add test modes to injector and spark outputs

This commit is contained in:
darren siepka 2017-03-10 00:46:11 +00:00
parent 4ae4afe809
commit 74cf93b979
5 changed files with 270 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#unset enablehardware_test
MTversion = 2.25 ; MegaTune itself; needs to match exec version.
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@
;settingGroup = boostUnits, "Boost table units"
;settingOption = DEFAULT, "kPa"
;settingOption = BOOSTPSI, "PSI"
settingGroup = enablehardware_test, "Enable Hardware Test Page"
; valid types: boolean, double, int, list
@ -39,7 +41,6 @@
rpmhigh = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
rpmwarn = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
rpmdang = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
@ -824,6 +825,12 @@ menuDialog = main
subMenu = veTable1Map, "Fuel Table"
subMenu = sparkMap, "Spark Table", 3
subMenu = afrTable1Map, "AFR Target Table"
#if enablehardware_test
menuDialog = main
menu = "Hardware Testing"
subMenu = outputtest1, "Test Output Hardware"
menu = "Help"
subMenu = helpGeneral, "Speeduino Help"
@ -898,6 +905,17 @@ menuDialog = main
flatSSoftWin= "The number of RPM below the flat shift point where the softlimit will be applied (aka Soft limit window). Recommended values are 200-1000"
flatSRetard = "The absolute timing (BTDC) that will be used when within the soft limit window"
cmdEnableTestMode = "Click this to enable test mode. This will not be available if the engine is running"
cmdStopTestMode = "Click this to disable test mode"
cmdtestinj150dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestinj250dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestinj350dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestinj450dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk150dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk250dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk350dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk450dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
; Enhanced TunerStudio dialogs can be defined here
@ -1274,7 +1292,81 @@ menuDialog = main
field = "Individual fuel trim enabled", fuelTrimEnabled, { injLayout == 3 }
panel = inj_trimadt, North
panel = inj_trimadb, South
dialog = outputtest_warningmessage, ""
field = "Do not attempt to use this page whilst your engine is running!"
field = "Forcing the Injector or Spark outputs could cause flooding of your engine or permanent damage to ignition coils!"
dialog = enableoutputtestbuttons, "Enable Test Controls", xAxis
;commandButton = "Label Text", command, { Enabled Condition }, optionalFlags
; The rem > 0 expression is just for testing.. It works when the MS is on the Stim with rpm.
; a status bit there would be the expected real expression
commandButton = "Enable Test Mode", cmdEnableTestMode,{!testenabled & !testactive }
; if clickOnCloseIfEnabled is set, then the command assigned to this button will be run on the
; dialog close, but only if the enable condition is true
; valid click flags are:
; clickOnCloseIfEnabled - the command will be sent on dialog close if active condition is true
; clickOnCloseIfDisabled - the command will be sent on dialog close if active condition is false
; clickOnClose - the command will be sent on dialog close always
commandButton = "Stop Test Mode", cmdStopTestMode,{testactive}, clickOnCloseIfEnabled
dialog = outputtestinj1, "Injector CH1", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj1off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj150dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj1on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestinj2, "Injector CH2", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj2off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj250dc,{!testenabled &testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj2on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestinj3, "Injector CH3", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj3off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj350dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj3on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestinj4, "Injector CH4", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj4off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj450dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj4on ,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtest_injectors, "Injector Driver Output Test", xAxis
