
267 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# ----------------------
# Name: Is a simple console user interface for the tmdb_api. The interface is used selection
# of a movie from
# Python Script
# Author: dbr/Ben modified by R.D. Vaughan
# Purpose: Console interface for selecting a movie from This interface would be invoked when
# an exact match is not found and the invoking script has specified the "interactive = True" when
# creating an instance of MovieDb().
# License:Creative Commons GNU GPL v2
# (
__title__ ="tmdb_ui - Is a simple console user interface for the tmdb_api. The interface is used selection of a movie oe person from";
__author__="dbr/Ben modified by R.D. Vaughan"
__purpose__='''Console interface for selecting a movie from This interface would be invoked when an exact match is not found and the invoking script has specified the "interactive = True" when creating an instance of MovieDb().
# 0.1.0 Initial development
# 0.1.1 Alpha Release
# 0.1.2 Release bump - no changes to this code
# 0.1.3 Release bump - no changes to this code
# 0.1.4 Release bump - no changes to this code
# 0.1.5 Modified automated selection when there was only one search result. It was causing
# too many incorrect selections.
# Also removed a duplicate initialization of the version number.
"""Contains included user interfaces for tmdb movie/person selection.
A UI is a callback. A class, it's __init__ function takes two arguments:
- config, which is the tmdb config dict, setup in
- log, which is tmdb's logger instance (which uses the logging module). You can
call log.warning() etc
It pass a dictionary "allElements", this is passed a list of dicts, each dict
contains at least the keys "name" (human readable movie name), and "id" (the movies/person)
ID as on for movies only if the key 'released' is included the year will be added
to the movie title like 'Avatar (2009)' all other keys will be ignored.
For example:
[{'name': u'Avatar', 'id': u'19995', 'released': '2009-12-25'},
{'name': u'Avatar - Sequel', 'id': u'73181'}]
[{'name': u'Tom Cruise', 'id': u'500'},
{'name': u'Cruise Moylan', 'id': u'77716'}]
The "selectMovieOrPerson" method must return the appropriate dict, or it can raise
TmdbUiAbort (if the selection is aborted), TmdbMovieOrPersonNotFound (if the movie
or person cannot be found).
A simple example callback, which returns a random movie:
>>> import random
>>> from tmdb_api_ui import BaseUI
>>> class RandomUI(BaseUI):
... def selectMovieOrPerson(self, allElements):
... import random
... return random.choice(allElements)
Then to use it..
>>> from tmdb_api import MovieDb
>>> t = MovieDb(custom_ui = RandomUI)
>>> random_matching_movie = t.searchTitle('Avatar')
>>> type(random_matching_movie)
import os, struct, sys, string
from tmdb_exceptions import TmdbUiAbort
class OutStreamEncoder(object):
"""Wraps a stream with an encoder"""
def __init__(self, outstream, encoding=None):
self.out = outstream
if not encoding:
self.encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
self.encoding = encoding
def write(self, obj):
"""Wraps the output stream, encoding Unicode strings with the specified encoding"""
if isinstance(obj, unicode):
except IOError:
except IOError:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"""Delegate everything but write to the stream"""
return getattr(self.out, attr)
sys.stdout = OutStreamEncoder(sys.stdout, 'utf8')
sys.stderr = OutStreamEncoder(sys.stderr, 'utf8')
# Two routines used for movie title search and matching
def is_punct_char(char):
'''check if char is punctuation char
return True if char is punctuation
return False if char is not punctuation
return char in string.punctuation
def is_not_punct_char(char):
'''check if char is not punctuation char
return True if char is not punctuation
return False if chaar is punctuation
return not is_punct_char(char)
def makeDict(movieORperson):
'''Make a dictionary out of the chosen movie data
return a dictionary of the movie and ancillary data
selection = {}
for key in movieORperson.keys():
selection[key] = movieORperson[key]
return selection
# end makeDict()
class BaseUI:
"""Default non-interactive UI, which auto-selects first results
def __init__(self, config, log, searchTerm=None):
self.config = config
self.log = log
self.searchTerm = searchTerm
def selectMovieOrPerson(self, allElements):
return makeDict([allElements[0]])
class ConsoleUI(BaseUI):
"""Interactively allows the user to select a movie or person from a console based UI
def removeCommonWords(self, title):
'''Remove common words from a title
return title striped of common words
if not title:
return u' '
wordList = [u'the ', u'a ', u' '] # common word list. Leave double space as the last value.
