')
trailer_data[self.key_translation[1][key]] = thumbnail[0]
if key == 'url': # always uses Youtube for trailers
trailer_data[self.key_translation[1][key]] = data['trailer']
if key == 'releasedate':
c = time.strptime(data[key],"%Y-%m-%d")
trailer_data[self.key_translation[1][key]] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y 00:%M:%S GMT",c) # <pubDate>Tue, 14 Jul 2009 17:05:00 GMT</pubDate> <pubdate>Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:53:00 GMT</pubdate>
trailer_data[self.key_translation[1][key]] = data[key]
trailer_data[self.key_translation[1][key]] = u''
trailer_data[self.key_translation[1][u'overview']] = self.overview
return trailer_data
# end displayMovieData()
def movieData(tmdb_id):
'''Get Movie data by IMDB or TMDB number and return the details
return displayMovieData(self.searchTMDB(tmdb_id))
except TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound, msg:
sys.stderr.write(u"%s\n" % msg)
return None
except TmdHttpError, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdHttpError'] % msg)
except TmdXmlError, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdXmlError'] % msg)
except TmdBaseError, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdBaseError'] % msg)
except TmdbUiAbort, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdbUiAbort'] % msg)
except Exception, e:
sys.stderr.write(u"! Error: Unknown error during a Movie (%s) information lookup\nError(%s)\n" % (tmdb_id, e))
# end movieData()
data = self.searchTitle(title)
except TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound, msg:
sys.stderr.write(u"%s\n" % msg)
return []
except TmdHttpError, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdHttpError'] % msg)
except TmdXmlError, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdXmlError'] % msg)
except TmdBaseError, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdBaseError'] % msg)
except TmdbUiAbort, msg:
sys.stderr.write(self.error_messages['TmdbUiAbort'] % msg)
except Exception, e:
sys.stderr.write(u"! Error: Unknown error during a Movie Trailer search (%s)\nError(%s)\n" % (title, e))
if data == None:
return None
# Set the size of the thumbnail graphics that will be returned
self.thumbnails = 'mid'
self.key_translation[1][self.thumbnails] = 'item_thumbnail'
# Channel details and search results
channel = {'channel_title': u'', 'channel_link': u'', 'channel_description': u' is an open “wiki-style” movie database', 'channel_numresults': 0, 'channel_returned': self.page_limit, u'channel_startindex': 0}
trailers = []
trailer_total = 0
starting_index = (int(pagenumber)-1) * self.page_limit
for match in data:
if match.has_key('overview'):
self.overview = match['overview']
self.overview = u''
trailer = movieData(match[u'id'])
if trailer:
if starting_index != 0:
if not trailer_total > starting_index:
if self.page_limit == trailer_total:
channel['channel_numresults'] = trailer_total
startindex = trailer_total + starting_index
if startindex < int(pagenumber) * self.page_limit:
channel['channel_startindex'] = startindex + 1
channel['channel_startindex'] = (int(pagenumber) * self.page_limit) + startindex - 1
return [[channel, trailers]]
# end searchForVideos()
# end Videos() class
def main():
"""Simple example of using tmdb_api - it just
searches for any movies with the word "Avatar" in its tile and returns a list of matches with their summary
information in a dictionary. And gets movie details using an IMDB# and a TMDB#
# api key given by Travis Bell for Mythtv
api_key = "c27cb71cff5bd76e1a7a009380562c62"
tmdb = MovieDb(api_key)
# Output a dictionary of matching movie titles
print tmdb.searchTitle(u'Avatar')
# Output a dictionary of matching movie details for IMDB number '0401792'
print tmdb.searchIMDB(u'0401792')
# Output a dictionary of matching movie details for TMDB number '19995'
print tmdb.searchTMDB(u'19995')
# end main()
if __name__ == '__main__':