panel = outputtestinj1
panel = outputtestinj2
panel = outputtestinj3
panel = outputtestinj4
dialog = outputtestspk1, "Spark CH1 ", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk1off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk150dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk1on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestspk2, "Spark CH2", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk2off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk250dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk2on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestspk3, "Spark CH3", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk3off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk350dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk3on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestspk4, "Spark CH4", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk4off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk450dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk4on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtest_spark, "Spark Driver Output Test", xAxis
panel = outputtestspk1
panel = outputtestspk2
panel = outputtestspk3
panel = outputtestspk4
dialog = outputtest1,"Test Output Hardware"
;topicHelp = ""
panel = enableoutputtestbuttons
panel = outputtest_injectors
panel = outputtest_spark
;panel = outputtest_io2
panel = outputtest_warningmessage
; General help text
@ -1285,6 +1377,44 @@ menuDialog = main
text = "<br>"
text = "<br>why not visit our forum"
; commandName = command1, command2, commandn...
; command in standard ini format, a command name can be assigned to 1 to n commands that will be executed in order.
; This does not include any resultant protocol envelope data, only the response data itself.
; WARNING!! These commands bypass TunerStudio's normal memory synchronization. If these commands
; alter mapped settings (Constant) memory in the controller, TunerStudio will have an out of sync condition
; and may create error messages.
; It is expected that these commands would not typically alter any ram mapped to a Constant.
cmdStopTestMode = "E\x01\x00"
cmdEnableTestMode = "E\x01\x01"
cmdtestinj1on = "E\x02\x01"
cmdtestinj1off = "E\x02\x02"
cmdtestinj150dc = "E\x02\x03"
cmdtestinj2on = "E\x02\x04"
cmdtestinj2off = "E\x02\x05"
cmdtestinj250dc = "E\x02\x06"
cmdtestinj3on = "E\x02\x07"
cmdtestinj3off = "E\x02\x08"
cmdtestinj350dc = "E\x02\x09"
cmdtestinj4on = "E\x02\x0A"
cmdtestinj4off = "E\x02\x0B"
cmdtestinj450dc = "E\x02\x0C"
cmdtestspk1on = "E\x03\x01"
cmdtestspk1off = "E\x03\x02"
cmdtestspk150dc = "E\x03\x03"
cmdtestspk2on = "E\x03\x04"
cmdtestspk2off = "E\x03\x05"
cmdtestspk250dc = "E\x03\x06"
cmdtestspk3on = "E\x03\x07"
cmdtestspk3off = "E\x03\x08"
cmdtestspk350dc = "E\x03\x09"
cmdtestspk4on = "E\x03\x0A"
cmdtestspk4off = "E\x03\x0B"
cmdtestspk450dc = "E\x03\x0C"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Help down here
@ -1586,7 +1716,6 @@ menuDialog = main
deadGauge = deadValue, "---", "", 0, 1, -1, -1, 2, 2, 0, 0
loopGauge = loopsPerSecond,"Main loop speed", "Loops/S" , 0, 70000, -1, 500,1800, 4000, 0, 0
memoryGauge = freeRAM, "Free memory", "bytes" , 0, 8000, -1, 1000,8000, 1000, 0, 0
@ -1710,7 +1839,7 @@ menuDialog = main
ochGetCommand = "A"
ochBlockSize = 38
ochBlockSize = 39
secl = scalar, U08, 0, "sec", 1.000, 0.000
squirt = scalar, U08, 1, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
@ -1773,7 +1902,11 @@ menuDialog = main
errorNum = bits, U08, 36, [0:1]
currentError = bits, U08, 36, [2:7]
boostTarget = scalar, U08, 37, "kPa", 2.000, 0.000
testoutputs = scalar, U08, 38, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
testenabled = bits, U08, 38, [0:0]
testactive = bits, U08, 38, [1:1]
;"", 1.0, 0.0
; Computed output channels. See "megatuneExamples.ini" for all the
; pre-defined variables, search for "???" and you'll see them.