title = title.lower()
for word in wordList:
title = title.replace(word, u'')
if not title:
return u' '
title = title.strip()
return filter(is_not_punct_char, title)
# end removeCommonWords()
def _displayMovie(self, allElements):
"""Helper function, lists movies or people with corresponding ID
print u" Search Results:"
for i in range(len(allElements[:15])): # list first 15 search results
i_show = i + 1 # Start at more human readable number 1 (not 0)
self.log.debug('Showing allElements[%s] = %s)' % (i_show, allElements[i]))
if allElements[i]['name'] == u'User choses to ignore video':
print u"% 2s -> %s # %s" % (
'99999999', "Set this video to be ignored by Jamu with a reference number of '99999999'"
if not allElements[i].has_key('released'):
title = allElements[i]['name']
elif len(allElements[i]['released']) > 3:
title = u"%s (%s)" % (allElements[i]['name'], allElements[i]['released'][:4])
title = allElements[i]['name']
if allElements[i]['url'].find('/person/') > -1:
format = u"%2s -> %-30s #"
format = u"%2s -> %-50s #"
print format % (
print u"Direct search of #"
# end _displayMovie()
def selectMovieOrPerson(self, allElements):
if allElements[0]['url'].find('/movie/') > -1:
morp = u'movie'
morp = u'person'
# Add the ability to select the skip inetref of '99999999' for movies only
if morp == u'movie':
allElements.append( {'id': '99999999', 'name': u'User choses to ignore video'} )
refsize = 5 # The number of digits required in a TMDB number is directly entered
if len(allElements) == 2 and morp == u'movie':
data = makeDict(allElements[0])
if self.removeCommonWords(data['name']) == self.removeCommonWords(self.searchTerm) and data.has_key('released'):
# Single result, return it!
print u"Automatically selecting only result"
return [data]
if len(allElements) == 1 and morp == u'person':
data = makeDict(allElements[0])
if self.removeCommonWords(data['name']) == self.removeCommonWords(self.searchTerm):
# Single result, return it!
print u"Automatically selecting only result"
return [data]
if self.config['select_first'] is True:
print u"Automatically returning first search result"
return [makeDict(allElements[0])]
while True: # return breaks this loop
print u'Enter choice:\n("Enter" key equals first selection (1)) or input a zero padded 5 digit %s TMDB id number, ? for help):' % morp
ans = raw_input()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise TmdbUiAbort("User aborted (^c keyboard interupt)")
except EOFError:
raise TmdbUiAbort("User aborted (EOF received)")
self.log.debug(u'Got choice of: %s' % (ans))
if ans == '': # Enter pressed which equates to the first selection
selected_id = 0
if int(ans) == 0:
raise ValueError
selected_id = int(ans) - 1 # The human entered 1 as first result, not zero
except ValueError: # Input was not number
if ans == "q":
self.log.debug(u'Got quit command (q)')
raise TmdbUiAbort("User aborted ('q' quit command)")
elif ans == "?":
print u"## Help"
print u"# Enter the number that corresponds to the correct movie."
print u"# Paste a TMDB %s ID number (pad with leading zeros to make 5 digits) from and hit 'Enter'" % morp
print u"# ? - this help"
print u"# q - abort/skip movie selection"
print '! Unknown/Invalid keypress "%s"\n' % (ans)
self.log.debug('Unknown keypress %s' % (ans))
self.log.debug('Trying to return ID: %d' % (selected_id))
data = makeDict(allElements[selected_id])
data['userResponse'] = u'User selected'
return [data]
except IndexError:
if len(ans) == refsize:
return [{'userResponse': u'User input', 'id': u'%d' % int(ans)}]
#end try
#end while not valid_input
# end selectMovieOrPerson()