View File

@ -12,11 +12,15 @@
#define seqFuelPage 9
#define canbusPage 10//Config Page 10
#define packetSize 38
#define packetSize 39
byte currentPage = 1;//Not the same as the speeduino config page numbers
boolean isMap = true;
unsigned long requestCount = 0; //The number of times the A command has been issued
byte cmdgroup = 0;
byte cmdvalue = 0;
int cmdcombined = 0; //the cmdgroup as high byte and cmdvalue as low byte
byte cmdstore[8]; //array storing pre test values
const char pageTitles[] PROGMEM //This is being stored in the avr flash instead of SRAM which there is not very much of
@ -40,5 +44,6 @@ void sendPage(bool useChar);
void receiveCalibration(byte tableID);
void sendToothLog(bool useChar);
void testComm();
void commandbuttons();
#endif // COMMS_H

View File

@ -28,7 +28,16 @@ void command()
case 'C': // test communications. This is used by Tunerstudio to see whether there is an ECU on a given serial port
case 'E': // receive command button commands
while (Serial.available() == 0) { }
cmdgroup =;
while (Serial.available() == 0) { }
cmdvalue =;
cmdcombined = word(cmdgroup, cmdvalue);
case 'L': // List the contents of current page in human readable form
@ -262,6 +271,7 @@ void sendValues(int packetlength, byte portNum)
response[35] = currentStatus.flexIgnCorrection; //Ignition correction (Increased degrees of advance) for flex fuel
response[36] = getNextError();
response[37] = currentStatus.boostTarget;
response[38] = currentStatus.testoutputs;
if (portNum == 0) { Serial.write(response, (size_t)packetlength); }
@ -1027,3 +1037,105 @@ void testComm()
void commandbuttons()
switch (cmdcombined)
case 256: // cmd is stop
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1);
digitalWrite(pinInjector1, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinInjector2, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinInjector3, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinInjector4, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinCoil1, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinCoil2, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinCoil3, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinCoil4, LOW);
case 257: // cmd is enable
// currentStatus.testactive = 1;
BIT_SET(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1);
case 513: // cmd group is for injector1 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector1, HIGH);}
case 514: // cmd group is for injector1 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector1, LOW);}
case 515: // cmd group is for injector1 50% dc actions
//for (byte dcloop = 0; dcloop < 11; dcloop++)
// digitalWrite(pinInjector1, HIGH);
// delay(500);
// digitalWrite(pinInjector1, LOW);
// delay(500);
case 516: // cmd group is for injector2 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector2, HIGH);}
case 517: // cmd group is for injector2 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector2, LOW);}
case 518: // cmd group is for injector2 50%dc actions
case 519: // cmd group is for injector3 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector3, HIGH);}
case 520: // cmd group is for injector3 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector3, LOW);}
case 521: // cmd group is for injector3 50%dc actions
case 522: // cmd group is for injector4 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector4, HIGH);}
case 523: // cmd group is for injector4 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinInjector4, LOW);}
case 524: // cmd group is for injector4 50% dc actions
case 769: // cmd group is for spark1 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil1, HIGH);}
case 770: // cmd group is for spark1 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil1, LOW);}
case 771: // cmd group is for spark1 50%dc actions
case 772: // cmd group is for spark2 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil2, HIGH);}
case 773: // cmd group is for spark2 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil2, LOW);}
case 774: // cmd group is for spark2 50%dc actions
case 775: // cmd group is for spark3 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil3, HIGH);}
case 776: // cmd group is for spark3 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil3, LOW);}
case 777: // cmd group is for spark3 50%dc actions
case 778: // cmd group is for spark4 on actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil4, HIGH);}
case 779: // cmd group is for spark4 off actions
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.testoutputs, 1)){digitalWrite(pinCoil4, LOW);}
case 780: // cmd group is for spark4 50%dc actions

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@ -206,7 +206,10 @@ struct statuses {
bool flatShiftingHard;
volatile byte startRevolutions; //A counter for how many revolutions have been completed since sync was achieved.
byte boostTarget;
byte testoutputs;
bool testenabled;
bool testactive;
//Helpful bitwise operations:
//Useful reference:
// y = (x >> n) & 1; // n=0..15. stores nth bit of x in y. y becomes 0 or 1.

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@ -906,7 +906,14 @@ void loop()
//The IAT and CLT readings can be done less frequently. This still runs about 4 times per second
if ((mainLoopCount & 255) == 1) //Every 256 loops
if (currentStatus.RPM == 0)
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.testenabled, 0); //cleared when engine is off or stalled
BIT_SET(currentStatus.testenabled, 0); //set if engine is running/cranking
@ -940,7 +947,6 @@ void loop()
currentStatus.runSecs = 0; //We're cranking (hopefully), so reset the engine run time to prompt ASE.
if(configPage2.ignBypassEnabled) { digitalWrite(pinIgnBypass, LOW); }